
Christopher Ewing

Bobby Ewing

Sue Ellen Ewing

J.R. Ewing

Ray Krebbs

John Ross Ewing

Cliff Barnes

Afton Cooper

Jenna Krebbs

Anita Smithfield

Lucy Ewing Cooper


Also Featuring:
Karen Beam

Alan Beam


Patricia Sheperd


Written By:
Chad Cox


Release Date:
"Lifelines" was originally released on Friday, June 12, 1998.

The scream of the ambulance filled the night air, as it roared away from Southfork, carrying Patricia Sheppard to the emergency crew waiting at Braddock emergency. The water in the Southfork pool was still, the patio lanterns that glistened on top of it, showed the gentle rocking of the water, telling nothing of the events that had transpired on that day. Bobby stood over the pool, quietly reflecting on the events, while steps behind him, stood Lucy and Christopher, talking with a police officer.

Jenna emerged from the house. She approached Bobby. "Sue Ellen is packing some things for me to take to her mother at the hospital."

"How is she holding up?" he asked, still staring into the pool.

"Well," Jenna replied apprehensively. "As well as can be expected I suppose."

"I'm going up there." With that, Bobby turned and headed for the house, completely bypassing Christopher and Lucy, who were still talking with the officer.

"Are there any other family members?" the officer asked. "I mean, other than Sue Ellen."

"Well, she's my Grandmother...sort of, but other than me, I think Sue Ellen was all she had," Christopher responded.

The zipper on her mothers overnight bag was stuck. "Damn, stupid thing," Sue Ellen muttered. Finally it came open, but not quickly enough for Sue Ellen to prevent some of its contents to slide out onto the bed. Looking at the mess before her, she sighed, and began to put it back together. There were two viles of lipstick, a blush brush and small wallet. Using both hands she grabbed them, throwing them back into the bag.

As she picked up the wallet, a tattered envelope fell out. Sue Ellen shook her head, nothing was going right.

Then, picking up the envelope, its contents fell out. Pictures. Old black and white photos. Sue Ellen stopped suddenly. She picked them up and started to peruse through them. They were pictures of her, school pictures. Then, she came across another face, Kristin. "Oh my god," she whispered to herself.

Then, suddenly, a rap at the door. As if she was ripped out of dream, Sue Ellen swung around, it was Bobby.

"May I come in," he asked.

"I-I'm just about finished," she stuttered, not sure exactly what to say.

"Can I help you Sue Ellen?"

"No. I'm almost done." She turned around, put the pictures away and closed up the bag. Then, with a forced chuckle, "Mother would not be happy waking up in a hospital room without her makeup handy."

"Are you going to be alright?"

She turned back to face him. "Bobby, I will be fine."

"I'll go back to Ewing Oil on Monday to look after things. You take as much time as you need." Sue Ellen's nervous look was suddenly erased. Her glazed stare turned into a cold look. "That would be nice Bobby," she replied sternly.

She picked up the bag and began to head out. Bobby stopped her. His hands on her shoulders, he said, "Sue Ellen, please."

"Not now Bobby."

"You know I'm here for you."

Sue Ellen bit her lip. Then, "I said, that would be nice."

Suddenly Jenna appeared. "Sue Ellen, I'm going with you to the hospital."

Sue Ellen did not acknowledge her. She muttered, "Seems to me Bobby, that if you were there for me ..." her words trailed off.

Bobby looked at her puzzled. "What are you talking about?"

Sue Ellen turned to Jenna. "I'm ready to go," she stated coldly.

Sue Ellen broke free from a stunned Bobby, and left with Jenna.

J.R. sauntered into the kitchen, yawning as he tightened his bathrobe. He opened the refridgerator, taking out the pitcher of iced tea. As he poured himself a glass, Bobby entered the kitchen.

"What the hell are you up to J.R.?" he demanded.

J.R. turned around to see Bobby standing tall, looking ready to attack. "What now Bobby?" he sighed.

"What are you trying to prove? That you can swindle your twenty-year old son out of his part of Ewing Oil?"

J.R. put his glass down. "What the hell do you think I'm trying to prove?" he shouted. "Don't tell me you think I was just going to sit by and watch as you two fumbled your way through running that company?"

"You have no right -"

"Excuse me!" J.R. interupted. "Don't start with me about rights Bob." Suddenly J.R. appeared to be the fierce one. He approached Bobby. "That's my birthright we're talking 'bout there. And if you don't like that answer, then let me tell you something else, this is business. And I play for keeps."

