Episode 9


Christopher Ewing

Bobby Ewing

Sue Ellen Ewing

J.R. Ewing

Ray Krebbs

John Ross Ewing

Pamela Rebecca Cooper

Cliff Barnes

Afton Cooper

Jenna Krebbs

Pam Ewing

Gary Ewing

Lucy Ewing Cooper

Val Ewing

Also Featuring

Karen Beam

Charlie Wade

Robert Stockton

Sly Lovegren

Anita Smithfield

Lucas Wade

Muriel Gillis

Clayton Farlow


Ellie Ewing Farlow

"Revelations" was originally released on Saturday, August 8, 1998.

After almost a month, readers got to see what happened with the cliffhangers. Several characters were eliminated for the new season, including Alan Beam, Mitch Cooper, Sly Lovegren, and Patricia Sheperd. A note about this episode: Sly was originally supposed to have the run-in with Robert Stockton, not Anita. This was changed before release though. We find out that Bobby and Jenna are still alive and the woman at Southfork is Pam.


* * * *
(4 Stars)

Rating System

One Star -- Episode was poor, definitely not one to print out!

Two Stars -- This episode was okay

Three Stars -- This episode was good, but isn't a classic

Four Stars -- Great episode!

Five Stars -- This one will go down in RTS history!

Episode 9 

People began to come out of their houses and stand on their porches to watch what was happening at the Barnes' house. Red and blue lights reflected off of windows and cast a blinding light up and down the street. Faint whispers and hints of gossip could already be heard as police cars filled the driveway and an ambulance came screeching to a stop on the front lawn. Inside, cops were spread throughout the house, four or five in the bedroom, a couple in the living room, and three in the dining room with Afton, an unusual number for such a late hour. Some seemed disappointed to have been drug away from their post in Dunkin' Donuts to come investigate a possible fatality in a middle-to-upper class neighborhood.

 "OK, ma'am, so let me get this straight. He comes through the door, lunges at you, and tries to strangle you. That's when you shot him?"

 "Yes! We've been through this before!" Afton said, frustrated and tired.

 Cops dressed in uniforms wandered through the house, from the living room, Cliff's body could be seen lying on the floor in the bedroom, blood stains adorned the carpet surrounding the body that the paramedics were putting on a stretcher.

 "OK, well we're gonna have to take you down to the station for questioning."

 "What? I told you, it was self defense! Why am I going to jail?!" Afton exclaimed, afraid of going to a place she didn't belong.

 The officer sitting across from her said something into his radio, then asked Afton to stand up, while he handcuffed her. He explained that this was just procedure, and she wasn't being charged with anything yet, that she was just being taken down for questioning. Afton felt her world spinning around in a giant circle, everything was falling apart. She felt light-headed and dizzy, then the world dark as she collapsed to the ground.


The doors of the ambulance burst open, two paramedics got out with a stretcher. A body lay on the stretcher, hardly recognizable under the oxygen mask and tubes. "We're losing him!" shouted a paramedic. The paramedics sped into the hospital and through the hallway, where a team of doctors was waiting. The stretcher disappeared into the emergency room, the doors clanging shut behind.


Every eye in the room was fixed upon the woman crying on the floor. No one spoke, they all stared dumbfounded. JR dropped his glass, causing it to shatter on the floor. Sue Ellen, her mouth gaping, walked toward the woman. She stopped before her. The face was different, yet still recognizable....It was Pam. Pamela Barnes Ewing.


 Silence filled the room....only the ticking of the clock in the hall.

 "Pam? Is that you?"

 Pam lifted her head, tears streaming down her eyes. "Oh Bobby..." She fell back to the floor, crying.

 Sue Ellen stood up, in a state of shock. "Gary, why don't you carry her up to bed?"

 Gary stooped and picked up Pam. He carried her upstairs, followed by Sue Ellen. Gary put Pam on the bed, where she continued to cry. "I think she needs some rest, meanwhile, we'll talk to Christopher," said Sue Ellen. She and Gary walked back downstairs and joined everyone else.

 "Christopher," said Ray, "what the hell is this?"

