

Ellie Farlow


Karen Ewing


Chris Ewing


Bobby Ewing

Sue Ellen

Sue Ellen Ewing


J.R. Ewing


Donna Dowling


Ray Krebbs

John Ross

John Ross Ewing


Clayton Farlow

Pamela Rebecca

Pamela Rebecca Cooper


Cliff Barnes


Todd Foster


Pam Ewing


Lucy Ewing

Also Featuring

Kimberly Beam-Lancaster

Gary Ewing

Val Ewing

Jack Ewing

Neil Lancaster

Melissa McSween


Kaitlin Ryan


Tiffany Lancaster

Margaret Krebbs

Larry Nestor


Sly Lovegren

Written by:

Kristin Cashmere

Jesse Murray


Justin Stiles

The Braddock County Fair

      An hour and one goldfish later, Lucy and Neil finally got a moment to rest. Tiffany had gone inside a fun house for children under a certain height.

“Neil, this has been one of the best nights of my life, thanks to you and Tiffany.”

He smiled at her. “I can easily say the same thing. I think you bring out the best in Tiffany and me.”

“Well I dunno about that, but I know you guys bring out the best in me. I haven't had this much fun in years!”

“Yeah, neither have I, since…” Neil grew quiet.

“Since what?”

“Since Kimberly and I took Tiffany to Hershey Park in Pennsylvania.”

“The amusement park?”

“Yeah. We had a lot of fun.”

Lucy now felt like she was ruining the night for him. “I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked.”

“It's okay. I'm moving on with my life now, thanks to you.”

Lucy smiled an uneasy smile.

“Well, hi Lucy.”

Lucy whirled around to see Jack Ewing standing behind her. “Jack, hi. I think you've met Neil.”

“We met briefly on the ship. How's it going Neil?”

“Great,” said Neil.

“So, who's your date Jack?” asked Lucy.

Jack turned around and pointed to Kimberly, who was standing in front of a cotton candy vendor. She gave the vendor her money and came back with a stick full of blue cotton candy. “Hi Lucy,” said Kimberly. Lucy noticed that there wasn't much friendliness in her voice.

“Hey Kimberly. I didn't know you and Jack were…”

“We're not,” said Kim. “Jack and I are just good friends.”

Neil looked at Kim and Lucy noticed the look.

“Mommy!” shouted Tiffany, running to them.

“Hey Sweetie!” said Kim, hugging her. “Are you having fun with your Daddy and…Aunt Lucy?”

“Yeah! We're having a blast.” Tiffany then spotted the Ferris wheel. “Mommy, will you ride that with Daddy and me?”

Kimberly looked at Neil nervously. He nodded. “Sure honey. I'll ride it with you.”

Tiffany handed Lucy the goldfish she had won and grabbed her parents' hands, pulling them toward the Ferris wheel. Lucy and Jack were left alone.

“They look like a happy family,” said Jack.

Lucy shot him a dirty look. “Yeah, don't remind me.”

Ewing Oil

      In the glow of early evening, Ewing Oil was pretty bare. It was a bit eerie, Todd had to admit. He couldn't believe what he was doing. It wasn't like him to be so impulsive, or no sickeningly noble. He didn't even know if the tape was IN J.R.'s office.

But where else would it be? J.R. kept all his important documents there, knowing that not only he, but also Sly, would guard them like a hawk. Todd prayed that J.R.'s office wasn't locked.

As he entered the foyer to Ewing Oil, he found only Sly there, typing at her computer. It appeared as if everyone else went home.

“Hey Sly.”

“Mr. Foster!” Sly jumped a little, clutching her chest. “You scared me!”

“I'm sorry. Didn't mean too. I forgot something in J.R.'s office. Mind if I just jump in there and grab it real quick? Is he in?”

“No, actually he had to go to a meeting. Um…” Sly seemed to hesitate a bit. J.R. did not like other people in his office. But Todd was a friend of J.R.'s, and if he took more than a minute, she'd know something was up. “Sure, go ahead in.”

