Episode 31

To Have And To Hold

Ellie Ewing Farlow

Christopher Ewing

Bobby Ewing

Sue Ellen Ewing

J.R. Ewing

Donna Dowling

Karen Ewing

Ray Krebbs

John Ross Ewing

Clayton Farlow

Pamela Rebecca Cooper

Cliff Barnes

Afton Cooper

Pam Ewing

Lucy Ewing

Also Featuring

Kaitlin Ryan

Eric Stone

Jack Ewing

Lucas Wade

Phyllis Kelly

Mark Graison


Katherine Wentworth

With Special Guests

Gary and Val Ewing

"To Have And To Hold" was originally released on Friday, January 1 1999.

Episode 31 

The morning sunlight shone through the curtained window, waking Pam from her deep sleep. She pulled back the covers and got out of bed, making her way to the shower. Today was her wedding day, the happiest day of her life. Downstairs, Bobby ate a hurried breakfast of ham and eggs. The only other Ewings that found the time to join him was Lucy, Gary, and Val and all were quiet in anticipation of the big wedding.

"Bobby, you must be so excited. It's finally going to happen," said Val smiling radiantly.

"Yes it is."

"I'm glad I could be here this time Bobby," said Lucy in a far-off tone. Her mind was obviously on something other than the wedding.

"What's wrong Lucy?" said Val, her mother's intuition sensing that something was not right with her oldest.

"Nothing is wrong. I'm okay."

"Are you sure Lucy?" asked Gary.

"Yes Daddy."

Val wiped her mouth and stood. "Lucy, let's go have a talk out on the patio. It's warm enough out there."

Lucy hesitated for a moment before standing. She followed her mother outside and they both took seats.

"Ok Lucy, what gives, you have barely said two words to me, or your father since we arrived. I know my daughter, and something is surely up?"

Lucy walked away from her mother towards the edge of the patio. "What do you see when you look around here?"

Valene got up and walked towards her daughter, staring out at the fields and barns of Southfork. "What do you mean Lucy, what do I see, I see horses, and barns and grass, Lucy…what is this about?"

"Exactly, you see stuff…..horses, fields…stuff…all I see is home."

"Yes, of course Lucy, this is where you were raised, this is your home."

"But mother, it is my home. Not yours. Don't you see, we were raised in different places, with different people, we do not have the same sense of home."

"Lucy, you have lost me."

"That happened years ago Mother."

Valene turned towards her daughter and put her hand in hers. "Lucy, I thought we had worked all this out, I thought things were ok between you and I."

"Things are ok, for the first time in a long time, they are just fine. But mother, they may not exactly be as you want them to be."

"Lucy, please, just tell me what is on your mind."

Lucy let loose with a flood of emotions. "I love you, you and Dad, But…you are not my parents. My biological parents yes, but Grandma, Pam and even Sue Ellen, they are my mother, and Bobby, Ray, and God forbid J.R, they're my father. I do love you, but I don't know how to be with you. It was easy to hate you, be angry with you, but since we worked that out, I don't know how to act and feel around you and Dad. I don't want to hurt you mom, but that is why I have not been calling, visiting. I was terribly worried when I heard about the earthquake, but soon, I knew you both were fine. There were countless times I wanted to pick up the phone, or jump on a plane, but…."

"But what Lucy?"

"But there was always someone here to help me through whatever I was going through. You and Dad were away so long…I guess I just got used to depending on others. It just seemed not quite right to call you, with Pam just down the hall." Lucy looked at the pain in her mother's eyes. "God mom, I know this hurts you, but I needed to tell you, not keep avoiding you."

Valene let go of Lucy's hand, and walked a little closer to the edge of the fields. "Lucy, there is not a day that goes by that I do not regret missing all of those years. Your birthdays, graduation, first love."

"I know mother."

"But I guess there is nothing I can do, as hard as I might try to undo those years."

"No, there isn't mom, I wish there were. But, you can be glad that there were so many people around to look out for me."

