Ellie Ewing Farlow

Katherine Wentworth

Christopher Ewing

Bobby Ewing

Sue Ellen Ewing

J.R. Ewing

Donna Dowling

Karen Ewing

Ray Krebbs

Clayton Farlow

Cliff Barnes

Pam Ewing

Lucy Ewing

Todd Foster

Also Featuring

Kimberly Beam

Phyllis Kelly

Sly Lovegren

Lucas Krebbs

Ryanne Hancock

Neil Lancaster

Tiffany Lancaster

Mandy Winger


Jenna Evans

with special guest

John Ross Ewing


Jesse Murray


Justin Stiles

Story Consultants

Jesse Campbell

Kristin Cashmere


Chad Cox

When Ellie heard Bobby and J.R. come in, she cried out for them.

"Momma!" Bobby said with a mixture of confusion and worry. Both he and J.R. took off for upstairs. Upon arriving upstairs, they found that Lucy had come out of her bedroom at the sound of her grandmother's cry. All three entered Ellie's room, where they found Clayton hugging a distraught Ellie.

"What the hell's going on here?" J.R. demanded, seeing that his mother was ok. "Clayton, what the hell did you do to her?"

"Put a sock in it J.R." Clayton responded. He looked directly at Bobby and motioned his head towards the flowers and the card that Jessica sent, all the while never letting go of Ellie. Bobby picked up the card and read it, handing it over to Lucy and then J.R.

Lucy could only muster a "Oh My God" as J.R. made plans to find out whoever was responsible for letting that "psycho" out. "Don't you worry Momma. We're going to make sure there is a security guard here at all times---at the house and at the entrance to the ranch. You're going to be fine."

"J.R.'s right" Bobby chimed in. "I'll call my security contact right now. He's great Momma, you'll never even know he was around the house." He was trying to make his mother feel better. She was very frightened. Lucy just walked over and started to rub her grandmother's back.

In the midst of all this, Sue Ellen walked in, still in a daze from a romantic dinner with Cliff. "What's going on?" she asked, confused by the scene occurring in Ellie's bedroom.

"Jessica. But not for long," were the only words that Clayton spoke.

Karen screamed when she realized who she had just fired the gun at. She ran to Christopher, screaming his name. "Christopher! Are you all right?"

Shaken, but not injured, Christopher responded with a yes. They both looked around to see a bullet hole in the wall beside Christopher. "Karen? Is Zack here?" asked Kim, stepping into the room.

"No. He left."

"Luckily the gun had a silencer. We need to get out of here before someone asks questions. The last thing we want is the police involved in this," said Christopher.

"Great," said Karen shakily. "Let's get out of here."

Christopher put his arm around her, glad that they would both be walking away from this alive. He and Karen would have to have a long talk later.

The day was already scorching hot when Bobby mounted his horse at 8 a.m. and rode out to the land across from Southfork. He stared across it and remembered his father. Jock had always wanted to buy the land, but never could convince Magruder to sell. Bobby had often wondered what Jock wanted with it so badly, but he figured Jock knew that there was oil underneath.

That still didn't make sense though. He knew Jock would never have drilled for oil right across from Southfork—no more than he would have drilled for oil on Southfork. Just who was behind Jock Ewing Enterprises? Bobby shook off the idea that it was Jock himself. His Daddy was dead—he had been for almost 20 years.

He heard a car behind him and turned around in the saddle to see Pam driving toward him. Had the police already arrested Katherine?

Pam pulled her car onto the side of the road and got out, slamming the door. "Bobby James Ewing, how could you?"

"I did what I had to do Pam."

"The hell you did! Things were going fine until they showed up!"

"Things can go fine once again. Katherine's been arrested now and I'll help you pack up your things so you can move back into Southfork."

"No. Katherine wasn't arrested. I managed to get her to hide while the police searched the house, after I lied and said she had left that morning. See Bobby? I had to lie to the police because of your actions."

"And Katherine is still running free?"

"That isn't the Katherine you're referring to. The old Katherine is locked away somewhere inside of this one. This Katherine is sweet, loving, and caring. She is my sister."

"And how do we know that she isn't faking amnesia? I'm calling the police again. This time they'll get her."

Bobby pulled a cellphone out of his pocket and Pam grabbed it from his hand, throwing it onto the road where it broke into pieces. "Bobby, if you so much as even pick up another phone to call the police, you will not be with me the day that our baby is born. I'll leave Dallas—don't think I won't."