“Thanks.” Todd flashed her a smile. He entered J.R.'s office and did a quick scan. There was no way he was going to find it that quickly. He looked towards the door, or more specifically, the lock on the door. You could unlock it from the inside.

To make his trip seemed legitimate, Todd grabbed an empty file folder, and quickly walked toward the door. Deftly, he unlocked it on his way out, quickly enough so that Sly wouldn't notice.

“Thanks Sly,” he said, holding up the file as evidence. Sly waved goodbye, and Todd stepped out into the hall where all the elevators were.

Out of sight from Sly, Todd ducked into a supply closet. “I cannot believe I'm doing this”, he thought to himself. “This better be my ticket into heaven.”

A half-hour later, Sly gathered up her things and left, indicated by the ding of the elevator doors opening. Todd opened the door just a crack to check. He prayed that she didn't lock J.R.'s door on her way out---after all, it was locked before and he shut it when he left, so he hoped she would assume it was still locked.

He quickly paced over toward the door, smirking when he found it still unlocked. Opening it into J.R.'s quiet and dark office, Todd turned on the lights and quickly began his search. He didn't know if J.R. would be coming back anytime soon.

After more than forty minutes of searching, Todd hit the jackpot. He found the videotape hidden behind what seemed to be an aging supply of liquor. “Nice to know all the vices are kept together,” he mumbled to himself.

He popped the tape in J.R.'s TV/VCR to make sure the tape was what he thought it was. He only needed to see two seconds of the tape to confirm. “Oh My God,” Todd said with disgust.

Todd took the tape and quickly left J.R.'s office, locking the door behind him. He had one more stop to make that night.

The Diamond of Dallas Restaurant

      Sue Ellen's thoughts drifted away from Cally as dinner progressed. Cliff had surprised her when she returned to the office, telling her that he had something very important to tell her, and wanted everything to be just perfect. She didn't have a clue what he could be talking about, figuring it was some big deal that he had just completed for the Clifford Group. She wasn't in any rush to hear it though. Just being with him made her happy.

She still couldn't stand her lingering thoughts towards Jack though. Why was he always on her mind? He had only been around for a couple of days, but there was immediately electricity in the air around them. She WAS attracted to him, and he seemed to have some sort of feeling for her. Sue Ellen reminded herself that there was a distinct difference between being attracted to someone, and acting on that attraction. She was not going to be unfaithful to Cliff.

Sue Ellen smiled as Cliff told her about his day. They had a wonderful dinner. Ever since he returned from his self-imposed exile, Cliff seemed to be so much more alive than he ever was. Vibrant and caring, Sue Ellen believed that she was falling in love with him again. Sure, he still grew into frenzy wherever J.R. was concerned, but who in this town hadn't?

She WAS falling in love with him again, and she sensed by his actions towards her, that he felt just as strongly.

“So, I want to ask you something,” he said with a large, childlike grin on his face.

“Well, ask away.”

“Wanna marry me?”

“WHAT?” Sue Ellen was NOT expecting that one.

“Don't act like I just told you your long lost sister has turned up.”

“Actually that's happened before,” she said, thinking of Kaitlin. “What you just said took me as more of a shock.”

“Is it such a bad idea?”

“Cliff, what about Afton?”

“We're divorced. The papers were cleared weeks ago. Ever since the barbecue last year, things have been sour between us. You knew that I was divorcing her. It was finalized…”

“Just before her accident?”

“Yes, while I was still dead. God, I can't believe I can actually say that. But, we're divorced.”

“Don't you think it's a little too soon? How would Pamela Rebecca feel?”

“Pamela Rebecca would be happy that I'm happy. Afton and I were finished a long time ago. She'll always have a place in my heart, but we're in the past. You're my future.”

Sue Ellen had to admit, the offer was tempting. She did care for Cliff. She loved Cliff. But marriage?

“I don't know Cliff.”

“What's stopping you? Southfork? You're not married to that place. You've got your own life now. You run one of the largest---two of the largest, including West Star—companies in the world. Hell, I feel lucky you have the time to even eat dinner with me.”

