Episode 44

For the Love of the Game

Ellie Ewing Farlow

Christopher Ewing

Bobby Ewing

Sue Ellen Ewing

J.R. Ewing

Donna Dowling

Karen Ewing

Ray Krebbs

John Ross Ewing

Clayton Farlow

Pamela Rebecca Cooper

Afton Cooper

Pam Ewing

Lucy Ewing

Also Featuring

Charlie Wade

Ryanne Hancock

Margaret Dowling

Melissa McSween

Todd Foster

Janice Kelly

Doug Avant

Grant Starr

Eric Stone

Carla Thornton

Judy Duvall

Jeremy Wendell

Ben Richmond


Michelle Stevens Beaumont

Featuring the Writing Talents of:

Jack McLaughlin

Jesse Murray

Nicole Richard

Justin Stiles

Episode 44 

Lightning illuminated the face of the woman standing behind Ray Krebbs. What am I thinking? Jenna is dead. He walked over to her, heedless of the storm that was beginning to make the cemetery look like a scene from Night of the Living Dead.

"Don't you wish it was Jenna? Then you could pretend to love her and break her heart all over again!"

"Charlie, what are you doing here?"

"The same thing you are—well, not quite the same. There's a difference. I came here because I love my Mom. You didn't."

Ray cringed. "And you put the fresh flowers there?"

Thunder popped again and rain began to fall. "About time someone did," said Charlie. "I had just put them there and had gone back to the parking lot when I saw your truck."

"Come on, let's go back to the truck. We can talk there out of the rain."

Charlie followed him. Minutes later, they were out of the rain and inside the truck. "Ray, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lash out at you like that."

"That's okay Charlie. Are you in Dallas to stay?"

"No. As a matter of fact, my plane leaves tonight. I flew in last night to visit her grave, that's all."

"We're having a big dinner at Southfork tomorrow night. Why don't you come? You could see Lucas and the family."

"No. I'm really not up to seeing anyone right now. I've got to catch that plane tonight. I have a photo shoot to oversee tomorrow."

Thunder rattled the truck and the rain fell in heavy sheets. It became so loud that Ray and Charlie had to strain just to hear what the other was saying.


"Ray. I just can't make myself believe she's dead. I keep expecting her to walk up to me—or I expect myself to wake up at any moment, realizing it was all a nightmare."

"She's dead Charlie."

"I know—at least a part of me does. She hung herself all because of Pam."

"Charlie, don't blame Pam. We all know that your mother was suffering from a mental illness. She would never have done anything like she did, had she been mentally sound."

"I know. I just wish we had known earlier so we could get her the help she needed." Charlie and Ray both grew silent. "Well, I need to get back to the hotel so I can get packed."

"Do you need a ride?"

"No, I rented a car," said Charlie.

"Well, I hate that you won't stay for dinner, but I understand. Call me sometime Charlie."

"Okay Ray." Charlie got out of the truck and ran through the rain to her car. Ray slowly pulled out of the cemetery, thinking about what Charlie had said…

Ray. I just can't make myself believe she's dead. I keep expecting her to walk up to me—or I expect myself to wake up at any moment, realizing it was all a nightmare.

"I know what you mean Charlie." Ray thought back to his dream earlier.

Dr Ryanne Hancock was finishing up paperwork on her last patient when she happened to catch sight of a familiar face. But if HE was here, then where was Pam?


She looked over and waited as he walked over to her. "Where's Pam?"

Bobby began to explain to her just what had happened and concerned, Ryanne placed a hand on his. "She's going to be fine and so is the baby."

John Ross collapsed onto his bed at Southfork ranch. After being detained by the Hawaiian authorities for a few hours, he and the rest had been allowed to return to Dallas. Southfork was finished and he was one of the first ones to move back in. John Ross wanted to get back into his normal routine and he wasn't even sure if Ewing Oil would be a part of that routine in the future. After his mistake with Akbar, John Ross was disillusioned with the whole business of oil. It had almost cost him his life, along with that of Pamela Rebecca. Speaking of Pamela Rebecca, she was also at Southfork-down in the kitchen getting a drink.

Why did she insist on coming back with me? She told me she saw Melissa and me together in the hot tub. Surely she wouldn't want to be with me now.

John Ross' thoughts were broken at the sound of a knock at his room door. "Come in."

"Well, hi John Ross."

"Aunt Donna, hi."

"I just heard about your ordeal in Hawaii. I'm just glad you and Pamela Rebecca are all right. You two are very lucky."

"Yeah, I guess we are."

"She'll make a wonderful wife for you John Ross."

John Ross smiled uneasily. "So, are you back in Dallas for good?"

"For the time being. Margaret and I will be living here at Southfork for a while. Speaking of Margaret, that's why I came in here. I wanted her to meet all of her cousins and family."

