Episode 43

Mothers, Daughters, Sons, and Fathers

Ellie Ewing Farlow

Christopher Ewing

Bobby Ewing

Sue Ellen Ewing

J.R. Ewing

Donna Dowling

Karen Ewing

Ray Krebbs

John Ross Ewing

Clayton Farlow

Pamela Rebecca Cooper

Afton Cooper

Pam Ewing

Lucy Ewing

Also Featuring

Cliff Barnes

Mark Graison

Todd Foster

Michelle Stevens

Scottie Demerest

Eric Stone

Melissa McSween


Jessica Montford

Featuring the Writing Talents of:

Jack McLaughlin

Jesse Murray

Nicole Richard

Justin Stiles

Episode 43: Mothers, Daughters, Sons, and Fathers 

Todd sat in his motel room, smoking a cigarette and flipping through the channels. He would give Bobby one more day, and then he would call him to see whether he could enlist Bobby's help or not. Todd was startled by a knock at the door. Hoping it was Bobby, he went to answer it.

Answering the door, with a cigarette in hand, Todd was not expecting the stinging slap of Michelle Stevens to rip across his face.

"You little bastard!" Michelle cried. "How dare you come to Dallas!"

Todd was confused, but more pissed off than anything else. "Excuse me, but who are you?"

Michelle stormed into the hotel room. "Where is he? He put you up to this didn't he?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Todd was about a second away from throwing this psychotic out himself.

"J.R. I know he found you, and paid you to come here. Well J.R. can be damned because you are not getting any of my money!"

Ah, Todd thought. Michelle Stevens. Normally he would try to handle this interaction with tact, for the sake of making any legal proceedings easier, but she had pissed him off way too much for that.

"Well, well," he said. "If it isn't Auntie Mame? How's it going Michelle?" His tone was flippant and condescending.

"Don't play cutesy with me you little weasel. Bobby called and told me about you. There is no way in hell that he is going to help you get April's money—MY money. You're a crook, and Bobby will never help you."

"Oh really? And whom exactly do you think he is going to side with? The poor little orphan or the colossal bitch?"

Michelle just shook her head in contempt and disgust. "April should have listened to me and aborted you."

Todd feigned hurt. "Ooh, that would cut deep had I actually given a crap about your opinion." He was fuming. "Now get out of here right now before I call the cops."

Michelle stormed over to the door. "Mark my words. You will never see a dime of that money."

"I'm sure you're trying to make me scared, which P.S. isn't working, but you can be quite sure that I am not going anywhere. I will get that money, if for nothing else than to make you really mad. Now make like a fly and buzz off." Todd slammed the door in her face, and swore to get every penny away from that mega-bitch that was his aunt. No matter what it took.

Pam was sitting on the couch, reading when suddenly another memory hit her. She was so lost in it, that she didn't hear Bobby leaving for his workout.

"Hush my sweet baby, don't say a word, Cause Momma's going to buy you a mocking bird." She rested her cheek against the top of the baby's head and began to weep. "It's time to go, Mrs. Graison."

Pam slammed the journal shut. "Why NOW?"

She rested her head in her hands and felt a pain behind her eyes start to spread. "Why am I remembering this now? What does this all mean?"

A worried voice broke through her worried thoughts. "Mom, did you say something?"

Pam looked up and smiled. "Christopher!"

He came and sat down with her. "Dad let me in."

Pam studied her son closely for a moment before speaking, and not for the first time she was left wondering if the little boy she adored was still there, hidden within the shadows of the young man. "Been awhile since we talked."

Christopher nodded. "I know and I apologize for that." He paused and smiled. "I haven't even said my congratulations on the baby."

Pam smiled. "Your Dad is thrilled." She reached out and laid her hand on his. "Christopher."

He knew where that was about to lead and he smiled. "I'm all right with the baby. I'll admit that it would have upset me more when I was younger." He winked. "But I'm an adult now."

Pam looked away. "We've never spoken about what you went through when I was away."