She laughed at that, and padded his hand. “There is always time for you.”

“Move in with me. Marry me. It's not going to change anything. Actually, it will make things better. We can live together, work together---be together. John Ross and the whole family aren't going anywhere.”

Sue Ellen had to admit Cliff did have a point. She had been mulling over the thought ever since her conversation with Cally earlier. Why did she stay at Southfork? It was home. But she needed a change. Getting away from J.R. would be a step in the right direction.

“Well, the answer is yes---partially. I will move in with you.”

“Great! Now how about marriage?”

She laughed again. He was acting like a kid on Christmas! “Are you really serious?”

“Why not? We never did it before. I love you Sue Ellen. I want you to be a permanent part of my life. I know that Afton is an uncomfortable thought for you, but things between us are over. I will always see to it that she is taken care of, but I talked to the doctors earlier today, and they said that while she has made some progress, she might just get worse. She betrayed me in many ways.”

“But you share a child.”

“Are we forgetting who John Ross' father is?” Sue Ellen had to give him that one. “But I also recall that there was a while in which I thought I was John Ross' father. It just goes to show that the past has shown that we've had something special together, Sue Ellen, and this time we can't let it slip away, thanks to J.R. or anything else. What better way than to get married? It's the ultimate commitment. Once we're together, nothing can break us apart.”

Cliff reached over for Sue Ellen's hand, and took it in his. It felt good to her. Cliff was great—why shouldn't she marry him? She was getting older. John Ross was already grown up, and living his own life. She didn't want to be alone forever. Why not spend her life with Cliff? She needed to start making changes. A risk wouldn't hurt. She loved Cliff, so why not marry him? It would give her security. It meant someone wanted her.

“I do.”


“I'll marry you.” Sue Ellen said with a smile.

Cliff gave out a joyful cry and reached across the table, kissing her passionately on the lips. He got up and moved over toward her, lifting her up and giving her a gigantic hug. “This is going to be great. I'll take care of everything. Don't worry.” Cliff didn't let her go, he just kept hugging her.

As she grew more comfortable in Cliff's arms, Sue Ellen tried to erase everything else from her mind: Cally, her revenge on J.R., Jack. She was with Cliff now. That was her future.

She kept telling herself she was in love with Cliff, but there was a part of her deep down, that was telling her that perhaps there was another reason for her acceptance, maybe multiple reasons. It would stop an attraction to Jack. And it would make J.R. really, really mad.

Kaitlin Ryan's Residence

      Kaitlin floated in the pool at her house in Amarillo. She loved swimming at night and was relaxing in the moonlight, listening to the crickets chirping when she heard the door open and one of her servants, Harold, walked out, bringing her a telephone.

“Phone call for you, Miss Ryan.”

Kaitlin paddled the float over to the edge of the pool and took the phone from Harold. “Hello?”

“Kaitlin, it's Chris. Hi.”

“Christopher, hey, what's up?”

“I need for you to come to Dallas.”

Kaitlin noticed the urgency in his voice. “Why? Is something wrong?”

“Kind of. I need your help. I can't talk about it right now, but I'll see you when you get to Dallas?”

“Okay. I'll be there as soon as possible.”


Kaitlin handed the phone back to Harold and stepped out of the pool. "Harold, call the airport and arrange for my jet to be ready to fly. I'm going to Dallas.”

The Southfork Dining Room

      “Well, I don't know where J.R. is, but we'll go ahead and start,” said Ellie. She stood up and walked into the dining room. Everyone else followed her.

She took her place at the head of the table and smiled at her family—or what was left of it. The only ones there were Pam, Bobby, Gary, Val, John Ross, and Melissa.

“I guess this is it for the night,” said Ellie.

“Wow, a crowd,” said Christopher as he walked in, taking a seat at the table.

“Glad you could make it Christopher,” said Ellie. “Clayton should be coming back later this week. They're having Jessica committed to a high-security sanitarium. I doubt she'll be escaping from this one.”