"I am glad Lucy, sad it wasn't me, but thankful someone was there for you. And they did a spectacular job, Lucy, you have turned into a fine woman. I may not have a right to be, but I am very proud."

Lucy gave her mother a hug, and both women held each other for a few minutes. Finally, Val turned to Lucy. "So, where do we go from here?"

"Well, I guess it comes down to how we want our relationship to be…. Mother, aunt, older sister?"

Valene giggled. "I always thought I was too damned young to be your mother anyway, sister is good, but how about twin sisters, I hate any phrase with the word old in it." Both women were giggling now. "Lucy, just one thing."

"Anything mom."

"Daughter, sister, friend…. It doesn't matter to me, as long as we are always close."

"I feel closer to you now than ever before."

A tear trickled down Valene's face. "Good, then promise me that sometime in the New Year you will take that flight and visit us in California. Not just to see us, but Betsy and Bobby too."

"I would love that." "Hello ladies," said J.R., passing them without so much as a glance. He went into the house. "Bobby, security is all taken care of. No one is getting into this wedding without our clearance."

"That's great J.R., but I don't think we need it."

"You can't be too careful."

"I think it's terrible that someone would want to ruin your wedding," said Gary, "do you have any ideas who might have sent the note?"

"No, I'm completely clueless."

"Don't worry Bob," said J.R.

"Where are Momma and Clayton this morning?" asked Gary.

Bobby replied, "they went to do a little shopping before the wedding."

Back upstairs…Christopher awakened and the first thing he noticed was the hangover. He only vaguely remembered the night before, but he was sure it would come back to him. All he could remember was John Ross, a rooftop, and lots of champagne. He got out of bed and walked out into the hallway where he peeked into John Ross' room. Pamela Rebecca wasn't there. "John Ross, wake up!"

John Ross stirred in bed before opening his eyes. He too was paying dearly for a bit too much celebrating. "What time is it?"

"8 a.m. What happened last night?"

"You don't remember?"

"No I don't."

"Well, let's see. We were stuck on the roof, we got drunk, I fell off, we took a taxi home, but decided to stop for a little late night partying."

"Oh no. Where did we go and who's idea was it?"

"We went to the Velvet Lace Club and it was my idea. You were quite a hit with that stripper you danced with. Then you two disappeared in the back room somewhere and stayed there for about an hour. I have to admit, I was proud of you."

"What? You're lying damnit."

"Nope. I wouldn't lie about something like that. Jeez, I hope Karen doesn't find out."

"You bastard. Why did you take us there and why didn't you stop me."

"Why would I stop you. You were on such a roll."

"I can't believe this. I'm going to take a shower."

"Don't worry Christopher, your secret is safe with me," laughed John Ross.

"Cliff, what are you doing here?" Lucy was sitting outside, despite the flurry of activity, she was attempting to get a bit more of a tan before the wedding.

"I am here for Pam's wedding of course."

"Your just a tad early."

"Well, actually I was hoping to get a few moments with you before the ceremony."

"Cliff, I have nothing more to say to you. I said it all last night."

"Well then just listen. Please?"

Lucy sighed and put down her magazine. "Ok Cliff, but please make it quick."

"Quick it shall be. I heard everything you said last night, and you were right, about most of it. I have been confused, very confused. I do not know what my feelings are for Afton, and it drives me nuts, but I do know I love you. I know it's over, for now anyway, but Lucy, I want you to be patient with me. I accepted a job with Marilee, I am going to be away for awhile. I know you loved me, and still do. Promise me you won't jump into another relationship with someone until I get back."

"Cliff, I have no intention of jumping into another relationship. But I don't want you thinking that I am going to be sitting around here, just waiting for you to return, it is over."

"As I said, I know it is, for now, but you said yourself that the main problem was my confusion, so…if when I'm away I sort things out, there might still be a chance. Lucy tell me there might be a chance…. please Lucy, I do love you."

"Ok ok ok Cliff…. there MIGHT be a chance. But no promises."

"That is all I wanted Lucy."

