Episode 21

The Unmasking

Christopher Ewing

Bobby Ewing

Sue Ellen Ewing

J.R. Ewing

Ray Krebbs

John Ross Ewing

Pamela Rebecca Cooper

Cliff Barnes

Afton Cooper

Jenna Krebbs

Pam Ewing

Gary Ewing

Lucy Ewing Cooper

Val Ewing

Also Featuring

Karen Beam

Abby Ewing

Dusty Farlow

Donna Dowling

Marilee Stone

Eric Stone

Jeremy Wendell

Roy Ralston

Cutter Marcus

Mitch Cooper


Jack Ewing

"The Unmasking" was originally released on Saturday, October 31, 1998.

Episode 21 began with a storm, and what better way to start the Halloween episode? It was the season two finale and ended with several cliffhangers. Jenna was dangling from the ceiling by a rope, apparently having committed suicide. Afton takes a tumble down the stairs after she and Lucy are locked in the basement. Abby is held at gunpoint by a ghost that turns out to be Cutter Marcus and the mysterious woman that J.R. is so taken by removes her mask at the strike of midnight.


* * * * *
(5 Stars)

Rating System

One Star -- Episode was poor, definitely not one to print out!

Two Stars -- This episode was okay

Three Stars -- This episode was good, but isn't a classic

Four Stars -- Great episode!

Five Stars -- This one will go down in RTS history!

Episode 21 

A loud clap of thunder jolted Christopher Ewing out of bed at a quarter past three, though Karen slept silently beside him and seemed oblivious to the storm that raged outside. The masquerade ball would surely be called off but if it were, he and Karen had planned earlier that they would catch a flight to Vegas and be married, which he hoped would happen. Karen was right about one thing and that was keeping the secret. She had every right to be paranoid, after the outcome of her first wedding. The fewer people who knew about it, the better. Christopher stepped to the window and pulled the curtain back, revealing sheets of rain cascading down outside. The tree near his window beat violently against the glass but Karen continued to sleep. Restless and wide awake, Christopher left Karen sleeping and walked down to the kitchen to find John Ross there.

"What's the matter?" asked Christopher, "is the storm keeping you up too?"

"It's more than that," hesitated John Ross, "I was just thinking about the baby. It's due any time now and I'm scared to death. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to be a father!"

"You're asking the wrong person," said Christopher, "I have zero experience in that department."

"I guess you're right. So, what kind of costume are you wearing to the party tomorrow?"

"Karen chose this costume for me, so don't laugh," said Christopher.


"I'm being Zorro," said Christopher.

John Ross laughed for a moment, despite his promise.

"That's…interesting. You going to have one of those little rapier swords too?"

"Yeah, yeah, Karen wanted to go all out."

"I bet she did. So, are you going trick-or-treating too?" said John Ross with a serious look. He soon burst into laughter.

"Ok Wiseguy, you mean to tell me you're not wearing a costume?"

"Nope, absolutely not."

"Well that sucks. This is 'your' party you know," said Christopher.

"I know, don't remind me."

"John Ross, even your dad is wearing a costume."

Thunder boomed again and a flash of lightning illuminated the rain falling outside.

"Oh really? That should be interesting."

"Come on, live a little," said Christopher, "everyone else is going to be in costume and so should you."

"What's Karen dressing as?" asked John Ross in an interested tone.

Christopher felt a slight tinge of jealousy when John Ross mentioned her name. "She hasn't found anything yet. We're going to try the other costume shop."

"Well, I'll be looking for you then. I'm going back to bed, maybe I can sleep now," said John Ross.

"Ok, good night."

John Ross walked upstairs as Christopher continued to sit in the kitchen, sipping a glass of milk. Karen stepped out of Christopher's bedroom as John Ross walked by and the two collided in the darkness.

"Oh, Christopher," said Karen, "you scared me half to death." She took John Ross in her arms and kissed him, mistakenly thinking he was her fiancé. John Ross didn't try to avoid the kiss, but instantly took to her. "Christopher, come back to bed with me." She took John Ross' hand and he followed her to the bedroom. Karen turned to kiss him once more and but lightning flashed revealing who it really was.

"Oh my God! John Ross!" she whispered, pulling away. The thunder shook the house again, drowning out the rest of what Karen had to say.

"Karen, I'm sorry, but I don't regret it, not at all," said John Ross.

"Well you're going to regret it," said a voice in the darkness. It was Christopher.

"Look, Christopher, I didn't know it was her!"

"The hell you didn't John Ross. You took advantage of her and you would have gone to bed with her too wouldn't you?"

"Christopher, it was an innocent mistake!" said John Ross, trying to cool Christopher's growing temper.

"Innocent mistake my ass," said Christopher.

Karen stood in the corner in her nightgown, afraid of what the night might have in store. "Christopher, it will be ok," she said, also trying to calm him.

"No, it won't." Christopher lunged at John Ross, knocking him into the hall table.

"Christopher! Get a grip," gasped John Ross, after having all of the breath knocked out of him.

Suddenly the lights came on and various doors on the hallway opened. J.R. walked out in his robe, followed by Sue Ellen, Pam, and Bobby. "What the hell is this?" said J.R., his eyes adjusting to the light. "Bobby! You'd better get your crazy son before I have to step in," he said, after finally realizing what was happening.

Bobby walked over to where the two were fighting and pulled Christopher away before any real damage could be done. "Christopher, what's going on?"