"Where is she?"

"Downstairs. Do you want to come down?"

"Sure," said John Ross standing up.

Donna left the room and walked down the stairs, followed by John Ross. "Maggie, this is your cousin John Ross. He is J.R. and Sue Ellen's son."

"Hello Maggie," said John Ross. "Nice to finally meet my elusive cousin."

"Hi John Ross," said Maggie.

"Well, John Ross. Glad you finally came down," said Pamela Rebecca with a sly smile. "I thought you'd stay up in that room of yours all day. You know, the pool looks nice and inviting."

"No thanks Pamela Rebecca. It's a little early in the year for me. And besides, there is a storm heading this way."

"Oh for cryin' out loud! This is Texas, not Canada. It's warm enough for a swim. Or if we had a hot tub…"

Pamela Rebecca stopped when she saw John Ross' look.

"Mr. Ewing," said Teresa, "there's a phone call for you."

John Ross didn't even bother to ask what Teresa was doing there, but he had assumed Miss Ellie had hired her to replace Jane, who had been killed in the explosion. He walked into the living room and took the phone.


"Hi John Ross."

"Melissa…Pamela Rebecca is here. She won't go away. I can't just throw her out!"

"Oh, is she still hanging around? I could get rid of her you know. I have a bit of pull with the Dallas Police Department."

"No. I don't want to do anything like that to her. I'll find some other way to get rid of her and then you and I can be together. I'm going to have a little talk with her. Maybe I can find out why she still wants to be with me."

"Okay. Let me know if you need my…services," said Melissa. "I have something else to take care of right now."

"Bye Babe," said John Ross.


"Mr. Ewing?" Bobby looked up and saw Pam's doctor coming towards him.

"My wife, how is she?" He shut his eyes and tried not to have the memories of the last time they were in this hospital worrying over a pregnancy. He paced the halls for hours then, before learning that they had lost that child.

If they had lost this one, Bobby just didn't know how he could face Pam and tell her

"Mr. Ewing. Pam is fine and so is the baby." The doctor smiled at the look of relief that flashed across the father to be' s face. "You can go and see her if you want."

Bobby was walking towards Pam's room but suddenly stopped. "Dr, what caused her to collapse like that?"

Dr Bader looked up from jotting notes on Pam's file. "She was under stress. I've already told her that she can't allow herself to get THAT worked up. It's not going to do her or this baby any good."

Bobby nodded. "Thank you Dr."

Todd waited for the elevator to reach North Star's floor. Bobby had called him yesterday in order to set up a meeting and Todd prayed that it would confirm what he'd been hoping for—that Bobby would help him get his mother's riches. Todd's train of thought was shattered as the opening of the elevator doors slammed him back into reality, He was not pleased to see Michelle Stevens, his aunt and the current holder of the money he sought, to be sitting in the waiting room.

Todd ignored Michelle whom he heard mutter "Bastard" as he passed by, and immediately went to Phyllis' desk.

"Hi. I have an appointment with Bobby Ewing. My name is Todd Foster."

Phyllis consulted the calendar below her, looked up and smiled. "Sure, he'll be right out. He's just in for a minute though. Pam had some trouble and she's at the hospital asleep right now, but he came over here just for your meeting."

Todd headed over to the waiting area and decided to have a little fun with Michelle. After all, it couldn't hurt to get her riled up in front of Bobby—it would only make his case seem more valid.

"Why Michelle you look a little bit peaked. Course, I would too if I knew I'd be in the poorhouse soon," Todd said while exhaling deeply, as if he were greatly concerned.

Michelle did not even look up from her magazine. "April was smart to give you up. I would have exposed you at birth if I were her."

"You're bitter. It's understandable. You should have just enough when I'm done with you to pay for some therapy." Todd paused. "God knows you need it."

Before the conversation could continue any further, Bobby came out of his office into the waiting room. "Michelle, Todd. I see you guys have met. Why don't we all go into my office."

Michelle quickly pushed past Todd as he got up and paraded into Bobby's office. Todd's approach was slower. He smiled at Bobby. He wanted to make sure Bobby knew who was the unstable one in this situation and who wasn't. Michelle was already seated when Todd took his seat next to her. As Bobby turned his back to get in his chair, Todd flashed Michelle a look of contempt.

Bobby began. "I realize this is kind of an awkward situation for you two—for me as well. It's not everyday that aunt and nephew meet for the first time."

"We've met before," Todd said and looked at Michelle. Bobby looked surprised.

Todd was prepared to tell him how Michelle had slapped him, but Michelle was quick to interject with "We bumped into each other briefly."

"Well, then this might be a little bit easier," Bobby said. "Michelle, I'm sure you're aware that Todd has come to Dallas with an interest in acquiring some of April's estate."

