Episode 48

The Race Is On

Ellie Ewing Farlow

Christopher Ewing

Bobby Ewing

Sue Ellen Ewing

J.R. Ewing

Donna Dowling

Karen Ewing

Ray Krebbs

John Ross Ewing

Clayton Farlow

Pamela Rebecca Cooper

Afton Cooper

Pam Ewing

Lucy Ewing

Also Featuring

Arliss Cooper

Melissa McSween

Mavis Anderson

Angelique LaValley

Jeremy Wendell

Eric Stone

Dave Culver

Ryanne Hancock

Todd Foster

Mark Graison

Jenna Evans

Katherine Wentworth

Michelle Stevens

Featuring the Writing Talents of:

Jack Edgar

Jack McLaughlin

Jesse Murray

Nicole Richards

Justin Stiles

Episode 48 

As they had almost a year ago, sirens once again filled the quiet night in the Turtle Creek Subdivision. Afton was groggy, but bit by bit, the room gradually came into focus as she heard the beating at the door. It took her a moment to realize what was happening, but time she didn't grab the gun out of the drawer. The first time had been a mistake that wouldn't be repeated. Afton stood, shaky at first, but managed to steady herself on the night table. She crawled onto the bed and struggled with the window latches.

"Afton!! Open the door so Mommy can help you! It is time to take your medicine!"

Afton peered over her shoulder at the door, her long strawberry blonde hair flying behind her as the window slid open in a sudden movement. The wind blew the curtains wildly as Afton stuck a leg through the window. She paused for a moment to see the end of a claw-hammer break through the door, but it was enough to send her careening over the edge of the window.

A few shrubs broke her fall, but Afton was momentarily dazed. Where are the police cars? I know I heard sirens…

Afton shivered when she realized that the police cars must have been going to some other emergency. She sprinted from her position in the shrubs upon hearing Arliss' voice behind her.

"Afton dear. Please come to Momma."

Officer McKloskey and Officer Danforth surveyed the houses from within their car. The dispatchers had sent them to Turtle Creek after a strange phone call that had been traced to the home of Cliff Barnes. As they shined the spotlight on the house number, a loud crash sounded.

"Please! Help me!"

Joseph McKloskey rolled down the window a few cautious inches. "What's wrong Ma'am?"

"My mother has gone crazy. She's in the house."

"Jeez. You must be the lady who called earlier," said Danforth. He got out of the passenger's side and walked over to Afton. "You get in the car and we'll go check it out."

Afton nodded and climbed in. The doors slammed shut and the lights went off. She felt safe inside the car. Thank God this nightmare is finally over.

Pamela Rebecca rubbed her eyes, turned on the bedside lamp, and glanced at the caller I.D. Unavailable it read.

She picked it up. "Hello?"


"Who is this?"

"It's Daddy. You've got to help me. I'm not dead, it was all a mistake."

Pamela Rebecca pulled the phone away, staring in disbelief. "Oh my God. Where are you?"

"Fiji. Come quick. Don't tell anyone…please, not yet."

"Daddy? I can't hear you that well. The connection is bad."

"Just come quick honey."

The shrill ring of the dial tone startled Pamela Rebecca.

Across town Melissa McSween smiled a grin of satisfaction. "Max, you are SO perfect with voices. The only one of my ex-boyfriends that ever proved useful."

"Gee, thanks Missy. But as you know I'd do anything for you."

"Yeah right," came her sarcastic reply. "But as I promised, I'll make sure that little blemish on your record is erased."

"Wonderful. And you know where I am if you ever need…or want me."

"Hmm. That's okay Max. I am perfectly happy with John Ross. Or I will be as soon as that bitch Pamela Rebecca is out of the way."

"Good deal."

Melissa let down her hair as Max left the room. "And Pamela Rebecca will be on the next flight to Fiji to search for dear old Dad. If everything goes according to plan, she'll get so tied up with my wild goose chase that John Ross will be the furthest thing from her mind."

The morning sun slowly climbed into the sky over Southfork as some of the Ewings dined outside.

"Miss Ellie. I can't believe I let you talk me into this!"

"Nonsense Donna. You are a natural at this. Politics run in your blood! You were married to Sam Culver and Senator Andrew Dowling."

"She's right Donna," said Mavis, who had stopped by to help get the campaign off the ground.

Donna smiled. "Then let's go for it. Where do we start?"

"I wasn't sure myself," said Mavis, "but I know someone who is. He wants to meet us for dinner today. How does that sound?"

"Wonderful, but who is this person?"

"You'll see," said Miss Ellie, sipping her coffee.

"What're you ladies so excited about?"

"Good morning Clayton and Ray."

"Mornin'," came their replies.

"Nothing much," said Donna, "just typical women's stuff. Daughters of the Alamo and such as that…"

"Now wait a minute!" said Ellie. "What do you mean what are we excited about? You two look like the cats that ate the canary yourselves!"

Ray smiled. "We'll just call it typical guy stuff then. See you ladies later. Oh, Mavis. Is Punk around?"

"Yes, he's back at home."

"Thanks a lot."

"No J.R.?"

The three women turned around to see Sue Ellen standing in the patio doorway. "No, J.R. still isn't back."

"I wonder where he could have gone," said Sue Ellen, fastening her earring. She took a seat at the table as Teresa came out to take her breakfast order. John Ross, Pamela Rebecca, and Lucy soon joined them.

Ellie smiled as she looked at everyone sitting at the table. "How I've missed these family breakfasts."

"But J.R. isn't here," said Sue Ellen, looking impatient. "I really needed to talk to him."

"What for Mom?" asked John Ross.

"Nothing much. He's just been acting a little strange lately, that's all."

