SouthforkReturn to Southfork

Episode 91
Back to the Bottle


Sarah Aldrich
Melissa McSween

Barbara bel Geddes
Ellie Ewing Farlow

Sarah Brown
Karen Ewing

Chris Demetral
Christopher Ewing

Patrick Duffy
Bobby Ewing

Linda Gray
Sue Ellen Ewing

Larry Hagman
J.R. Ewing

Susan Howard
Donna Dowling

Steve Kanaly
Ray Krebbs

Omri Katz
John Ross Ewing

Deborah Kellner
Rebecca Cooper

Ken Kercheval
Cliff Barnes

Audrey Landers
Afton Cooper

Forbes March
Todd Foster

Victoria Principal
Pam Ewing

Charlene Tilton
Lucy Lancaster

Also Featuring

Sasha Mitchell
James Beaumont

Jenilee Harrison
Jamie Ewing Barnes

Megan Ewing

Grace Ewing

Punk Anderson

Mavis Anderson

Neil Lancaster

Hope Miller

Written By

Konnie Allen

Jesse Murray

Justin Stiles

Barbie Walukewicz

Note: The use of pictures of actors/actresses to portray these characters is for illustrative purposes only. This does not imply any approval of RTS on the actor/actresses' part, or any affiliation between RTS and those pictured. You can find out who the actor/actresses are by resting your mouse pointer on their picture.

The two beautiful little girls pictured as Megan and Grace are the daughters of Konnie Allen.

more legal info

Return to Southfork, Celebrating Two Years Online
Southfork Ranch

The air of sadness seemed to disperse a bit as people began to leave Southfork. Punk helped Mavis into the car. Cally stood close by and watched them. Both had tears welled in their eyes. As Punk walked over to the driver's side, Cally could hear him mumble, “I still don't believe it….”

Cally couldn't believe it either. She felt like she was in a dream. More like a nightmare. The last few weeks had been like explosions. The custody suit, finding out what J.R. had done…..and then Clayton. Clayton shouldn't have died.

“Cally.” It was James. Again.

She turned around to face him, but didn't mutter a response. James just continued. “I'm going to be in town through tomorrow. I'd love to get together with you and Justin, or I can take care of Justin for the day if you're busy.”

“I have the number at your hotel. Justin's gonna take the day off school tomorrow. I think it'll make him feel better.”

James smiled. A brother! He still couldn't get over it. Not to mention a sister too. He tried to talk to Jillian, but she seemed a little bit more distant. John Ross had told him that Jillian's mother had died earlier this year. James guessed that the funeral brought back painful memories.

“Well, this seems like old times. James and Cally. Bosom buddies once again?” J.R. said boldly.

“Hey, J.R., take it easy,” James said, attempting peacemaker status. He could see the hatred boiling in Cally's eyes the minute J.R. walked up to them.

“Not calling him daddy anymore?” Cally snapped.

“What are you yelling at me for?” James asked. He had enough of Cally's attitude. He had hurt her a long time ago. But that was precisely it---it was a long time ago. Couldn't she just let it go? Besides, it seemed to him that everything had worked out fine, the custody case had been dropped and Justin could do a lot worse than finding out he had a family who loved him, even if J.R. was a part of it.

“Cally, you're acting real disrespectful. Clayton was a member of this family. As I remember it, he was one of the first people that really welcomed you to Southfork. This ain't no way of showing respect to him, or my mama.”

“Clayton was a fine man. Much more than you could ever hope to be. And we both know that you should be the one in that coffin!”

James's jaw dropped. “Whoa, that's a little harsh.”

J.R. didn't register it on his face, but he was a bit taken aback with Cally's rage. It was like she was bloodthirsty. Her adamancy about J.R. being in the coffin, and not Clayton...not to mention the near murderous look in her eyes. ….

J.R. thought back to that night. Someone was trying to kill him, but they hit Clayton. Cliff Barnes, rotting in jail somewhere, owned the gun that was used. Then J.R. looked at Cally again.

Suddenly, as J.R.'s eyes widened, things became very clear.

Southfork Ranch, 3 a.m.

Pam awoke with a start. “Bobby...?” She was certain she had heard him calling for her. Instinctively, she reached out for him in the dark, finding the empty bed. Only then did she realize the cry had been coming from the nursery. Pamela quickly donned a robe and made her way to Grace who was screaming in her crib. She cuddled the infant close and sat down to rock her back to sleep. Nelda, Gracie's nanny, walked in to find that, as usual, Pamela had gotten to the baby first.

“Do you want me to take her, Mrs. Ewing?” Nelda knew the reply, but felt obligated to ask anyway.

“No Nelda, you can go on back to bed.” Nelda was relieved. Grace was usually a very easy baby who always slept through the night. Lately that wasn't the case though and Nelda just couldn't figure out why.