"You know, I'm beginning to wonder if it isn't you that has the amnesia. You seem to have forgotten how much we once cared for one another."

"I care for my sister too. My mother would want me to take care of Katherine in this condition. I have to do it for her."

"That's crazy Pam."

"Crazy? It's good enough for you isn't it? Is that not the EXACT same excuse you used all those years? When you were so involved in the oil business that you didn't have time for me? You did that for YOUR father. You did that for Jock. Now that the roles have reversed, you don't like it very much either."

"That isn't fair and you know it!" snapped Bobby.

They temporarily stopped fighting as J.R. pulled up and got out of the car. "Well, what are you two doing out here this morning?"

"None of your business J.R.," said Pam.

"What's wrong?" he said, trying to remind himself that they had called a truce several months ago.

"My wife here threatened to leave Dallas with our child if I tried to have Katherine arrested again," said Bobby, the hurt obvious in his voice.


"No, our unborn child," said Bobby.

"Stay out of this J.R." said Pam angrily.

"Pamela, nobody hurts my brother like this. Katherine is a threat to every one of us at Southfork. Hell, she blew up the place not too long ago, or have you forgotten that? If Bobby doesn't pick up the phone and call the police, I'll do it myself."

Pam waited for Bobby to speak a word in her defense. He had always defended her from J.R. before. He was silent.

"J.R., I should have known you'd revert back to your old ways again—meddling in our relationship like this," was all she could think to say. "Bobby, I'm leaving. I've changed my mind."

"You have?"

"I don't care about the police. It's not going to matter because you're going to drop the charges against Katherine. Then there'll be no need for the police," said Pam.

"Oh Gawd," said J.R. "You've got about ten seconds to get off of Southfork before I have you escorted out."

Pam wanted to tell J.R. she was standing on the road in front of Southfork, which wasn't Southfork property, but she decided to save her breath. "Goodbye. And Bobby, I mean everything I say. If you value our love and our marriage, then drop those charges."

She stood there for a second longer, waiting for some kind of reply from Bobby. When it was obvious he wasn't saying anything else, she got in her car and drove away.

"Don't worry Bobby. Everything will be okay. We'll call the police, have Katherine taken away. Pam will forget all about it in a few weeks' time."

"J.R., shut up and stay out of this."

Before J.R. could say anything else, Bobby had started off on the horse.

Ray silently crept into the hall, trying not to wake anyone. He wanted to just run, and get as far away from Dallas as possible. He nearly slapped himself at the thought of the dumb move that he had made last night. It was HE who picked that fight with Donna. She was just asking him about the Cattleman's Club, after Lucas had told her about Ray's secret purchase of the former strip club and his restoration of it back into the glory of its restaurant days. She had been angry because he hadn't been honest with her, and had been sneaking around fixing it up, although Ray noted to himself that he did it for her good, as to not interfere with that damn campaign of hers. He had to admit though, that his stubbornness and his pride got in the way of him last night. He was angry with Donna, and would have used a fly on the wall as an excuse to fight with her. Or was he looking for an excuse to see Jenna?

For that's exactly what he did after fighting with Donna. He ran straight over to Jenna Evans' place, and into her arms. Ray was glad he had enough self-control to not sleep with her. However, things went further than he would have liked, beyond just the simple kiss that he greeted her with at the door. What was he saying? He WANTED things to progress the way they progressed that night. Part of it could admit it to himself---he wanted Jenna, he was mad at Donna. But Ray tried to focus himself, and keep himself centered. He reminded himself over and over that he didn't sleep with Jenna, it wasn't too late to turn back and never see her again. Ray hoped that at least half of him would believe that was true.

He fell asleep on the couch, where Donna found him a few hours later.

Bobby was sorting through the previous day's mail, trying to keep his mind of his mother and the conversation with Pam. He hadn't left Southfork that morning without placing two armed security men on the premises. Miss Ellie was still shaken after last night, but Clayton was by her side constantly, and she did admit to Bobby that the security men were a welcome and relieving presence.

Bobby had spoken to both his private detective and his connections at the Dallas police department about getting all available men to find Jessica. He knew that J.R. would do the same, and J.R. would use other tactics to make sure the job got done. This was one time when Bobby actually appreciated his brother's methods that did not exactly follow the book of law.