Michelle exhaled loudly. "Oh I know alright. I also know the brat's not getting a penny." She spoke as if Todd were not in the room.

"I see." Bobby did not know how to react. "I called this meeting in hopes all three of us could perhaps come to some sort of mutual agreement regarding April's holdings—or rather you two could."

"Well Bobby, too bad. There is going to be no agreement. He's not getting anything and he has no claim to it." Todd was silent as Michelle continued. "April left ME that money Bobby. She knew about him. If she wanted him to have it she would have tracked him down or something. She never even looked for him."

"Maybe that's because my mother thought I'd be placed in good hands," Todd said. "Well I wasn't. My father was an abusive drunk. If she knew that, I think things would have been different."

Michelle turned to him. "I don't care if your father was Satan—which, incidentally wouldn't surprise me—what's mine remains mine." She turned to Bobby. "Do you really want to help this kid Bobby? It's been nine years since April died, nine years that have not been easy for me or you. Do you really want to bring up all those bad memories?"

Bobby was obviously effected by what she said, and thinking. Michelle was exasperated. "Do what you want, but you have no claim." She stormed out.

The room was silent. Todd finally commented, "Well, I don't think she was happy."

Bobby remained quiet for a minute, then spoke. "Todd, I have to think about some things. I realize your argument, and I realize you'd like an answer as to whether I'll help you. You deserve that. I just need a little bit more time to think. I'll call you in a few days, I promise. OK?"

"OK." Todd left Bobby's office feeling very scared. Had he lost Bobby Ewing?

"Mother?" said Afton as she walked into her house. She took the key from the door and stuffed it into her purse. "Mother, are you here?"

Afton stepped inside the house and shut the door behind her. She had begun to wonder if leaving her mother alone had been such a good idea. "Mother!"

Strange Afton thought as she went into the living room. What if she's dead? Afton shook that thought out of her mind and went into the bedroom. No Arliss Cooper there. Afton looked in the bathroom, Pamela Rebecca's bedroom, her basement studio, and the rest of the rooms. She had begun to panic.


Still no answer. Afton looked around for a note, but did not find one. She grabbed the phone but put it back down. If I call the police, then Lucy might find out she isn't dead. Her face could be plastered all over the news and papers.

The car had still been in the driveway, but maybe Arliss had left by taxi. Maybe she had just given up and flown back to Biloxi!

Afton was tired. She would take a short nap and then she'd go look for her mother…

J.R. sat quietly in his office, reading some field reports. His thoughts turned to the documents he found at the research center in Hawaii. They had certainly given him some food for thought. His thoughts were interrupted when the door suddenly slammed open, and Michelle Stevens stormed in.

"Bastard!" she screamed. "You put him up to this!" Janice was following behind, apologizing.

"Mr. Ewing, I'm so sorry. I couldn't stop her."

"Well, Michelle. Knocking never was your strong suit was it? It's OK Janice, I've got it covered."

Janice shut the door as Michelle continued her tirade. "Don't screw with me J.R. I got control of this company and I'll get it again if it will stop you."

"What the hell are you talking about woman?"

"Don't play stupid. I know you were the one that found my nephew and sent him here to get April's money, to spite me for getting your precious little Ewing Oil all those years ago."

J.R. was shocked. "Nephew? April had a son?"

"Oh, you're a really great actor J.R. I suppose your going to say you had no idea, right?"

J.R. found himself getting really angry. "Let's pretend I did. What would I want with you? That dinky little oil company your sister had? What was it called again…? Oh, April Oil! From what I've heard you don't even run it, just sit on that pretty little butt of yours and have Bryan Bottger do the work for you."

"Guess what J.R.? That's right—I've got the cash, so that means I've got the ability to do that. Now don't forget that I got 100% of this company and your son away from you like that"—she snapped her fingers—"at one point, and I'll do it again."

"If I recall Michelle, James left you for Debra Lynn, and guess who got Ewing Oil back? Me. You're a gold digging little tramp and always have been. Always will be. I don't know anything about what your blabbing about, so get out of here. You're giving me a headache."

Michelle made her way to leave. "I swear J.R., I'll get you somehow when you least expect it."

After she left, J.R. did some thinking about what Michelle had said. He sat his glass of iced tea on his desk and waved the paper in front of his face. He buzzed Judy, "Judy honey, get me Doug Avant on the phone." There was no answer and J.R. remembered she was out to lunch. He picked up his own phone and looked up Doug's number."

"Hello," said Doug in his Texas accent.

"Doug, can you come to my office in about an hour? I've got something very important for you to do."

"Sure thing J.R. I'll be there as soon as I can."