“I'm glad Momma,” said Bobby, “maybe now you and Clayton can get on with your lives.”

“Christopher honey, where's Karen?” asked Pam.

Christopher looked at Miss Ellie. “I guess it's time you knew the truth.”

“Truth? What's wrong?”

“Karen has a history of drug problems,” said Christopher. John Ross was quiet. “When she went back to Pennsylvania, and old boyfriend of hers got her back on heroin. Things just kept getting worse until I had to have her put in a rehab center.”

“Oh my God, I had no idea,” said Pam with concern in her eyes. “You should have told us. We could have helped you.”

“That's right Son,” said Bobby.

“Well, she's in the best place right now. It was the only thing that could be done.”

“Karen needs all of our prayers now,” said Ellie.

Val spoke up. “Karen's a strong woman. She'll get through it.”

Ellie smiled. “Valene, why don't you and Gary share your news with the rest of the family?”

Val blushed. “Gary?”

“Val and I are going to be spending a few months in Dallas. I've started a little construction project that'll probably take a few months to finish.”

“That's great,” said Bobby. “What about the kids?”

“They're flying out here tomorrow,” said Val. “They loved it at Southfork before. I'm sure they'll be happy to spend some more time here.”

The doorbell broke their conversation and Teresa walked into the dining room. “Mr. Christopher, Pamela Rebecca is here to see you.”

Christopher was apprehensive as he wiped his mouth and left the table. Pamela Rebecca was sitting on the couch, looking at a picture of John Ross and Melissa.

“Hi Chris,” she said.

“So, tell me there's more to this than just a social call. What are you really here for?”

“I just wanted to talk to you about Megan and I had something to tell you.”

“Ok, shoot. I don't have all night.”

“You're not making this very easy for me. I just wanted to say that despite how this custody hearing turns out, I think it would be in the best interest of Megan if you and I could manage to remain friends.”

Christopher felt a little guilty, considering he already knew how the custody trial was going to turn out. He'd make sure J.R. got that West Star stock. “I'd like that. Where is Megan?”

“She's back in Boston with a friend of mine.”

“Oh, I thought maybe you brought her with you to Dallas.”

“No, I thought it was probably best to leave her.”

“Why? So I couldn't see her? Do you have any idea how long it's been since I HAVE seen her? You left Dallas with her in May. That's been four months. Four months that I haven't seen my daughter, because you took her away.”

“That's not fair.”

“I don't give a damn what's fair. You are a ruthless little bitch and I'll be glad when I get custody of our daughter. I wouldn't want her to be raised by you.”

After his awful day, Christopher had finally had enough. He left the living room and went upstairs.

“You sure do have a way with ex-boyfriends 'Rebecca',” said Melissa, walking into the living room.

“Nice to see you too Melissa. You mean you're still living here? I'm surprised John Ross hasn't already thrown you out for another woman.”

“That's not going to happen.”

“Oh yes it will. John Ross is just like his father. It'll happen to you sooner or later. I just hope, for your sake, that it happens before you two get married.”

Melissa sipped her wine, thinking about how desperate Pamela Rebecca was to ruin her relationship with John Ross.

The Krebbs Ranch

      Ray wondered who could be stopping by this late. Miss Ellie or anyone from Southfork usually called before dropping by. Lucas and Margaret were upstairs studying, and Donna was off meeting with some local voters' clubs. Ray prayed it wasn't Jenna. He hadn't spoken to her. He didn't want to.

He opened the door, praying it wasn't Jenna. He was completely surprised to find Todd Foster outside, holding a videotape.

“Hi Ray, I'm so sorry to stop by this late.”

“Donna's not here. Do you want me to leave a message?”

“Actually, it's you I wanted to talk to. Can I come in?”

Ray wondered what exactly was going on. What could Todd want with him? He never had spoken to Todd more than three times, just having exchanged pleasantries at Donna's campaign headquarters. Still, he was curious. “Sure, come on in,” motioning for Todd to come through the door.

