
Christopher Ewing

Bobby Ewing

Sue Ellen Ewing

J.R. Ewing

Ray Krebbs

John Ross Ewing

Cliff Barnes

Afton Cooper

Jenna Krebbs

Anita Smithfield

Lucy Ewing Cooper


Also Featuring:
Karen Beam

Lucas Wade

Pamela Rebecca Cooper


Mitch Cooper

Patricia Sheperd

Alan Beam


Sly Lovegren


Written By:
Patrick Ross

Justin Stiles


Marilyn Taylor


Release Date:
"Marriage Ewing Style" was originally released on Friday, May 29, 1998.

Lucy Ewing Cooper made her way down the winding staircase in the house that she used to call home. Returning to Southfork was always a trying thing for her. It always filled her with a mixture of emotions, both good and bad. This time, the memories that flooded through her mind as she walked down the stairs caused her to look within herself.

She remembered playing as a little girl…

"Lucy!" Miss Ellie scowled, "how many times do I have to tell you! No sliding down that banister, you're going to get hurt!"

Lucy also remembered that moment of truth, standing in this very hallway in her wedding dress, waiting impatiently to marry the man that she loved, Mitch Cooper. She thought about all of the men in her life…some that had been good choices, but most that had been bad…Eddie Cronin, Peter Richards, Mickey Trotter, Roger Larson, Alan Beam, Mitch, and the many others she had been with.

It was late afternoon and another summer thunderstorm had popped up, a low growling thunder sounded nearby. Lightning lit up the ranch and outside, the cowhands were busy rounding the horses up into the barn. Lucy stopped to peer at some of the family photos that lined the walls and covered the various tables. One of Gary and Val caught her eye—her parents, proudly standing together, smiling…happy. A large picture of Bobby and Pam stood next to it, next to that stood J.R. and Sue Ellen's wedding photo. Lucy had only been at Southfork for a few hours, yet all the memories came flooding back to her in a matter of seconds.

"Well Lucy Ewing!" said a soft voice, startling her.

Lucy whipped around, thunder popped again, drowning out her voice. "Oh my God, Jenna! What are you doing here?" replied a surprised Lucy.

"Ray, Lucas, and I live her now, at least for a while."

Lucy walked to her and the two women embraced. "Oh," said Lucy still somewhat stunned. "That's nice. I'm living here too."

"Oh? Is Mitch living here with you?" asked Jenna.

The happy look on Lucy's face was suddenly erased. Looking to the floor, Lucy replied. "Well, no." She looked back up at Jenna. "We've separated."

"Oh Lucy," replied Jenna, "I had no idea. I'm so sorry."

The two women heard a noise as another clap of thunder sounded. They turned to see Bobby at the door, struggling to manage some luggage. He was soaking wet from the storm and rain blew in the house."

"Well, hello," said Bobby, very much surprised.

"Bobby," said Jenna uncomfortably, "Hi."

"Hi Bobby," said Lucy cheerfully.

"Well, how do you like this! I leave Dallas for two weeks and look at how things change."

Bobby dropped his luggage and gave Jenna and Lucy a wet hug. "Gee, thanks Bobby," said Lucy.

"So, why are you two here?" asked Bobby.

"Well, why don't we get some dry clothes on and we'll explain over dinner," said Lucy.

"Ok, that sounds like a good idea to me. I'm starved."

Bobby grabbed the dripping luggage and walked up the stairs, leaving a trail of water behind him. Jenna watched him as he walked up the stair. "Well, I'm going to my room to freshen up a bit before dinner," said Jenna, "this humidity doesn't do a thing for my hair. I'll see you later Lucy."

"Ok Jenna."

In Amarillo, the storm had passed and it was hot, humid, and sunny. Amarillo always was one of Ray's favorite towns. It was one of the few remaining places in Texas where he could still find people that lived by the old traditional values that made Texas so special. And now, for the first time, he was able to show his son Lucas the way of life that was so important to him.

"Dad, I can't understand a thing that man says," complained Lucas. The two sat in the viewing stands at the same cattle auction that Jock and Ray often attended together back in the good old days. Ray looked intently at the cattle currently being paraded and Lucas picked at a taco that they had gotten at the concession stands.

"Well Lucas," laughed Ray, "that's just something you've got to learn."

