Episode 32

Picking Up The Pieces

Ellie Ewing Farlow

Christopher Ewing

Bobby Ewing

Sue Ellen Ewing

J.R. Ewing

Donna Dowling

Karen Ewing

Ray Krebbs

John Ross Ewing

Clayton Farlow

Pamela Rebecca Cooper

Afton Cooper

Pam Ewing

Lucy Ewing

Also Featuring

Kaitlin Ryan

Sly Lovegren

Mavis Anderson

Arliss Cooper

Patricia Sheperd

Eric Stone

Carla Thornton

Lucas Wade


Katherine Wentworth

With Special Guests

Gary and Val Ewing

"Picking Up The Pieces" was originally released on Saturday, January 23 1999.

Episode 32 

Bobby watched, unable to move as the debris from the explosion settled to the ground. He did not notice that Gary, J.R., Ray, Val, Sue Ellen, and the rest of the crowd was doing the same. They all stood in awe. They all stared. None of them moved. Finally, the terror hit Bobby. He bolted from where he stood, fighting his way through the crowd until he got to the house. Most of it was still standing, but one corner had been blown completely away and a large, gaping hole remained. There was rubble on the living room floor where Pam and Mark Graison had been standing. Ray, who had just snapped out of his initial shock, entered the house a few seconds after Bobby and they both moved to the direction of a moan. It was Miss Ellie. Gary, Christopher, and John Ross walked in, and then John Ross remembered that Pamela Rebecca and Megan were upstairs. Christopher followed him as he ran upstairs to check on them. The hallway was in flames and the explosion had knocked down the door and wall of the nursery.

"Pamela Rebecca! Are you okay?" Megan began to scream and John Ross ran over to the crib, picking her up. "Oh my God, Dad, call an ambulance, Megan's been hurt."

Christopher quickly left the room to find the nearest working phone. "John Ross…" came Pamela Rebecca's voice, weak, but still audible.

John Ross continued to hold Megan while helping Pamela Rebecca up. She appeared to be fine, other than coughing from the accumulating smoke that turned the familiar surroundings of the nursery into something from a nightmare. "We have to get out of here Pamela, can you walk?"

"Yeah, I think so…But my Dad, we have to get him out."

"Where is he?"

"He had gone out into the hallway to take a phone call…before the explosion."

John Ross realized that there was no possible way that Cliff Barnes could have survived the initial blast and the flames that had come afterwards. "Pamela Rebecca, we're going to take Megan and go outside. We'll come back in for Cliff in a minute."

Pamela Rebecca nodded, coughing, and braced herself against the changing table. Already it was becoming impossible to see due to the thickness of the smoke and the two wondered if they would ever make it back outside. Pamela Rebecca felt as if her lungs would burst at any moment. The searing pain and burning that she felt was intense enough to slow her down severely. John Ross put his arm around her and took Megan carefully downstairs where Bobby and the others were busy uncovering the others. Miss Ellie was okay, other than a few minor scrapes and bruises from the flying debris. Clayton was bleeding severely from a gash in his jaw, but he seemed to be fine. Bobby continued to dig until he found Pam, who was unconscious. Bobby coughed, waving his hand through the air in a fruitless attempt to clear some of the accumulating smoke. The smoke detectors that were placed throughout the house blared loudly and Bobby began to get a headache from both the sound and the smoke. Bobby cleared the rest of the debris away and picked up Pam.

"Bobby," said Ellie weakly, "the gas lines. If the fire gets to them…"

"Then we could have a secondary explosion," said Gary, who was already having flashbacks of the earthquake he had recently experienced. He put his arm around his mother and helped her outside. They didn't stop until they were a safe distance away from the house. Clayton joined them and the guests watched curiously, some gawking dumbly and others showing looks of horror. Sirens wailed in the distance. The fire trucks would arrive shortly and then the flames could be extinguished before there would be another explosion from the gas. John Ross burst outside into the cool air and fell onto the ground, still holding Megan. Pamela Rebecca sat down and took Megan. John Ross took a few deep breaths and watched the house, wondering if he should try to rescue Cliff.