 "It's a long story," said Christopher distantly. He stood silently for a few minutes before speaking up again. "The day I get my Mom back, I lose my Dad." Chris turned and walked slowly upstairs, in a daze, leaving everyone to draw their own conclusions.

 "We can only hope that Bobby and Jenna are two of the missing people, and that they're alive somewhere in the Alps," said Ray. "There was a bad snowstorm today, as soon as it's over, they're sending out another search party. I'm flying back to Switzerland tomorrow morning."

 "I'm going with you Ray," said Sue Ellen, "don't tell me I can't because I'm not taking no for an answer."

 "Sue Ellen," said JR, "Pam's going to need you here when she wakes up. I think you should stay."

 "I guess you're right, I should stay. But promise you'll keep us updated Ray."

 "I will."

 A loud scream echoed through the house. "Oh my God, Pam!"

 Sue Ellen ran up the staircase and went into Pam's room to find her hysterical. "Pam, it's Sue Ellen, calm down. What's wrong?"

 "He's going to pay for doing this to me, I swear he will if it's the last thing I do!"

 "Who? Bobby?"

 "No..." Pam was couldn't continue, reduced to uncontrollable sobs, she eventually drifted off to sleep. Sue Ellen hesistated, turned off the light and left the room.


In a small high-rise office in Downtown Dallas two men sat and discussed the matter of revenge.

 "Dad, I know how bad you want revenge on JR..." "I told you not to call me dad during this," he hissed.

 "Sorry, as I was saying, I know you want revenge on JR, and I think I've got a way to accomplish this." Stockton said, in deep thought.

 "Well, what do you have in mind?"

 "Well JR's son was in a bad car wreck last night, and his brother's plane crashed in the Alps last night," Stockton said, a smile coming over his face, this was almost too easy.

 "Yes I know all this but hows it going to help me get my revenge on JR for making me rot in prison for all those years?"

 "Well I think JR will be very busy at home, and possibly depressed about the recent events."

 "Ah, so while he's depressed, we move in and buy shares of Westar right out from under him."

 "Exactly, then when we have enough we'll move to have you elected to the board at Westar and vote JR out as President and you in."

 "I love it! JR will never know what hit him. Did you set up the dummy corporation? Exactly the way I told you to?"

 "Yes of course I did."

 "Good, good, we can't afford any mistakes on this."

 "Trust me the only mistakes anybody's gonna make on this is JR by letting his guard down."

 "Well I'll drink to that."


The first light of dawn appeared somwhere between when Bobby woke up and fell back asleep again, now he was awake. He poked Jenna and told her to wake up, she didn't respond, he poked again, no response. He put his head to her mouth to discern whether she was breathing or not, she was. Bobby breathed a sigh of relief, wiped his brow, and looked around at the rest of the remains of what was the plane. Seats were strewn about as if a tornado had touched down, some seats were missing and there was a jagged, gaping hole down the center of the floor. Bobby looked back at Jenna, then got up and walked around to see if anyone else was alive. Everyone was dead except for two other people, a black man who was wearing a straw hat, as if he expected to arrive in Hawaii at any moment. The other survivor was a teenaged boy with a gash on his arm. The boy reminded him of himself when he was his age, Bobby smiled a bit and walked over to the boy.

 "Are you ok son?" Bobby asked, walking slowly toward him.

 "Yeah, my arm hurts like hell though. My name's Craig." He said wincing as he moved his arm to a more comfortable position.

 "I'm Bobby," he replied, smiling and extending his hand.

 "Nice to meet you," the smiled faded, he looked around and asked, "man what's going on here, is anyone else alive?"

 "I think it's just you, me and two other people." Bobby said, surveying the remains of the plane. "Come on over here, I can try and get you something for that arm, it looks bad. You know when I played football way back in the stone ages..."


The sun crept up behind Southfork, splashing radiant beams of light across the gently rippling water of the pool. The whole ranch was quiet, even the horses. Valene slid open the large glass door and walked out into the hot morning. She was startled when Ray and Charlie walked from around the side of the house.

 "Good mornin' Ray, Charlie," Val smiled.

 "Mornin' Val."

 "Good morning," said Charlie distantly.

 "Are you leaving already?"