"I don't know if I even want to learn this Dad," said Lucas, "I'd rather be back home playing video games."

"Tell you what…We'll go back to Southfork and see if we can't find some of John Ross' or Christopher's old video games."

"That would be fun, I like to ride too…"

"Ok, then you can play with the video games for a while, then we'll ride the ranch. There's a cow that's about to bring in a calf, we need to check on her anyway."

"Cool!" Ray and Lucas eased their way through the crowd and went out into the sunny Amarillo afternoon.

Sue Ellen sat behind her desk, flipping through applications submitted by hopeful secretaries-to-be. She was finishing some last minute business at Ewing Oil, though still very much upset over having lost the rest of J.R.'s conversation. A bright flashing light lit up the office and a deafening clap of thunder sounded. The lights flickered on and off in the building and after one bright flicker, the building went dark and Sue Ellen sat alone in the dark.

"Well," said Sue Ellen throwing an application onto the desk, "looks like that's all the work for today…unless I can find a candle."

At that, the emergency generators whirred to life in the basement and the blinding light dazzled Sue Ellen. After a few minutes, her eyes adjusted and she continued reviewing the applications. Another clap of thunder rang in her ears as she came across a most interesting application.

"My goodness," smiled Sue Ellen, "Sly Lovegren." Sly had been J.R.'s most loyal servant for almost ten years. If the ever-demanding J.R. Ewing relied on her, then why couldn't she? "Hmm," she pondered. Sue Ellen picked up the phone and dialed as the torrential rains beat against the glass windows of the Ewing Oil building.

The Oil Baron's Club wasn't quite the same anymore. It had come under new management several months back, and what was once a posh supper club, serving hearty meals to men with dirty fingernails and loads of money, was now a product of the calorie conscious nineties. At least that's what the current owners might have its customers to believe.

"Afton! I don't know why we continue to eat at this place," whined Cliff as he and Afton picked at their food.

"We come here to be seen dear," Afton remarked. "It is a nice change from all of those egg rolls and won-ton soup you are so fond of."

While the Oil Baron's Club had undergone many changes, some things remained as they were. The image of Dora Mae standing at the front by the door, menus in hand, greeting guests, and Cassie serving drinks, continued.

"Good evening Mr. Ewing," said Dora Mae.

"Hello Dora Mae," said J.R., "I don't believe you've met my son John Ross. John Ross, this is Dora Mae, the prettiest hostess in all of Texas."

"Hi Dora Mae," said John Ross.

"Hello John Ross," smiled Dora Mae. "You usual table Mr. Ewing?"

"As always."

"Right this way."

As he proceeded through the dining room, J.R.'s eyes locked on Cliff's. It had been at least three months since they last had met. "Well, if it isn't old Barnes," said J.R.

"Oh, this is wonderful! Absolutely terrific! The perfect ending to a perfect meal."

"Where have you been hiding?" laughed J.R., "did you finally decide to slither out from under that rock you've been hiding under for so long?"

"J.R.," said Afton coldly, "if you don't mind, we're trying to have dinner here."

"Oh? Is that a fact…Personally, I don't see how you can sit that close to Barnes without losing your dinner. But then again, from a tramp like you, what could we expect?"

"All right J.R. That is just about enough from you," said Cliff standing.

"Cliff," said John Ross, "I'm really sorry for this."

"Don't apologize for that father of yours John Ross. I want to hear it from him."

"Well, that's something you'll never hear Barnes."

By then, most of the people in the Oil Baron's Club had stopped eating to watch J.R. and Cliff fight it out.

Afton stood up, "Cliff, I think it's time we leave."

"Nonsense," said Cliff. "This is one time I'm not backing down to a Ewing."

"I've grown bored with this myself," said J.R., "come on son, let's go to our table."

John Ross and J.R. left Afton and Cliff standing at their table and they reached their own table where Dora Mae took out their chairs. Father and son placed themselves at the table and J.R. glared back at Cliff.

"I'm sorry you had to witness that son," said J.R.

"Well Dad, let's forget about it. I'm hungry."

"One thing though John Ross," J.R. said, his eyes fixed on his son. In a low, serious tone, he continued. "I will never correct you in public, no matter if I think you are right or wrong. I expect the same in return from you."

John Ross, his menu in hand, looked up at his father, shocked at what he had said.