Todd clutched the videotape and headed into the living room. He turned around, not sure how to say what he needed too. “OK, listen, I know we don't know each other that well, and everything I'm about to say to you is probably going to come as a huge shock. But please just hear me out.”

“You're making no sense to me right now.”

“OK, I'll make this short and simple. You know that I'm working on Donna's campaign.” Ray nodded his head, waiting for the bomb to drop. What was this about? “I'm not sure if you're aware of this also, but I frequently do business with J.R.”

The look on Ray's face let him know that something bad was coming. Todd picked this up right away. “I know, I know. He's a scumbag. But he's helped me out in deals in the past, and therefore I have some sort of loyalty to him, business wise. Where I don't have loyalty to him is in the personal sense though.” He held up the videotape. “That's where this comes in.”

“What the hell is this all about, because my patience is getting really short,” Ray said, anxious to know what J.R. was up to.

Todd continued. “J.R. asked me if I would help ruin Donna's campaign. He really doesn't want to see Donna elected, mostly because I think he's scared. I told him no---I wouldn't do that to Donna. I've done some crappy things in my life, but I respect her a lot.”

“What does this have to do with this videotape? And why would J.R. ask you to do that?”

“I've done some dirty work for him before---business stuff. Typical J.R.” Todd figured embellishing things a little couldn't hurt. Ray didn't really need to know that he had actually done stuff to hurt Donna's campaign. Certainly couldn't help him. “Anyway, he asked me this when I first started volunteering there, and I said no. But then, today, I overheard him in his office—I was there because I am doing some more business with him. Anyway, I overheard him talking on the phone to a woman. He congratulated her on getting you---and he said Ray—into bed, and thanked her for the videotape. He told her that it's smart to be his friend, or something along those lines.”

Oh My God, Ray thought. His jaw dropped. Todd continued, “That's what this is. I walked in just as J.R. was finishing up. He knew that I heard some of what he said, so he flat out told me what he had done. He was really proud. It was kind of sick. He said that he had paid a woman to seduce you, and then get it on videotape. I asked him why, and he told me that you had a percentage of a company—PetroTech—that he wanted. He said this was his way of getting it.”

Ray's mind was racing at a million miles an hour. That bastard. He remembered J.R.'s inquiries about PetroTech a long time ago. Hell, Ray forgot he even had a percentage of that company. Something about this wasn't right though. “Why would he tell you this?”

“Because he figured I wouldn't care. Like I said, I've done some dirty work for him in the past, stuff that I'm not proud of. I think he believed that I honestly wouldn't care---maybe that I'd be in awe of him. I think he believes I look up to him.”

“So why are you telling me this? I hardly know you.”

“Because of Donna, and I care about her. This could potentially hurt not only her, but her campaign as well. You know J.R.---he's likely to broadcast this on the eleven o'clock news. She's worked too hard to have everything ruined, or to be hurt like that. So I'm giving this to you. It's up to you whether you tell her about this or not, but I'm making sure that J.R. can't cause any problems. So, here.” Todd handed Ray the videotape.

Ray stared at the tape for almost a full minute. What was going on? Was all this true? Why would Todd lie about something like this? He'd have to watch the tape to make sure it's real. What was he going to tell Donna if she found out? Should he tell her? What about J.R.?

“Alright, I'll get going. I just wanted to make sure you had that. I know this seems like it's really sketchy, but I'm serious about what I said. I'm just looking out for Donna.” Todd left the room, and walked out the front door.

Ray quickly walked into the other room, made sure Lucas and Margaret were nowhere near, and shut the door. He turned on the TV, and popped the tape in. Todd wasn't lying. It was Jenna—and him, in bed.


Ray's mind filled with anger. He quickly walked over towards the bottom of the stairs. “Lucas! Margaret! I'll be right back, I'm going out for a minute.”

“Where are you going?” Margaret called back.

“Just to Southfork,” Ray said, halfway out the door.