"Is that everybody?" said Bobby.

"Everyone I can think of," said J.R.

"Karen…" said Ray.

"She's outside."

"Jane and Ana…"

"They were upstairs. There's not much of a chance they could be alive. We can't risk going back in."

"It's an inferno up there," said John Ross, "there's no way they could still be alive. Cliff…Cliff was up there too." Lucy stood in the middle of the confusion in shock. Her mouth was opened, but all she was able to muster was a silent scream. She had heard Cliff say he was going into the house and she had watched him walk away from her, after she had told him there might be hope for the two of them. Cliff's hope was short lived.

"Oh my God," said Bobby. He looked at Pam before motioning for everyone else to follow him outside. "I'm sorry Pam, but we can't go back for him." He knew she couldn't hear him, but he felt it was something he should say.

A huge explosion, larger than the first, shook the house. Reality set in to the survivors and they knew that if anyone had been alive inside before the second one, they weren't alive now.

Afton Cooper also knew her husband was dead. She stood beside the Southfork driveway…alone. Fire Trucks, police cars, and ambulances sped by her. Afton saw the woman in front of her, but for a moment, had no idea who it was. Mavis Anderson put a blanket around Afton's shoulders and led her away from the confusion.

Darkness had fallen and the waiting room at Dallas Memorial was full of Ewings. Megan was in surgery and would need a blood transfusion, so Pamela Rebecca and John Ross had gone to see which would be compatible to her blood type. Pam was still unconscious, though it was only a concussion and nothing was seriously wrong with her. Bobby remained by her bedside, holding her hand, encouraging her through her ordeal with his gentle words. He did not intend to lose her again, not after the first time.

"Mr. Ewing," whispered a nurse, "there's someone outside to see you."

Bobby looked from Pam to the nurse, kissed Pam, and walked out into the waiting area.

"Mr. Ewing, I'm Detective Marshall."

"Yes, I remember you. You questioned Pam about the fire on the cruise."

"Yes I did. We've got some bad news."

"What is it?"

"Cliff Barnes was killed by the explosion."

"I figured that much," said Bobby looking away. "God, what is Pam going to do when she finds out she's lost her only brother."

"He was not the only one killed. Jane Fieldman, I was told she was the maid at Southfork, she was killed. Ana Castillo was killed, as were several caterers who were in the house at the time."

"Oh no…do you know what caused the explosion?"

"Yes we do. Someone placed an explosive device in one of the room's at Southfork."

"Which one?"

"Yours Mr. Ewing."


"I was informed that she was at the wedding, but escaped undetected. As of now, she is our prime suspect. We have no reason to believe it could have been anyone else, especially with Miss Wentworth's prior track record."

"Katherine is definitely capable of something like that. She shot me and kidnapped Pam. This is all in her league."

"If she's out there, we'll find her Mr. Ewing."

"Her reign of terror has to be stopped. She's hurt innocent people, people who had nothing to do with this. She killed her own brother. Does Cliff's wife know?"

"I was unable to reach Mrs. Barnes."

"Do you mind if I tell her?"

"No, not at all. I would think it would be easier on her if she heard it from a friend."

"I need to tell my niece Lucy as well. Thank you Detective Marshall," said Bobby, shaking the man's hand firmly.

Christopher, who had overheard his Dad's conversation with Marshall, went over to the water cooler where Lucy stood, sipping a cup of water. "Lucy, there's something you should know."

"What is it Christopher?" Lucy asked the question, although in her heart, she already knew what Christopher was about to say.

"Cliff was inside when the explosion occurred. Everything was on fire…and they just couldn't get back in to get him. I'm sorry Lucy…" Christopher put his arms around his cousin and held her. She remained silent. "Lucy, I know you and Cliff were close." He heard the low sound of someone crying, but trying to hide it and his heart ached for her.