Sleep at Southfork was difficult that night. It remained hot, but the storm continued well on through the night. John Ross sat up in bed and looked at his bride-to-be. A clap of thunder popped, waking her up. "What time is it?" she said.

"A little after 3 a.m. Are you as nervous as I am? I can't even sleep."

"I'm past the point of being nervous. I'm worried that something is going to go wrong. Lucy told me all about the Southfork Wedding Jinx."

"Oh no," laughed John Ross. "I don't believe that and neither should you."

"I know we're going to be married tomorrow John Ross. These doubts are normal for any couple about to take the plunge."

"Plunge…hmm. Maybe we should stay away from the Southfork pool," laughed John Ross.

"Good idea." The two managed to get a few more hours of sleep before morning came.

Jane the maid was up earlier than usual, preparing the biggest breakfast she had to fix since she began working at Southfork. She served scrambled eggs to all that had ordered them and went back into the kitchen to bring the coffee out.

"So, Bobby," said Sue Ellen, sifting through her plate. "Are you planning on returning to the office today?"

"No. I think I'll hang around here today. Ray and I were going to ride the ranch together."

The comment started Ray, who was busy working on four flapjacks. "And we should get a move on soon Bob. Let's get the tough work done before the real heat starts."

"Bobby, we were supposed to have a meeting today with Wynan Fuels. Please don't tell me you forgot about it."

"Oh, Sue Ellen," Bobby replied, "I forgot all about that."

Sue Ellen lifted her coffee cup and put it to her pursed lips. "That's okay Bobby." It was obvious to everyone that she was not impressed. "I'm sure I can handle it myself."

Sue Ellen managed to fake a smile, but threw a look at Bobby, wiped her mouth, and got up and left the dining room.

"Well," said Lucy holding a half-eaten piece of toast. "After all these years, we still haven't lost that Ewing touch."

"Excuse me," said Bobby. "But I'd better go talk to her."

Bobby got up from the table and went upstairs after Sue Ellen. Just as Sue Ellen was about to apply the lipstick to her lips, there was a knock at her bedroom door. From her vanity mirror, she could see it was Bobby.

"Sue Ellen, look, I'm sorry," apologized Bobby.

"Bobby, what are you talking about?" she replied, going back to the chore of applying lipstick.

"Sue Ellen, I-"

"Bobby!" Sue Ellen whipped around. "I said it's OK. I'm sure I will be able to handle the Jack Wynan deal myself."

"Sue Ellen, I'm sorry, I really don't know what came over me, I...I didn't mean for that to happen," said Bobby.

"Bobby, that's quite alright," said Sue Ellen grabbing her purse, "I'll see you tonight at dinner."

At that, Sue Ellen turned and left the room, a smile slowly spread across her face.

J.R. had finished his breakfast on pancakes and went into the living room where John Ross had taken a seat. He sat down next to his son. "John Ross, you were quiet at breakfast. Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, I'm just a little nervous. There's something I need to tell you."


"Karen and I are changing the wedding date. We're going to be married tomorrow."

"John Ross," said J.R. in a surprised tone, "that doesn't give me much time to…to get everything ready."

"I know, but it's not important that it's the biggest ceremony the Ewings have ever seen. We just want to be married."

"Well, if it will make you happy…Ok son, I'll inform the caterers. By the way, I missed your little bride at breakfast. Where is she?"

"Karen left early this morning to do some shopping for the wedding."

"Is that a fact…"

"I've got a few things to do myself," said John Ross, "I'll talk to you later."

John Ross left and J.R. walked upstairs and entered his room, shutting the door behind him. He went over to his dresser and pulled out his cellular phone to make a call, but the "low battery" indicator flashed. "Damned piece of junk," he said. J.R. picked up the other phone and dialed Ratigan's number. "Ratigan, it's J.R. John Ross has changed the wedding date. He's marrying that Beam girl tomorrow. What have you accomplished on this?"

"You'll see tomorrow at the wedding. Don't worry, it's been taken care of."

"Good," said J.R. laughing, "that's exactly what I wanted to hear."

Sue Ellen Ewing grabbed her purse and entered the Ewing Oil building. When she arrived at the office, she found Sly waiting for her. "Hello Sly," said Sue Ellen extending her hand. "Why don't you come in my office."

"Hi Sue Ellen. Good to see you again."