John Ross went back to eating his eggs. "John Ross," said Pamela Rebecca.


"I'm going to have to take a short trip."

John Ross held back the smile that was about to come out. "Why?"

"Just some business to take care of. I should be back within a week."

Wow, a whole week without her! A week that I can stay out late with Melissa. "That's too bad. I'm really gonna miss you."

"I know. But I'll be back soon."

Ellie wanted to ask questions, but she thought it best to stay out of their affairs.

"Lucy," said John Ross. "I'm going to the office today since Dad's not back. I thought you might want to come so I could show you some stuff."

Lucy smiled. For the first time, someone from the inside was welcoming her. "Sure John Ross. I'd love to. J.R. hasn't exactly made me feel welcome."

"Do you have a secretary?"

Lucy pushed her food around with her fork, obviously embarrassed. "No, not yet."

"Well that's the first thing you should do! But don't worry. I'll get you all fixed up."

Miss Ellie smiled, happy to see that John Ross would be watching out for Lucy. She knew very well how J.R. could be.

Sue Ellen cleared her throat. "Lucy, just don't hire a male secretary. I learned my lesson about them from Cutter Marcus."

"Well Sue Ellen, there's going to be one difference. Abby Ewing won't be pulling any strings this time."

"That Abby is one little hellcat," said Sue Ellen.

Lucy rolled her eyes. "Yes, she and J.R. would be perfect for each other…the hellcat and Satan himself."

"Lucy! J.R. is your uncle and Abby is married to Jack. She is a Ewing too," said Ellie.

"I'm just glad that Ewing is living in California and not Dallas."

J.R. awakened and looked at Angelique laying beside him in the morning sunlight that splashed onto the bed. The night had been unlike anything J.R. had experienced in a long time. Angelique began to move and slowly opened her eyes.

"Good mornin'," said J.R.

"One question J.R.," said Angelique, skipping the good morning.

"What's that?"

"Do you always take every woman you meet to bed after only a few minutes of knowing her? Or am I just a special case?"

"What do you mean?"

"I know why you did this J.R.," laughed Angelique. "You thought it you took me to bed and got in my good graces, that I might give you control of my shares of the Clifford Group."

"I never thought that!"

"Oh really?"


"Then next time you go to bed with a woman, I strongly suggest you not talk in your sleep!"

"What?" asked J.R. puzzled.

"You kept mumbling about getting control of the Clifford Group. Now get the hell out of my bed!"

J.R. was dumbfounded. Not many women, other than Sue Ellen, would have attacked him like that. "Well Angelique, I would say it has been a pleasure."


J.R. got out of bed and opened his wallet, pulling out a one dollar bill. He threw it at Angelique. "And please keep the change." With a smirk, J.R. left the room.

Angelique broke out into a mischievous smile as she got out of bed. "You haven't seen the last of me J.R."

Jeremy Wendell sat tensely behind his desk, sipping coffee. It tasted like tar, but Jeremy didn't care. He was way too focused on the documents that lay before him. Sitting across from him was Jason Calderbank, West Star's chief financial consultant. Jeremy had called Jason to his office to discuss the issue of West Star's stockholders.

"Damn it Jason, I don't want to play any games. Christopher Ewing has 21% of this company. Plain, simply and bluntly---can he take West Star away from me, and if he can, how can I stop him?"

Jason Calderbank tried to put on a stern face out of fear of telling Jeremy the truth. He realized, though, he had too. "Jeremy, I'm sorry. He's got the majority of the stock. He's basically God around here. If he wants you fired, if he wants your job, if he wants these walls magenta—whatever---it's his."

"Not necessarily. After all, there is 79% of West Star stock that he doesn't control. I plan on making that 79% work to my advantage."

"In all honesty, and with all respect Jeremy, you better make that plan happen real soon. The board has never been fond of you. I'm sure you've been aware of that, but as a friend, I want to warn you. They really don't like you. They like what you've done with the company, but they hate you. If Christopher Ewing presents them with a viable plan for West Star's future growth with you out of the picture, they'll take it, in my opinion."

"Get me the cost estimates for purchasing 22% of West Star's stock. I want them today by noon. I have a feeling that Christopher Ewing is up to something. Rather, that J.R. is up to something and using him as a front. I'm not losing this company again."

"I'll have them to you in a few hours Jeremy." Jason got up a left.

Jeremy slammed his fist down on the table. Damn that daughter of his!

"Miss. Cooper!"

"Melissa, hi," said Afton.

"What are you doing here?"

"You haven't heard? My mother tried to kill me. They're asking me all kinds of questions. She's in jail right now."

"Oh no, I'm sorry Miss Cooper."

"I know what's going to have to be done—but I'm so scared. I don't want her to spend the rest of her life in some dusty sanitarium." Afton remembered the time she spent in a sanitarium. It was in '96 when J.R. had gotten her locked up on some phony drug charges. The brief time she was there had been pure hell.

"Maybe that's the only thing to do now. She can get help—therapy, then she can come home and lead a normal life again. Most of those places really aren't bad. They have caring staff members who really want to help."

Afton smiled. "Thanks Melissa. You've been so helpful about all of this."

Melissa smiled. "Just doing my job."

Karen had not spoken to Eric, or Christopher, since she had left Eric's the previous night. She couldn't believe she slept with him. Her restlessness was caused by the guilt that was spreading through her body like a disease. She was so stupid! She was angry at Christopher, but more angry at the situation that he---that they---found themselves in. She knew that accepting Carla's baby would be tough, but it was not worth losing Christopher. After being separated from him for so long, that had become clear to her. It became only clearer after sleeping with Eric. A knock at her hotel room door startled her. It was Eric. She answered with hesitation.