J.R. hung up the phone, peering at the paper he had found at the research center. He scanned the names on the sheet once more. It was a list of stockholders, but J.R. had no idea the name of the company they held stock in. That was what he wanted Doug Avant for. All but two of the stockholders were located in or around Dallas. There had to be some kind of connection between a company in Dallas and the research center. But it wasn't necessarily an oil company. However, one of the names J.R. recognized was that of a man who held a substantial amount of West Star stock.

"Is it possible that West Star has connections in Hawaii?" said J.R. But what the hell would they be doing with anything in Hawaii. There's no oil out there.

Apparently J.R. had been in thought longer than he realized, as Doug Avant walked into his office.

"All right J.R. What do you need?"

"That was quick. Doug, I have a list of names and partial addresses here. I need you to look up each of these people and find out exactly where they live. I also want you to find out what they've been investing their money in. Look for credit reports and see if anything was spent in Hawaii. I want to know if any of these people spent any time out there. This may sound a little odd, but I want you to check to see if any of them has any connections with West Star. And as always, dig up a little dirt and look for some old skeletons in closets. You never can tell when that might come in handy. There's more. This has nothing whatsoever to do with that paper I found. I want you to find out everything you can on a little company here in Dallas called April Oil. It's owned by a woman named Michelle Stevens, but the original owner was her sister April. While you're at it, find out what you can about a son that April could have had. I can't tell you more than that, except that he would have been born sometime before 1986."

"Sounds like I've got my work cut out for me," said Doug.

"I have faith in you Doug. And don't forget, J.R. Ewing never forgets who his friends are…"

Doug grinned and J.R. joined in with a chuckle and his evil smile. As soon as Doug had left, J.R.'s intercom buzzed. "Yeah Judy?"

"Grant Starr is here to see you."

"Oh, send him on in." J.R. took another sip of his tea as Grant walked into his office. "Hello Grant, what brings you here today?"

"Remember those transactions with Petro-Tech you wanted me to make?"

"Oh yeah. You know Grant, I had almost forgotten about those. Did you do it?"

"Yes. You now own 17% of their stock."

"But Grant, the chairman owns 21%. That's not enough for me to do anything with. Now I told you I need that field they own."

"Woah. Hold your horses J.R. I have your answer and I think you're going to like it."

"Well, what are you waiting for," said J.R. impatiently.

"Your own brother owns 8% of the company. That's more than enough, when put with yours, to persuade the owner to sell that field to Ewing Oil."

"My brother? Bobby? Gary?"


"Oh Gawd. You don't mean Ray."

"Yes I do J.R. Ray Krebbs owns 8% of Petro-Tech."

"Then I'll have to persuade him to sell that to me. One way or the other, Ewing Oil has to have that field. It's all part of my grand scheme."

"Ray apparently used some of the money he got from the sale of his ranch and invested it in the company."

"Ray investing," J.R. laughed. "Imagine that. Well, thanks Grant. I'll take care of Ray."

"No problem J.R. If you need my services, just let me know."

Karen and Todd had been walking around the mall most of the day. Karen asked Todd to accompany her shopping, and he accepted. He had still not heard from Bobby Ewing, and was worried that the more time passed, the greater probability that Bobby would not help him get his mother's money.

"Karen!" Todd and Karen both turned around to see Eric Stone approaching them.

"Eric!" Karen was genuinely happy to see him. Todd didn't trust him. He had never met Eric, but ever since Karen filled him on the story involving the stripper Carla, and Christopher impregnating her, Todd had a feeling that something was amiss. He was glad to be able to finally meet the great Eric Stone that Karen was always blushing about himself.

"Eric," Karen said, "It's so great to bump into you! This is one of my closest friends, Todd Foster." Todd shook Eric's hands and feigned a smile.

"It's nice to meet you Todd," Eric said, a little suspicious of the nature of Todd and Karen's relationship. Todd could sense this, and decided to eliminate Eric's suspicions.

"Karen has talked about you a LOT, quite fondly." Todd made sure his tone gave Eric the impression that Karen discussed him in more than a friendly manner. "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to the restroom. I'll be back in a minute." Todd walked away.

Seeing Todd and Karen together, and the way Todd acted around Karen made Eric more confident that the two were not involved in the romantic sense. "He seems like a really nice guy," he said.

"Yeah. You and Todd have been the two biggest supports for me ever since this whole mess with Christopher began." Karen paused. "I still haven't talked to him. I really think I'm going to give him a call tonight." Karen was startled when Eric started coughing uncontrollably. "Eric, are you OK?"

Eric stopped coughing and nodded his head. Todd was making his way back to Karen and Eric, when he saw a girl approach Karen and tap her on the shoulder. Todd ducked behind a pole, within earshot of Karen, Eric and the girl.