To Pam Gracie's constant waking at night was a sure sign that she was missing her daddy. Babies were so sensitive to those things. “I know, I know sweetheart, I miss your Daddy too.” Pam said softly, trying to soothe the distressed child. As Grace calmed down and began to drift off to sleep, Pam began to cry silent tears of her own. She tried not to think the worst, but no matter how hard she tried, she kept imagining Bobby lying some where unconscious and hurt, or worse. With great effort she pushed those thoughts out of her mind and tried to concentrate on what to do next. The private investigator was no help. Somehow, she kept coming back to Rex. He had to be involved, but how? And if it was him, how could she get him to talk? There just had to be an answer. She looked down into the angelic face of her sleeping baby and whispered softly, “Your Daddy will be home soon Gracie, I promise.”

South Carolina

Edna, the morning nurse, walked into the hospital room and yawned. “What's the story?” she asked.

“Mr. Ewing was admitted for a cerebral contusion occurring from a window being blown out during a storm. He is on continuous IV fluids and has orders for blood draws every 12 hours and BP checks every hour. Any changes need to be reported to the on call resident immediately.”


Bobby had been unconscious ever since the storm, when he'd been hit by debris and brought to the hospital by Gordon, who had since gone back to his lighthouse.

In the hospital bed, Bobby dreamed of Pam.

Ewing Four cruised down the highway and the wind blew through the two occupants' hair.

“Bobby James Ewing. I don't believe you,” the former Pamela Barnes said.

“Well now that's a fine state of affairs. We're married less than twenty-four hours and my new bride doubts my veracity.”

“I do if you say you're not nervous.”

“Well I'm not nervous. Except for maybe one or two little butterflies somewhere.”

“Your folks are gonna throw me right off that ranch.”

“Relax. You're my wife now. You're family. You're a Ewing.” Bobby pulled the car into the service station parking lot and stretched over to kiss his wife.

In the hospital, Bobby stirred in bed.

"Oh Bobby, how I have longed for this to happen!" Pam exclaimed, embracing him with all her strength, "There were so many times over these years I thought I'd never see you or Christopher again. Then Christopher brings me back here, and we find out you were in a plane crash. I have been so scared these past few days! Thank God you're alive!"

He returned her embrace fully. "Pamela, if only there had been some way for me to have known you were still alive...We have wasted so many years apart," he said, his volatile temper rising again as he thought of what JR had done. "I swear I will make JR pay for what he has done to you if it's the last thing I do. Tonight was only a down payment!"

"Bobby, I really don't want to talk about JR anymore right now. We have so much catching up to do."

"Well, I say we start right now," he said as he gazed down into her face and kissed her passionately. "Pam don't EVER leave me again.”

Bobby's eyelids fluttered, but remained closed.

Bobby's gaze fell onto a man cradling a newborn while watching his wife picking out a stroller. Pam looked too, but Bobby wondered why they were looking.

"It's nice sweetheart." Bobby looked at her, shaking his head. "Why have we stopped here."

Pam smiled. "Because I have something to tell you. It's about my checkup."

Bobby's face was clouded with confusion. "You said that it was alright. Dr Danvers gave you an all clear."

Pam nodded. "Sort of. He said that my head injury was all cleared up. But he had found something else that is going to require close monitoring."

Bobby grew concerned. "Pam?"

"Bobby do you remember the riddle I told you just before the first barbecue?"

He nodded and suddenly realization hit him. "Pam?"

She grinned. "Surprise, you're going to be a Daddy."

Now Bobby was entirely still again.

The hospital room door opened and Bobby walked in, still wearing his tuxedo from the wedding before. Lucy walked in behind him, followed by Sue Ellen and Phyllis. J.R., Ray, Donna, Gary, Val, Karen, Miss Ellie, Clayton, Christopher, and Lucas followed them in. Behind them, a man in white wheeled in a cart with their wedding cake on it. Last but not least, came a priest.

"What is all of this?" said Pam smiling.

"You and I are going to be married."

"Oh Bobby! With me looking like this?"

"You look just gorgeous."

Bobby had convinced Lucy to keep quiet about Cliff and play along with the wedding in order to prevent Pam from being upset. He would tell her the truth when she was strong enough to take it.

"Let's begin," said Bobby.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony…If there is anyone present today who sees just cause why this wedding should not continue, please speak now or forever hold your peace…Very well…"

Pam smiled at Bobby.

The ceremony continued; Pam and Bobby said "I do" and rings were exchanged. "Then with the power vested in me by the state of Texas, I now pronounce you man and wife…Bobby, you may kiss your bride."

Bobby and Pam kissed and the moment they had been waiting for for fifteen years finally happened—they were married.