Karen took a seat at an outside café in downtown Dallas. It was warm for January, almost sixty degrees. She put her shopping bags down onto the chair next to her and ordered a cup of cappuccino. "Hi Karen!" She put down her cup and turned to see who was calling her name.

"Hey Eric. I didn't get a chance to say hi at the Christmas party."

"That's ok," said Eric.

"Mind if I join you?"

"Be my guest."

"What's up?"

"I'm just doing a little shopping for the wedding today."


"Well, I was with Sue Ellen, but we seem to have gotten separated. How is your mom?"

"She'll be fine as soon as she settles her offshore problems."

"Are you still working for StoneHurst Oil?"

"For the most part. Not as much as I have been in the past."

"Oh." Karen began to feel uncomfortable because Eric was staring at her.

"How is Christopher?"

"He's fine. We had a little New Year's Eve mix up last night so Pamela Rebecca and me ended up singing karaoke at a club down the street."

"You and Pamela Rebecca?"

"We've buried the hatchet. Everything that happened is behind us."

"Well, speak of the devil," said Eric. Pamela Rebecca pushed Megan in a stroller and pulled it up to the table before taking a seat.

"Hi Eric, Karen," said Pamela Rebecca.

"Hey Pamela," said Karen. "I didn't expect you up this early."

"What can I say, I'm always the early-bird."

"I hate to leave you two, but I need to get back to Southfork," said Karen standing and picking up her shopping bags. "I'll see you both at the wedding."

"Ok, Karen, take care," said Eric smiling.

"Bye Karen."

"She is great," said Eric, watching her walk away.

"She's also married Eric."

"I know, but a guy can dream can't he?"

"I suppose. I didn't dream, I pursued. I got John Ross for myself and now we're going to be the next to be married."

"I'm happy for you Pamela Rebecca. Maybe I'll find happiness myself."

"Is it just happiness you want, or Ewing happiness?"

"What do you mean, just happiness."

"Well I see you flirting with Karen, and hear you attended the party last night with Lucy, are you interested in all the Ewing women?"

"Just the pretty ones Pamela, so you can relax."

"Eric just heed this warning, from someone who knows, this family is not the easiest to break into, and Karen is married, and Lucy, well Lucy is just a bitch, you would have better luck pursuing Miss Ellie." With that, Pamela Rebecca headed off, leaving Eric standing alone with a grin on his face.

Bobby Ewing had not received a phone call from Abby, so he took his car and drove to the airport. He watched as Abby's jet landed and went outside to greet her. However, it was not Abby that stepped out of the jet, it was Jack Ewing.

"Hello Bobby," said Jack extending his hand.

"Hi Jack. It's good to see you again. Where is Abby?"

"She wasn't able to make it so I'll be handling this transaction if it's ok with you."

"I don't have any problems with it Jack. It's high time we started acting like family again, as far as I'm concerned. Come on to Southfork with me, I want you to come to my wedding."

"I'm sorry, Bobby, I can't stay, Abby needs me back in California. I'm planning to fly right back as soon as we sign these papers."

"Well, I'm disappointed to hear that and I know Pam will be, too."

"Tell you what, Bob, we'll arrange some time to spend with the family real soon and no funny business this time."

"Ellie that is too tight!"

"Clayton just relax, after all these years, if you haven't learned how to properly put on a tie, you have no right to complain…even if I choke you."

Clayton managed a small smile, although his face was turning a deep shade of red. Ellie finished her task and was heading to her make-up table when there was a knock on the door. "Come in."

"Hello, don't you two look wonderful, nice tie Clayton."

"Thanks Sue Ellen, you look lovely yourself."

"Thank you Clayton, I was just on my way to check on Pam, but I was wondering if I might have a word alone with Miss Ellie, you don't mind do you Clayton?"

"Not at all Sue Ellen, I think I'll head downstairs and sample the buffet."

Ellie chuckled at her husband. "Just make sure there is food left for the guests."