Southfork Ranch

      Sue Ellen was tired. She still couldn't believe that she was engaged—to Cliff. Soon, they'd be husband and wife! He promised to take care of all the arrangements, but said that he wanted to be married as soon as possible---a small ceremony with only their closest friends. She thought of all the things that she needed to do before that. She needed to get in contact with her mother---they hadn't talked in SO long. She had gotten a letter from her, saying that she was going on an around the world cruise, and wouldn't be in contact for a while---typical Patricia—but things were getting ridiculous.

Also, Sue Ellen wondered how she would tell Miss Ellie. Would she be hurt? Miss Ellie was the last person in the world that Sue Ellen wanted to hurt in any way. In many ways, Miss Ellie was like her own mother. It was too late. She'd worry about it tomorrow.

“Late night with that loser?”

She didn't see J.R. sitting on the patio, sipping on some water.

“Out haunting with the other creatures of the night?” Sue Ellen quickly barbed back.

“No, they're all with Barnes. I really had more faith in you Sue Ellen. You're a pretty lady. Not material for that imbecile.”

“Haven't we gone through this before J.R.? Stick to the things you know---whores.”

“I learned from the best, honey---you.”

Sue Ellen shot him a contemptuous look. “Why don't you just crawl into a hole somewhere.”

“And give you the satisfaction? Naw, I want to stick around and see you and Barnes go down the toilet.”

She had it. “Well, you'll have to be waiting a long time. We're getting married.”

That caught J.R. by surprise. “What?”

“You heard me. We're getting married. He proposed tonight and I accepted. Thank God I'm moving in with him---won't have to see your ugly sneer anymore.”

“Should I call up your divorce lawyer now? You'll never last. You ain't got a great track record, darlin'.”

“You really shouldn't speak. But incidentally, Cliff and I won't need a divorce lawyer, but you'll need some sort of legal assistance in the near future. We love each other, but we love something else almost as much--hating you. It's going to be a beautiful marriage.” She smiled condescendingly.

Both J.R. and Sue Ellen turned around quickly when they heard Ray's truck pull into the driveway. He jumped out, slamming the door behind him. “J.R., I want to talk to you.”

Sue Ellen greeted Ray, and then said, “I'll leave you two alone.” Turning towards J.R. on her way into the house, she said “Watch out.”

“That's exactly what you better be doing,” Ray muttered to himself as Sue Ellen walked into the house.

“Well Ray,” J.R. said, “What can I do for you?” Not time to spring the surprise on him just yet.

“You son of a bitch!” Ray yelled and punched J.R. clear across the jaw.

J.R. recoiled from the punch, and tried to steady himself. He clutched his jaw in pain. “What the hell was that for, you idiot!”

“Think you'd win this time, didn't you J.R.? Well, you didn't! I know everything that you did. You set me up. You hired Jenna to try to get me in bed. You son of a bitch! You paid her to sleep with me so you could blackmail me!”

Ray was raging, but trying to keep his voice as quiet as possible. He didn't want to alert anyone in the house.

“What the hell are you babbling about Krebbs?” J.R. was still clutching his jaw.

“Don't play stupid. I have the videotape of Jenna and me together. I know it was you behind it. Well I have it now. You've got no more leverage on me, and you never will.” Ray's fists were still clenched. “You're disgusting J.R. I can't believe you're Jock's son. He would have disowned you for this.”

“And I'm real sure he would have been proud of a two timing nothing that lets his wife gallivant around town running for mayor, making a fool out of him.”

“You shut the hell up.”

“It's true. You're a joke Ray---and a half-breed. Always said it, always will.”

“Out of respect to Miss Ellie's home, I'm going to let you live. You just better shut the hell up right there though. You're the loser J.R. There is no way in hell you are ever going to get your hands on PetroTech. That's one thing I'm damn sure of.”

Ray stormed off, getting into the truck and screeching away. Still clenching his jaw, J.R.'s thoughts were on one thing---betrayal. Todd had betrayed him and the boy was gonna pay.

Ewing Oil

      The Dallas sun shone down into J.R.'s office, as everyone started to arrive at Ewing Oil. J.R. was already on the phone. “Larry, I need you to do me a big favor.”