Bobby's eyelids fluttered again and he muttered, almost inaudibly. “Pammy…”

Pam was in the throes of agonizing labor, nearing its end however. "Mrs. Ewing, I think we're almost there," Dr. Dawson stated.

"What's with this 'we' part?!" Pam exclaimed through another contraction. "I'm the one going through this!"

"I want you to push now.. the baby is almost ready to come out... the head is starting to crown even as I speak. Push again now." Pam did so, screaming from the intense agony. "You're doing wonderful.... one more push should do it Mrs. Ewing."

Bobby was still at Pam's side, supporting her as much as he could. "You're going to be okay honey... the doctor said you're almost there." Bobby could hardly control the tears welling up in his eyes, at the sight of their child being born.

"Okay, Mrs. Ewing... this is it.. one more time... push!!" The cry of a newborn baby soon filled the air. "Mr. and Mrs. Ewing.. congratulations!! You have a beautiful baby girl."

“Pam…Grace…” Bobby whispered in his sleep.

Pam searched through the box and came out with the ornaments lettered with Bobby and Pam. Ellie passed Pam the newly bought Grace ornament and Pam carefully took it, turning it around in her hand. “Bobby, it's hard to believe we really have a daughter.”

Bobby rocked baby Grace in his arms and turned her toward the Christmas tree. “You like that don't you Gracie?” Grace waved her hand at the twinkling lights. Pam kissed her daughter's forehead and hung the three ornaments on the tree.

And then Bobby sat bolt upright in bed. He was now in a sweat and he frantically looked around the room. “PAM!”

Southfork Ranch, the next day

It was eight o' clock in the morning, and Ray really wasn't expecting that many people to be up. Yesterday had been arduous. Both he and Donna had spent a good portion of the previous night crying, Ray a lot more than Donna. He was trying to shake the horrible emptiness that seemed to engulf his stomach, but he couldn't. Clayton was gone. Ray could only imagine what Miss Ellie was going through.

He was shocked to see her at the kitchen table, cordless telephone right by her and address book in her hand. She looked up when he entered the room. Her smile was not heartfelt.

“Morning Ray.”

“Well morning Miss Ellie. I wasn't expecting that you'd be up.”

“There's too much to do.”

Ray didn't respond, so Miss Ellie continued. “We need to find Bobby. The private investigator that Pam hired isn't doing enough. I've been calling some of Jock's old associates, to see if they have any suggestions.”

“Are you sure you're up to this? We're going to find Bobby. Pam and I, and J.R., we can all take care of this.”

Ellie started straight ahead, a determined look on her face. “No. He is MY son. I need to help.”

“I'm not saying you can't or shouldn't help, but…” Ray took a deep breath. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know HOW to say what he had to say. This had been going on too long, some one had to talk to her and somehow Ray felt he owed it to Clayton. He continued hesitantly, “Miss Ellie,... ma'am, I'm just worried...” His voice trailed off.

“That I'm looking for my youngest son?”

“That Clayton was buried yesterday and you're acting like nothing happened!”

Ellie didn't say anything. Ray continued. “I'm not saying that you shouldn't be concerned about Bobby. We all are. But aren't you upset? You seem like nothing is wrong.”

Ellie just sat in silence for a moment. She ran her hands through her hair. “I have to find Bobby," was all she said. Her words spoke with finality. She picked up the phone and started dialing a number. It was clear that the conversation was over. Ray didn't know what else he could say. He quietly got up from the table and left the kitchen. He still felt empty, but this time, he was really mourning for Ellie.

The Barnes Residence

John Ross felt weird being at Cliff Barnes' house, especially since Cliff had just been let out of jail after being accused of shooting Clayton. But, he didn't intend to let that stop him from seeing his daughter.

Pamela Rebecca was wearing a sleeveless dress when she answered the door and John Ross had to admit, she didn't look that bad. "Hi," he said.

She smiled. "I'm so glad you came over. I was on my way to work—first day and all. I'd planned to leave Megan with the nanny, but why don't you take her for the day?"

"Oh…you're going to work?" John Ross wasn't sure why that bothered him, but he had to admit that it did. What was wrong with this picture?

"Yeah, I'm excited…kinda nervous though."

"Well, I'm sure you'll do fine."

"I hope so. But before I go, there's something I wanted to talk to you about."

"Sure, what is it?" John Ross followed her inside and took a seat on the couch.

Pamela Rebecca sat down next to him, crossed her legs and began. "Please don't take this the wrong way, because I'm just looking out for you. It's about Melissa."

"What about her?"

She bit her lip, preparing to say what she was about to say. Her whole future depended on John Ross believing this. "I think she's seeing Christopher behind your back."

John Ross immediately remembered the morning he'd stopped by Melissa's apartment and found Christopher there.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he said abruptly.