Sly followed Sue Ellen into her office and took a seat across the desk from where Sue Ellen sat. "How have you been?"

"Fine Sue Ellen."

"We haven't talked since…"

"Since I called you and told you all about J.R.'s plan to fake his death in 1996."

"That was a great help to me Sly, I'll always appreciate that. I'd love to have you work as my secretary. You proved yourself then, that you were no longer on J.R.'s side. Welcome to Ewing Oil Sly, that is, if you'll take the job."

"I'd love the job, thank you Sue Ellen."

"It will be a great asset to the company to have an experienced secretary like you with us. Now, I have my first job for you. Here's my calendar, I'd like for you to arrange a meeting with Alex Fischer some time next week. His number is in the address book."

"Ok, I'll get right on it." Sly left the office and shut the door behind her. She sat at her long time desk and picked up the phone. "J.R., its Sly. I'm in Ewing Oil."

"Good darlin'," said J.R.

"I have to go before she comes out, I'll be in touch."

"You do that Sly," said J.R. hanging up the phone. "This is turning out to be a better day than I ever imagined.

Cliff Barnes had been having a dream, one in which he had started a new oil company. His oil company had become the largest independent in Texas, much to the dismay of J.R. He awakened suddenly when he heard Afton drop a pan in the kitchen. The dream had disappeared and Cliff was snapped back into reality. He got out of bed and stumbled into the shower. Ten minutes later, he was sitting in the Barnes kitchen with a large stack of pancakes in front of him.

"You know Afton," said Cliff. "I had a dream just a while ago and it made me realize that I am bored with my life…"

"Cliff!" said Afton. "Do you mean you're bored with me?"

"No! I'm just bored. I dreamt that I was back in the oil business and whipping J.R.'s ass. It made me realize that I want back in the business."

"Oh Cliff! That's great!" exclaimed Afton. "You've been wandering around this house like a lost soul, now, you're going to have something to strive for. I can see the old fire back in your eyes."

"Well, I had no idea you'd be this happy! You're happy, I'm happy, so I think I'll go look for an office today."

At that, the doorbell rang and Afton went to open the door. Mitch stood outside and upon seeing his sister, he swept her into his arms. "Hey Sis!"

"Mitch!" she said happily.

"It's good to see you again."

"Hello Mitch," said Cliff, wiping his mouth.

"Hi Cliff, have you been taking good care of my sister for me?"

"Of course I have," said Cliff, "come on in and have some breakfast."

Pamela Rebecca arrived at the airport to pick up Christopher and found him already waiting for her. He recognized her, waved, picked up his luggage, and walked toward her. "Christopher!" she said happily, "I've missed you so much."

Christopher took Pamela Rebecca into his arms. "It's so good to see you again Pamela."

"Well, you're home now…and guess what?"

"What?" asked Christopher curiously.

"It's your cousin, he's getting married tomorrow."

"John Ross?"

"Yes, of course it's John Ross, are you surprised?"

"Not really," laughed Christopher.

"We'd better get going. My Mom is cooking supper for you tonight," said Pamela Rebecca.

"That's great," said Christopher. "Let's go."

Karen, hands full of shopping bags, stumbled into the entryway of Southfork. She looked to see J.R. standing at the top of the staircase. "Well Karen," he said, "I see you've been busy today."

"Yes I have J.R., I want this wedding to be perfect."

"Well don't worry your pretty little head. I'm sure it will be."

"J.R., if you will excuse me, I have a lot of work to do," said Karen, slightly irritated. J.R. struck her as pretentious…there was more to him than what met the eye.

"Ok, you go right ahead. Don't let old J.R. stop you."

"Thanks, I won't," said Karen, pushing past him.

"Poor thing…if she only knew that her wedding wasn't ever going to happen."

Sue Ellen walked in. "What's that J.R.?"

"Oh, I just said that I can't wait for this wedding to happen."

"And neither can I. Speaking of which, Karen, Lucy, Jenna and I have a lot of work to do to get ready for the wedding tomorrow." Sue Ellen walked past J.R. and made her way upstairs to find the other women already at work.

Christopher sat at the table, next to Pamela Rebecca. He had always liked his Uncle Cliff, despite J.R.'s influence. Afton was nice and she was also a pretty good cook. She served him a steak and he thanked her.