Karen turned around in reaction to the tapping on her shoulder, and was not pleased to see Carla, the stripper that Christopher slept with, standing right in front of her. Eric spoke first. "Carla, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Shopping blockhead, what does it look like?" Carla was angry. She directed her words toward Karen. "Listen missy, I don't know what your name is, but you better tell Christopher to call me, because I have doctor's appointments for my—for our—baby that I want him to pay for."

Karen was mortified. "I can't believe you have the gall to tell ME this! Call Christopher yourself, you slut, because I'm sure as hell not going to talk to him! You two can both stew in hell for all I care!" Karen ran off in tears.

The extreme coincidence of Carla's appearance, combined with the fact that Eric and Carla spoke in whispered tones for a few seconds after Karen ran off confirmed in Todd's mind that this was all a hoax. Carla and Eric had to be in cahoots somehow so Eric could get Karen for himself. Carla walked off as Todd approached Eric. He played dumb.

"Where's Karen?"

"Did you see that trampy lady that just walked off? That was Carla, the stripper that Christopher slept with—I'm sure Karen has told you about her."

"Oh my God, that was her? What was she doing here?"

"Shopping I guess. She came up to Karen and said some pretty upsetting things, so Karen ran off. I told Carla what I thought of her, but I don't think it did any good." Eric was lying through his teeth. "We should probably find Karen."

Todd wanted to smile at Eric's complete dishonesty. He decided to be dishonest back. "What a bitch that stripper is! Well, I'm sure Karen will appreciate whatever it was you said to her. Let's go find her."

After searching for a few minutes, they found Karen sitting on a bench, wiping her tears. Eric spoke first. "Karen, I'm so sorry? Are you OK? I told that woman what she can do with herself."

"No, I'll be OK. It just brought up a lot of emotions seeing her. I realize how angry I still am."

"Is there anything we can do?" Todd asked.

"No, no. Thanks though. I think I just need to go back to the hotel for a while."

Eric immediately said "I can drive you home. Is that OK Todd?"

"Oh, it's fine." Todd turned to Karen. "Are you going to be OK?"

Karen replied "yes."

"OK, well then call me tonight or if you need anything. I'll see you later. Bye Eric, it was nice to meet you." Todd faked a smile.

"It was nice to meet you too." Eric replied. Karen said, "Thanks Todd. I'll call you tonight."

As Todd walked away, leaving Eric and Karen to talk, he knew that Eric would use this opportunity, when Karen was most vulnerable, to try and romantically insinuate himself into her life. Todd cared too much about Karen to let this happen. He could see in the way she often times, Carla encounters aside, would talk about Christopher. He knew that Karen still loved him. As well, Todd thought, if he could somehow get Karen and Christopher back together, wouldn't that make Christopher happy? And Christopher is Bobby's son, so what makes Christopher happy makes Bobby happy. And if I'm responsible for Christopher and Karen reuniting, Bobby Ewing may just be so happy that he decides to help me get my mother's money.

Judy, J.R.'s secretary, sat at an outdoor café in Dallas sipping a glass of tea. The storm that had raged on earlier had gave way to sunny skies. A hand on her shoulder startled her and she almost dropped the cup. "Oh my God! Jeremy!"

"You still do remember don't you Judy?" said Jeremy Wendell, taking a seat across from her. "Mind if I have a seat?"

"Oh no, go right ahead," said Judy in a sarcastic tone. "What do you want Jeremy?"

"I hope you haven't forgotten that you work for me. No, I'd imagine you haven't. The salary J.R. pays you would never pay the rent on that penthouse you're living in."

"Stop beating around the bush and get to the point. I have to be back at the office in a half-hour."

"My, is he only giving you thirty minutes these days? Times must be getting tough down at Ewing Oil."

"Jeremy, please."

"Okay. I need you to do some more spy work for me. Keep a close eye on J.R. If he's up to something, I want to know."

"Why now?"

"Because J.R. has been too quiet since he lost West Star. I know he must be planning something," said Wendell.

"For how long?"

"Just a few weeks. Until I find out what I need to know. You do want to keep that penthouse of yours don't you?"

Judy looked down. "Okay. I'll see what I can find out. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Good, you do that. Have a nice day Judy. Oh, and keep up the good work."

"Well! Sue Ellen. I wasn't expecting you to drop by. To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Now J.R., surely you aren't happy to see me."

"Of course I am," said J.R. walking over to her.

Sue Ellen reached out and pushed back his hands. "Don't even think about it J.R."

"What the hell? But I thought…"

"What you thought was wrong. Whatever I said to you in Hawaii I didn't mean. I was caught up in the moment. I thought I had lost you at the research center. You stayed in there so long."

"You don't mean that. I know you well enough to know when you mean something," said J.R.

"Obviously not."

"No matter what you think, I do love you Sue Ellen."

"How many times have I heard that one!"

"You're talking to a kinder, gentler J.R. Ewing."