 "Yeah Val, we've got to get back to Switzerland. They're sending out the next search party in the morning and I want to get there before dark."

 "Good luck, they just have to be alive," said Val, shielding her eyes against the now blinding sun. "It was nice meeting you Charlie."

 "Nice meeting you too, I just wish it had been under better circumstances."

 "Well, we'd better be going in we ever want to make this flight, it leaves in 45 minutes, come on Charlie. Bye Val."



Ellie sat in her den sewing when the phone rang. "Clayton, can you get it?" The phone continued ringing. "Clayton?" she called out again. "Oh,guess I have to get it..." She picked up the phone "Farlow residence. Ellie speaking."

 "Mama, it's Gary."

 The sound of Gary's voice startled Ellie. "Gary? Oh dear... I haven't heard from you since..."

 "December.... What can I say, what with Val and Betsy and Bobby, I've been up to my neck. But that's not why I am calling you. I am at Southfork right now...." Gary began.

 The look on Ellie's face turned to concern. "Oh no... is there a problem?"

 Gary's tone changed to one of sorrow. "Actually Mama, there is."

 "It's not J.R. again is it? What did he do this time-who did he swindle?"

 "No, not J.R. Mama..."

 "Yes Garrison?"

 "It's Bobby."

 Ellie began to get teary eyed, and put the phone to her heart. She grabbed a tissue to wipe the tears away. "Gary, what has happened?"

 "There was a plane crash, in Switzerland. Bobby and Jenna were on the plane, from what we've heard it was a really bad crash...there appear to have been no survivors, but then again, there are a few missing... Ray's gone over to check it out... none of us are holding our breath."

 "Oh..." the tears came faster and Ellie became somewhat flustered. "How is Christopher handling it? His father is all he has..."

 "Christopher is fine, Mama. As fine as one could be in his situation. He's been out of town, just got back and--"

 "That's all I need to hear, Gary..." Ellie said. "Clayton and I will be on the first flight out in the morning. If you hear ANYTHING, contact Christina and she'll get the word to us. Bobby will be in my prayers."


Valene walked into the house to pick up the ringing phone. "Hello?" she said.

 "Valene, this is Sue Ellen, I'm at Dallas Memorial."

 "Dallas Memorial?"

 "Yes, I didn't even have time to let you know I was leaving, but the hospital called....it's John Ross, he was in an accident. JR's with me."

 "Oh my God, first Bobby, and now John Ross," Valene dropped the phone to her chest for a few seconds, and then picked it back up. "How is he?"


 Valene detected a silence on the other end. After a few seconds, JR picked up the phone.

 "Hello?" It was JR's voice.  "JR, how is John Ross?"

 "Oh, it's you. Do you really care Valene?"

 "Of course I do JR."

 "I don't think so, now stay the hell out of this, it's none of your business." JR slammed the phone down.


Bobby finished bandaging Craig's arm, he looked at Jenna and frowned.

 "Is she gonna be okay, do you think?" Craig asked following Bobby's gaze.

 "I sure hope so..."

 A sound, like the rushing of wind in a storm came from above what used to be a passenger plane. Bobby ran outside, looked up and saw two planes circling overheard. He waved his hands high in the air, but to no avail, the planes soon swung back and disappeared between two mountain peaks. "Damnit." Bobby walked back inside, frustrated and discouraged.


Pam Ewing walked out of her bedroom, looking around, disoriented. She stumbled down the stairs and into the living room. "Where am I?" she said to herself. She glanced at the picture of Jock over the fireplace and at various other pictures that adorned the walls. "Who am I?" she muttered.

 Lucy came out of the kitchen and saw Pam staring around the room. "Are you ok Pam?"

 "What?" came a reply.

 "Maybe I should call a doctor," said Lucy, reaching for the phone.

 "NO! NO DOCTORS...." screamed Pam hysterically, "please...don't..."

 "I'm...sorry, I didn't mean to upset you...," replied a baffled Lucy.

 "I don't...I d..don't want to..to go back there...n..never."

 "Tell me what happened to you and where you were all the time you were away, maybe it'll help to talk."

 "No...I can't...I don't remember....just bits and p..pieces."