Clayton headed out the door. Sue Ellen sat at the end of the bed facing Ellie who was sitting on the stool in front of her make-up table."

"Miss Ellie, I need to talk to you."

"About Paris, I have been wondering since the moment you arrived when you were going to get around to telling me what was going on. But why now Sue Ellen, right before the wedding?"

"Well I am heading back to France later tonight, it is now or never."

"Why so soon?"

"Lots of reasons, but mostly because I am worried sick about Dusty."

"Worried why?" "Well, I really can't get into all of the specifics, and I don't want Clayton to worry, that's why I wanted to talk to you alone."

"Well Sue Ellen for heaven's sake you have to tell me more than that."

"Lets just say that the Dusty you know is not the same Dusty I left in Paris. He is going through something Miss Ellie, something big. He really hasn't been treating me that well, the last few weeks, so I left. But now I think I may have acted too quickly."

"Not treating you well? How?"

"That's not important now, what is important is that he needs me, he needs someone, or else I think he is going to get himself into something he may not be able to get out of."

"Sue Ellen, you are beginning to worry me."

"I will be fine Miss Ellie."

"Ok Sue Ellen, but if you are heading back to France, I need you to promise to keep in touch, call me often, you hear?"

"I hear. I have got to get into Pam's room, she must be beginning to get that pre wedding panic."

"Ok Sue Ellen, I will join you shortly."

"Where is Bobby?" said Pam in a worried tone of voice.

"Pam, calm down. Bobby will be back soon I'm sure. Be still now, I'll never get your hair done if you're moving like this," said Val with a hairpin in her mouth.

"She's right Pam," said Lucy "I'm sure Bobby just had some business to tend to."

"You look gorgeous Pam," said Sue Ellen as she entered the room. "I can't believe you are finally marrying Bobby again."

"Neither can I."

"And you have nothing to worry about."

. "Bobby's already at the ceremony." Afton walked into the room as if she belonged there.

"Oh, that's a load off my mind," said Pam.

"And you should be there as well. The wedding starts soon," Lucy glared at Afton as she spoke.

"I'm ready…and nervous," smiled Pam.

"Shall we go then Pam?" said Val.

"Yes. It's time."

Lucy and Afton instinctively remained back as the other women left. "Afton why are you here, Pam hasn't had the time of day for you lately."

"Maybe, but we were close once. Lucy, you look a little nervous, did my little warning last night put a little fear in you?"

"Afton, the only fear I have of you is possibly seeing you one day without all your make-up on."

"Well you do seem a little nervous, but relax, you have nothing to worry about….today anyway, this is Bobby and Pam's day, I would not do anything to spoil it. But…tomorrow, well, begin worrying tomorrow." Afton sashayed out of the room leaving Lucy standing alone. Sue Ellen ran quickly back into the room.

"Lucy, come on, we have to get downstairs."

"Sorry Sue Ellen." Both Ewing women ran to catch up with Pam.

Christopher walked out to where the guests were parking. He was looking for Karen, as she was nowhere to be found. "What are you doing here?"

"Hello Christopher. I'm glad I ran into you."

"I kind of wanted to talk to you myself."

"Oh? About what?" asked Kaitlin.


"Jeez that hurts. It hurts me that I'm not the one you can call Mom. This is all my fault. I should have been there for you all those years instead of abandoning you like I did."

"Maybe some day I can call you Mom. This is just taking some getting used to."

"I care for you more than you'll ever know Christopher. Despite being apart for almost twenty years, you and I can be close."

"I'd like that."

"And so would I…but for now, why don't we pretend that we're not related…let's just be friends and see how things work out. I really want to be a part of your life again Christopher."

Christopher turned out to the ranch, taking in the sounds and smells of Southfork. "I want you to live with us at Southfork."

"Oh Christopher, do you think that's a good idea? I don't think Pam and I would get along. Sue Ellen and I don't exactly have a sisterly relationship and I don't think J.R. would want to live under the roof with someone who once tried to shoot him."