Stunned, Bobby remained silent for a moment. J.R. retreated, back to his iced tea. Then, Bobby spoke. Calmly, he said, "Is that how you want it?"

J.R. took a sip of his drink. Then he looked seriously at Bobby. "I want Ewing Oil, back where it belongs. And I will do everything it takes to get it."

"Even if that means hurting Sue Ellen?"

J.R. just looked at Bobby. He did not respond.

Bobby shook his head. "You're unbelievable J.R.." He turned and walked away, but then, as he neared the exit, he stopped. Turning back to J.R., he said, "I'm going back to work on Monday. And I am going make life very difficult for you J.R.. You can count on that!" With that, he left.

Sue Ellen watched as a woman at the far end of the waiting room pressed an ice pack to her severly bruised temple. The waiting room was quiet that night. Except for a few nurses behind the desk, and the woman in the corner, Jenna and Sue Ellen were alone.

"Can I get you anything Sue Ellen?" Jenna asked.

"No thank you."

"If only they would tell us something."

"My mother will be alright. She has to be." Sue Ellen casually wiped a tear from her eye. "I found some pictures as I was packing her things tonight."

"Oh," Jenna replied.

Sue Ellen reached into her purse, pulling out that same envelope. She handed the package to Jenna, who proceeded to remove the pictures and browse through them.

"I haven't seen those people in years."

"Most of them are you," Jenna replied with puzzlement.

"Oh, well," Sue Ellen chuckled helplessly. "That was me, many lifetimes ago."

"I think I know what you mean, Sue Ellen. If only we knew then."

Sue Ellen looked at the woman in the corner. "I think that woman was hit by her boyfriend or something."

Jenna looked over. "Why do you say that?"

"I can tell. It's in her eyes. She has that desolate look of a woman who has been beaten by a man that she ..." Sue Ellen trailed off into tears.

Jenna gently put her hand on Sue Ellen's shoulder. The two women embraced.

Southfork was closing for the night when a familiar car pulled into the driveway. Cliff Barnes emerged from the drivers seat.

Lucy, who heard the car, came out to greet him.

"What are you doing here, Cliff?" she asked, with a mixture of shock and puzzlement.

"Pamela forgot her purse here. I'm picking it up for her."

"Well did she say where she left it?"

"Try the guest bathroom."

John Ross emerged from the house. Lucy took notice, and quickly caught on to the tension the two men had between each other.

"He's here for Pam's purse, John Ross," she stated nervously.

John Ross said nothing. He continued to glare at Cliff.

"I'll be right back, Cliff." Lucy bypassed John Ross and entered the house.

John Ross approached Cliff. "You don't have to tell me what you're thinking right now," John Ross spoke calmly. "I'm sure I have a pretty good idea about what you are thinking."

"You don't have a clue what I'm thinking," Cliff hissed.

"But you don't understand," John Ross retorted. They continued to glare at each other, like two alley cats, preparing for a scrap, but waiting for the other to make a sudden move.

"You're right!" Cliff snapped. "I do not understand why my daughter would have anything to do with a Ewing. I don't understand, why, after my daddy went through so much hell! Why, after he went to his grave broke and drunk because the Ewing family tore him apart! Why, after my sister was tortured and eventually almost killed by this family!" Cliff's voice rose with each word.

"Stop it!" John Ross fired back. "I am so sick of hearing that! Why the hell would I want to hurt Pamela, or anyone for that matter?"

Cliff looked at him with shock. "Why? Well let me tell you why! You are a Ewing! That's why! You just don't know any better!"

John Ross was silent.

Lucy emerged, a purse in hand. "Cliff, I found it."

She handed him the purse. He took it, his eyes not leaving those of a speechless John Ross.

A doctor emerged from the emergency entrance and approached Sue Ellen and Jenna. They stood to greet him, anxious, yet nervous at the same time.

"Ms. Ewing?" he called.

Sue Ellen stepped forward. "I'm Sue Ellen Ewing."

"You are Patricia Shepard's daughter?"

"Yes," she replied quickly. "How is she?"

"Well," he began. "It is touch and go at this point. She's fractured a few ribs and perhaps broken a hip."

Sue Ellen gasped. "Oh God."

"But we have that under control for now. She is also in a coma."