 Christopher stepped into the room, interrupting the conversation. "Mom, are you alright? Lucy, what did you say to her?"

 "Nothing, I just mentioned getting a doctor..."
 Christopher helped his mother into a chair, where she collapsed onto his shoulder, crying. "Oh God, I r...re..remember...Bobby.." she stuttered.

 "Um, I'm going to go wake up Betsy, Bobby, and Lucas," said Lucy, leaving the room, sensing that mother and son should have time alone.

 "Mom, there's a chance that Dad could be just fine, remember, they haven't found everybody yet. He could walk through that door any minute.

 "He won't...all this time that we've been apart...and we could have been together...he's d..dead."

 Chris wiped a tear from his eye and hugged his mother.


Jenna blinked her eyes slowly, turning her head toward the setting sun. She lifted her arm and screamed, something was wrong, she was in terrible pain. She heard footsteps running behind her as Bobby rushed to her side.

 "Jenna, oh my God, finally. Are you ok? I heard you screaming." Bobby said kneeling down beside her.

 "I think my arm is broken and my legs hurt badly, I can't get up."

"Damn, we need a doctor or something, but there's no one here. Rescue teams have flown by but never come down, I don't know what the hell they're doing."

"It might too dangrous to land right now," Jenna said wincing. She took Bobby's hand and looked over at him. "Bobby, was it me, or did we kiss before?"

"I think we did, I'm sorry about that."

"Don't be, I actually liked it," Jenna smiled in spite of the pain. Bobby forced a smile and hugged Jenna lightly.

Craig walked up, "hey Bobby..."

"Oh, Jenna this is Craig, another survivor." Craig smiled at Jenna, then pulled Bobby aside.

"Bobby, we're the only ones alive down here. This is freaking me out," he said coughing.

"Are you ok? You've been coughing for a while now?"

"I'm just cold..."

"I hope you aren't catching pneumonia." Bobby heard another helicopter in the distance. He ran outside and took a shirt that he had taken off of someone and waved it in the air, trying to get someone's attention. The helicopter circled a few times and just as Bobby was about to give up, he saw the helicopter start to descend.


JR sat in the waiting room, his hands clasped under his chin, glancing at the clock on the wall. Sue Ellen sat next to him, and Gary and Val had just arrived. JR turned to see a man walking up to him.

 "Mr. Ewing," said the man, "I'm detective Marshall from the Dallas Police Department. I'm here to talk to you about the wreck."

 JR put his hands to his lap and turned to the man. "What the HELL kind of establishment are you running? Don't you have a shred of decency? My son is fighting for his life, and YOU want to question me about this?"

 "I'm sorry Mr. Ewing, but these are just customary procedures, something I have to do."

 "It's alright detective Marshall," said Sue Ellen, clasping a tissue.

 "Well," said Marshall, "the collision was head on, and the driver of the other car was pronounced dead at the scene."

 "Who was it?" said JR, looking away.

 "Jacob Ratigan."  JR's eyes grew wide, "Ratigan?"

 "Yes, do you know him?"

 "Oh no, the name just sounded familiar."

 "But what I wanted to talk to you about, was the car your son was driving. It appears that the brakes had been tampered with prior to the collision."

 "He wasn't driving his car was he? Who's car was he driving?"

 "The car was registered to a Karen Beam. Do you know her?"

 JR's jaw dropped and he couldn't speak.

 Sue Ellen spoke up, "Yes, she was John Ross' fiance, but they were never married."

 "Excuse me," said JR getting up. He disappeared into the men's room.

 "Mrs. Ewing, we're going to do whatever we can to find out who tampered with those brakes and we'll keep you posted."

 "Thank you," said Sue Ellen.

 "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to the station, I hope your son is ok."

 Sue Ellen managed a smile, which soon gave way to tears.


Pamela Rebecca paced back and forth in the waiting room, awaiting any word from the doctors on her father's condition. She ran over as she saw the familiar face of Dr. Benson. "Dr. Benson, is he ok?"