"Please reconsider. I'll take care of Mom and I don't think the others will be a problem. I can get Jane to fix a room up for you and you can be moved in in no time."

"I'd like to…"

"It would give us a chance to get to know each other…I really want to get to know my mother."

Kaitlin smiled, "I'd love to, but don't you think you should ask your Grandmother or Dad?"

"If it will make you feel better, I'll ask them."

"Ok, you do that. I'm going to go find a seat. I'll see you later and let me know what Bobby says."

"Bye Kristin." Christopher continued to walk, looking for Karen, but had no luck finding her. "Karen!" he yelled.

"I saw her on the patio about fifteen minutes ago," came a voice.

"Eric, hi," said Christopher.

"Hey Christopher."

"Thanks, see you later," said Christopher running in the direction of the house.

Eric made his way towards where the wedding was about to start. "Hello John Ross."

"Hi Eric. What's up?"

"Nothing much, I was just talking to a few people. I talked to Christopher for a few seconds, he seemed really on-edge."

"You would be too," laughed John Ross.

"What do you mean?"

"Christopher's New Year's Eve was a little too wild…for his taste anyway."

"Uh oh, what happened?"

"He had a little too much to drink, then we went to a strip joint. Chris doesn't remember, but he and Carla had their own little after-hour show."

"I assume Carla was a stripper. What club was this?"

"Velvet Lace," said John Ross, not realizing that he had already told Eric too much.

"Well, I'm sure he'll be fine…as long as Karen doesn't find out."

The couple quickly got out of their car, and raced to their seats. "I told you we were going to be late."

"Relax, Pam is not even down yet."

Lucas spotted the couple and ran up to them. "Daddy!!!!"

"Ray opened his arms for the in-coming Lucas and gave him a huge hug. "Lucas I missed you so much."

"I missed you to Dad."

"Lucas, I want you to meet Donna Dowling. You have met before, but you were very much younger."

Donna smiled. "Hello Lucas."

Lucas ignored Donna's hello, and sat beside Ray, where Donna was about to sit, leaving her to sit a few seats away. Ray gave Donna a 'What can I do expression.' Donna Dowling surveyed the scene, smiled at Bobby, smiled politely at J.R and wondered what the hell she was doing at Southfork again. Christmas had been beautiful, but all of sudden she was flooded with the memories of her life on this ranch, a life she wasn't sure at the moment she wanted to re-enter.

Bobby stood at the altar with J.R. beside him. He looked out across the audience at all of the people who had come to celebrate his union with Pam. For so many years, he had wanted it to happen. No one had ever made him as happy as Pam had. He thought about his marriage to April and her death. "April, I know you would want me to be happy with Pam.

The woman and her husband took a seat near the back. Soon, Pam would come down the aisle and her wedding would come to a dead halt.

Christopher bolted towards the patio, but something in the shrubs caught his eye. "Oh my God…Karen." He ran over to where she lay, sprawled out on the ground and lifted her up. "Karen, wake up. What happened?"

Karen groaned and opened her eyes. "Chris…thank God you're here."

"You've got an awful bump on your head."

"She…hit me."


"Your aunt…the one that kidnapped your mom."

Christopher's heart raced and he could not gather his thoughts. "Oh no…Katherine?"

"Yes. She's here. I saw her and was going to tell Pam when she must have tried to stop me. The next thing I remember, you're here."

"Damnit. If Katherine is here, then my Mom and Dad are in danger. We have to stop the wedding and find her." Christopher heard the wedding march playing in the background and realized that their time was limited.

Sue Ellen was the first bride's maid to walk down the aisle. She was followed by Phyllis and then Lucy as Pam's maid of honor, they all stood near the altar. The wedding march played as Pam strode down the aisle, her dress flowing and rustling as she walked. Pam joined hands with Bobby as she reached the altar, the music stopped, and the priest began. It was a warm and beautiful day, a rose amidst a sea of weeds. Everything was perfect. The ceremony proceeded normally and everything was going without a hitch.