"Eric. Hi." Karen was not thrilled to see him. Her nervousness and regret were apparent in her greeting. Eric tried to ignore it.

"Hey sweetie." He gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked in. "How are you?"

Karen did not want to see Eric. "Eric, this isn't really a good time. I feel gross."

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"Just some cramps. I'm just not good company right now."

Eric could sense that Karen was probably feeling some regret after their fling last night. Perhaps some longing for Christopher, a sense that she made a mistake. He made a mental note to pay Christopher Ewing a little visit to take care of that. He decided to be brief, confident that there would be more time to make Karen totally his, physically and emotionally.

"OK. I'll let you rest. I just wanted to stop by and see how you were. Last night was incredible." Karen remained silent. "It was more than incredible," he continued, "It was special. I've never felt that way with anyone else Karen. You're so right for me. We're so right for each other."

"Eric…." Karen tried to speak, but Eric interrupted her.

"No, I'm going to get going so you don't have to say anything. I just wanted to tell you that being in a relationship with you has quickly become the best thing to ever happen to me. We are going to have a great future. I'll call you tomorrow honey." He gave her a kiss and left.

Relationship?! Karen was in shock. She realized how stupid sleeping with Eric was---not only was she going to alienate Christopher even more, but now Eric thought that they were the next super couple. Karen felt heavy with her guilt, so she lay down on the bed. She cried herself to sleep.

"Christopher?" Sue Ellen's words shocked Christopher out of daydream. He was thinking about Carla, and Karen, and the baby. He hadn't spoken to Karen yet, although he had tried to call her moments ago. Christopher looked at his watch. He and Sue Ellen were scheduled to meet Jeremy Wendell in a half hour. His father had talked to Christopher earlier this morning, and had to take care of some emergency business at NorthStar, so would only be attending the meeting in spirit. Christopher took a deep breath and collected himself. One thing his father always taught him was the importance of separating one's emotions from one's work. Christopher was looking forward to this meeting with Wendell; if anything, he was taking refuge in it. It was an excuse, an escape, to thinking about Karen.

"Sorry Aunt Sue Ellen. I guess I was just spacing out. You ready to go?" Christopher got up.

"I'm all set." Sue Ellen wiped her mouth and placed her napkin on the table. "I'm looking forward to seeing the look on Jeremy Wendell's face."

"I'm sure it will be priceless."

As they approached their individual cars, Sue Ellen stopped Christopher and touched his arm. "Christopher, this means a lot to me. That you've thought of me, that is. The fact that you trusted and respected ME enough to ask for help in this has meant a great deal to me." She paused, wanting to say just the right thing. "Christopher, I know the last year has been very rough and confusing---with your mom coming back, Kaitlin, learning the truth about Kristin and all that. But I want you to know that I love you very dearly, and I am always there if you need someone to talk to. I know that this family can get overwhelming sometimes, especially if you feel like you're on the outside. I just wanted you to know that I'm there if you need someone to listen."

Christopher looked straight into her eyes. "Thanks Aunt Sue Ellen. I love you." The two embraced for a moment, then Sue Ellen pulled away.

"Now let's go kick Jeremy Wendell's butt!" Sue Ellen said as she let out a laugh.

"Wow, this place really has changed since I was here back in the 80s," said Clayton.

"Yeah, it's definitely gone down," replied Ray. "But it has a bright future. Welcome to my new second home Clayton."

"When do you think you'll be ready to open?"

"Now wait a minute. First of all it's when we'll be ready to open. You're a partner now. And it probably won't be for another month or so. I don't want to rush it or anything. I want to recreate the atmosphere of the Cattleman's Club."

"Then I think we need some more help."

"Who do you have in mind?" asked Ray.

"Punk Anderson. He knew that place almost as well as anyone."

"Good idea. I'll—"

"Well, Mornin' Ray!"

"Mornin' Jenna. Aren't you here a little early?"

"Now Ray. Your head waitress has to make an early appearance. Besides, we have a lot of work to do."

"Great. By the way, I'd like for you to meet my new partner in this venture, Clayton Farlow."

Jenna frowned at first, but then smiled. "Nice to meet you Clayton," she said with some reluctance."

"Ray, you didn't tell me you already had pretty waitresses working for you!"

"What can I say, I can't reveal all of my secrets."

Jeremy jumped at the sound of Lenore buzzing him. He was expecting Christopher Ewing, but the second name that Lenore mentioned surprised him.

"A Christopher and Sue Ellen Ewing here to see you Jeremy. They have an appointment."

Sue Ellen? Was she here for J.R. or something? Jeremy could have sworn that she and J.R. were on the outs, but with them, he never knew. "Send them in." Curiosity got the best of him.

As Christopher waited outside to be shown in, his cellphone rang. It could be Karen. "Hello?" he answered.

"Hey Christopher." It was Bobby.

"Hey Dad. What's up?"

"I just wanted to call and check on you before the meeting. I'm sorry I couldn't make it."

"That's okay. What was the emergency?"

"There was an explosion out on one of the wells and it's on fire. They don't think it was sabotaged though."

"Oh. Well, I knew you had good reason why you couldn't be here, but don't worry, Aunt Sue Ellen is here with me."

"Then you don't have a thing to worry about Son. I'll see you later. Good luck."

"Thanks Dad, bye." Christopher closed the phone as Lenore showed him in.

"Christopher. Sue Ellen, a pleasure to see you again." Jeremy tried to be as pleasant as possible. The scope of Christopher's power forced him too.