Christopher wasn't sure what to say. He didn't want to say he had spent the night. To his relief, Melissa showed up.

"Hi John Ross." She wiped some bubbles from her hand onto his nose and then kissed him.

"I would say hi too, but I'm not sure what to say…what is he doing here?"

Melissa laughed and shut the door. John Ross followed her into the living room. "It's not what it looks like…trust me. I found Chris in a bar last night and we kind of got a little trouble started. He was drunk and hurt, so I brought him back to my place, where he spent the night…on the couch," Melissa finished.

"What makes you think that?" he asked.

"Haven't you seen the way they look at each other? Or the way they're always together? It just strikes me as being a bit too friendly."

John Ross looked away. He wasn't sure what to believe. How many times before had Pamela Rebecca been honest with him? He could count them all on one hand. But then again, he had noticed Melissa and Christopher being close. Hell, he'd even spent the night at her apartment. Anger boiled up inside John Ross. It was like he'd been on the verge of seeing this all along, but Pamela Rebecca had opened his eyes to it.

He was silent and Pamela Rebecca noticed. "John Ross? Are you okay? I'm sorry if this upsets you. Maybe I'm just reading more into this than there is."

"No. It's okay. I think you may be right."

Pamela Rebecca blinked. "You do?"

"I'm not saying that I know for sure, but it's possible."

Perfect. "Well, I need to be going. Duty calls you know. Are you gonna take care of Megan today?"

"Yeah, I will." But as hard as he tried, his mind wasn't on Megan. All he could think about was Melissa and Christopher.

Southfork Ranch

Today, morning fell upon Southfork all too quickly and the events from the day before seemed almost surreal to Christopher when he rubbed his eyes and stepped out of bed. The first thought that popped into his mind was Karen. She hadn't called him again and he began to wonder if she ever would. Would he ever even see his wife again?

Then Christopher longed for the bottle, worse than ever. He'd taken it all out of his room, just in case he lost control again, but he knew he could get to the alcohol if he really wanted it. What he needed now was someone to talk to.

He made his way over to the phone and dialed the number, which he now knew by heart—he'd called her so many times. She answered and her voice was music to his ears. "Hi Melissa."

In her apartment in Dallas, Melissa smiled, glad to hear from her friend. "How are you?"

"Not that great. I think I need a drink."

"No you don't. Can I come over?"

"Would you? Please? I need you."

"Sure thing. Just hang on and I'll be there as soon as I can, okay?"

Christopher nodded. "Thanks."

Lucy and Neil's House

“Hey hon,” Lucy said as she entered the kitchen. Neil took a swig of his coffee as he packed up his briefcase.

“Hey,” Neil said as he leaned over and gave her a kiss. “What are you up to today?”

“I'm going to go over to Southfork and see how Grandma is. I'm kind of worried about her.”

“It has to be rough. With Bobby gone and the funeral….”

“Yeah, but she seems to be handling it too well. She was like this when my granddaddy died. She put on this front. It's just not healthy.” Lucy poured herself a cup of coffee. “Plus, I want to see if I can do anything for Pam. I'm really scared about Bobby.”

“What do you think happened?”

“I have no idea,” Lucy said, taking a sip of her coffee. “All I know is they got into some sort of fight, and he took off. But it's not like him to disappear like this, especially with Clayton dying. God, it's so weird to say that.”

The room was silent for a moment. Lucy still couldn't believe that he was really gone.

She saw that the mood of the room was dark, and attempted to change the subject. “So I think they're going to be questioning Cliff today.”

“About the shooting?”

“Yeah. It was his gun.”

“Man,” Neil said, semi-shocked. “Do you think that he did it?”

Lucy laughed. “Honestly? I've said a lot of things about Cliff, but I don't think he's capable of murder. I know he hates J.R., but really who doesn't? As far as I know he had nothing against him when Clayton was shot. And Cliff, as much as he is a Barnes, is connected with our family. He cares about Pam. Even if he was gunning for J.R., if he shot Clayton by accident, he wouldn't go around knowing it and not tell anyone. He wouldn't hurt Pam, or Christopher like that.”

“Or you?”

Lucy looked away for a moment, and then looked back at Neil. He was aware of her past with Cliff. Did he feel threatened? “Or me.” She turned the conversation around again. “What I wouldn't be surprised at, though, is Afton pulling the trigger on Jamie. She is pissed!”

At the mention of Afton's name, Neil dropped his cup, sending it to the floor where it shattered. Neil didn't move, while Lucy grabbed a paper towel and scrambled to clean it up.

“What happened?” she asked. Everyone makes mistakes, but usually Neil wasn't that clumsy…

“Have you talked to Afton lately?” Neil asked, trying to sound as natural as possible. It wasn't working.