"Are you sure you want me to leave, I could spend the night?"

Sly had driven Afton home and the two women sat in Afton's living-room sipping wine.

"Yes Sly, thanks for the drive, but I really want to be alone right now."

"Ok, well please call me if you need anything."

Sly gave her new boss a gentle touch on the shoulder and headed home. Afton poured herself another drink and sat back down. Afton had sat with Mavis only long enough to see Pamela Rebecca and Megan safely sitting outside. When she knew her daughter was safe she had asked Sly to drive her home. She heard the footsteps coming down the stairs and again felt an older woman put a blanket over her shoulders. Afton thanked the woman and watched as the woman poured herself a drink.

"Can I get you anything else Afton?"

"No thanks mother, I'm fine."

John Ross sat in the examining room, massaging his arm where they had drawn the blood. He had never liked needles…to be honest, he hated the thought and sight of them, but when it came down to saving his child, a father would do anything. Pamela Rebecca, who had been treated for smoke inhalation, sat next to him and the two held each other tightly.

"Mr. Ewing, Miss Cooper, there is a problem with your blood," said Dr. Benson, flipping over his clipboard to double-check what he was about to confirm.

"What is it?" said John Ross and Pamela, almost simultaneously.

"Megan has type O positive blood…both of you are A negative."

Pamela Rebecca's jaw dropped, but it took John Ross a few seconds longer before he realized what that meant. "Oh no…there has to be some kind of mistake!"

"I thought so too, so I had the technicians recheck everything. When the results came back the same, I had them check once more just to be sure, but the third test was an exact repeat of the first two. But the life of this child is at stake, we have to find a suitable donor soon or else the chances of Megan recovering will be greatly diminished."

"I'll do it," said Christopher, who had stepped into the opened doorway. He had already unbuttoned and rolled up his sleeve in preparation to donate.

"Who are you?" asked Dr. Benson, looking over the top rims of his glasses.

"I'm John Ross' cousin. I have type O positive blood."

Ellie sat by Clayton, who was sleeping. The doctor had bandaged his face wounds and given them a room to rest in. Sue Ellen walked in quietly seeing that Clayton was asleep.

"Sue Ellen, any word on Pam and Megan?"

"Pam is still unconscious Miss Ellie, but they think she will be fine. And Megan is holding her own, she's a tough little girl."

"That's the Ewing blood in her."

"Miss Ellie, can I ask you a question?" "Of course Sue Ellen, anything, you know that."

"I still want to leave Dallas, head back to France, as soon as possible. I am feeling terribly guilty with all that happened, I need your advice."

"Sue Ellen, that's easy, my advice is to stay with your family, they need you!"

"That's just it Miss Ellie, do they really need me? There are so many of you around to support John Ross, Pamela Rebecca, and Pam. I am the only one in the world that Dusty has, and I fear each day I am away, things could be getting worse."

Clayton stirred briefly at the mention of his son, but was quickly back to sleeping quietly.

"Sue Ellen, I can't judge you, especially since you still haven't told me exactly what Dusty is going through, but you have to stay a day or two, at least until Megan is out of the woods."

"Of course Miss Ellie, I would not leave John Ross...just yet."

Kaitlin lay in the bathtub, soaking in the hot water, completely emerged in the foamy bubbles. It had been a long day. She definitely wouldn't be living at Southfork, at least for a while, as would no one else. She knew that she was partially to blame and thanked her lucky stars that she wasn't in the house at the time. Kaitlin picked up the cellular phone that sat on the table near the bathtub and dialed a number. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"What do you mean?" It was Katherine Wentworth.

"You could have killed innocent people…for all I know, maybe you did kill innocent people. I didn't know we were going to go this far."

"This is none of your concern Kaitlin. I hired you to widen the rift between Pam and Christopher and that's what I want you to do."