Jenna clutched Sue Ellen's hand tightly. Sue Ellen appeared ready to collapse. "What is going to happen?" Sue Ellen shrieked.

"I can't say any more than that right now," the doctor replied. "She is recieving constant care now. And I have a specialist from Austin flying in in the morning. You mother is in the best possible hands right now. All we can do is wait."

Sue Ellen fell into Jenna's arms in tears.

The door to Sue Ellen's room opened up. J.R. entered quietly. Without hesitation he walked to the bureau and opened the top drawer. He pulled out a card and looked at it. "Interconnect Security"

"Well Sue Ellen," he whispered to himself. "I think I'll go into work tomorrow and see exactly what you've been up to in my absence." He snickered to himself as he clutched the card firmly in his hand.

As always, daybreak hit the city before anyone could prepare. The city was still asleep as the night disappeared to make way for a new day.

At Braddock hospital, Sue Ellen was still awake. She tried to read a magazine, but she couldn't concentrate. Jenna was fast asleep in the chair next to her. Throughout the night she had seen so many people come and go. She watched as they waited, as they were served, and as they left. And here she was, still waiting.

Jenna moaned. She opened her eyes slightly, and then closed them. Then, as she realized where she was, her eyes flew wide open. "Oh dear," she stammered.

Sue Ellen turned to her. "Good morning Jenna."

"I'm sorry," Jenna replied, pressing the wrinkles out of her blowse. "I slept so long. Have you heard anything?"

"No," Sue Ellen replied. "Nothing yet." Sue Ellen thought for a moment and then placed her hand on Jenna's arm. "Listen. You have things to do. And you need a half decent rest. Go home and sleep. I'll be fine."

"I am fine Sue Ellen. In fact," she said with a burst of energy. "I am going to get you some breakfast."

Sue Ellen sat back in chair and smiled. "You're a good friend Jenna."

Jenna smiled. "I'll be right back."

The elevator doors opened up and from inside, emerged J.R. and Anita. They came to the glass doors, of which beamed the Ewing Oil logo.

"So J.R. you got what you wanted," Anita said gleefully, "You're back in your Daddy's company."

J.R. laughed, "Hell no sweetheart. Twenty five per cent is all very nice but I won`t be happy until I have 100%. Of course, that won`t be long now." He took out the card, which he had taken from Sue Ellen's bureau, and placed it in the slot that was mounted on the wall. From the slot, a green light came on. And then, the glass doors opened up.

"So did you get what I asked?" he said as they entered the offices.

"Yes I did. Not that it was easy mind you, not at this hour on a Sunday." She handed J.R. a folder.

"You're one hell of a woman Anita." J.R. laughed. "Have I told you that?"

"Yes J.R. you have, but it's always nice to hear it again," Anita anwsered, in her seductive, confident manner.

J.R. browsed through the folder, "Not a great deal here, I guess she spent most of her money traveling Europe, oh a few stocks and shares in some two bit companies, I guess that's where Sue Ellen got her business sense from," he laughed as he handed the papers back to Anita.

"I thought you said Sue Ellen had a great business sense," Anita asked.

"Did I say that?" J.R. asked "Obviously I wasn`t at my full senses that day, which I must add is a very rare occassion."

Anita pulled her hair back, and tied it back with a band " Aren`t you concerned that Patricia will die?" She asked.

"Why should I?" J.R. stated, "I had nothing to do with it and if Sue Ellen thinks differently that's just too damn bad, I have other things to think about and so do you, like how we are going to get the rest of Ewing Oil back."

"Well J.R. I`d rather think about that later, right now I have other things on my mind , if you get my meaning." Anita laughed as she rubbed her hands over J.R.`s chest.

"You a bad woman Anita,"J.R. laughed, "very bad indeed...."

The two kissed passionately against the wall ,sliding down to the floor.

"Mother expected so much out of Kristin," Sue Ellen reflected.

Jenna quietly picked at her english muffin as she listened to Sue Ellen talk. The two had made a campsite out of the wating room. Their purses and bags were now strewn carelessly on the seats around them.

"I remember coming to Dallas once and she was," Jenna suddenly responded. "She was working for J.R. then."

Sue Ellen sighed. "Well, yes. I suppose you could say that." Sue Ellen stood up and began to pace. She clutched a paper cup half full of coffee to her chest as she began to think back.