Bobby tried to expel thoughts of frustration regarding Pam as he looked at his watch. Todd was due in his office at any moment for a meeting.

As Bobby looked at his watch again, Todd Foster strode through the elevator doors of Ewing Oil as the parted. He warmly greeted Kendall, who had decided to balance motherhood and a career by coming back to work as the Ewing Oil receptionist.

J.R. was standing by Sly's desk, sorting through mail. He had no idea that Todd was due in the office, and was a bit surprised. After all, he had not spoken with Todd in a while regarding the little scheme to get Donna's damn campaign crashing into the ground. Todd pretended not to see J.R. and walked straight over to Phyllis's desk.

"Hi Phyllis," he said, "Is Bobby in?"

"Sure" Phyllis smiled back, "He's expecting you. Let me go get him." Phyllis excused herself towards Bobby's office as Lucy strolled out of hers.

"Well Todd, long time no see. How's it going?" She loved to check out Todd's butt.

"Here trying to get my brother to get you some more money?" J.R. chirped in.

Todd walked straight past J.R., and gave Lucy a warm hug. "Lucy, it's great to see you too. God, it has been a long time." Todd also gave a curt "J.R." and nodded in the latter's direction. He and J.R. had made an agreement that, were they to be seen in public together, they would act as though they despised each other. It kept any sort of connection between them hidden, should Todd's plan to ruin Donna's campaign be exposed. Todd had to admit that he liked telling J.R. off in public.

Bobby entered, greeted Todd and invited him into his office. "How's Pam and the baby?" were the first words out of Todd's mouth.

"Well, Pam's health is good. I'm beginning to think that when she collapsed at the barbecue it was due to the heat. So the baby's fine and is due any time now. Pam's a whole other story."


Bobby paused on whether to explain the whole sordid Katherine saga to Todd. He hadn't really talked to anyone about it. It would feel good to get it off his chest. "It all deals with her sister Katherine. She's been wreaking havoc in our life for over fifteen years."

"Oh my God, is she still alive?" Bobby assumed that Todd had heard of Katherine's crash a while back.

"Yep. And she's alive, supposedly with amnesia, although I don't buy it. She and Pam are living together at their mother's old house. She wanted to bring Katherine to Southfork, but I wouldn't let her. After all, she did blow it up."

Todd tried to stifle a laugh at the dryness of Bobby's statement. He nodded his head in agreement as Bobby continued. "So she's hiding out with Katherine, determined to prove that Katherine doesn't have amnesia. I just wish she would leave the whole thing—well, especially Katherine---in the past. But it's like she's determined. Possessed or something."

"I'm assuming Pam remembers all the horrible things Katherine has done. She blew up Southfork, she tried to shoot you, frame her brother."

"How did you know all that?"

"Don't forget Bobby, before I came to Dallas, I read up on you Ewings. Your lives seem to revolve around news-making events."

"It's scary, but you're right. I mean, I've tried to tell Pam and make her see my side of things, but Pam just shuts off sometimes. It's her way or no way. She doesn't believe in meeting you halfway when she has a strong conviction. That's what broke us up in the first place. I mean, what caused our first divorce. She was 100% in disagreement with me over the way my daddy's will was divided. That, and Katherine."

"This chick sounds like bad news Bobby. You're doing the right thing by putting your foot down and telling Pam you want her out of your life."

"I took the steps to get her out of both of our lives. I called the police on her."


"She's a fugitive, Todd. She's responsible for many deaths."

"No, I think you did the right thing. Is Pam though?"

"If she has any sense she will." Bobby gave a long sigh and put his forehead in his hands.

Todd felt bad for Bobby. He was caught in a bit of a predicament. "I'm sorry Bobby. If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm there."

Bobby looked up at Todd, and for a second, saw a flicker of April in the young man's eyes. "Thank you." A pause. "Now let's get down to business!"

Sue Ellen had been talking to John Ross for over a half-hour. He was somewhere in Asia, although Sue Ellen couldn't remember the exact location for the life of her. He sounded like he was having fun, although Sue Ellen did get a little concerned because she could sense some frustration in her son's voice when she asked him about Melissa. She didn't really like that girl, and while Sue Ellen was not fond of Pamela Rebecca, she liked her leaps over Melissa.