Christopher allowed the hurt to show for the briefest of moments, as he remembered the day his father told him that they were going to be getting a divorce. "I just felt that was in the past, the main thing was that I found you and I had you back."

Pam shook her head. "Christopher, I never meant to hurt you, or your daddy. But unwittingly, I did. That's the one thing I wish to God that I could undo."

Bobby stood in the shadows of the doorway and listened as Pam began to talk about that.

"At first, all I had wanted to do was to come home. To beg for forgiveness from you and your daddy." She wiped tears from her eyes. Bobby's eyes widened.

"The drugs turned me into a zombie and it killed me when Katherine started gloating that Cliff had met with a lookalike, and he believed all the lies she had been fed to say to him. There were only two people in the world who knew me inside and out. One was led to believe I chose to leave him and our child." Pam's pretty eyes shadowed. "The other..." She shook her head. "The other is gone and so is now beyond blame."

Bobby came walking into the room. "Cliff never told us that he saw a lookalike."

Pam smiled sadly, stunned to see Bobby back from the gym that fast.

"I didn't think he would have."

She went to the window and both men watched as she distractedly placed her hand on her stomach. "But the main thing is that I'm home, and we can start putting the pieces back as they were meant to be."

She smiled. "I dreamt of a happy family and in a few months, it will be."

Bobby glanced at their son. "What about you? How's Karen?"

Christopher ran a hand through his hair. "I wouldn't know."

Seeing the surprised looks on his parents faces, he explained properly, about Karen, and the new baby, and about West Star.

Pam wisely stayed silent and allowed Bobby to discuss with their son about how he wanted to handle things. He let Christopher know that both he and Pam would be there for him if he needed to talk, which Christopher gladly took the offer up for.

Christopher stepped out into the hallway and his thoughts flashed back to just a few days before…

After completing his signature on the documents Christopher thanked Mr. Lauder. Lauder wished Christopher the best of luck and the two men shook hands. Lauder turned to leave the building and Christopher returned to Scottie's office with his copy of the documents.

"Mr. Demerest thank you for your help this is all so unbelievable" said Christopher.

"That it is" said Scottie "you are quite fortunate and wealthy Christopher, but with that fortune and wealth comes a lot of responsibility."

"I know I have been thinking a lot about that."

"Well you are a fine young man Christopher and I am sure you will do well."

"Thank you I have had a good role model," said Christopher with that glint in his eyes again. "Well let me get going Mr. Demerest I am sure you have a lot to do."

"OK Christopher remember to say hello to your dad for me."

"I will," replied Christopher. The two men shook hands and Christopher left the office.

It wasn't until later in the afternoon, when Pam looked up from her pregnancy book that she spoke on what their son had said.

"Bobby, how much longer before we move home to Southfork?"

He smiled. "Getting excited to decorate the nursery?" He leaned over and laid his hand on Pam's still flat stomach.

She grinned. "Well there is that." She brought his hand up to kiss it before shaking her head.

He studied the intensity in her eyes. "What is it Pam?"

"Since the first night home in Southfork would be such an important family gathering. I think Karen should be with us."


"No, I want the family together. It would be a chance for the two of them to speak. If I had to, I'd speak to her. Christopher is so stabilized when he's with her. She's so good for him."

Bobby shook his head. "The pregnancy hormones are kicking in."

Pam shot the pillow she had been resting against at him, hitting him dead center.

"That is NOTfunny."

He started to laugh, "Oh I think it is.

The laughter was cut short, thanks to Pam's lunging for him. As he fell back on the couch, Pam kissed him. "I just want Chris to be as happy as you and I are."

"Eric, I'm really glad you agreed to come spend some time with me."

"Well I'm never too busy for my good friend Lucy. After all, it was you who first showed me around when I came to town. Who could forget your 'Southfork Tour'."

"I actually needed your advice," Lucy said to Eric.

"Oh? On what? Hopefully not romance. I'm not the biggest expert on that. Now if it's business…"

"You guessed it. It's business."

"Ah. What did you do? Buy a company?"

"No, I didn't buy a company. But I do control 7.5% of a company."