On the other end of the line, Larry Nestor, at the Oil Regulatory Commission, wondered what the hell J.R. Ewing wanted with him. “What do you need?” He was a little suspicious.

“You ever heard of a company called April Oil?”


“Well, the majority of their fields are outside Lubbock---you know which ones I'm talking about?”

“I think so.” Lots of oil companies had large holdings around there.

“I need you to shut all of their fields down.”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. Shut down every single field owned by April Oil. There aren't too many of them.”

“I don't have the authority to do that.”

“You sure as hell have the authority to do that. You're the head of the damn ORC.”

“Not without just cause I can't.”

“They're an environmental hazard. You've been conducting a study for a while now, and the results just came in this morning. Keeping them open any longer would be environmentally unsafe.”

“J.R., I'm not playing this game. Those fields are fine, and we both know it.”

“Does your wife know about what you like to do down there in Mexico?”

Larry gulped on the other end of the line. How did he know? As if J.R. were psychic, the other end of the phone line gave out a snide laugh. “I've seen some twisted stuff in my day Larry, but really. Some of the stuff you do with those girls….”

“You wouldn't”

“Shut down those fields and I won't.” J.R. commended himself for his forethought. It never hurt to have important officials followed from time to time. You learned some very interesting facts that could come in handy later---like now.

“I can't keep them shut down forever. It's not a legitimate threat.”

“A few weeks is all I need.” And it was true. Those fields were integral to April Oil maintaining a profit margin---hell, staying afloat. After a few weeks, the company would go for broke. Wouldn't that make Todd happy? J.R. knew it would sure as hell make him happy.

“Don't tell my wife---please.”

“Do like I asked, and you're secret is safe Larry. Thanks a million.” He hung up the phone. Any time now, he should be hearing that those fields would be shut down.

He couldn't wait to see that little bastard Todd's face.

April Oil

      Todd couldn't wait to get home. He still hadn't heard from Ray, or J.R. He wondered when the fallout was going to occur. He was prepared for it, though. Or at least, he thought he was, until the phone rang.

Todd really didn't want to answer the phone. It was almost five—he wondered if he could sneak out without answering it. Still, it might be important.

“Todd here.” He said, picking up on the third ring.

Exactly one minute later, the sound of Todd screaming “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU SHUT DOWN THOSE FIELDS?” echoed throughout the tiny offices of April Oil.

Inside his office, Todd slammed down the phone. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. The ORC had just shut down 80% of all of April Oil's producing wells, claiming they were an environmental hazard and had to be shut down pending further investigation. Those wells were the main moneymaker for the company. Without them, they would go belly up in weeks. Even if he used his own money that he got from his mother's estate, Todd still wouldn't be able to save the company.

But he knew those wells were safe. He had hired independent inspectors to check them out last week. They were fine---he knew it. Then what the hell happened?

Then, in a flash, the answer flashed in Todd's mind.


Ewing Oil

      “Mr. Foster, you can't go in there!” Sly called out.

“Stuff it,” Todd said as he breezed past her. He stormed into J.R.'s office, opening the door in one swift move.

“You slimy bastard. You really picked the wrong person to screw with this time.” He said, walking intently towards J.R.'s desk.

“Feel bad to be double-crossed Todd?”

“Don't you even compare what I did for Donna to shutting down those fields. I could go out of business!” He was screaming now, enraged.

“Double-crossing is double-crossing. You needed to be taught a lesson.”

“Oh, really? Well, two can play at this game then.” Todd crossed his arms. “You must be getting real stupid in your old age, J.R. because you forgot something very important. I still have my ace to play, and you sure as hell can bet I won't be playing on your side.”

As he turned around to leave J.R.'s office, he said, “You can kiss Ewing Oil goodbye,” leaving J.R. with a confused look.

Todd stormed out into the hall of Ewing Oil and into the elevator, with a definite destination in mind: the office of Sue Ellen Ewing.

Credits Roll...

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