"Jeremy." Sue Ellen said curtly. She had never thought highly of Jeremy. She recalled ten years earlier, when they had plotted against J.R. together. Jeremy had asked her to marry him, but had displayed no affection for her or John Ross. She found herself a little disgusted at the sight of him.

"So," Jeremy said as he sat down, "What would you like to discuss."

Sue Ellen sat down, and Christopher followed suit. Sue Ellen remained silent—she would let Christopher handle this. "It's about West Star. I've decided to assume control---I'll be replacing you as chairman of the board."

Jeremy's face turned blood red, but he remained in his seat. His tone indicated his rage. "You're not going to do this Ewing. You don't know how to balance a checkbook let alone run an oil company. I'm the only one who has the experience and the know-how to run this company. I've built this company up. If you take it over, you can say goodbye to all of that. After all, you collect profit from your percentage. Let me guess, you didn't know that, right? My point exactly—you're not fit to run this company."

Christopher quickly retorted. "I realize that I am not exactly qualified for this position in terms of my past experience. But I have one qualification that you don't, Jeremy---21% of the stock. I'm assuming control. There is no changing my mind. And contrary to what you think, I'm not stupid. That's why Sue Ellen is here with me. She and my father will be helping me with the daily operation of the company. Between the two of them, West Star will be in the hands of experts. So don't worry Jeremy, you're not needed. Good day."

Christopher got up and made his way towards the door, and following his lead, Sue Ellen did the same. She was proud of the way he handled the situation and his confidence. Jeremy slammed his fist down against his desk as Sue Ellen shut the door behind them.

Christopher walked past Lenore's desk and told her that he'd see her tomorrow. He and Sue Ellen stepped on the elevator together.

As the doors shut, Sue Ellen said to Christopher, "Congratulations. You handled that very well. Want to go to lunch to celebrate?"

"Thanks, but I'll have to take a raincheck. I've got some shopping to do." Christopher's thoughts turned to Karen again. He had an idea about a little gift to pick up---perhaps that would smooth things over between them.

As the elevator doors opened on the ground floor, Christopher thanked Sue Ellen for all her help and support and walked quickly to his car.

"Dave! I had no idea that the 'mystery' person was you!" said Donna as she walked to the table at Pierre's, an outdoor coffee shop in downtown Dallas, where Dave Culver was drinking from a glass of tea.

"Donna, it's been a while," he said, putting down the glass. "I am thrilled to hear that you're going to be running for mayor of Dallas."

Donna suddenly remembered her dream from a few weeks ago. In the dream, Dave Culver had come to her, suggesting that she run. "I'm just glad to see you here! I was beginning to worry how much Mavis knew about campaigning!"

Mavis laughed and pretended to be offended. Ellie spoke up, "Dave, good to see you. Donna is absolutely right. I don't think that Mavis could campaign her way out of a wet paper bag!"

"That'll be enough you two," said Mavis.

Donna, Mavis, and Ellie took a seat at Dave's table. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I think Donna has a real chance of becoming the next mayor of Dallas. It's kind of late, but I think I can pull a few strings to get her in the race in time for the primaries."

"Great," said Mavis.

"It helps to have friends in high places," laughed Donna.

"You can thank me later."

Ryanne Hancock shook her pretty head and glanced at Pam, lost in thought by the window. She had been through so much today and yet now, to hear about the murder of the Nanny.

How much more of this can she be expected to take?

The phone rang and Pam turned around. Ryanne held up her hand. "Don't worry, I'll get it."

Ryanne's face furrowed in concentration. "What are you telling me?" Pam turned to hear her friend's voice rising in anger. "Monsieur, this is a joke. It HAS to be."

Pam came to stand beside the couch, concerned. Feeling a flutter of nervousness as she listened to her friend. "Listen to me. If what your telling me is true, than you have no choice BUT to give Mrs. Ewing protection. Otherwise, she and her unborn child are in more danger."

Fed up, Ryanne hung up the phone. "Pam, let's go back to Dallas

Stunned, Pam shook her head. "No. You have been on that phone since lunchtime and now your telling me that we're to go home. I don't think so. Ryanne, please tell me!"

Wishing to God that Bobby was here to tell her, Ryanne told her the truth. Katherine was suspected in the murder of the Graison's ex-Nanny.

Pam was about to respond when there was a knock at the door. "I'll answer it."

Ryanne came back with a thick manila envelope. "This arrived for you Pam."

Pam took the file and went to sit down on the couch. Ryanne caught sight of her friend's face after a couple of seconds, she worriedly came to her side.

"Pam, what is it?"

Wordlessly, she handed over the note to Ryanne, who read out loud. Darling Pam, While going through some of the remaining papers of our life together, I found this. You have every right to it. May you find some peace in knowing that I didn't kill your child. I couldn't have harmed the angel.

However, what did kill him came from you. The medical tests from so long ago were falsified. Surprise Pammy. You ARE Digger's daughter and so, that makes you a carrier of the disease that killed your brother and sister, AND Alexander.

May god have mercy for your unborn child,


Ryanne shook her head. "Pam, she's a lying witch. You and I both KNOW that."

Shutting her eyes so that Ryanne couldn't see the tears, Pam grabbed her coat and went for a walk.

A half a world away from where his mother had just received her heart-breaking news, Christopher came out of the mall, staring at the ring he bought Karen. She had not answered her phone all morning, so Christopher was going to drop by with his surprise. He needed to talk to Karen---after they had finally found their way back to each other, he was not going to let Carla's baby cause a rift between them again. He loved her too much. As he placed the ring back in its box, he was not pleased to see Eric Stone approaching him.

"Well Ewing, fancy seeing you here." Eric said snidely.

Christopher did not hide his disdain. "What do you want Eric?"