Sue Ellen hated to admit it, but there was another reason behind her call to John Ross. Business was on her mind. Well, more specifically, revenge. After Bobby refused to sell his 8% to her, Sue Ellen wracked her brain trying to think of other ways to get her hands on a percentage of Ewing Oil. Her son still owned 25% of Ewing Oil, although he had given full control over it to Lucy. He could however, sell any of that 25% at any time. Hopefully, he'd sell it to her.

"John Ross, there is something I wanted to ask you."

"Yeah Mom?"

"How do you feel about your percentage of Ewing Oil?"

John Ross was confused. "You mean the 25% Lucy controls? What about it?"

"How would you like to sell it to me. I will give you a fair price."

"What? I don't think I heard you right mom."

"I want to buy your 25%"

"But you hate Ewing Oil!"

"I don't hate Ewing Oil, I just strongly dislike your father."

"Let me guess. This has something to do with revenge on Dad right?"

Her son knew her all too well. Sue Ellen's silence while thinking of something to say gave her away. "Mom, I'm not going to get involved in this. Any bones you have to pick with Dad, don't get me involved OK? Lucy is doing a good job running my percentage. I'm happy the way things are."

Sue Ellen accepted her son's response. She said goodbye to him, hoping he would return from his around the world venture soon. As Sue Ellen put down the phone, she looked at the mountain of paperwork surrounding her. She was beginning to think that she had taken on too much by agreeing to run the Clifford Group with Cliff, along with her duties at West Star. As she was trying to gaze over some prospective new acquisitions, Cliff strode into her office.

"Hello there" he said with a large grin.

Sue Ellen could barely glance up. "Someone's obviously in a good mood."

"I take it your not."

"Stress. Well, Ewing Oil."

"John Ross isn't interested in selling, I take it."

"No. I'm beginning to think my plan is not going to work. Not like I have a plan." Sue Ellen kept her head on her paperwork.

Cliff sat on the edge of her desk, and said, "Sometimes things are left best unplanned." With that, he reached over, lifted up her chin, and kissed her. Sue Ellen lost herself in the kiss.

After what seemed like an eternity, Cliff moved his lips away from Sue Ellen's and headed towards the door. "I'll call you tonight," he said. Sue Ellen actually blushed.

J.R. was delighted when Sly buzzed to announce that there was a Jenna Evans on the line. J.R. quickly picked up the phone, and demanded a status report. "Well, did you get him in bed yet?"

On the other end of the line, Jenna rolled her eyes. "Not yet, but I'm making a lot of progress. We kissed, and last night Ray had a pretty bad night at home, but a wonderful night here, so to speak." Jenna's voice trailed off.

"So you did sleep with him?"


J.R. understood what she was getting at and smiled. "Just keep doing more of that darlin' and it will be any day now. I need that stock of his."

"J.R., he's your brother? How can you do this?"

"Half-brother honey, and that's what he is—half. Half-breed, half-brain, half a big stupid ox. He's just dumb. He doesn't deserve or need that stock. Might as well go towards helping the company that my daddy---his daddy too mind you---built."

"J.R., I really don't know if I can go through with this. I really like Ray."

"I like donuts honey, but I still eat them. Do it, or I'm gonna have to give that husband of yours a call. In fact, I'm looking at his number right now."

Jenna didn't need a second thought to know that J.R. wasn't kidding. He would call him, that bastard.

"Fine. I'll call you," she muttered, then immediately hung up.

J.R. placed the receiver down and smiled to himself before moving from his desk and heading out towards the hall.

In the hall, Todd left Bobby's office. Bobby had proposed that Ewing Oil and April Oil join together for a joint business venture to open some fields in the Western part of the state. Todd looked over the figures, saw the profit margin and agreed.

Todd almost literally bumped into J.R. in the hall. "Well, still here?" J.R. asked. AS he said this, he looked around, making sure that Lucy or none of the secretaries were in earshot. Once he determined they weren't, he quickly whispered, as he walked side by side with Todd, "That campaign taken care of?"

"Almost J.R. Almost."

Donna was trying to get this interview moving. She needed to get out of the office, and this interview, or tour, around the headquarters was the last agenda of the day. She was briskly, yet politely, trying to explain the operations of her headquarters when she was shocked to discover two police officers entering through the front doors. Donna's face nearly cringed when she saw who was walking in front of them---Lucas.

Donna prayed that the camera would break. She turned towards the cameraman, and politely asked him to shut it off. "Sure," he replied, but it was a lie---the film kept rolling.

"Mrs. Dowling?" the taller officer asked.

"Lucas, what in God's name is going on?"