Eric smiled. "Lucy the big executive."

Lucy threw the pillow she was holding at Eric. The two were sitting on the couch in Lucy's Dallas apartment. "The company is Ewing Oil."

"Woah. Ewing Oil? Finally taking a hand in the family business?"

"Please don't laugh Eric! That's why I need your help. I'm in—finally after all this time, but it's like having a gun and not knowing how to shoot it."

"Why don't we discuss it over dinner?" said Eric.

"I'm not much in the mood to go out in public right now," said Lucy. "Hey, how are you at cooking?"

"Cooking? Me?"

"Yeah." Lucy grabbed Eric's hand and led him into her small kitchen. "We should be able to whip something up."

"Lucy, I've never cooked anything in my life!"

"Well now is the time for you to learn, Eric Stone." Lucy pulled out a package of dried spaghetti noodles as well as a pan. She filled the pan with water and put it on the stove to boil.

"I'm finding it a little hard to believe that a Ewing knows how to cook!" said Eric.

"Yeah yeah. My Grandma happens to be a wonderful cook. I've picked up a few tips from her. Now, let's make meatballs…"

"Ellie. I am sorry I left you alone so long, but I just couldn't find any tissues," Clayton said as he entered the visitation room.

Damn you Clayton! Jessica put the gun back into her purse and quietly left the room.

"Dusty was such a handsome young man," said Ellie. Suddenly another thought hit her. "Clayton, I don't know if I should mention this or not, but isn't Jessica going to be here?"

"No. No, it's best that Jessica stay where she is. God only knows what kind of danger we could be in if she were out…"

"Oh my God," said Sue Ellen after hearing the sound of the gunshot.

"All right men," said Mack, "we're going in." He led the way and six men, armed with guns, went inside the building. Melissa McSween had managed to use her clout with the Dallas P.D. to get a ride to the island on one of the helicopters. She had heard from them about what was happening there. Melissa walked over to where Sue Ellen and Afton stood.

The five minutes that they would have to wait--unknowing of what went on inside, would seem like an eternity.

J.R. scrambled to his feet. Instinct had told him to get down, but there had been only one shot fired. The sound of it still rang in his ears and his head throbbed a bit from it. Mack and the other officers ran around the corner to him.

"Are you all right Mr. Ewing?" asked Mack.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just startled me a little."

"Which direction did the shot come from?"

"Right up there," said J.R., pointing. He followed them into the first room.

"Oh jeez," said Mack as he surveyed the inside of the room.

Lucy now stood with a box of cake mix before her, trying to make sense of the directions.

"Isn't that cheating Lucy?" said Eric.


"Well you're supposed to make it from scratch."

"All's fair in love and cooking," Lucy said with a laugh. She proceeded to pour the mix into a bowl and added a half-cup of water.

Eric wiped his hands on a cloth. "I think the first thing you need to do is go to J.R. and inform him that you will now be working with him."

"Oh I can't wait for that."

"Then get your office, find a secretary, the usual."

"I know all of that!" Lucy said as she flung a bit of batter at Eric. It landed in his hair.

"Oh no! You didn't get that in the hair," said Eric. With his spoon, he got part of the batter and catapulted it toward Lucy. It struck her in the face.

Before either realized what was happening, a food fight had been started and batter, eggs, flour, and the whole works were sailing across the kitchen. Eric chased Lucy across the room, but he slipped on an egg and fell to the floor, taking Lucy with him.

Lucy looked into his eyes and wanted to kiss him. He moved toward her, but pulled back at the last second. Eric stood and looked around the kitchen. "Well. We've got a mess to clean up now, thanks to you Lucy Ewing!"

Lucy stood, slipping on some of the batter and fell back to the floor. Eric extended his hand and pulled her up, both of them laughing. "I say we forget this cake—or what's left of it. Besides, the spaghetti is done."

Sue Ellen's face brightened when she saw her son walking out of the building—he was okay. She ran to him and put her arms around him, holding him close to her. "Oh John Ross, thank God you're all right."