"Nothing from you. I'm actually here picking up something for Karen."

Christopher forgot how much he hated Eric for a moment at the mention of Karen's name. "You've talked to her? How is she?!?"

"She's doing better than you'd think. Funny how she ended up at my place yesterday after Carla's little visit. She told me all about what happened." Eric smiled.

"What are you talking about?" Christopher felt like Eric was alluding to something bigger.

"You hurt her big time buddy. She's done with you. She's moved on—namely, to me."

"You are a scumbag. You're lying through your teeth. I don't know why she'd ever associate with you in the first place, but she's married to me."

"Well that didn't stop us from spending the night together last night, now did it? Face it Christopher, you've screwed up too many times. I wouldn't be surprised if you got divorce papers handed to you tomorrow."

Christopher was paralyzed with shock, and immediately after, filled with rage. He punched Eric straight across the jaw, sending him reeling to the ground. "You're a first class liar Eric. I knew that you were after Karen, but you really are pathetic to start spreading lies just to upset me!"

Eric nursed his jaw on the ground. "Go ask her yourself!"

Eric and Christopher locked eyes for a minute, their gazes filled with hatred. Then, Christopher stormed away, determined to talk to Karen.

Todd was not a fan of the courtroom environment, but he'd endure anything to get his hands on his mother's money. He stared at Michelle, who was giving him evil eyes from the other side of the room. Todd's lawyer, the one that J.R. hired, was making his opening argument in Todd's case. He had spoken with J.R. earlier, and both had agreed it would be better if J.R. did not attend the case. It was wise to keep as much distance between this case and J.R. as possible, lest J.R.'s legal string-pulling be discovered. Todd looked at Judge Sarah O'Connor, who was presiding over the hearing. He had spoken with her earlier as well, and she promised him that he would be justly rewarded for their love-making the day before. Todd just hoped it was a big reward.

"Mark, I've told you all I know. She went for a walk and hasn't been back since."

Ryanne turned around and glared at him. "YOU could have stopped this a lot sooner. YOU could have told Pam everything. But you didn't and she's paying for it AGAIN."

He stared at her. "You are a good friend. I wish Pam had you before." He grimaced. "Maybe Pam wouldn't of been hit so hard then when Katherine told her."

Ryanne shook her head. "Told her what?"

Mark realized that he had said too much. "Oh, no you don't." Ryanne came at him. "Don't clam up NOW. What did Katherine tell her then?"

Mark looked up. "Katherine told her then that Digger was her father. There had been a mix up and that Alexander's illness was neurofibromatosis."

Ryanne shook her head. "What's going on. Why would Katherine re-send her information that Pam already knew?

Mark looked pained. "I don't know and have never CLAIMED to know the inner workings of my ex-wife. But you are right. We have to find Pam."

As she watched Ryanne and Mark leave the hotel, Katherine grinned. "Soon, they'll all know just what they were messing with. They'll all know the pain I felt at their hands. But first, I need them to know just one more simple fact."

She pulled out the photo. "God, how could I have used you to help me. You were such a whiny sniveling whiner. What did Bobby SEE in you." She raised an eyebrow. "Good thing Ray's got your son. Between the two men that you ruined, maybe the Wade genes will skip over him." She tapped the photo against her lips. "To think that you were so smart. But yet all it took from me was one word and you went and killed yourself. You stupid bitch."

Katherine smiled. "Oblivion isn't such a bad thing."

Karen was shaken awake by the constant banging at her door. "Karen! Open up! It's me!" Christopher. She ran to the door and opened it.

"Christopher! I'm……" she could see that he was furious. She prayed that he didn't know.

"I'm going to ask you this once, and if you have ever cared for me, be honest. Did you sleep with Eric Stone?" Christopher stared directly at her, his eyes not flinching.

Karen didn't know what to do. She had to be honest with him. Lies, misunderstandings, and unspoken feelings had torn them apart before, and she was determined to not let that happen again. She tried to look him directly in the eyes, but couldn't. "Yes," she said meekly.

"I can't believe this!" Christopher was hurt, confused and angry. He made his way towards the door. Karen grabbed his arm and tried to stop him.

"Christopher please!! It was a huge mistake. I'm so sorry!!! Please forgive me---I love you!"

Her words were lost as echoes in the hall as Christopher Ewing fled.

Pamela Rebecca peered out the window of the plane at the illuminated skyline of Dallas. The private detective that she had hired to go with her sat across the aisle. As she watched the lighted buildings flash across the night sky, she wondered when she'd be seeing that scene again. Her father was alive, she had heard him on the phone. If she could find him and bring him back, then he and her mother could be together again.

Pamela Rebecca would make sure Lucy didn't stand in their way this time. Another person that wouldn't stand in her way was Melissa. Once she got back to Dallas, she and John Ross would be married. Maybe they'd even have a double ceremony with her parents. Pamela Rebecca smiled as she thought of all her future held.

The morning had been long and Todd was relieved to get out of court for a long lunch break. The case was turning out to be pretty interesting. His lawyer was doing an outstanding job, making Todd's adoption, childhood and adolescence seem like hell on earth. Which, Todd thought to himself, it was. His lawyer was certainly proving that should Todd be awarded some of the money his mother accumulated during her life, it would more than make up for the extreme psychological damage done unto him during his early years.

Todd tried to focus on the task at hand as he walked into the offices of StoneHurst Oil. He told the receptionist to please buzz Eric Stone, as a Todd Foster was here to see him with some very important news regarding Karen Ewing. Eric came out of his office immediately and invited Todd in.

Eric motioned for Todd to sit down. "Todd, what's wrong? Is Karen OK?"