"So you do know this boy?" the officer asked inquisitively. "Because we just found him outside the building, planting cherry bombs all over the place. I checked with the station, and this isn't the first time he's been brought in."

Donna wanted to just scream. Why was Lucas doing this to her? Why did he hate her so much?

As the anchorwoman smiled at the thought of the big story for the evening news, Donna simply told the policemen, "This is my soon to be step-son. I'll take responsibility for him, and I don't want to press any charges against him. Any damage he caused can be billed to me personally." She turned her attention towards Lucas. "His father and I will make sure that this NEVER happens again."

The officer was quick to reply, "Please do Mrs. Dowling. This time, we can let it slide. Next time, it's JV hall."

As the officers left, Donna quickly strode over towards the news crew. Everyone in the office was staring. Donna felt embarrassed, but more importantly, defeated.

"Could we reschedule this for another time?" she politely asked the crew. Wanting to get to the station with her footage as quickly as possible, the anchorwoman said they would be in touch. Before retreating into the corner to get her things, Donna placed her hand on the anchorwoman's shoulder. "I trust none of this will go on the news. This was a personal matter. It has nothing to do with campaign. Please respect that." She tried to be as nice as possible. The anchorwoman just nodded, smiled and said "Of course." She was lying.

Donna grabbed her purse and started to lead Lucas out the door. The anchorwoman gave the silent cue to continue rolling. The last snippet of audio they received was Lucas, swearing unabashedly, and telling Donna she was the reason his mother was dead.

"They're gonna love this one," thought the anchorwoman.

Christopher pulled the car into the drive at Southfork just as the sun was setting. "Well Kimberly, welcome to Southfork."

"Wow. Impressive. Karen, you've been living here all this time and never once told me how big it was?" She turned to the backseat to find Karen asleep. "Christopher, I'm afraid it's the withdrawal. I've seen all of this before."

"I don't want to believe that she's still addicted, but you told me all about the signs. I…I don't know what to do."

"Don't worry," she said, putting her hand on his shoulder. "That's what I came back to Dallas with you for. I'll keep a close eye on her for a few more days. If I see any signs that she's back on drugs, we'll get her help."

"Thanks. This means a lot to me. I've never dealt with anything like this before. I want to somehow keep this a secret from the rest of the family."

"Maybe we should've gotten a motel room then?"

"That would have been even more suspicious. They're all so busy with their lives, I don't think they'll even notice. Grandma might be tough, but I'll get around that."

Not wanting to wake Karen, he picked her up and carried her into the house. To his surprise, no one was inside that he could see. He carried her upstairs and into their bedroom.

"What's going on?" said Lucy, standing in the doorway.

"Oh, Lucy, hi. This is Karen's sister Kim. She's come back from Pennsylvania with us to visit. Karen got a little sick on the way home."

"Hi Kim. Should I call a doctor?"

"No. I think she's okay. Where is everybody?"

"J.R. and Bobby are working late I guess. Grandma and Clayton went out to dinner with Punk and Mavis. Grandma had a little scare from Jessica last night, and she needed some time out. I don't have a clue where Sue Ellen is. It's a little later than usual, but Teresa's fixed dinner if you want some."

"Yeah. We'll be down in a second."

"Ok. See you later then."

After watching Karen for a few more minutes, Christopher and Kim joined Lucy at the table. "Kind of lonely tonight isn't it?" remarked Lucy.

"I don't think we've had this few people at the table since it was just me and Dad living here. Lucy, you mentioned Jessica earlier. What was that about?"

"Jessica sent a threatening note and some dead flowers to Grandma. Your Dad and J.R. have it under control though. So Kim, tell me about yourself," said Lucy.

"There's not much to tell. I'm divorced and have a daughter. She lives with her father." Kimberly grew quiet as if she were thinking of something.

Lucy tried to break the silence, thinking that she had touched on an uncomfortable subject. "Christopher, how's business at West Star?"

"I'm not really sure. Things were fine when I left. I just hope that Aunt Sue Ellen took care of anything that came up while I was in Pennsylvania.

The first thing J.R. noticed upon entering the living room was the good spirits of the entire family, particularly Miss Ellie. She was actually smiling.

"Mama, what happened? You look happy."

"I'm excited. Clayton and I just got back from dinner with Mavis and Punk. Punk told us that the Oil Baron's Ball was next week, and it's on a cruise again this year. When we got home, we had these in the mail." She handed J.R. an invitational packet to the Oil Baron's Ball.