"Oh yes, I'm sure. The kinder gentler J.R. Ewing who caused his son to be comatose for over two months? The kinder gentler J.R. who mercilessly swindled that same son out of his 25% of Ewing Oil ON his wedding day? On the wedding day that YOU ruined by scheming with Alan Beam!"

J.R. took Sue Ellen and kissed her. Putting her arms around him, she shut up. After a few seconds, Sue Ellen pulled away. J.R. was stunned as she slapped him. "You bastard!" She left the office, slamming the door behind her.

"She's definitely coming around," said J.R., walking out of the office. "Judy, I'll be back in a few minutes."

Ray had been driving around for some time, looking for potential ranches and his thirst had taken him into Dallas to one of his favorite bars, The Longhorn. He took a seat at his usual stool at the end of the bar.

"Your usual Ray?" said Ben, the bartender. He wiped off the bar with the rag he had brought over.

"Yeah Ben," said Ray.

A few seconds later, Ben was back with Ray's beer. "You're lookin' a little down in the mouth today. What's up?"

"Oh, a little of everything. You remember Donna don't you?"

"Who could forget a pretty little thing like her," came Ben's reply.

"Well she's back in town with our daughter."

"Is that not good?"

"Yeah, but my son, Lucas, doesn't get along with Donna and he seems to be the same way with Margaret."

"Ray, his Momma died just a few months ago. He's probably feelin' a little defensive about Donna trying to take her place."

"Oh thanks Ben, that's all I needed to hear. Especially after the dream I had."


"Yeah. It was about Jenna. But it was so real-and she was just taunting me. Telling me that it was too soon to be with Donna and all."

"I'm not tryin' to discourage you or anything, and everybody knows I ain't one of those psychiatrists, but maybe it's your conscience tryin' to tell you somethin'," said Ben.

"Maybe so," said Ray, taking another sip of his beer. "But Donna needs me. She just lost her husband and I know she misses him. Maybe she just needs some space…"

"I don't know Ray, maybe so."

"And on top of that, I feel like I'm just about worthless. I want to do something for myself."

"Are you tryin' to prove that you're worthy of being Jock Ewing's son?" said Ben. He knew exactly what Ray was trying to prove.

"You know me better than I thought," laughed Ray. "Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't take a percentage of Ewing Oil if J.R. offered it to me on a silver platter."

"Ray, I think Jock would have been proud of you."

"Really? I don't think so. Not at all."

"Well, who says you have to be in the oil business? I think there are plenty of ways you can do a little something for yourself."

"I'd better be going Ben. I promised Lucas I'd drop him off at a friend's house tonight. Don't want to keep my son waiting."

"Glad you stopped by Ray. Don't wait so long next time and don't be a stranger."

Ray laughed. "I'll try not to. See ya later Ben."

"Any calls left when I was gone?"

"None as of now J.R," said Judy, "but there is a visitor in your office."

"In my office? You let them go in there?"

"She said you wouldn't mind," said Judy.

"She?" J.R. walked toward his door and opened it.

His chair swiveled around. "J.R., glad you came back earlier today. I wasn't looking forward to the wait."

"Lucy, what the hell are you doing in my office? You know how I feel about that."

"Oh J.R., give it a rest. I have every right to be here."

"The hell you do. I don't care if you are my niece. I'll have you thrown out just the same."

"Go right ahead and try J.R.," said Lucy.

"Why the hell are you so smug?"

"Okay J.R. Let's cut to the chase. I now control 7.5% of Ewing Oil."

J.R. laughed. "Lucy, all those fights with Afton must finally be getting to you. I could have sworn I just heard you say that you control 7.5% of my company."

"J.R., I do own 7.5% of Ewing Oil, so you might want to start calling it our company now." Lucy handed over some papers to J.R.

He took the papers from her and glanced through them. "Oh my Gawd. He can't do this to me!"

"Yep J.R. My Daddy can do that. He owns 7.5% of Ewing Oil and he gave me control of it."

J.R. dropped the papers on his desk. "You can't get away with this Lucy. Don't you dare try to fight J.R. Ewing, because you'll lose."

Lucy stood. "Ta-ta for now J.R. I'm going to see which of these vacant offices' doors I'll be hanging the Lucy Ewing nameplate on." She smiled at J.R. For once, Lucy Ewing had finally gotten the best of dear uncle J.R.

"Can I get you anything to drink J.R.?" said Judy after Lucy had left.

"No thank you Judy. Maybe you could get me the number of a good pest control company."

Judy pretended to be baffled. She'd definitely have something interesting to report to Jeremy. "Will there be anything else?"

"Yeah, get Marilee Stone on the phone for me, but not for a few minutes. I've got another call to make for myself."

"Yes sir."

J.R. pulled out his rolodex and look up Gary Ewing's current number. He picked up the phone and dialed.