Todd smugly sat down and lit a cigarette. "She's fine. Mind if I smoke?"

His tone of voice was alarming to Eric. He knew something was not right---Todd was up to something. "What do you want?" he asked, harshly.

"Well, Eric, the funniest thing happened to me yesterday and I knew that I had to come over and tell you right away." Todd inhaled his cigarette. "I was in a bar the other night—some cheezy joint on the outskirts of town---and what do I spy with my little eye? A most beautiful woman, with child. Her name was Carla Thornton---you know her?"

Eric's stomach went into upheavals. What did Todd know? "What do you want!" he shouted.

"Stop screaming and I'll tell you." He inhaled again. "So, anyway, like I was saying I meet this lovely Carla girl and we have a great time and we go back to her place……" Todd's voice dropped off. "Well, that's not important. What is important is that I just learnt the most interesting things while I was there! I just had to come share them with you." At that, Todd pulled out a tape recorded, and proceeded to play Eric the conversation with Carla from the bar, as well as Carla's answering machine message in which Eric admitted to doctoring Carla's paternity tests to finger Christopher.

Eric stared, emotionless. "What exactly do you want?"

"A million dollars will be sufficient." Todd smiled.

"What? A million dollars? Forget it."

"OK. No skin off my nose. I'll just go take these to Christopher and Karen. I'm sure that Christopher will be SO grateful to me that he'll just volunteer a million. Who knows, maybe even more."

Eric's mind raced. He couldn't let that happen. This could be just the thing to throw Christopher and Karen back together, and it would surely ruin any chance he had with Karen. "Fine. A million. I'll cut you a check and it will be ready by this afternoon."

"Wonderful. I'll be here to pick it up."

"You'll get rid of the tapes after this?" Eric asked.

"Maybe. We'll see. But for the time being, not a single soul will hear these tapes but you and I." Todd was confident that the court case would turn in his favor, but just in case it didn't, if J.R. screwed him over somehow, he had another source of income. "I'll be seeing you soon Eric. Ciao" Todd walked out, leaving Eric fuming.

Two caterers brushed past Donna as she walked over to the spot where Ellie stood.

"Yes Ralph, I want this year to be the biggest barbecue that anyone has ever seen. Spare no expense!"

"Yes Miss Ellie, we'll fix it up real nice for ya."

Donna smiled at Ralph as he tipped his hat to her and walked in the direction of the other caterers. "Sounds like this is going to be fun. It's been so long since I've been to a Ewing barbecue."

"This is going to be one you won't soon forget! But on to other things, we have a campaign to run. Mary Anne Teasdale is not going to be the next person to take the chair at city hall in Dallas."

"I'm ready to move forward Miss Ellie, I'm really excited. But I think before we do anything official, I should talk to Ray."

"Oh Donna, I'm sorry," said Ellie. "I thought you had already talked to Ray. Dave has already gotten you on a petition and took out some advertisements."

Donna frowned. "Ray is not going to like to hear this from someone other than me. I'm already unsure how he'll take it."

"I'm sure Ray will be happy and supportive. Speaking of happy, have you two set a wedding date yet?"

"To be honest, no. Ray and I have barely seen each other lately. He's been away most of the time."

"Oh dear, where has he been going?"

"Miss Ellie, I have no idea. He's been so strange and quiet lately, as if he's preoccupied with something."

"That sounds a little bit like Clayton. Maybe they are both seeing other women," said Ellie in a joking tone. Donna didn't take the joke very well.

"I don't even want to think that Ray would do something like that after all we've been through together. I basically gave up my life in Washington to be with him here in Dallas."

"Well Bart, when's our projected opening date?"

"How does the Fourth of July sound?"

"I'd like that to be the fourth of May, but I know all the work that's got to be done," said Ray looking around the club. Several construction workers were working on some new walls and the two struggled to hear each other over the pounding of their hammers and the buzz of their power tools.

"We actually could go sooner, but I like July 4th. It seems like a perfect time to open this place up for business."

"I know. There's only one problem. I didn't want Donna to know about the new Cattleman's Club until it was opened. I don't know if I can keep the secret that much longer, she's already getting suspicious."

"Can't help you there Ray. You'll have to decide for yourself what to do."

"I'll tell you what!" exclaimed Clayton, entering the club. "It was a hard task just to get away from Ellie today! She had hundreds of questions for me."

Ray laughed and Jenna Evans walked out of the office to see what all the commotion was about. "I just got off the phone with some local decorators. I've found one that seems like just the person we need. Her specialty is southwestern design."

"Perfectly fitting for the Cattleman's Club," said Clayton.

"Punk's gonna be here this afternoon to take a look at the place," said Ray. "Like we said earlier, he spent more time here than anyone before it went out."

A knock at the door stopped conversation. Ray answered it and was handed a piece of paper. "Sir, this is a petition to get Donna Dowling on the ballot for the mayor's race. Donna is a successful politician who has spent the last twelve years in Washington D.C. as a lobbyist…"

"What the hell? Donna Dowling?" said Ray. Clayton and Jenna walked over to the two men.

"Yes, Donna Dowling. I'm a member of her campaign team and we're trying to get her in on the mayoral ballot. I know it's a little late, but it's no cause for alarm."

"Damn," said Ray.

The man handed Ray a pen. "Would you mind signing? The more names, the better."

"No thanks," said Ray, handing back over the pen and paper. "Not now anyway." Ray shut the door in the man's face.

"Donna is trying to get in the mayoral race?" said Clayton.

"Sure seems like it."

"And she didn't tell you?" asked Jenna.

"Nope. She didn't say a word about this to me."