 "It's hard to tell at this point, he's got extensive tissue damage in his lungs, his shoulder's been dislocated, and he has a few broken bones. The thing we're most worried about is the lung damage, the next 24 hours and your support could either help him or hurt him. The nurses will be checking on him every ten minutes to make sure his lungs haven't filled with fluid. I know it sounds bad, but I don't want sugar-coat things, in my experience, it's only caused more heartache later on down the road."

 "Oh God," she paused, tears welling in her eyes. "Can I see him?"

 "He's sleeping right now, but I'll let you know when he wakes up," said Dr. Benson smiling.

 After the doctor left, she ran a few corridors down and peered around the corner, where she saw JR, Sue Ellen, Gary, and Val sitting in the waiting room. "If it weren't for me and JR, John Ross wouldn't be fighting for his life right now. Oh, what have I done....what kind of person have I become? I've hurt so many people, SO many people." Pamela walked into the waiting room and motioned for JR, who looked distraught.

 "Excuse me," said JR getting up, "I need to make a phone call." After he was safely out of sight, he began talking to Pamela. "Well, look at what your stupid obsession has done. Because of you, my son is fighting for his life at this very moment. I want you out of this town and I don't EVER want to see you back here again, do you understand?"

 "I had no idea John Ross would get in that car, I never meant for anyone to be hurt...not even Karen. But let's not forget that you're the one who had the brakes sabatoged, not me."

 "Don't try to lay the blame on me, I've been on this earth a long time. You know nothing. I always get what I want, and right now, I want you out of here."

 "I don't suppose you heard that my daddy has been shot have you?"

 "Oh really? Well now, I knew this day couldn't be ALL bad. Who shot him?"

 Pamela Rebecca fell quiet for a few seconds before speaking up. "My mom."

 "Well, is that a fact...I'll make it a point to go see Barnes, but only if I get tired of watching people walking back and forth to the coffee machine."

 "You bastard, you really are like everybody says."

 "Oh? You're no angel yourself."

 "That's not the point, the point is, that John Ross may not live because of actions on both of our parts."

 "Just stay out of this Pamela, don't cross me, or you'll be sorry that you were ever born. This doesn't concern you."

 "You just don't get it do you?" Pamela stormed out of the hospital.


Afton sat at the folding table alone in a cement-blocked room with only one light that cast a faint glow on the bare surroundings. Afton sat quietly, hands folded, staring at the mirror knowing that there were people behind that mirror, watching her right now, probably discussing what they should do next.

 The door squeaked as it opened and three men dressed sloppily in suits came in and sat adjacent to her at the table. One man pulled out a microcassette recorder and placed it in front of her, turned it on and motioned to the man sitting to her right.

 "State your name please."

 Afton sighed, then gave her name slowly, she knew this was the beginning of long battle.  

Karen Beam awakened and squinted her eyes against the late morning sun that penetrated the curtain of her 5th floor window. She vaguely remembered the night before, but it soon came back to her...clear as the Dallas sky outside. "John Ross, how could you do this to me." The shrill ringing of the phone broke her concentration. "Hello?"

 "Karen, it's Dad. How are you?"

 "Oh, just great," came a sarcastic reply.

 "I'm glad to hear, I was just calling to let you know I got home."

 "Thanks for letting me know, I was worried about you, I meant to call, but I overslept. Look Dad, I may be coming for a visit sometime soon, I need some time away from here."

 "Oh? Is everything ok?"

 "Yeah, everything's fine, I just need some time away, that's all."

 "Well, like I said before, you know you're always welcome to stop by."

 "Thanks Daddy. I'll do that."

 The two talked for another hour before saying goodbye. Karen hung up the phone and stepped into the shower, hoping to wash away all of last nights memories with the hot water.


Charlie looked around as she stepped into the Coach section of the plane, she could hear the murmur of idle chatter as passenger's waited Switzerland to appear outside their windows. One conversation caught her ear.

 "-terrible, I know. I saw on the news that everyone's rumoured to be dead. The rescue crews haven't even made any attempts to go down yet! What are they thinking, my God, there could be people down there freezing to death. It's so cold in Switzerland this time of year, especially up in the Alps, practically suicide to be stuck there this long."

 "Yeah, if anyone's alive, they're probably half dead by now," the woman frowned, looking back down at her magazine.