"Anything else Christopher?" asked Afton.

"No thanks, I'm fine."

"Christopher, sometimes I wonder how in this world you lived with J.R. Ewing for all those years without taking on at least some of his traits."

Christopher laughed. "J.R. isn't that bad…most of the time."

"Cliff!" said Afton, "how can you say something like that."

"Well, I didn't mean any harm. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if Pamela Rebecca were to date John Ross though."

"That will never happen," laughed Pamela Rebecca. "John Ross is nice…for a friend, but I know who I want to be with."

"Who would that be? Anyone I know?" said Christopher.

"Maybe," teased Pamela Rebecca.

Afton smiled at her daughter and remembered her first teenaged love and her first date, times that didn't seem that long ago. "Do you two have any plans for tonight?"

"Well, I have to get back to Southfork. I haven't stopped in yet to see everyone. Speaking of that, it's getting late. I should leave now. Mrs. Cooper, the meal was great and I enjoyed it."

"Ok Christopher," said Afton, "you'll have to come back sometime."

Christopher excused himself and stepped out onto the porch with Pamela Rebecca. The sun had just set and there were veins of red-orange going across the sky. The only sounds that could be heard were the chirping of the crickets and the sound of the gentle breeze blowing through the trees.

"Pamela, I really enjoyed the dinner tonight."

"I enjoyed having you here. I guess I'll see you at the wedding tomorrow?"

"You bet. Goodnight," said Christopher, gently kissing her.

Pamela watched as Christopher turned and walked out to where his cab waited.

John Ross, Bobby, J.R., and Ray stood outside at Southfork, amidst several other friends of John Ross that had come to the bachelor party. Music played and the night was warm, but not hot. Christopher's cab pulled up near the garage and Christopher stepped out, luggage in hands. One of the servants greeted him and took the suitcases inside. Christopher walked around to the pool where the other men were gathered. "Christopher," said John Ross, "Welcome back. I'm glad you could make it. I left a message about the wedding with your roommate, but he said you had already left."

"Yeah, Pamela Rebecca told me about the wedding."

"Well, hello son," said Bobby.

"Hi Dad," said Christopher.

"Well well well," said J.R., "it looks like the Ewing men are all back at Southfork."

"Welcome back Christopher," said Ray.

"Hi Ray, what are you doing here?"

"Jenna and I are going to be staying here for a while."

"So, I expected you back in time for dinner," said Bobby, "what took you so long?"

"I was having dinner at Pamela Rebecca's house."

"That's nice son, but don't you think you should have called?" asked Bobby.

"Of course not Bobby," said J.R. "He's no real Ewing, going off like that and having dinner with Barnes, that Pamela Rebecca slut, and her trashy mother."

"Now J.R.," said Ray, "I think that's about enough of that."

"J.R.," said Christopher, "go to hell."

"It's the truth. That Pamela Rebecca is nothing but a gold-digging slut. I'm surprised she hasn't tried to sink her hooks into John Ross yet."

Christopher walked closer to where J.R. stood and punched him with all of the strength he could muster. J.R. was sent sprawling backwards into the pool. A loud splash echoed throughout the night. "Now Christopher," said J.R., spitting out pool water. "Didn't you Daddy ever teach you not to go hitting on your uncles like that?"

"J.R.," said Bobby. "That only applies to Gary and Ray. You don't count."

Ray, Bobby, and Christopher turned and went inside. The other guests watched in awe of what was happening while John Ross stood and looked at his dad floating in the pool. "John Ross, I'm glad you stayed. You're are a true Ewing. Now how about giving me a hand out of here?"

"Don't count on it Dad," said John Ross as he turned to follow the others.

The women all sat on the floor of Karen's bedroom upstairs at Southfork, unaware of the pool incident that had just occurred. Jenna passed Karen a wrapped box and Karen began opening it. She pulled out some lingerie and blushed as she held it up. "Jenna, thanks. Maybe this will come in handy," she laughed.

"I could tell you a few things about lingerie," said Sue Ellen laughing as she thought about her revenge on J.R. and Mandy Winger when she had purchased Valentine Lingerie.

"Oh?" said Karen.

"Maybe some rainy day," said Sue Ellen.

"This one is from me Karen," said Lucy handing over a gift bag. "It's more of a 'Welcome to Southfork' gift than a wedding gift, but nevertheless, it will definitely come in handy with J.R. around."