"I know Mama, we got these at Ewing Oil the other day. You're not going to go are you?"

"That's what I told her." Clayton said.

"Mama, Jessica is still out there. Until she's caught, I think you should lay low."

"I am NOT going to let that woman control my life. And she will NOT interfere with the Oil Baron's Ball. That ball is very important to this family, and it's imperative that we are all there as a unit. If I let Jessica interfere with my family, and being with them, then she truly HAS gotten to me." Miss Ellie gave a look to J.R. that the subject was to be discussed no longer. She changed the venue of conversation. "So, Ewing Oil has already received invitations?"

"Yep. Lucy's going, and I am too. Although I'll be damned if I'm going to sleep in one of those cabins again. I don't know if someone's going to try to burn my room down like last year."

"Let's try to forget about that J.R." Miss Ellie took a slight pause to take a breath. "What about Pam and Bobby? Or Christopher?"

"Who knows Mama? You need a scorecard to figure out where everyone in this family is." It was true. Clayton and Ellie were the only two that were visibly home.

"Well," Ellie said, "We're Ewings. There is no Oil Baron's Ball without the Ewings, and I'll be there, right at the head of the table. Jessica can just take that."

Across town, in a small motel, Lady Jessica Montford held a small, pearl handled revolver in one hand. In the other, a ticket to the best party in town---the Oil Baron's Ball.

"My, you doctors are working later than ever these days," said Pam as she walked into the lobby of the hospital.

"Pam? Where have you been?" remarked Ryanne Hancock, pushing her blonde hair out of her face.

"I've been busy. You look like you have too."

"Yeah. I had to come in. One of my patients needed to talk to me."

"The hospital psychiatrist's job is never done is it?"

"Nope. Now what brings you here?"

"I guess I needed to have a talk with you myself. I called your house but got the machine."

Ryanne smiled. "Why don't you come in my office. We'll have that talk."

Pam followed Ryanne around the corner and took a seat in her office. "I don't know if you've heard, but Katherine wasn't killed in that accident. She's suffering from amnesia and living with me at my mother's house."

"Oh my God, I must have missed the news a few times."

"No you didn't, I managed to sneak her into the country and to our mother's house without anyone knowing."

"What does Bobby think of this?"

"He hates it. As a matter of fact, he called the police to come get her, but I hid her in the house and got rid of them. He and I had a big fight today."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I can see why both of you are doing what you are though. How is the baby?"

"Dr. Bader says he's fine."


"Or she. We're not sure."

Ryanne laughed. "I like the element of surprise myself."

"Speaking of surprises…I was kind of surprised when you showed up at Southfork with Mark Graison. How is that relationship going?"

"It's progressing. We're both so busy with work now. Pam, I'm really sorry about Alexander. I don't know if I ever really got a chance to tell you that, with Katherine showing up and all."

"Thank you Ryanne. But there is a bright side to all of this, and that's what keeps me going."

"What's the bright side?"

"That I'm pregnant now…eight months pregnant, and the baby is okay. In just another month, I'll have this baby."

Ryanne put her hand on Pam's shoulder and smiled. "I'm going to check out. Then how about we stop and get something to eat? We can finish this talk later."

Kimberly stood before the door, afraid to knock. Knocking on that door would bring back so many things from her past—things she really wasn't sure if she wanted to go back to. Hesitantly, she knocked.

"Coming! Be there in a sec."

Kim wanted to turn and run, but she couldn't. The door popped open. "Umm, hi."

"Kimberly? What are you doing here?"

She stood there, staring into Neil Lancaster's eyes—her ex-husband's eyes.


Kimberly's heart wanted to burst at the site of the little girl running to her. "Tiffany!" she said, spreading her arms. She took her daughter into them and hugged her.

"Well, nice of you to show up like this Kim. I must have been in the shower when you called," said Neil with a sarcastic tone.

"Oh, I didn't call. Thought I'd surprise ya."

"Mommy, are you going to stay with us?"

"Well Sweetie, I won't be living here in the apartment with you, but I'll be close by. Let's just say I may be in Dallas to stick around for a while." She cast a grin at her ex-husband.

"I don't ever want you to go away again!" said Tiffany. "Tomorrow's my birthday Mommy, will you come to my party?"