"I'm beginning to wish I hadn't helped you. Why do you want to cause Pam and her family so much grief?"

"Because she deserves it. How is your little charade going? Did you convince them?"

"Yes, most of them," said Kaitlin, "but I did convince Christopher and Sue Ellen. My Dad's fake birthmark trick worked."

"Good," said Katherine. "Mark hasn't come home yet. Did you see him at Southfork?"

"Yes I did. I don't think anyone else did though. He seemed pretty distressed. Of course, finding out that his supposedly 'changed' wife is really the same old…"

"He had every right to be though, after all, he had no idea he was part of my scheme. Maybe he found out, if so, then good riddance. I just needed him to break up the wedding. I managed to convince him that I had changed and only wanted to apologize to Pam and Bobby. He bought it completely. Thanks to Christopher though, that plan was ruined, which he'll pay for."

"No, don't you hurt Christopher."

"Don't tell me you've grown fond of the bastard."

"Yes I have. He is a nice guy…and my nephew."

"He's my nephew as well, but that doesn't mean I like him. Just see that you carry out your part of our deal and he won't be hurt. Is your mother safely out of the way?"

"She's locked safely away in a sanitarium. I hired one of the employees there to keep her drugged."

Katherine laughed. "I've used the old locked-away-and-drugged-in-a-sanitarium-trick before too."

"Yeah, well I'm not keeping her there for ten years like you did with Pam."

"Just see that she doesn't cause any trouble."

Patricia Sheperd lay in the dark room on the understuffed bed. She had given up hope long ago of ever getting out. Not only was the place heavily guarded, but also she had been kept so drugged, that she was barely able to walk. Escaping was out of the question.

"Kaitlin, why are you doing this to me. Why are you doing this to Christopher and Sue Ellen?"

"Talking to yourself?" said the woman who was working for Kaitlin. "That's the first sign of insanity."

"Shut up. You know I'm perfectly sane."

"I know that, and you know that, but your doctors don't know that. It's my job to make sure they don't find out."

"Someone is going to find out. They'll get me out of here and then I'll put a stop to this plot."

Pam opened her eyes to see Bobby leaning over her. She couldn't remember what had happened or why she was lying in a hospital bed. All that she felt was a tremendous pain in her head.

"Hey Honey," said Bobby kissing her.


"Sshhh. Don't try to talk."

"What…what happened?"

"There was an explosion at Southfork."

"Oh no…Christopher. Is he all right?"

"Yes, Christopher is fine."

"What about Cliff? I remember the wedding. Cliff was at the wedding."

"Pam, don't talk right now. Save your strength. Christopher is outside if you want to see him."


"I'll go find him for you."

"Wait…Bobby. We didn't get married today…"

"No we didn't."

"Katherine stopped us…I don't want her…to think she's succeeded."

"We'll talk about that later."

Pamela Rebecca stood beside Megan's bed, watching over her daughter. Christopher's blood had worked and the transfusion had gone by smoothly and Megan was sleeping comfortably. John Ross leaned against the wall outside, not wanting to go in…feeling like he didn't belong in there with Pamela Rebecca and someone else's daughter. Christopher noticed and walked over to where he stood. "Are you okay John Ross?"

"No, I'm not okay."

"What's wrong?"

"Plenty. I just found out that I'm not Megan's father."

Christopher grew silent when he thought about the rainy night almost a year ago in the barn at Southfork…

"Oh Christopher!" said Pamela Rebecca. "I can't believe I let you talk me into a walk on a night like this!"

"Oh yeah? How was I supposed to know there was a storm brewing."

Pamela Rebecca climbed up the ladder and made herself comfortable in the hay loft, looking out over the ranch, lighting illuminated everything. Christopher followed her up. They were both dripping wet from the rain. "It is kind of fun…and romantic. I love spring thunderstorms," she said.