Lucy was a little alarmed. Why was he acting so strange? “No. Why would I talk to Afton?”

“I was just wondering…..I mean, curious, you know. This whole thing with Cliff and Jamie…I can't believe it. I was just wondering if you had heard anything more to the story, from Afton or anything. Just curious. Being nosy I guess.” He was talking in rapid fire. It was like he was trying to sound natural, but he was covering something up. Like he was embarrassed, or ashamed.

“Neil is something wrong?” Lucy looked up from the mess she was cleaning on the floor.

“No. Nothing. No. Why?” Still, rapid fire.

“You're acting kind of strange. Has Afton said anything to you?”

“No. I hardly know Afton.”

“You seemed to get, I don't know, mixed up when I mentioned her name.”

Neil took a deep breath. Time to lie. “I'm sorry. I've got a huge meeting today, and I don't think I'm ready for it. Yesterday kind of shook me up.”

Lucy got up. She wasn't sure what to make of what he was saying. She supposed she believed him, but something just wasn't right. “Alright. But you'd tell me if something was wrong right?”

“Absolutely.” Neil smiled.

“Complete honesty,” Lucy made a gesticulation with her hands like she was laying everything flat on the table.

“Complete honesty.” Neil grabbed his briefcase and gave her a kiss of the cheek. “Sorry about the mess, but I've got to run.”

“Bye,” Lucy said as she received the kiss. She watched her husband walk through the door and tried her hardest to shake the feeling that there was something very, very wrong.

Lee Park

The temperatures in Dallas had soared into the middle-80s and Christopher felt better just being out of Southfork for a while. Melissa walked beside him as they strolled through Lee Park. Neither had said anything for the past few minutes. They'd simply walked side-by-side, soaking in the sights and sounds around them. No words were needed, their friendship was such that they were comfortable just being together.

Finally, Christopher broke the silence. "Thanks."


"For coming over so fast when I called. It's hard to think about how drunk I might be now if you hadn't. Thanks for everything…for saving me in that bar fight last year…for not letting me drive home that night…and for being there for me at the funeral yesterday."

Melissa smiled. "You've been here for me too."

"You've been a great friend. My best friend. Thanks."

"You're pretty great yourself Chris."

Christopher put his arm around her, purely as a gesture of friendship, but it was seen as something else by John Ross, who had spotted them a while back.

Pamela Rebecca was right. He looked down at Megan, who had fallen asleep in her stroller. Right now, he felt that she was the only thing he had left in the world.

The Barnes Residence

"Afton? What the hell are you doing?"

Afton didn't look at him. Instead, she continued throwing clothes into a suitcase. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm moving out."

Cliff was dumbfounded. "Why?"

Afton stopped and looked at him for the first time. "Duh. As long as Jamie Ewing lives in this house, I won't. When you decide to have your marriage to her annulled and kick her to the curb, then I'll come back."

"Oh yeah? Well what makes you so sure I'll want you to come back?"

"That's your choice, because I'm not so sure I'll want to come back either."


"Then I guess there's nothing else to say. When you decide to divorce her, you can give me a call. Until then, I don't want to talk to you." Afton grabbed the suitcase and stormed out of the room, almost running into Jamie on the way out.

Cliff turned around, saw Jamie, and sighed. "I'm sorry about that."

Jamie gave him a reassuring smile. "It's okay. I can understand why Afton feels that way."

"How do you feel about all this?" Cliff asked. He'd never really considered that.

Jamie walked into the room and took a seat on the bed. "You have to understand my situation. I've been away for well over ten years and when I woke up, I didn't know who I was or if I had a family out there. You can only imagine how happy I was when I found out who I was and that I had a husband."

"Yeah? Go on…"

"I guess what I'm saying is, I want to do everything I can to make this marriage work…and I want you to help me."

Cliff looked down, not sure what to say. He remembered very well the way their marriage was—not a happy one. But now Jamie had seemed to change and he knew he had as well. Was it possible that it could work now? He knew he did love her, but he hadn't realized it until after she'd been taken from him.

"I…I don't know Jamie."

"Please. Our marriage means so much to me Cliff, I've already lost so much in this life."

"This isn't an easy decision. You know I love Afton."

"I know you do."

"Give me some time to think about this. If I try to decide now, I know I'll mess this all up."

Jamie nodded. She'd give him all the time in the world if he needed it.

Dallas Police Department

Hope Miller was not expecting to see J.R. Ewing walking through her door, and she was not thrilled either. He had not proven himself to be an easy man to work with.

“Mr. Ewing, can I help you?”

“Yeah,” J.R. said as he strode into her office. “Listen honey, I want to talk to you about this case.”

Hope leaned back in her chair and subtly gritted her teeth. “Alright, what can I do for you?”