 Charlie wiped away a tear and continued walking down the aisle to the restroom.


  Sly sat at her desk, staring at her calendar. She had just heard about the collision between John Ross and Ratigan from JR. Sly began to think about the man she was working for, JR Ewing. Numerous times, she had called Ratigan, to set up appointments between him and JR. Now, she felt a slight tinge of guilt, that maybe, if she hadn't been helping JR, John Ross might be doing fine. "What kind of person am I helping?"

 She continued to stare, until her eyes wandered to a pen. Sly pulled a piece of paper from her secretary's pad and picked up the pen, after a few minutes, she had scrawled out a note:

 Sue Ellen,

 First of all, I would like to thank you for believing in me enough to bring me on as your secretary, but I'm sorry to say that you were wrong to do it. I've been relaying information to JR during the months that I've been working for you. It took this accident involving John Ross to make me realize it, but I'm no longer going to help JR. I am also going to leave the position as your secretary. If you need to contact me, you know where I am, and if I can ever do anything for you, just give me a call.


 She said goodbye to Judy, and stepped into Sue Ellen's office, dropping the note on her desktop. After taking one last look around the office, Sly picked up her purse, stopped to say goodbye to Kendall, and stepped into the elevator.


Anita Smithfield stepped out of the office and the afternoon Dallas sun blinded her. As she stepped onto the sidewalk, she walked into a man, knocking the folders that he was holding onto the ground. Papers fell out and scattered.

 "Oh," she gasped, "I'm sorry, here, let me help you."

 "That's ok," said the man, stooping to pick up the papers before the wind managed to scatter them. Anita only caught a glimpse, but she could have sworn that she saw JR's name typed on one of the papers.

 "I'm so sorry, I'm such a klutz, but the sun blinded me..." The man picked up a paper that had blown into the street. "What can I do to make this up to you?"

 The man looked at Anita and for the first time, smiled. She was overcome with relief that he wasn't mad. "Tell you what," he said, "if you'll have lunch with me, I'll call it even...I'm sorry, I don't even know your name."

 "Anita. And I'd be happy to have lunch with you," she said, smiling.

 "Well, how does the Oil Baron's sound? I'm an old oil-man myself you know."

 "Before I agree to this, you're going to have to tell me your name," smiled Anita.

 "The name is Robert Stockton, but you can call me Rob."


Lucy walked into her bedroom. There was something odd about the room, she felt as if she was on the verge of remembering something, but her mind went blank again. "What happened in here that night...." The room began to close in on her and she slammed the door, sweating, she went into the room where Lucas and the twins were. Lucas and Bobby were playing a video game and Betsy was still asleep. "Well, good mornin'," said Lucy.

 "Hey aunt Lucy," said Lucas.

 "Hey Luce," smiled Bobby.

 "You two are up mighty early this morning."

 "Lucy," said Lucas, "when is Momma coming home?"

 Lucy's smile fell away and she remembered the fact that Lucas' mom...and real dad, Bobby, may not be coming home. "Well Lucas, she may be gone for a while. She's on an important business trip over in Europe, with your uncle Bobby." She hated lying to the kid, but what else could she do?

 "Oh," said Lucas frowning, "I miss her. Maybe she'll come back soon."

 "I know you do honey."

 "Ew, don't call me that!" said Lucas, turning up his nose.

 Lucy laughed, glad that she had taken his mind off of Jenna. "Ok, I won't anymore," she smiled.

 The phone in Lucy's room rang, and she left the kids to answer it. "Hello?"

 "Lucy, this is Muriel. Remember me?"

 "Muriel! Of course, how could I forget you?! How are you? WHERE are you?"

 "I'm still in Oklahoma City. I was planning on coming by Dallas, and I thought I might stop and visit you."

 "Wow," smiled Lucy, "that would be great. When should I expect you?"

 "Later this week, if that's ok."

 "That's just fine, I haven't seen you in so long," said Lucy.

 "I know, it has been a while, but I'll see you later, then we can catch up on old times, but for right now, I really need to go."

 "Ok," said Lucy, "bye Muriel."

 "Bye Lucy."

 Lucy hung up the phone.