"So do I. Dad and I would sometimes go riding when I was younger and get caught up in storms. We'd end up spending the afternoon in the barn with the horses."

"If I love thunderstorms…then I hate wearing wet clothes," laughed Pamela Rebecca, holding out the bottom of her shirt. Lightning flashed again and low thunder growled in the distance. Pamela Rebecca took off the shirt she had been wearing and put it on a bale of hay to dry. Christopher tried not to notice, but he couldn't help it.

"I never realized how beautiful you are," he said.

"Why don't you get out of those wet clothes before you catch a cold. There's still a chill in the air. We can keep each other warm…and this hay is nice and warm."

"Maybe I should be getting you back home," said Christopher.

"Too late now, we're trapped in here until the storm blows over."

"Your mom and dad will worry…"

"Christopher, I don't care if they do worry. Here, I don't want you catching a cold, let me help you out of those clothes."

Christopher gave up resisting and let everything take its course. Ten minutes later, he and Pamela Rebecca were lying next to each other in the hay, the storm raging on outside. Though he did not know it at the time…and wouldn't know it until January 1999, it was there that Megan Eleanor Ewing was conceived.

"Christopher? Hello? Snap out of it."


"Christopher…why didn't you tell me you and Pamela Rebecca had sex."

Christopher began to remember part of the conversation he had with John Ross the night before.

"And a happy one it is. Chris," slurred John Ross, "did you ever have sex with Pamela Rebecca when you were together?"

Christopher was so surprised by the question that he laughed. "What makes you ask that?"

"Just wondering. I also think that Megan looks an awful lot like you," said John Ross laughing.

It had seemed like a joke then, but now it all made sense. "John Ross, I didn't mean for this to happen. I had no idea Megan was my daughter."

"This hurts me so bad. I had really grown to love Megan…and all that time, she wasn't even my child…" John Ross ran from the waiting area and took the nearest elevator down.

"I'm sorry John Ross…"

Donna and Ray held each other tightly. They were still at the hospital, in case there was anything they could do for Pam.

"Donna, I'm so glad you're ok, I never would've forgiven myself for bringing you back to Dallas if anything had happened to you."

"Ray, I am fine, but I came back to Dallas because I wanted to be here, anything that happens here, from now on, is because of decisions I made."

"I'm just glad you're here."

"I am Ray, and I'm moving here, as soon as I tie up a few loose ends."

"I knew this was coming, you're going back to Washington."

"Of course, I do have to pick up my daughter."

"Our daughter."

"Of course, our daughter. With Andrew's death, and your arrival in Washington, I'm sure she thinks I've abandoned her."

"Well, we did spend a lot of time with her before heading to the cabin, and she seemed thrilled to be spending Christmas in Florida with Anne and her kids."

"Anne was always more like a sister to me than a step-daughter."

"Well I can't wait to see Margaret here in Dallas. In fact I have a surprise waiting for her…and you when you return."

"A surprise, well that's reason enough to hurry back. Ray there are other loose ends waiting for me. Andrew's will, and the complications it might cause with his children. With the exception of Anne, his other two children always resented me in their father's life."

"I'm sure you can deal with it Donna, how could anyone not like you?"

"Ray, in Washington, everyone has enemies, and I was no exception, especially since I took over much of Andrew's decision making when he became too sick to do it himself. But, I'm ready. Nothing is going to stop me from getting back to Dallas with our daughter."

Eric Stone, unaware that his father had been killed, went inside the Velvet Lace Club and took a seat near the stage. He had an agenda and that agenda involved talking with Carla, the woman that Christopher had slept with on New Year's Eve. When she finished her strip routine, Eric waved a one hundred-dollar bill at her. She nodded her head and went backstage to get dressed. Within five minutes, she was sitting at the table with Eric. "What do you want?" she asked.

"I'm looking for some information." Eric took a picture of Christopher from his wallet and slid it across the table to Carla. "Have you seen this guy before?"