The woman was wearing a large hat and it covered most of her face. Otherwise, she would have been seen long ago. She would wait until the dramatic moment…she would object to the wedding.

"If there is anyone here today that sees just reason that these two people should not be wed, please speak now or forever hold your peace."

Southfork was silent and the priest paused for what seemed like hours to Pam and Bobby.

"Wait!" said Christopher, running down the aisle, holding Karen's hand. "There's something you have to know."

"Christopher," said Pam in a concerned voice, "what's wrong? I didn't even realize you weren't here."

Christopher stopped to take a breath and the only sounds that could be heard were the murmur of the crowd and the sound of Christopher and Karen breathing. "Katherine…"

"What about her son?" asked Bobby.

"She's here…at the wedding."

"Now wait a minute Christopher," said J.R., "this place is guarded more heavily than Fort Knox. I don't think she could have possibly gotten in."

"She did J.R.," said Karen. "I saw her and was coming to tell you all when she knocked me out."

"Oh no…I knew something like this was going to happen," said Pam.

"If she's here, then we'll find her." J.R. turned to the security guards and ordered them to seal off all exits and to make sure no one was allowed out."

"Are you okay Karen?" asked Pam, "should we call a doctor?"

"No, I'm fine."

The crowd began to stand and talk. J.R. and Bobby surveyed, but did not see Katherine. "What's going on?" said Ray, he and Donna walking to the altar. Miss Ellie and Clayton fought their way through the crowd as well.

"Katherine Wentworth is here at the wedding."

"Oh no, Bobby," said Miss Ellie.

"Ray, if you don't mind, would you walk around and look for her. She could easily blend into this crowd."

"Sure Bob."

No one noticed that Katherine Wentworth had left the wedding crowd for the house only seconds earlier. It wouldn't be guarded…they weren't trying to prevent anyone from getting in…just getting out. She had left the man that was accompanying her sitting alone and he was baffled as to what was happening. Eventually it dawned on him that he had been part of Katherine's scheme. "Pam, I have to tell you what's going on before it's too late."

"Christopher, I'm going inside to lie down, my head is hurting," said Karen.

"If Katherine got to you once, then she can do it again. I don't want you going in there alone."

"Come on Karen," said Pam, "I need a drink myself."

"Be careful Pam," said Bobby, "I don't think Katherine could get near the house with all of J.R.'s security."

"Ok Bobby," said Pam kissing him, "I love you."

"I love you too."

Chaos broke out among the wedding guests and the crowd roared. Clayton and Gary did their best to quiet them down.

"I'll have Jane get you an aspirin for your headache," said Pam, guiding Karen to the couch. She handed Karen a cold washcloth and Karen put it over her eyes and forehead. "I'm going upstairs for a second and I'll be right back."

"Ok, thanks Pam."

Karen relaxed and closed her eyes, letting the coldness ease her headache. "Pam, is that you?" she said, upon hearing someone walk through the room. No answer… "Jane? Ana?" Still no answer. Karen took the cloth from her eyes and stood up, grasping the arm of the couch to balance herself. "Hello? Is someone here?"

Pam looked in her vanity mirror, thinking about her wedding that should already be over. She now knew that it had been a mistake to attempt to be married at Southfork. She and Bobby should have eloped as Christopher and Karen had done. They had been smart, she had not. Pam froze upon hearing the door of her room shut. She didn't move…afraid of what she might see if she turned. Eventually she found the courage.

"Hello sister."

"Katherine," said Pam, her mouth dry.

"You don't sound too happy to see me."

"What do you want? Bobby?"

"A part of me still does…but that's not why I'm here. I want to make your life a living hell."

"Oh Katherine," said Pam, managing a laugh, "you and Jenna have already done that."

"You've made both of our lives a living hell. You even killed Jenna. Poor, poor Lucas. Now you're sitting here, about to marry Bobby and Jenna is but a thing of the past."

"I am tired of hearing that line. Jenna was evil."

"Maybe so…"

"There is no maybe about it. You went past evil long ago yourself Katherine. You are insane. You should be locked away. If you leave right now, I won't tell anyone I saw you."