Karen smiled uneasily, wondering what was in the bag. She opened it and to her surprise, it was a watch. "Thank you Lucy."

"Set your alarm for 7 p.m. That way, you won't be late for dinner. I caught hell from J.R. for being late last night."

The women laughed and Sue Ellen spoke next. "I'm presenting my present tomorrow at the wedding. It's actually more for John Ross, but it will ensure that you always have plenty of money to buy things like this Karen."

"Well, I can't wait to see what it is."

Karen awakened before sunrise. The nervous feeling in her stomach had kept her awake most of the night, so it was a relief to get outside. She had been meaning to explore the ranch a bit, and now was the perfect opportunity for her to do so. Outside, the caterers were busy preparing for the wedding. Karen heard a horse whinny out in the barn and anxiously walked toward it. Horses were something she had always loved, though she had rarely ridden. She also heard a voice and went inside to see who it was.

"Hi," said Christopher, when she entered the barn, "If you're here for the wedding, then you're a little early."

Karen laughed. "Yes, I'm here for the wedding…I am the bride. Are you one of the cowhands?"

"Oh no, don't I feel stupid. John Ross should have introduced us! And no…" laughed Christopher, "I am Christopher Ewing, Bobby's son."

"Now it's my time to feel stupid. I'm Karen Beam…soon to be Karen Ewing."

"A new Mrs. Ewing and I'm just meeting her," said Christopher putting down the pail he was carrying. He shook Karen's hand. "Nice to meet you Karen."

"It's nice to meet you too. You must like horses. I love horses, but I really don't know how to ride."

"It's easy to learn. Maybe I could teach you sometime. I was about to go back inside for breakfast. We're eating early today because of the wedding."

"I would like that. I'm going inside too," said Karen, turning to the barn exit. "Wow, what a sunrise!"

"There's nothing like a Texas sunrise…except maybe a Texas sunset," said Christopher.

"I love this ranch," said Karen smiling.

John Ross? Are you okay?" came Christopher's voice. He walked into the room where John Ross prepared for the wedding.

"Oh yeah. Just a little nervous."

"Well, the wedding starts in an hour. Oh…and Grandma just called from Europe. She and Clayton won't be able to make it, but she sends her best wishes."


"She's recovering from a bad case of the flu."

"That's too bad, I wish she could have been here."

"Well, I'm going to see if Pamela Rebecca has arrived yet. See you later."

Something Christopher had said caused John Ross' mind to wander to a few months before. He shook his head to get rid of the thoughts he was having.

J.R. peered out the window, watching as the caterers put the last minute touches on the wedding decorations. He had begun to get nervous himself, but for a different reason. "Why the hell is Ratigan waiting so long to stop this wedding," he said to himself.

Lucy Ewing Cooper ran by, almost knocking him over and went outside. To her astonishment, she ran into her husband Mitch. "Oh my God…Mitch. What are you doing here?"

"Maybe I should ask you the same thing Lucy. I thought you were back at our house in Atlanta."

"Well, I did mention to you that I was going on a small vacation."

"I had no idea you'd be here Lucy. I needed a little time away so I'm staying with my sister. I'll leave the wedding if you want."

"Oh no, that's okay. I don't mind you being here," said Lucy. "But I'm very busy. Maybe I'll talk to you later." Lucy brushed past Mitch and walked out to where the crowd was gathering.

John Ross stood in front of his mirror, adjusting his tuxedo. A familiar face appeared in the mirror. "Hello John Ross!" said a woman dressed in pink.

"Grandma! Hi." Said John Ross. "I didn't know you were coming."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," said Patricia Sheperd.

"I'm glad you're here."

"They're starting soon, I thought I was late. You should get down there. Let's go."

"Ok Grandma."

John Ross took Patricia's hand and the two walked downstairs.

"J.R.," said a voice, "It's Ratigan."

J.R. turned around, startled by the voice. Ratigan, you scared the hell out of me."


"What are you doing in that ridiculous caterer's outfit?" said J.R.

"It's part of the plan…trying to keep a low profile."

"Well, it's about time you got here. Why hasn't this wedding been stopped already?"

"Now J.R. It wouldn't be any fun if we stopped it right now would it?"