"Yes I have."


"Last night."

"I'm going to get straight to the point…forgive me if it sounds crude. Did you have sex with him?"

Carla looked startled and wondered what she had gotten herself into. "Yes I did."

Eric smiled and handed Carla the $100. Can I have your phone number?"

Carla took out a piece of paper and scrawled her number on it. "Here you go. You're kinda cute, give me a call sometime."

"Oh I will, believe me. Thanks for your help."

"Sure!" said Carla, checking to see if the $100 was real.

Lucy and Lucas headed up to where Donna and Ray were sitting.

"Lucas my boy, how are you doing?"

"Fine Dad." Lucas looked at Donna, the smile he had for Ray quickly disappeared. "Mrs. Dowling, you still here?"

Donna decided to ignore the snub.

Ray turned and gave Lucy a hug. "Lucy, I am so sorry about Cliff, how are you holding up."

Lucy felt safe in Ray's arms, safe and full of comfort. "I am doing ok Ray. "

"Well you know if you need me, I'm here."

"I know Ray, you've always been there for me, always."

Donna had a brief flicker of something. She was not sure exactly what the flicker meant. It was something about the way Lucy said 'always'. Donna knew Ray had always been something of a second father to Lucy, so she was confused by her feelings. Her thoughts were interrupted by Lucas.

"So Mrs. Dowling, you never answered my question, when are you going home?"

This time Donna decided to answer. Lucas had been a little cocky to her since she returned to Dallas. She looked at the boy, so early into his teens, and predicted they were doomed to clash. "I am home Lucas. I'm going to Washington for a day or two, but I am home for good."

This time Lucas smiled at Donna. Ray had always put him first, unlike Bobby who put Christopher and Pam before him…always. So he was not about to become second fiddle to good ole Donna Dowling.

Pam sat up in bed. Her headache had gotten better and she was feeling better. The door opened and Bobby walked in, still wearing his tuxedo from the wedding before. Lucy walked in behind him, followed by Sue Ellen and Phyllis. J.R., Ray, Donna, Gary, Val, Karen, Miss Ellie, Clayton, Christopher, and Lucas followed them in. Behind them, a man in white wheeled in a cart with their wedding cake on it. Last but not least, came a priest.

"What is all of this?" said Pam smiling.

"You and I are going to be married."

"Oh Bobby! With me looking like this?"

"You like just gorgeous."

Bobby had convinced Lucy to keep quiet about Cliff and play along with the wedding in order to prevent Pam from being upset. He would tell her the truth when she was strong enough to take it.

Christopher smiled at his mother, but the thought of having a daughter weighed heavily on his mind. As soon as the ceremony was over, he would go see his daughter."

"Let's begin," said Bobby.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony…If there is anyone present today who sees just cause why this wedding should not continue, please speak now or forever hold your peace…Very well…"

Pam smiled at Bobby.

The ceremony continued; Pam and Bobby said "I do" and rings were exchanged. "Then with the power vested in me by the state of Texas, I now pronounce you man and wife…Bobby, you may kiss your bride."

Bobby and Pam kissed and the moment they had been waiting for for fifteen years finally happened—they were married.

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"DALLAS: Return to Southfork" is copyright ©1998 & 1999 Return to Southfork. "DALLAS", its characters, logos, and pictures found within this site are ©1998, 1999 Warner Bros./Lorimar Productions. This page is not affiliated in any way, shape, or form with Warner Bros., Lorimar Productions, CBS, TNN, or the cast/crew of "DALLAS." The characters used in these fanfictions are owned by the above companies, and use by the authors is purely for enjoyment purposes only, as nothing of monetary value is made from these stories.... just fans having fun. No episodes or images from this website may be used without prior permission from the site owner. The pictures of actors/actresses are by no means representative of their approval of this site/fan-fiction and are used for illustrative purposes only. No infringement is intended on anyone or anything.