"I'm fine Mom."

Afton ran over to where they stood, looking toward the door. "John Ross! Is Pamela Rebecca all right?"

John Ross looked at her, "She…"

"Pamela!" Afton hugged her daughter tightly as she came outside.


"Yes honey, it's me."

"What are you doing here?"

"I've been here for a while. I had to come help my baby," said Afton, getting tearful.

"Momma, you haven't called me that in a long time," said Pamela Rebecca.

"Because I haven't realized it myself honey. You and I have grown so far apart these past couple of years—it never should have happened. Even though you're leading a life of your own now, you're still my baby. It's taken almost losing you to help me see that."

"I love you Mom. I know I haven't been around that much lately. I didn't go see you when you lost the baby…I didn't give you any support when the trial was going on…"

"Don't worry about that. It's all behind us. Let's just focus on the future from now on and try to do better," smiled Afton.

John Ross spotted Melissa standing by herself as he hugged his mother. "Mom, excuse me for a second."

"John Ross, is your father okay?"

"Yeah, he's fine," said John Ross. Sue Ellen walked to the door, waiting for J.R. to come out.

"Melissa," said John Ross.

"Oh John Ross. I was so damned worried about you!" said Melissa in a half-teasing sort of way.

"Sorry Melissa. I was worried too…worried that I might never get to see you again." He tried to kiss her.

"John Ross, no, not here. Pamela Rebecca is here," said Melissa.

"She knows about us Melissa."


"When we were inside…with Akbar. She told me that she saw us in the hot tub together."

"Oh no."

"No, she told me it was okay."

Melissa stopped asking questions and let John Ross kiss her. Pamela Rebecca watched them. "John Ross, if you think that's okay, then you'd better think again. I'm not letting you slip away from me that easily. I've worked too hard to get you. That bitch is going to have one hell of a fight on her hands."

"What's that Pamela?" said Afton.

"Nothing Mom…nothing at all."

Sue Ellen walked inside the building, looking for J.R. He was talking to several of the officers. When he saw her, he excused himself and walked over to her. "Sue Ellen…"

Sue Ellen put her arms around J.R. and kissed him. J.R. was astonished, but he didn't resist. "J.R., when I heard that gunshot, I thought I had lost you or our son. When John Ross came out, I knew it hadn't been him—but I thought you might have been shot or maybe even killed. There is something I should tell you—something I should have told you back in 1996 when I came back to Dallas for your "funeral". I felt this same feeling back then when I found out that I had "lost" you. There is so much you don't know about the time I was living in England with Don Lockwood. You don't know how I missed you, or how much I longed to be living at Southfork with you. You and me at Southfork with our son—happy. No Mandy Winger, no Kimberly Cryder. Just you being faithful to me..."

J.R. stood silent…still in shock. "Sue Ellen. I've tried to change in the last few years. Your leaving made me realize what my womanizing ways had done not only to me—but to you as well. I didn't think I'd ever behold the moment where you'd be saying all of that to me."

"Mr. and Mrs. Ewing, we need to get off this island as soon as possible. Another storm is coming through and it's going to be worse than the first one."

"All right. J.R. looked at Sue Ellen and they had a silent agreement to finish their conversation later.

Lucy sat on her couch and Eric sat in the recliner. Both were transfixed on the television as the late night movie played. It was a suspense and both were anxious to find out who was poisoning the main character. They both groaned as a commercial break began.

"It's not your ordinary show," said a voice on the television. "Tune in to Dallas Dish with Afton Cooper, premiering on Monday, April 5."

Lucy groaned. "I can't believe the nerve of some producers. They actually think Afton has talent enough to run her own talk show? Ha!"

"You and Afton really have some kind of rivalry going on," Eric said, munching on some popcorn."

"Well, I'd like to forget it exists," said Lucy, "but Afton seems hell-bent on getting revenge on me for my affair with Cliff."

"Are you going to watch Dallas Dish?"

"Do birds fly? Of course I'm going to watch it. I'm anxious to see what that bitch can do when she's got a whole show to screw up."