"Oh no! I forgot about your birthday tomorrow, Honey. I may just have to stop and do a little shopping for you." She then turned to Neil. "When's the party daddy?"

Neil frowned and paused for a second. "Well Kim, if you really want to come, I've reserved the skating center for the party. I'm sure Tiffany would like for you to be there."

"I sure would!"

"It's at one tomorrow afternoon. Now, Tiffany really needs to get in bed."

"Aww Daddy!"

"Don't Aww me. Say goodnight to your Mom."

Tiffany hugged Kim and told her she was glad she was back. "Goodbye Kimberly," said Neil. She could still detect a hint of ice in his voice.

"Ray, I don't care. I'm putting my foot down. He needs serious help!" Donna was screaming now. Why did every encounter with Ray turn into a screaming match of late?

"Donna, he's angry. He misses his mother. I didn't mourn Jenna properly."

"Are you saying that our relationship is a mistake?"

"Will you stop putting words in my mouth?" Ray screamed back. "Lucas didn't have time to say goodbye to his first mother before he had to welcome his second!"

"I'm not trying to be his mother Ray. I'm trying to be his friend, and more importantly, someone who gives him a little discipline, because you sure as hell don't. I'm taking him to see a therapist. He needs to talk about this with someone."

Ray was about to scream back when an image caught in the corner of his eye. It was coming from the TV screen, once more audible with the absence of shouting.

Donna recognized the face of the anchorwoman who had visited her office earlier that day. Superimposed behind her was the image of Donna, Lucas, and the police escorting him in.

"Mayoral candidate Donna Dowling may seem to have it all, but reality holds another tale, a tale of teen trauma!"

The whole footage of Donna's conversation with the police, to Lucas's cursing tirade were all being broadcast on the news to every home in Dallas. Donna couldn't pay attention to the story, let alone think of what this would do to her campaign. Her tears were drowning everything out.

Lucy walked downstairs to pick up the phone. "Hello?"



"It's Neil. Tiffany's having a birthday party today. Would you like to come?"

"What time?"


"I don't see why not. I've grown fond of that girl during the past few days," laughed Lucy. "I'll try my best to be there. I have a meeting for lunch, but I don't think it'll last that long."

"Great, hope to see you then."

The night passed by fast for Mandy Winger. She now found herself in her studio, being "made-up" for the days' taping. She tried to wake herself up with coffee, but even that didn't seem to be helping.

"We're on in five!" came a shout.

Mandy groaned. "Roy, is it really necessary for us to get up this early to tape?" "Of course it is. If you wake up with the chickens, then you get the worm. If you wake up with the dogs, you get the fleas."

"That's not even funny…or maybe it's just too early. Do we really have an audience this morning?"

"Yep, mostly teenagers from around Dallas, but it's still an audience."


"On in thirty seconds!" came the director's voice.

Mandy walked out onstage and the audience clapped for her. She wanted to throw something at them and tell them to shut up, but she needed the money. "Hello Everybody. Today's show is filled with dirty little secrets as usual. I'd like for you to meet our first guest, Trixie. Trixie come on out!"

Trixie walked out on stage and took a seat on the nearest chair.

"Now Trixie, I hear that you have this big secret that you've been wanting to tell your husband Billy."

"You bet I do," said Trixie in a deep, gruff, voice.

"Then let's not waste any time. Come on out Billy!"

Billy walked onstage. He was wearing a leather jacket and torn up jeans and looked to be at least thirty years older than Trixie. "Hey Babe," he said, kissing her deeply in front of the audience.

"Billy, back off. There's somethin' I need to tell you."

"What is it Babe?"

Trixie stood up and ripped off her wig. "I'm really a man."

"That ain't true Babe! I slept with you, you couldn't be a man."

"The proof's in the pants Hon," said Trixie in a seductive voice.

"Man, you are a lying bitch!" shouted Billy angrily.

"That's not what you told me in bed last night!" Billy stood up and started punching "Trixie" in the face. "You shouldn't hit women!" yelled Trixie.

"You're a damned man!" shouted Billy. With that, he jumped on Trixie as the stagehands ran to pull him off.

"And we'll be back after this commercial break," sighed Mandy.

Kimberly had borrowed Karen's car and she slammed the door as she stepped out onto the hot pavement. She shielded her eyes against the sun and walked into the cool building. Several children zoomed around on skates, but she couldn't pick Tiffany out of the crowd.

"Hi Kimberly."