"Mom, I really think that you should let a doctor check you out, you don't look so good. It's for the best," Christopher said, worried about his mother.

 "NO...I'm sorry Christopher, not now, I can't go....you...you just don't know what I've been through in South America," said Pam.

 "Why don't you tell me, I'm sure it would help to talk about it."

 "Maybe it is time somebody knew....time that everybody knew just how bad JR Ewing really is.

 "Oh no, is he responsible for this?"  "You bet he's responsible, I'm going to make him pay, he's going to pay dearly for all the years he made me miss out on...."

 "I'm listening..."

 "The wreck, 11 years ago. That was about the only thing JR wasn't responsible for. He didn't do it alone, he did have help, a partner in crime...oh, maybe you're not the one I should be telling."

 "You don't have to tell me, but I'm here for you."

 "His accomplice, my sister, Katherine."

 "Aunt Katherine did this to you? Wait a minute, what did they do?"

 "I didn't leave that hospital on my own, I was kidnapped, by Katherine. JR would have liked nothing more than to get me out of Dallas and away from Bobby forever, knowing that Katherine felt the same, he contacted her. The two conspired to get rid of me and I was sent to a sanitarium in Brazil, JR had the doctors in that sanitarium on a string. They were his puppets and he was the puppetteer. They kept me drugged, drugged so badly that most of the time I didn't even remember who I was or where I came from. I guess in a way, I can be glad that happened, or else I would have gone insane. Not knowing how my family was...but then, JR sunk even lower. I don't know, maybe he thought it would help me, but I choose to believe that he did that just to taunt and torment me. He began sending pictures and videos, a video of Bobby and April's wedding, their honeymoon in Paris, and other stuff that was happening. But Katherine, for some reason, she decided that what they were doing was wrong. She tried to help me escape, but we were caught. JR promised Katherine that she would spend the rest of her life in jail if she ever mentioned a word of any of that to anyone.I...I know there's more, but I can't remember..."

 "JR is going to pay for this," said Christopher standing up, "he's going down, and I'm the one who's going to take him there."


JR and Sue Ellen stood up upon seeing the doctor walking their way. Sue Ellen stepped forward, "Doctor, how is he? Can you tell us anything?"

 "Yes, the CT scans and MRIs have come back, it appears that your son has a brain contusion in the brainstem.."

 "What the hell does that mean, speak English," growled JR.

 "It's associated with swelling of the brain which results in an increase in intracranial pressure.."

 "Will he recover? Will there be any long-term effects?" worried Sue Ellen.

 "Right now, John Ross is in a coma, and there's no way I can tell you how long that will last, but he does have severe neurological damage. It also appears that there is a partial paralysis on his left side," continued the doctor.

 "Oh my God," said JR. Sue Ellen began to cry, and JR held her.

 "We're monitoring his vital signs closely, watching for even the smallest change. We're also giving him anti-convulsive and antibiotics to prevent any further infections."

 "Doctor," said JR, fighting the tears, "is he going to live?"

 "Mr. Ewing, I've been dealing with the families of accident victims for many years, and I don't believe in giving false hope, it's just not fair, so I'm going to tell you like it is. Your son may not make it through the night, the next 48 hours are going to be crucial to him."

 "No, NO!" screamed Sue Ellen.

 JR just stared, thinking about how this was his fault. If it weren't for his crooked dealings, John Ross would be fine. A tear fell from his eye.

Credits Roll

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"DALLAS: Return to Southfork" is copyright ©1998 & 1999 Return to Southfork. "DALLAS", its characters, logos, and pictures found within this site are ©1998, 1999 Warner Bros./Lorimar Productions. This page is not affiliated in any way, shape, or form with Warner Bros., Lorimar Productions, CBS, TNN, or the cast/crew of "DALLAS." The characters used in these fanfictions are owned by the above companies, and use by the authors is purely for enjoyment purposes only, as nothing of monetary value is made from these stories.... just fans having fun. No episodes or images from this website may be used without prior permission from the site owner. The pictures of actors/actresses are by no means representative of their approval of this site/fan-fiction and are used for illustrative purposes only. No infringement is intended on anyone or anything.