Eric laughed. "I think I'll go home after this movie. I'm afraid I've already worn-out my welcome."

"Aww, you could always stay after the movie and maybe watch a Jenilee Harrison infomercial with me!"

"What? Lady Montford isn't in her room?"

"No Dr. Duvall. Do you think one of the nurses took her down for some testing?"

"No, she didn't have any tests scheduled. I think we have an escapee on our hands."

"Okay. I'll warn some of the security guards. A lady her age couldn't have gotten far…"

"And you don't have any idea who killed Akbar?" said Mack, staring at the body.

"John Ross said the gunshot came from the doorway. He and Pamela Rebecca had their backs to the door and Akbar was facing it. I think the only people who know are Akbar and the person who shot him. Akbar won't be any help, but maybe we can find who killed him."

"And you don't think J.R. shot him?"

"No, that's impossible. J.R. didn't even have a gun."

"This is hopeless. We'll bring them down to the station for questioning, but this isn't going anywhere. We'll release them and they'll leave Hawaii. Case closed."

"We could send some men out into the jungle to search for whoever killed him."

"No, I don't think so. That storm is coming up. Whoever shot him is probably long gone. They could be at the resort or they could have left by boat."

"I don't think there's a jury that would convict whoever did it anyway. Akbar was going to shoot the girl. Akbar's killer saved her life."

"We'll see what we can do, but I don't think we have anything to go on."

Cliff Barnes shut and locked the door to his room at the resort. He was wet and tired and longed for Lucy and a shower. He realized the gun was still under his belt and he took it out, dropping it onto the table. He had killed a man, even though he had saved his daughter in the process. Thank God she hadn't seen him. The whole ordeal was just one big string of coincidences…well, not all of it. It wasn't a coincidence that Akbar just happened to find the research center—The Clifford Group Research Center. Akbar had once been an employee who had worked there, but then went to the Mid-East to start his own company, taking with him many of the Clifford Group's secrets. He had used those research secrets to create his own oil machinery—the most technologically advanced in the world. Cliff had been furious, but was determined to keep his ownership of the Clifford Group a secret. He and John Ward had fought Akbar the best they could. They had taken over most of his company and became the owners of many acres of oil rich land in Saudi Arabia. Akbar lost his company and the Clifford Group engulfed it, leaving Akbar poverty stricken. Though Cliff hadn't followed the last bit of the story, Akbar had apparently tried to get money by selling dry oil fields to John Ross. Akbar had known that Pamela Rebecca was the daughter of Cliff Barnes. She had been his target all along—at least that's what Cliff thought. No one would ever really know—Cliff's gun had put an end to that.

"What do you think of Victoria?" Pam waited for a response, and when there was still silence, she tried again. "How about Kristina? Rebecca Eleanor ?"

Bobby came out of the bedroom, toweling his hair. "Sorry honey, what did you say?"

Pam looked up from the baby book. "I was trying out some names. I was asking you what you thought." She smiled and tried to tug at the towels. "OBVIOUSLY, you weren't listening."

Bobby smiled. "Your really getting into this." He came and sat with her. "But you do realize that there is a very good chance that this baby your carrying could be a boy." He laid a hand on her stomach.

"What about Alexander?"

"What do you think of Alexander?" Pam looked up and smiled. "Its nice."

Mark smiled and came to sit with her. "I like it. Alexander Marcus Graison."

Pam smiled and rested her head on his shoulders. "Gee, I wonder why."

Bobby grew worried. "Pam?"

She smiled. "I'm sorry. Did you say something?" He grimaced. "It can keep for a minute. Pam, are you remembering more?"

She shook her head. "I just felt dizzy." She looked at him. "What were you saying?"

Bobby searched her face for a moment and decided that she was alright.

"I wanted to talk with you about April." Stunned, she nodded. "What about her?" She laid down the baby book.

"She had a son. His name is Todd." He paused at the worried look in his wife's eyes. "He ISNT my son."

Pam held up her hands. "I never said a word.