"I love my mother so much," Sue Ellen sighed. "But I can't help but blame her for so much that has gone wrong."

Jenna looked puzzled. "I'm not sure what you mean by that."

Sue Ellen continued to pace. "You see Jenna, we were taught to be good little ladies." Sue Ellen paused, then, "Good little ladies, on the look out for very rich men." She looked at Jenna, who seemed somewhat confused.

"When I married J.R.," Sue Ellen continued. "Well, I think if I had told my mother that I was winning the Nobel prize, she couldn't have been happier. And I think that sparked Kristin. I think she was jealous." Sue Ellen thought some more. "I think it made her try that much harder. To be better than her big sister. Even if that meant hurting me."

Lucy yawned as she made her way onto the patio. At the breakfast table were Ray and John Ross. Jane prepared a plate for her as she took a seat.

"Good morning," Lucy said carefully. "How is everybody feeling?"

John Ross was gazing into space. He turned to her. He muttered quietly, "Southfork weddings." Then he got up and left.

Ray looked at Lucy. "How are you Lucy?"

"Well," she shrugged. "Uncomfortable I suppose."

"Well, things are going to be a little more tense than they usually are. At least for awhile."

"Any word about Patricia?"

"Jenna called me earlier," Ray replied. "It's touch and go. I sent Christopher over to relieve her.

Someone should be there with Sue Ellen."

Lucy shook her head as she poured herself a cup of coffee. "Has John Ross heard from Karen?"

"I had a ranch hand take her to her father late last night. She was drunk. And I think he was too."

"She must feel awful."

Karen stumbled out of the bathroom. For the fifth time in twenty minutes she had been sick. Her father still lay on the couch, only now he was awake.

"Karen," he muttered. "Is that you?"

"Yes daddy," she responded quietly.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

Karen didn't respond. She retreated back to the bedroom and closed the double doors. Alan lay there, staring at the ceiling. He didn't know what to do next.

Christopher saw Jenna and Sue Ellen chatting in the waiting room. They were the only ones there, except for two nurses who sat behind the desk. They had their backs to him as he approached. He could hear them talking.

"Kristin lied to J.R.. She lost that baby and concieved another, just so she could continue getting payments."

"Oh no," Jenna gasped. "What happened to the child?"

Christopher stopped and listened.

"Oh Jenna, its a long story."

Christopher saw this as an opportunity to interrupt, but something Sue Ellen would say, stopped him.

"Bobby was contacted one day by the father. The man wanted to sell the baby to him. Can you imagine?"

"My god," Jenna gasped. "What kind of person was Kristin seeing?"

"Someone as ruthless as she was," Sue Ellen replied point blank.

"What happened to that baby?" Jenna asked.

Christpher wanted to interrupt. He couldn't figure out just how. Then, he heard Sue Ellen. "Bobby adopted him."

"So what you are saying then, is ..." Jenna was confused.

"Jenna, please don't say anything."

"You mean Christopher is Kristin's child?"

Christopher's mouth fell open, it was then that both Sue Ellen and Jenna turned and saw him standing there.

As J.R. made his way to his bedroom, he passed by the open room of John Ross. His lay in his bed, his eyes open, facing the ceiling.

"John Ross," he called.

"I'm ok, dad," came the forced reply.

J.R. entered the room. He sat down on the bed with his son.

"You took a real blow yesterday. How do you feel?"

"How do you think I should feel? I feel like hell."

J.R. leaned in closer to his son. "That Beam son-of-a-bitch. He humiliated you."

John Ross looked at his father with a mixture of interest and fear.

"We Ewings don't take kindly to being humilated."

"What do you want me to do, dad?"

"Son, you know you mean more to me than anything else. I am not gonna put up with that."

"You're not?"

"No! And neither are you." J.R. stood up. "I want you out of that bed right now. You hear me?"

John Ross sat up. "But dad-"

"No, get up!"

John Ross complied.

J.R. looked at his son, eye to eye. "You and I are going to get that bastard and we are going to teach him what happens when someone messes with a Ewing."

"How are we gonna do that?" John Ross has a tinge nervousness still in his voice as he looked at his father. He never saw this side of him before.

"Son," J.R. calmly replied. "Go take a shower and put on your best clothes. You and I are going to lunch. I have been waiting for this moment for years."

John Ross could not speak.

J.R. continued. "You and I are going to war!"

Credits Roll

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