"Tell you what Ray," said Clayton. "Why don't you let us take care of everything here, and you go talk to Donna. You two probably need to have some time together to talk."

"Not now Clayton, I really don't want to talk to her right now, okay?" Ray left them standing and went into the office. Jenna hesitated then followed him.

"Ray, need someone to talk to?"

Ray smiled. "I haven't always been good company, but sure."

"I know exactly how you feel Ray. My ex-husband used to do the same type of thing. He even sold our house once without consulting me!"

"Donna has done this to me before Jenna. She's always been so independent. I thought everything was okay with us again, that we could really have a real relationship. I thought the time apart was good for something."

"Ray, you should go talk to her. I'm sure there's a good reason why she hasn't told you."

"Somehow I doubt that."

"You know…you aren't exactly honest either. You're doing this Cattleman's Club project without telling her."

"Don't you see!" said Ray angrily, "that's different. This is small. This is a lot different than running for mayor of Dallas."

"I know Ray. You're right. Just remember that I'm here for you. I owe so much to you for keeping me on instead of letting me go like everyone else."

"No problem. I think I'll go talk to Donna now."

John Ross and Lucy sat at John Ross' desk, going over some of Ewing Oil's rich history. The door suddenly swung open and J.R. stepped in. "Well, I leave for two days and my little niece storms in and tries to take control. John Ross, what has she got you doing?"

"J.R., don't even start with me again," said Lucy.

"Dad, I'm showing Lucy around the office and making her feel welcomed. Something that you definitely haven't tried to do. She is a part of Ewing Oil now and she is family. It's about time you started treating her like it."

J.R. was dumbfounded at how John Ross stood up to him. "Did she brainwash you son?"

"No, I'm thinking perfectly clearly," said John Ross. "Now you on the other hand…"

Lucy began to giggle. "J.R., I am just glad your son didn't take after you, or else I might just be in for one hell of a time at Ewing Oil. I'll let you two talk. I've got some stuff to do in my office."

"Oh? Plants need watering or something?" said J.R.

"No, actually I've got my first deal in order. The acquisition of a small oil company."


"I'm letting her take over the Wilson deal. I think she's more than capable of handling it," said John Ross.

With a smile of victory, Lucy left the office. J.R. remembered that she could also stand to inherit the Clifford Group. He'd have to make sure that didn't happen. "John Ross, would you mind excusing me for a minute?"

"Not at all." John Ross left the office as J.R. picked up the phone.

"Doug, it's J.R. I have a small little task for you…"

Meanwhile as Lucy walked out of her office to give a message to her new secretary, Glenda, she ran into none other than Afton Cooper. "Afton, what the hell are you doing here. J.R. not paying you enough visits lately?"

Afton smiled. "Lucy. Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy."


"Actually, I came to talk to you."

"Oh really. Well it's a damned good thing we're not near the stables this time."

"Please Lucy. You're not making this any easier. Cliff is gone."

"Duh. You just now realizing that?"

"A part of me is. Remember what we first started fighting for?"

Lucy thought for a moment. "Over Cliff."

"Right. Cliff is gone now. He's dead and he's never coming back. I want to bury the hatchet with you Lucy."

Lucy laughed. "Oh you do. Afton, I know you. You've probably got a hatchet hidden behind your back that you're planning on burying in my head."

"I am serious. There is absolutely no reason we should be at each other's throats now."

"I'm sorry Afton, I'm just finding this a little hard to believe."

Afton smiled. She's taking the bait. "I'm just at the point in my life where I want to make peace with everyone. I'm also trying to get close to my family once again. Which is why I'll be moving back to Biloxi to be with my mother."

Lucy turned stark white and her mouth went dry. "Oh really."

"Yeah. I just wish I could get in touch with her before I go down there. I haven't heard from her in so long. If I didn't know any better I'd think she was dead!"

Lucy grabbed the edge of the desk as her knees went weak. "Glenda, bring me some water please! I hope everything turns out well for you then." Damn you Cliff! Why did you have to do this to me. You left me here by myself to deal with this.

"Something wrong Lucy? You look like you've seen a ghost or something. Maybe you should sit down."

"No, I'm fine. But I really need to be going. Nice talking to you Afton." Lucy walked into her office and shut the door, where she collapsed into her chair and began to cry.

"Ray! I am sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but like I said, this kind of came out of the blue. I meant to tell you before I started any campaigning or petitioning, but Dave, Mavis, and Miss Ellie went ahead with it!"

"Don't you care about how I feel about this?" said Ray.

"Of course I do Ray. You and I have been through so much together and I'm not about to let my mayoral campaign stand in our way. If you want me to drop it, then say so right now and I'll do it!"

Ray looked down and kicked at the floor with one of his boots. "That's not fair Donna."

"What's not fair?"

"You know I can't stop you from running for mayor."

"Yes you can Ray," said Donna, "I'm giving you that power right now. Just say the word."

"All right then. I want you to drop this."

Donna looked into his eyes and he could see the hurt in hers. "I'll go tell Mavis and the others now." She left the room without saying another word to him.

Jenna Evans quietly left Clayton and Bart to talk and went into the next room where she took out a cellphone. She dialed a number and put the phone to her ear. It was an expensive phone—one that a waitress who was providing for a child could not afford. Jenna smiled as someone answered.

"I'm surprised you haven't called me yet," she said. "I just wanted you to know that everything is going according to plan. So well in fact, that we can probably go ahead to the next step….Wonderful, I'll get the ball rolling right away and I'll keep in touch." Jenna flipped the phone shut and spun around to see Clayton standing in the doorway. "Clayton, I didn't know you were standing there."

"Obviously not."

"What do you mean?" she said worriedly.