"I don't have anything left to lose. Everything I had, you took away years ago," said Katherine. Pam noticed Katherine glancing at her watch.

"Get out of here," said Pam, brandishing a letter opener that had been lying on the vanity. Pam stood and walked slowly toward Katherine. "Now!"

"You won't get rid of me that easily. I'll be back…when you least expect it, I'll be there."

"Get out!"

Katherine glanced at the gold watch she was wearing once more, then left the room.

"I'm going inside to check on Pam," said Bobby, "she's been in there too long."

"Mr. Ewing," said a security guard, "a guest reported a woman that fit Katherine's description out by the pool."

"I'll be right there. Someone go inside an make sure Pam is ok. I need to handle this."

"Ok Bobby," said Donna.

"I'll go check on her," said Miss Ellie.

"I'll go with you Ellie," said Clayton. "With Katherine on the loose, no one is safe."

"John Ross," said Pamela Rebecca, "I'm going inside to check on Megan."

"Pamela Rebecca," said Cliff, "do you mind if I go with you. I want to see Megan again."

"Sure Dad, come with me."

"I don't think Katherine is a danger to anyone but Bobby," said Donna.

"Donna," said Val, "I couldn't help but notice that Margaret wasn't with you."

"Yes, she's staying with some friends in D.C."

"That's too bad, I've met Lucas, but I would like to have seen Margaret too."

Karen had not found anyone downstairs and had proceeded to go upstairs to check on Pam when she heard Pam.

"Karen!" said Pam running down the stairs. "Are you ok? Katherine was in my room."

"Oh no, I'm fine. Are you ok?"

"Yes, just a little shaken. I'm feeling a bit dizzy, I'm going outside for some fresh air."

Miss Ellie, Clayton, Cliff, and Pamela Rebecca entered a few moments later. Pamela Rebecca and Cliff went upstairs to check on Megan. Cliff had reason to see his granddaughter…he also had reason to get in the house.

"Pam, is everything ok?"

"Yes Miss Ellie. Everything is fine."

"Good, we were worried about you. I'm going into the kitchen for a moment, would you like a drink?"

"Please," said Pam.

Ellie and Clayton left Pam and went into the kitchen.

"Pam!" said a voice that was still familiar to her.

Pam turned around and beheld a site that she did not think she would ever see again. "Oh my God, Mark."

To Bobby's disappointment, the lead had turned out not to be Katherine and he had rejoined Ray, J.R., and Gary near the altar. Donna, Sue Ellen, Lucy, Val, and Cliff were also standing, pacing, or checking watches. It was a truly nerve-racking moment for everyone.

"It was not her," said Bobby.

"Don't worry Bob, they'll find her," said Ray.

A deafening sound filled the air and Bobby turned towards the direction of the sound. What he saw filled his heart with terror. A huge blast of smoke and flame had erupted from Southfork. Shingles, wood, and glass were sent hurtling through the air, some landing in the pool, some falling upon the guests that stood closer to the house. It took a moment for Bobby and the rest to fully comprehend what had happened. Then he remembered…and came to grips with what he had just seen…Southfork had exploded…Clayton, Pamela Rebecca, Karen, Cliff, Miss Ellie…and Pam…were inside.

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"DALLAS: Return to Southfork" is copyright ©1998 & 1999 Return to Southfork. "DALLAS", its characters, logos, and pictures found within this site are ©1998, 1999 Warner Bros./Lorimar Productions. This page is not affiliated in any way, shape, or form with Warner Bros., Lorimar Productions, CBS, TNN, or the cast/crew of "DALLAS." The characters used in these fanfictions are owned by the above companies, and use by the authors is purely for enjoyment purposes only, as nothing of monetary value is made from these stories.... just fans having fun. No episodes or images from this website may be used without prior permission from the site owner. The pictures of actors/actresses are by no means representative of their approval of this site/fan-fiction and are used for illustrative purposes only. No infringement is intended on anyone or anything.