“I don't know what y'all have on Cliff Barnes, but I think you're barking up the wrong tree. Didn't ever think I'd say that, but it's true.”

“No you're suggesting another suspect to investigate.”

“Damn right I am,” J.R. said confidently.

“Who would that be?” Hope asked as she pulled out a pen. This could be interesting.

“My ex-wife.”

Hope looked at J.R. for a moment, and then grabbed a typed piece of paper that was towards the side of her desk. “A Sue Ellen Ewing?”

“No, the other one. Cally.”

Hope looked at her paper, which obviously had vital statistics of the case and the major parties involved. She nodded her head. “Alright, why?”

“Woman hates me. She threatened me actually. I'm surprised that you didn't get that when you interviewed Sly. She came charging into my office screaming at me. She told me I'd get mine. That same night Clayton was shot.”

“Why would she be upset with you?” Why wouldn't she be?

“We share a son. Ten year old boy. I was suing her for custody at the time on the grounds of inability to care for the boy, on Cally's part.”

“Is that case still pending?”

“No,” J.R. said a tone softer. “I dropped it out of respect to my family. Cally wasn't a risk to my son.” No need for the office to know the whole story, was there? J.R. reasoned this to himself.

“Well, we definitely will question Miss Harper if you like, but we have actual evidence against Mr. Barnes. His gun was used as the murder weapon.”

“Yeah, but that doesn't mean he was the only one who had access to that gun. Or hasn't your little investigation turned up the fact that Cally lives in the guesthouse on Cliff's estate?"

A new piece of the puzzle, Hope thought to herself.

Oil Baron's Club

“How are you doing?” Jamie asked Sue Ellen just after they were seated at their table. Dora Mae had just given them their menus.

“Still a little shaken up,” Sue Ellen said attempting a smile.

“That was a beautiful speech that you made yesterday. It was just lovely. I wish I could remember everything about Clayton. But I felt like I really knew him, from everything that you said, and Christopher, and the whole family.”

“Well thank you Jamie,” Sue Ellen responded politely. It was still a bit surreal to her, seeing Jamie sitting in front of her. She had thought she was dead for so many years….

“This place looks so familiar. It's like that feeling when something is on the tip of your tongue,” Jamie said as she looked around.

“Well, you certainly came here a lot when you lived in Dallas.”

“With Cliff?” Jamie asked quickly and earnestly.

“With Cliff, with me. With Jack.” Sue Ellen said almost nonchalantly while looking at her menu.

“What is happening with you and Jack?”

That caught Sue Ellen off guard. She looked at Jamie. “What do you mean?”

“Are you two still together?”

She was always blunt, Sue Ellen thought to herself. “No. We're just friends.”

“I think that Jack wants to be something more.”

What was she supposed to say to this? “I do care for Jack. But things happened, Jamie. Things just can never be…. that way between us again.”

“Well why not? People make mistakes.”

“It's not that simple.” It was a little bit frustrating. How would she explain this without slandering Jack? “I mean, look at you and Cliff.”

“What do you mean by that?” Now Jamie was confused.

“Well, can things ever be the same between you two?”

“I'm not sure. I'm not really sure how they ever were. I hope that they can get better. That something can happen.”

“Are you really serious?” Sue Ellen was a bit shocked at this.

“Yes. Why not? I've missed the last thirteen years of my life. This might be a chance at real happiness. At discovering who I am.”

“I don't mean to speak badly about Cliff, but I have to warn you Jamie. You two were not a happy couple.”

“Jack said the same thing.” Jamie really didn't want to talk about Cliff anymore. It made her feel too confused. “And like I said, he also talked about how much he cares about you.”

Sue Ellen nervously fiddled with her fork. “I don't want to talk about this right now. I'm sorry. There's just a lot on my mind.”

Jamie smiled. “It's okay. But just don't forget that we can all get second chances at happiness. After all, look at me!”

Cliff's Guesthouse

Cally really wasn't expecting any visitors, so she had a curious look on her face when she opened the door. What were the police doing there? She had already answered questions their questions about Cliff, and whether or not she had seen them the night of Clayton's shooting. What were they thinking? Did they suspect something?

“Can I help you?” she asked.

“Cally Harper?”


“Could we speak with you for a moment?”

Cally didn't respond, just gestured for the two officers to come in. She recognized one of them as the female that apparently was in charge of the case. She was the first to speak.

“We wanted to ask you some questions,” Hope Miller said as calmly and normally as possible.

“You already did. Is this about Cliff?”

“No. It's actually about you Mrs. Harper.”

Cally didn't respond, so Hope continued. “Do you remember what you were doing the night that Mr. Farlow was shot?”

“I was here.”

“Were you alone?”

“Well, Justin was spending the night with a friend. So, yeah, I was here alone.”