"Looks like I scared you half to death. Who was on the phone?"

Jenna frowned. What a nosey man. "I was talking to one of the decorators."

"Oh," said Clayton. "Well, I'm headed back to Southfork. If Punk comes in, tell him I had to go back."

"Will do," said Jenna, relieved that Clayton had bought her lie.

"Come in Donna!" said Mavis, who had just gotten off the phone.

"Mavis, I need to talk to you."

"Sure," said Mavis. "What's up?"

"I'm here to let you know that…"

"That Donna Dowling, soon to be Donna Krebbs again, is going to be the best mayor that the city of Dallas ever saw."

Donna spun around to see Ray standing behind her with a smile on his face. He walked in and put his arms around her. "Mavis," smiled Donna, "Let's hurry. We have a mayoral campaign to win and it's not going to be easy."

Several days had passed since the case had began. This is it, Todd thought. The judge was about to make her decision. Both Michelle's and his side had been heard, and it was all going to become clear. He had spoken to J.R. once again, and J.R. assured him that everything was going to go their way. "Their way" he said. It made Todd feel better.

Sarah O'Connor took the bench as the courtroom became silent.

"After hearing both arguments, I have reached my decision. Ms. Stevens," she turned towards Michelle, "At the time of your sister's death, she had only four remaining relations in this world---yourself, her husband, Mr. Ewing, your mother---who has since passed away---and her son, Mr. Foster. As allocated in her will, the majority of her holdings went to you. However, after hearing both sides of the argument, I am inclined to believe that had your sister been aware of the living situation that her son was enduring, she would have allocated her estate differently. This case has not been an easy one for me to decide upon, as there is hardly any precedent. But I have thought long and hard. After reviewing your financial portfolio, Ms. Stevens, and how diversified and financially sound it has become over the last few years I have made my decision. I am going to award half of your sister's estate at the time of her death----specifically the amount of $57.5 million dollars and the oil company, April Oil---to Mr. Todd Foster. Ms. Stevens, you shall retain the rest of her estate at the time, as well as any financial acquisitions that have been made on your part, independently speaking, since then. Thank you."

"WHAT!?" Michelle rose quickly out of her seat and started screaming at the judge. "Are you crazy?! This is totally unfair! That little bastard doesn't deserve any of this! April left it to me!" She was starting to hysterically run towards the judge, "I ran that company for years---you can't just give it away!"

Judge O'Connor leaped out of her seat. "Control her! Order in this court!"

The bailiffs grabbed Michelle, each by one arm, and lead her outside the courtroom. Her lawyer and Todd's lawyer were chatting. Todd decided to sneak out the back as well, momentarily.

He saw Michelle trying to fix her wrinkled dress as the bailiffs surrounded her. He popped his head out the door and calmly said, "Actually Michelle, you didn't run that company at all, unless you call shopping and sitting on your butt running a company. Things are going to be different now. See ya in the poorhouse, sweetie pie." Todd ducked his head back in the courtroom as Michelle lunged towards the door, screaming and having to once again be restrained by the bailiffs.

Ray and Donna walked up onto the porch of Ray's ranch house. They had talked some more about the campaign and Ray was behind Donna 100%. "Ray, I don't understand. Why are we coming back here?"

"Donna, I own this house again. Clayton gave it to me after receiving it through Dusty's will."

"Oh Ray! That's wonderful."

Ray smiled. "I also wanted to take this moment to formally propose to you. Excuse me if this is corny. Cowboys like me just aren't good at things like this." Ray got down on one knee as he pulled out a small black velvet box. He opened the box and came out with a diamond ring. "Donna, I want you to be my wife again. Will you marry me?"

The wind blew gently across the ranch and both stopped momentarily to listen to the horses whinnying. "Ray Krebbs, I'd do anything to be your wife again."


She turned around and found Mark and Ryanne heading for her. "Hello there."

Ryanne searched her friend's eyes and found them clear. "Are you alright?"

Pam nodded and looked at the children again. "Ryanne, I remembered. Katherine knew the truth and she told me."

Ryanne rested her hand on Pam's shoulder. "Mark's told me." Pam noticed Mark standing there. "I want to see him." He nodded. "I promised him that I would bring you to him."

Ryanne felt an outsider as they rode the 20 minutes to the cemetery. But she knew that Pam would need her.

"Hello there, It's your Mom." Pam adjusted some of the flowers. "I'm sorry that I was never here before now. But I never knew. Alexander I never knew."

She began to cry as she sank to her knees. "Alexander." Sensing that she needed her son's father more than her, Ryanne turned to Mark to get him to talk to Pam, and found him wide eyed before yelling at them to use his cell phone to call the Paris Police. "Why, what's going on Mark?"

Ryanne saw what he was heading towards. Katherine stood a few feet away before jumping into her car. The sound of screeching tires on asphalt broke the silence in the cemetery as Katherine sped away.

Pam shook her head. "She won't get away. She's going to get caught this time."

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"DALLAS: Return to Southfork" is copyright ©1998 & 1999 Return to Southfork. "DALLAS", its characters, logos, and pictures found within this site are ©1998, 1999 Warner Bros./Lorimar Productions. This page is not affiliated in any way, shape, or form with Warner Bros., Lorimar Productions, CBS, TNN, or the cast/crew of "DALLAS." The characters used in these fanfictions are owned by the above companies, and use by the authors is purely for enjoyment purposes only, as nothing of monetary value is made from these stories.... just fans having fun. No episodes or images from this website may be used without prior permission from the site owner. The pictures of actors/actresses are by no means representative of their approval of this site/fan-fiction and are used for illustrative purposes only. No infringement is intended on anyone or anything.