Come on, come on, Gary, you sorry excuse for a Ewing! Answer, damn it!

Just as J.R. was about to hang up, a voice came from the other end of the line, "Hello?"

"Gary? That you, boy?"

"Yes, JR. What do you want?"

Son, you know exactly what I want! Don't play coy with me! JR thought. "What do I want? I want to know what's possessed you to give Lucy, of all people, power over 7.5% of my company, that's what I want!"

"Our company, J.R. And it was perfectly within my legal right to do so."

"Well, that may be, little brother, but right or no right, you've got to fix this! I can't waste my time every day having to brief that daughter of yours on every move I make!"

"J.R., Lucy hasn't been a child for many years now. She's grown into a mature woman and she deserves this opportunity."

"Well, then, why don't you move her to California and let her destroy YOUR company, Gary!" GAWD, Daddy must be rolling over in his grave , J.R. thought as he said, "I tell you … if our Daddy was alive to see this--"

"Hold it right there, J.R. I don't want to hear another word about Daddy, or my past, or anything else! You don't control my strings anymore, J.R. I've made my peace with the family and with Daddy's memory and you can't take that away from me."

"So, I guess now it's your turn to take from me? Is that it? I mean, hell, it was bad enough that you let that ex-wife of yours get her claws into Ewing Oil and now THIS! And you call yourself a real Ewing!"

"Another word like that, J.R., and I'm going to be on the next plane to Dallas to show you what a Ewing I can be! In the mean time, though, I suggest that you have a chalkboard installed in your conference room. It sounds as if you and Lucy are going to be having many, many classes together. Good-bye, J.R."

A shrill dial tone rang in JR's ear as he shouted into the phone, "Gary, damn you! I'm not done with you yet, boy. It'll be a cold day in hell before I let you ruin my Daddy's legacy like this!" He slammed down the receiver. A few seconds later Judy buzzed him, informing him that Marilee Stone was on the line.

"Well, hello Marilee," said J.R., calming down a bit after his confrontation with Gary.

"Hello J.R."

"It's been a while. I don't believe I've seen you since the Halloween ball at Southfork."

"That would have probably been the last time we talked. So if it was that long ago, what makes you call me today?"

"I'm having dinner at the Brass Bell tomorrow. Care to join me?"

"For what? Are we discussing business," Marilee paused, "or something more personal?"

J.R. laughed. "Same old Marilee. Probably a little bit of both. Can you be there at 12:30?"

"Sure J.R."

"I'll see you then Marilee. Bye."

"Goodbye J.R."

J.R. hung up the phone once more and then picked it back up, dialing another number. "Well, hello. I wanted to get a chance to speak to you before you got started. Just play everything smoothly and you'll be a very wealthy woman. I'll talk to you later."

Phase one of his master plan for Ewing Oil had begun. Lucy was just a small thorn in his side. Nothing J.R. Ewing couldn't handle. And maybe what Doug found out about the research center could help him as well. He let out a Cheshire grin and took a seat at his desk. J.R. had a busy day planned.

Karen had been doing remarkably well since her encounter with Carla in the mall. However, she could not stop gushing about how great Eric was, something that concerned Todd. The two had gone out to dinner together, and Todd had just dropped Karen off in her hotel room. He was surprised when he bumped into Christopher Ewing coming down the hall.

"Hello Christopher." Todd said.

Christopher did not seem to be in the greatest mood. He was jealous of Todd, for he knew how much time Karen was spending with him. "Who are you? What do you want with my wife?"

"It's nice to meet you too. My name is Todd Foster." Christopher did not offer up his hand for shaking when Todd did. Something about Todd's name struck recognition with Christopher. His mother and father had been talking to him at dinner one night, and mentioned the name Todd Foster. He was preoccupied at the time, and couldn't remember exactly what they had said.

Todd could see the vague sense of recognition on Christopher's face, so he decided to address it. "I'm sure your father has mentioned me. I'm April Stevens' son."

Immediately, Christopher remembered exactly what his father had said. April's son had come to town with interest in getting his mother's money, with Bobby's help. Christopher had not thought much of it, until now. Todd spoke before he could say anything else.

"I don't believe in beating around the bush Christopher. I have no interest in Karen. We're just friends."

Christopher was still suspicious. "My father's mentioned you. I know why you're in Dallas."

"Then that should curb any suspicions you have about my interest in Karen," Todd replied. "If I wanted Bobby Ewing to help me get my mother's estate, why would I try to steal his son's wife?"

Todd's words stuck with Christopher. He had a point. Todd continued. "Christopher, I met Karen one day randomly in a park. We just struck up aimless conversation and soon learned that we had a huge connection—your father. That led to more conversation and we became friends. But my feelings only run that deep. Nothing romantic. I promise."