Hope jotted down something on her notepad, and Cally darted her eyes to the other cop, who was looking right at her. What was this all about?

“Is it true that you threatened Mr. Ewing on the day of Clayton Farlow's shooting?”

“Who? J.R.?” Cally was starting to get a tad hostile, just at the mention of his name.

“Yes. We've spoken with his secretary, as well as Mr. Ewing. Both have given us similar stories describing threats leveled against Mr. Ewing after you burst into his office that day.”

“Everything I said to him he deserved,” Cally tersely replied.

“Mr. Ewing discussed a custody suit involving your son that was dropped. He indicated that might be a reason you were upset with him.”

“He didn't mention that he tried to drive me crazy?”

“No,” Hope responded, looking a little confused.

“Well, he did! He paid someone to make me look crazy so that he could get Justin!”

“Do you have access to Southfork?”

“Are you trying to accuse me of shooting Clayton? I didn't do it!”

“We're not accusing you of anything,” Hope said calmly.

“Oh, I know how this works. I've seen enough of those cop TV shows. You're trying to get me to confess, or trying to pin the crime on me! Well it ain't going to work, because I didn't do it!”

Hope could see that Cally was becoming hostile, and further questioning was useless. She wanted to investigate this custody suit more, and the allegations that J.R. was driving her nuts. There would be opportunity for questioning her later.

Scalini Restaurant

Lucy had to admit that she was a little bit curious as to why Todd Foster called and asked her to lunch. She was looking forward to it, sure. She liked Todd and he was nice eye candy. But she couldn't understand what he would want to talk about. Possibly Janice? In any case, she hoped it would take her mind off of Neil.

Todd was already sitting at the table when she arrived, finishing a cigarette. He put it out just as she reached the table. “Hey Lucy, I'm glad you could make it,” he said smiling.

“No problem. I was glad to get your call.” She sat down. “How are you doing?”

“Same crap, different day. How are you? Any new word on Bobby?”

Lucy looked down. “No. Pam's got a private investigator looking for him. The whole family's doing what they can, but nothing is panning out. I'm worried.”

“Is there anything I can do?”

“Just keep him in your prayers.”

Todd gave a meek smile. “The service was beautiful. I hardly knew Clayton, but he seemed like a wonderful man.”

Lucy tried not to let her eyes well up. “He was. He really was. I guess it's true what they say. You never know how wonderful someone was until they're taken away.”

“Oh, trust me, I know the feeling.”

Lucy sensed there was a double meaning behind that statement. “I heard about you and Janice. She told me she got accepted into that UCLA writing program.”

“It was her dream.”

“Yeah,” Todd shrugged.

“Did things just fizzle out?” Now her curiosity was taking effect. She knew Janice was no idiot, but there had to be a pretty good reason why she let a catch like Todd get away.

“That's partially what I wanted to talk to you about.”

Lucy took a sip of her water. “Hmmm. I don't really talk to her anymore since she moved, I'm sorry to say. I suppose I could get her number or email address from Phyllis.”

“No, it's not that. I have a business proposal.” Todd lit another cigarette.

“They'll kill you,” Lucy said earnestly.

Was she flirting? Todd wondered. “Well good because I'm feeling pretty bloodthirsty and I'm guessing you are too.”

Confusion registered on Lucy's face, so Todd continued. “We have a common enemy.” Still no response. “J.R.”

“Oh God, what did he do this time?”

“I know he's your uncle so forgive my language, but that son of a bitch ruined my relationship with Janice.”

“What? How?” Lucy was not expecting that.

“Long story. Typical dirty tricks. I'm sure he's done the same thing to you a million times.”

Lucy could tell that Todd did not want to divulge details, although she certainly would have been glad to hear them. “Alright, but how do I fit in?”

“I hope this doesn't sound like I'm a snoop or anything, but I was at Ewing Oil the other day, looking for Janice. I heard you talking with J.R. in his office, about how you wanted to get back into Ewing Oil. I heard what he said to you.”

It hurt Lucy to think about that interaction. Should she have been surprised, though, that J.R. wouldn't take her seriously?

“You have every right to be pissed. He treated you like crap, so I say we let him have it.”


“No, the pope,” Todd sarcastically said. He quickly smiled though, to let Lucy know he was joking. She laughed. She appreciated his humor.

“What can we do though? I'm not in the company anymore.”

“That's why I wanted to talk to you. We're both pretty smart. Between the two of us, we can figure something out.”

Lucy thought about it for a moment. “I really just want to get back to Ewing Oil. I should be there. I am a Ewing.”

“Well, we have a goal then. Is it that bad to see him go down along the way?”

Lucy smiled. Todd had a point. He could tell that she was being swayed. “C'mon, we both have a common interest here. You want a stake in that company again, and I want to make sure that J.R. learns a lesson once and for all. We both have the brains and the funds to make it happen. Why not?”