"Neil, you startled me."

"Sorry. Tiffany's out on the floor skating with her friends. Look, I'm sorry if I was cold with you last night, but I was surprised to see you."

"It's okay. Where can I put this present?"

"I'll put it over here for you."

Kimberly heard the door behind her open and felt the hot air rushing in. She turned to see who it was. "Lucy?"


"What are you doing here?"

"I might ask you the same thing!"

"Tiffany is my daughter," said Kimberly.

"Neil is a good friend of mine," said Lucy, at the same time. "What? You're Tiffany's mother?"

"Yes I am. I didn't know you and Neil knew each other."

"Hi Ladies," said Neil smiling. "I didn't know you two knew each other."

Tiffany skated up to them. "Mommy! Aunt Lucy!"

"And she obviously knows you pretty well," laughed Kimberly uneasily. She didn't like the fact that Lucy seemed to be getting closer to Neil and Tiffany than she was.

"Tiffany sweetie, I brought you a present if you'd like to open it," said Kimberly.

Neil walked over and brought the package back for her. Tiffany tore into it and pulled out a little stuffed animal—one of those imitation Beanie Friends. "Oh, thanks Mom!" said Tiffany, hugging her.

Lucy pulled out a small box and handed it to Tiffany. "Might as well open mine now too."

Tiffany took the box and opened it, pulling out one of the official Beanie Friends. "Oh my gosh! You got me Goldmine the Goldfish! He's worth a fortune! Thanks Aunt Lucy!"

Lucy hugged Tiffany as Kimberly frowned. Neil sensed the tension and decided to do something about it. "Anybody want some cake?"

"Good morning Christopher."

Christopher was surprised to see Karen walking down the stairs. "Morning? It's almost 2 p.m.," he laughed.

"I must have slept longer than I thought," she said, rubbing her eyes.

"There's something I wanted to ask you about. I got an invitation to the Oil Baron's Cruise. The ship leaves this Friday. Would you like to go? Are you feeling up to it?"

"Of course I am. I think I'll go into town to get some things though. I don't even have a swimsuit."

"Why don't I come along?"

"You know what, I may see if I can find Kimberly and get her to go with me. She told me where she'd be. You really should go back to West Star and take care of some business. After all, you'll be leaving for the cruise soon. Everything needs to be in good shape."

"Yeah, you're right. I think Kimberly took your car though."

"Do you think John Ross would mind if I used his?"

"Probably not."

"Then I will." The two said goodbye and Karen hoped she hadn't sounded suspicious.

Katherine Wentworth sat at her desk, looking through the drawers for a piece of paper and a pen. She tried to pull open one of them, but to her surprise, it was locked. "What could be in there that's so secretive I had to lock it," said Katherine.

She tried to remember, but it was no use. She had amnesia. Katherine began to look through the other drawers for a key as her curiosity got the best of her. Hidden at the back of another drawer, was a key. Katherine crossed her fingers and tried it in the lock. It opened and she pulled open the drawer. Inside was a book.

She took it out and opened it. It was a diary. Her name was on the first page. She flipped the page to the first entry—dated May 15, 1987.

With three people working, the office was hectic again as usual. But for once; Lucy, J.R., and Bobby were all in the same office working together on a business venture. They were interrupted by a buzz. "Yeah Sly?"

"J.R., there's someone here to see you."

"Who is it?"

"Well…he says he's the person behind Jock Ewing Enterprises."

J.R. and Bobby both looked at each other. "Send him in Sly."

Their eyes didn't move from the door as it opened and the man walked in.

"Well well well," said Jack Ewing, walking into the office. "If you can't find a Ewing at Southfork, then the next best place to look is Ewing Oil."


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"DALLAS: Return to Southfork" is copyright ©1998 & 1999 Return to Southfork. "DALLAS", its characters, logos, and pictures found within this site are ©1998, 1999 Warner Bros./Lorimar Productions. This page is not affiliated in any way, shape, or form with Warner Bros., Lorimar Productions, CBS, TNN, or the cast/crew of "DALLAS." The characters used in these fanfictions are owned by the above companies, and use by the authors is purely for enjoyment purposes only, as nothing of monetary value is made from these stories.... just fans having fun. No episodes or images from this website may be used without prior permission from the site owner. The pictures of actors/actresses are by no means representative of their approval of this site/fan-fiction and are used for illustrative purposes only. No infringement is intended on anyone or anything.