Christopher was beginning to believe him. From what his father had said, Todd was very anxious to get April's money. It really would be a stupid move to make an enemy out of him by stealing Karen, because Bobby would have no reason to help Todd. "You've got a point. I'm sorry I was rude Todd. It's nice to meet you."

Todd smiled. "Christopher, I've got to be honest with you. Now is not the best time to see Karen. She had a run in with Carla the other day at the mall, and it got her very angry. She needs some more time to cool off I think."

"I need to talk to her! I feel like I haven't seen her or talked to her forever without fighting."

"I know. She wants to talk to you as well, but right now I can tell you is not the best time. Call her tomorrow or stop by then. I mean, you can talk to her now, but we just came from dinner and I don't think it would be the best idea."

Christopher looked disappointed, but still determined to see Karen. "I really need to talk to her Todd. I appreciate your concern though."

"OK, you need to do what you need to do. But there's something you should know. Eric Stone is moving in on Karen. He wants her-it's obvious." Todd paused. "I have a suspicion about something. I think Eric Stone set you up."

"What?" Christopher said.

"I think he set you up. Karen has told me the whole story about the night at the Oil Baron's where Carla showed up. It's too convenient. Plus, Eric was there at the mall when Carla was rude to Karen. Karen ran away in tears, and Eric stayed behind for a moment, talking to Carla. Almost as if they were plotting something."

"I don't believe this, Christopher said. "Well, believe it. Eric has been taking Karen out to dinner all the time, and providing a shoulder to cry on. Karen is beginning to look at Eric as more than a friend, Christopher."

"Oh my God. I've got to tell her how I feel. I can't lose her." Christopher was near panic.

"Don't stress too much. She still loves you. I can see it in her eyes and the way she talks about you. She's just hurt right now." Todd paused. "Christopher, I have a plan that would expose Eric for the manipulations that he's pulled. I care too much about Karen to let this continue, and she obviously still loves you. You seem like a nice guy. But before anything can happen, I have to ask you. Did you sleep with Carla?"

Christopher wanted to lie and say he hadn't slept with her, but if Todd was going to help him, he should be honest.

"Yes, I slept with her. I don't know if the baby is mine either. I was drunk. It was New Year's Eve and Karen was spending the night with a friend of hers—my cousin. But regardless, I love Karen. I've tried to tell her the whole story, but she's gotten too angry each time. I love her so much. I want her back."

This was not what Todd wanted to hear. But he was too determined to win Christopher Ewing—and thus Bobby Ewing's—good opinion to give up. "OK," Todd said. "It's good that I know that. This shouldn't effect my plan."

"What exactly is your plan?" Christopher asked.

"It's best to keep it on the down-low for now. I know you just met me, and it's difficult to trust me, but please try. If it helps, just remember that if I screw you over in anyway, I screw my chances to get my mother's money. I've got to get running, but I will give you a call. It was great to meet you." Todd smiled and walked away. Christopher knew he was crazy, but he trusted Todd. Regardless, things could not get any worse than they were.

Ray slowed down a bit as he drove through one of his favorite sections of Dallas-actually it was on the outskirts of town. He stopped in front of what was one of his favorite places to go back in the 70s and 80s. The sign no longer said Cattleman's Club. As a matter of fact, the old sign with the longhorns on top had been replaced by a modern neon sign. The Cattleman's Club had gone out of business in the mid 80s and had been the home to several types of restaurants and clubs since then. The sign, in bright neon blue, now said "The Indigo Club." Next to the word indigo was the hourglass figure of a woman. It was a strip club.

Forgetting about his promise to Lucas, Ray parked his truck and went inside. God, how could they take a respectable place like the Cattleman's Club and turn it into a dump like this.

He walked in and glanced around the room before going to the bar. He took a seat and ordered another drink. The bartender had it out to him within a few seconds time and Ray thanked him. "Any chance I could talk to the owner?" said Ray to the bartender.

"Nope, he's busy right now. Anything I can help you with?"

"Don't think so. I just need to talk to him."

The man sitting next to him got up and walked out. J.R. might just want to know about this…

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"DALLAS: Return to Southfork" is copyright ©1998 & 1999 Return to Southfork. "DALLAS", its characters, logos, and pictures found within this site are ©1998, 1999 Warner Bros./Lorimar Productions. This page is not affiliated in any way, shape, or form with Warner Bros., Lorimar Productions, CBS, TNN, or the cast/crew of "DALLAS." The characters used in these fanfictions are owned by the above companies, and use by the authors is purely for enjoyment purposes only, as nothing of monetary value is made from these stories.... just fans having fun. No episodes or images from this website may be used without prior permission from the site owner. The pictures of actors/actresses are by no means representative of their approval of this site/fan-fiction and are used for illustrative purposes only. No infringement is intended on anyone or anything.