Lucy looked at Todd. She liked him. A lot. This would be fun. Ewing Oil had given her so much, finally helping to prove to her that she could be something. She showed her father, her mother—herself—and then it was taken away. “You're right,” she held up her water glass for a toast. “Why not.”

Ewing Oil

Sue Ellen didn't know why she even bothered knocking on J.R.'s door, but something made her do it. He looked up from his papers and told her to come in.

“You know, it shouldn't surprise me that you did this,” she began, striding over to his desk. “But I guess I should give you credit for going from zero to bastard in two days rather than two minutes.”

“What in the hell are you talking about?” J.R. asked perturbed.

“The police questioned Cally today about Clayton's murder. Apparently, YOU sent them looking toward her.”

“Yeah, I did, because she's crazy. She probably tried to kill me that night.”

“You're crazy. Cally wouldn't hurt a fly.” Sue Ellen pointed at him.

“Oh really? You didn't hear her talking at that funeral. She basically told me I should be lying in the ground, not Clayton.”

“Well, gee, I wonder why?”

“She's mad because of the whole custody suit, and she lives right next door to Cliff. Makes perfect sense, Sue Ellen. You do the math.”

“First of all, she did not try to shoot you. Secondly, even if she had tried, she had every reason in the world to want you dead. Don't think any of us have forgotten that little stunt you pulled trying to make her think she was nuts. Much like the one you pulled on me years ago, trying to make everyone think I was drinking again.”

J.R. was silent. Sue Ellen went on with her tirade. “What do you think the police would think about that? Ex-husband tries to drive ex-wife crazy to get custody of son. That's going to make you seem real innocent in everyone's eyes, J.R. And if threatening not to expose that means getting Cally of the hook, then I'll do it.”

“Nice try honey, but think about it. You got no proof but that tape.”

“A tape's a hell of a lot.”

“Not in court in ain't,” J.R. quickly retorted. “Gonna just make her seem more guilty. Gives her MORE reason to want to shoot me, don't you think? And how's that gonna affect mama? Think about that? With Bobby gone and Clayton dead. It could kill her.”

“I can't believe you're acting all innocent here. This is all your fault!”

“I'm just looking out for my family—and that includes you. She's crazy. I didn't need to drive her nuts. She's done it herself already.”

"Cally is not crazy. And don't forget that we have something to back up what's on that tape. Or have you already forgotten about Dominique? I'm sure you paid her well, but do you really think she would perjure herself in court for you? Don't delude yourself JR, you aren't worth it! Jack and I know what you did. If this gets serious, we'll back Cally up all the way. The truth will come out.”

“You do that, Sue Ellen. You do that,” J.R. said as she stormed out of the room.

What he didn't want to admit was that his ex-wife had him a little worried. He had to get his hands on that tape.

Southfork Ranch

Christopher hadn't once thought about drinking, the whole time he'd spent with Melissa. But now that time was over and he was back at Southfork—back to where he could get a drink if he wanted it. Southfork was deserted, except for his grandma and she was upstairs in her room, resting.

Once he was in his room, he flipped on the television to CNN, where he saw a live report. Christopher turned up the volume and listened intently.

He caught his answering machine blinking in the corner of his eye, but ignored it temporarily as he watched the television, his eyes growing wide.

“We're here at a barn on the outskirts of Mystique Point, North Carolina, where Karen Ewing and her accomplice, Eric Stone, were believed to have perished in a fire this morning. Also believed to have perished was the son that Mrs. Ewing kidnapped back in January, Austin Anders. The fire raged on for several hours before the local volunteer fire department and fire departments from the surrounding towns were able to extinguish it. Experts say that the temperatures were so high in the fire that there's no chance any bone matter could have withstood the heat. Several items were found in the ashes…items which were believed to have belonged to Karen Ewing and Eric Stone. One being what appears to be Mrs. Ewing's wedding ring. Also found were a belt buckle and a money clip, the latter with the initials E.S. inscribed on it…”

Christopher stared, disbelieving what he'd just seen and heard. This couldn't be happening. Not after all of this. It couldn't end this way. It couldn't be true. He was her husband, some one would have called...then he remembered the blinking light on the answering machine.

In almost a trance, he walked over to the machine and pressed play.

“Christopher…this is Alan Beam. It's about Karen…they just called…they told me she…she'd died in a fire. They couldn't reach you…oh God…my daughter…”

The phone abruptly clicked off and the click jolted Christopher back to reality. His wife was dead. The only woman he'd ever loved…was dead.

“NOOOO!” he screamed with a mixture of sadness and anger and then he headed down the stairs, almost running to get to the liquor cabinet. Karen was really gone and it was the only thing that could bring him comfort now.

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