Bobby smiled. "No, you didn't. BUT, your eyes said it for you." He went over and put his robe on.

Pam listened to what he told her in silence, that Todd had searched him out and what he had told him about wanting to get what was rightfully his.

"So will you?" She looked over at him. "Bobby, are you going to help Todd?"

He glanced over at her. "I don't want to cause you any stress, your in a delicate condition."

Pam made a face. "Bobby, I'm PREGNANT not sick. Dr. Bader and Dr. Danvers say that I'm perfect. The baby is doing wonderfully and why would you even think that helping this boy would do me any harm?"

He smiled and came to sit with her, propping some pillows behind her for her back. "Call me silly, call me paranoid. But this is a first baby for me too and I just want to make sure that he, she or IT is healthy and happy." He leaned in to kiss her.

He broke away with a grin. "Same goes for the mother to be."

They stared at each other for a moment before Bobby grinned. "Grover."

Pam's eyes widened. "Pardon me?"

He leaned over to plant a kiss on her stomach. "Since right now, we obviously don't know who this is. We need a name, can't go around calling it IT."

Amused, Pam nodded. "This is true."

"So we'll call it Grover."

"Bobby James Ewing, I swear I have this strange feeling, your going to be a bigger baby than the baby."

The morning was cool and cloudy, looking as if a storm might pop up at a moment's notice. Ray pulled his truck into the parking lot next to the cemetery. He stepped out and frowned as he glanced up at the sky. The clouds almost seemed to ram into one another in an angry fight. Better make this quick.

Ray had not been to see Jenna's gravesite but once since she killed herself in October. He had basically forgotten about her—at least until the dream. Now Ray felt the need to go there, though he really didn't know why. Maybe he owed at least that much to his late wife. He walked around the tombstones and bouquets of flowers. Thunder rumbled in the distance and Ray picked up his pace. He had almost passed her grave before he realized it, and he spun around, facing it.

Ray stooped looked at it. Jenna Wade Krebbs. For the first time since her death, the thought really sunk in. Ray did miss her. He now remembered her as she had been before—when they had first met. He remembered their marriage and how he had been tangled up with Connie Hall—how Jenna had been understanding. What kind of man am I? I went to Donna right after Jenna's death.

It was then that Ray noticed the fresh flowers on her grave. I wonder who put those there? At least someone cares enough for you to do that. I wish you were here now—I could tell you how sorry I am-- The sound of a twig snapping caused Ray to reel around.

"Oh my God—Jenna?"

Bobby found Pam pouring over some papers.

"What's that?"

He reached over her to take it from her. "A birth certificate?"

She nodded. "It came this morning with the rest of the mail."

She looked up. "It's a joke. Bobby it HASto be. Why would I been put as the mother?

As he re-read the certificate, he was trying hard to ignore the accusatory note from the night before that was playing over in his mind…

"How well do you really know your wife? You need to know the truth about Pamela's missing years, Mr. Ewing, your wife is not as truthful as she appears..

He shook his head and laid it back on the table. "Pam honey, it seems legit."

She began to get upset. "Bobby, if this IS what it says. I would have remembered giving birth to a baby." She began to cry. "I KNOW I would have."

She started to get up when she suddenly doubled over. Bobby's eyes widened as he ran to her side. "PAM!"

Screen freeze on Pam and Bobby...

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"DALLAS: Return to Southfork" is copyright ©1998 & 1999 Return to Southfork. "DALLAS", its characters, logos, and pictures found within this site are ©1998, 1999 Warner Bros./Lorimar Productions. This page is not affiliated in any way, shape, or form with Warner Bros., Lorimar Productions, CBS, TNN, or the cast/crew of "DALLAS." The characters used in these fanfictions are owned by the above companies, and use by the authors is purely for enjoyment purposes only, as nothing of monetary value is made from these stories.... just fans having fun. No episodes or images from this website may be used without prior permission from the site owner. The pictures of actors/actresses are by no means representative of their approval of this site/fan-fiction and are used for illustrative purposes only. No infringement is intended on anyone or anything.