"Ratigan," said J.R., "I don't care when this wedding is stopped, as long as it is stopped."

"Don't worry J.R. I have a big surprise in store for Karen."

"Great," laughed J.R., "I knew you would."

"Attention," broke in Bobby from across the pool. "I"d like to toast the future couple, may they have a happy wedding day and a happy life together."

"Well," grinned J.R. to Ratigan. "I'm not opposed to John Ross having a happy marriage, just as long as it isn't to Alan Beam's daughter."

"I also have a little announcement," said Sue Ellen. "I have a gift I'd like to present to my son and his wife."

"Now what is she up to," said J.R.

"I'm giving John Ross 25% of Ewing Oil…that is if you'll take it," she said looking at her son. "I have the papers here right now, ready to sign."

"Mom, I'm flattered…but I don't know much about the oil business."

"You'll learn. I'll help you."

John Ross smiled and took the pen from his mother, signing the paper in front of the crowd.

"And with that," said Sue Ellen, "my son, John Ross Ewing III is now a partner in Ewing Oil. Let's get this wedding started."

There was a loud sound of applause from the audience. Everyone took their places and the wedding march played. Sue Ellen was still extremely suspicious about what JR was up to. As she was escorted down the aisle, she kept her eyes on him. Her baby, the child that she had longed for and had taken seven years to conceive, was getting married. He had brought all joy to her life. At some times, he was all she lived for. Certainly JR wasn't much to live for. She thought of all the important men in her life. Dusty, Clayton, Clint, Nick, Don, and even J.R. Maybe her suspicions were incorrect…maybe J.R. wasn't up to anything. "Get real Sue Ellen," she thought to herself. She took her seat and turned to see the bride.

"Sorry Karen, you'll never be in this family," said J.R.

"Did you say something JR?" asked Sue Ellen.

"I was just saying, Darlin', that it'll be so nice to have Karen in the family."

"Mmm yes, I'm sure you and her will become very close, but it better not be THAT close. Even for you that is low!"

John Ross watched as his soon-to-be bride elegantly strode down the aisle. He was hoping this would prove his mother wrong about the Southfork Curse. How he loved Karen... He would be different from his father. Part of him still resented J.R. for being so cruel to his mother. She was not only a wonderful woman, but she was caring mother. He would not cheat on Karen like his father did to Sue Ellen. He had only made a few mistakes in his life, and those had been during his wild months of college. He flushed them out of his mind as his bride met him at the patio.

"Did your parents make it," asked John Ross.

"I called, but there was no answer..."

The priest began the marriage ceremony. It was going smoothly and the Ewings remembered their own weddings.

JR said to himself, "Hopefully, John Ross will find a beautiful woman to marry" and he remembered how beautiful Sue Ellen was on the day of their wedding. But even better, he remembered the wedding night, the night he had waited for for years. He snickered.

"Shhh!" Sue Ellen said as she remembered the second wedding to J.R. when everyone ended up in the pool.

"I should have taken that as a warning!" she said to herself.

The priest signaled and the nuptials began. The day was turning out perfectly and Sue Ellen eased back in her chair and figured she could rest for the moment. The priest asked the ever damaging question if anyone objected to the wedding and thank goodness, nobody did. He took a moment to talk about marriage and how wonderful it was to see people brought together in love. He proceeded to ask John Ross if he'd take Karen to be his wife and he exclaimed, "With all of my heart" and then the priest asked Karen if she'd take John Ross to be her husband….

She replied "I-"

There was a scream. "No child of mine will take anyone by the name of Ewing for a husband!"

The crowd turned and a look of shock crept upon all the faces. The face was older, but still recognizable by some of them.

Sue Ellen, visibly upset turned to JR. and asked quizzically, "Who is THAT?"

J.R., with his evil smile creeping on his face explained, "Why darlin' I'd recognize that face anywhere! That's Alan Beam! Now what the hell is he doing here."

Pamela Rebecca dropped Christopher's hand and put her hands to her face, "Oh, oh God no, not now, please...please don't let this have anything to do with that, not on his wedding day...," she gasped.

Alan Beam ran up to John Ross and punched him, the crowd gasped and Alan shoved John Ross into the pool. "You bastard!! You low down pile of scum! You're just like your father and I HAVE PROOF that this wedding cannot continue!!!"

Credits Roll

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