"I'd like to know that myself Uncle Bobby," said John Ross, wiping blood away from the corner of his mouth.

"Don't you dare play innocent with me John Ross," said Christopher angrily.

"Christopher, come here," said Pam in her motherly tone, one that was severely out of practice after all the years of being away from her family. "What happened? What caused this?"

Sue Ellen walked over to where Karen was standing. "Karen, why don't we go to my room and talk about this," said Sue Ellen, realizing what had probably happened.

Again Pam asked Christopher what happened and this time he spoke.

"John Ross tried to take advantage of Karen. She thought he was me and kissed him and he was even going to go to bed with her." Pam was not entirely shocked by this, after all, John Ross was J.R. Ewing's son.

"J.R.," said Pam, "I guess we should have expected something like this from your son. You've raised him to be just like you and that is not good."

"Now wait just a damned minute Pam," said J.R., "I hope you don't think John Ross would try to take advantage of Karen like that. It's obviously your son who's lying. Of course, we couldn't expect anything else out of him because you're a fruitcake and you've raised him to be just like you!"

"Isn't that the truth," said John Ross, "Aunt Pam, you did come back to Dallas raving about my dad being the one who 'kidnapped' you and that's ridiculous. You are crazy."

"John Ross, do you want a black eye to go with your swollen lip?" said Christopher.

"Alright, that's enough," said Bobby.

"No Bobby," said Pam, "if J.R. has a problem with our son, then I think he should tell us."

"Tell you? I'll do just that. Karen belonged to John Ross and Christopher took advantage of John Ross being in a coma and moved in on her like a hawk on a field mouse," said J.R.

"Oh bullshit!" said Karen, walking up to the rest of them. "If you want to know the truth, I'll give you the truth. I've waited a long time for this. First of all, J.R. schemed with my father to break up the wedding, as I'm sure some of you already know. But there's something else that none of you know. J.R. was responsible for John Ross' wreck. J.R., it's all your fault that John Ross was in a coma in the first place!"

The hallway grew silent and all eyes fell upon J.R. It was John Ross who spoke up. "That's ridiculous."

"Nope, it's the truth. J.R. had my brakes sabotaged but you were the one who got in the car."

"J.R., is this true?" asked Bobby.

J.R. grew silent.

"Oh my God, it is true," said Sue Ellen in an appalled tone.

"Dad, tell me now…and please tell me the truth," said John Ross, "is it true?"

"Yes, it's true. I never meant for you to be hurt John Ross, you have to believe me," said J.R.

"It doesn't matter dad. I was hurt and that's ok, but Karen could have been hurt and I don't think I can ever forgive you for that." John Ross ran into his room with tears in his eyes. Everyone heard the door slam moments later.

"J.R.," said Sue Ellen, "I don't even know what to say. Of all the things you have EVER done, this has to be the lowest."

"Sue Ellen, please understand. I never meant for Karen to be hurt. I told the mechanic to make sure she was late…I didn't want anything like this to happen. The mechanic is the one to be blamed."

"Oh J.R., don't give me that. This is one time that you're not going to lay the blame on anyone else. You're going to pay for every single month John Ross was in a coma. I'm going to hit you where you'll hurt the most. I'm going to get Abby's shares of Ewing Oil and use them to make your life a living hell. Goodnight J.R.," said Sue Ellen, storming off.

Pam, Bobby, Karen, and Christopher retreated to their rooms, leaving J.R. standing in the hallway. The storm roared on outside like a ferocious animal in a mad attempt to get into the house.

Afton called Cliff as soon as she awoke. "Cliff, I waited up until after midnight, I thought you were going to move back home last night!"

Cliff, who was still asleep when the phone rang wasn't eager to speak with his ever lovin' wife. "Sorry Afton, It was a long day yesterday and I still need a few days to get my head around everything that is happening."

"Well you had better head your head on quickly, because this baby is coming, and he needs a father!"

"Afton, you keep saying he, but it is possible we will have another daughter."

Afton was getting angry, but she knew she had to keep it in check; she had to keep Cliff close, at least for awhile. "Cliff, I am going out soon to pick up our costumes, what time are you picking me up for the party?"

"Afton, I am not sure I am up to going to Southfork tonight."

"Well, you had better get sure."

"I still need to talk with Lucy."

Damn Lucy Ewing, thought Afton, she was not going to let that munchkin wannabe screw things up. "Cliff, do what you have to do, but we are going to that party, pick me up at 7pm, sharp!" With that Afton Cooper hung up the phone. Afton walked to the kitchen and put on some coffee, how the hell was she going to ensure Lucy was out of the picture......she had it, she headed back to the phone, this time the call was not to Cliff.

J.R. awakened to find the sun shining and the caterers scurrying about the exterior of Southfork, in preparation for the night's masquerade ball. He definitely wasn't in the partying mood and saw the Southfork pool in his future if he didn't try to smooth things over before the party.

John Ross sat alone at the table, sipping a cup of orange juice and picking at a scrambled egg. "Good morning Son," said J.R., walking into the dining room.

"Hi," said John Ross coldly.

"John Ross, look, I'm sorry, but I never meant for anyone to be hurt by this, it was a mistake and I deeply regret it. You have to believe me. I love you John Ross, more than life itself."

"Yeah, I'll believe that when there's no more oil in Texas," said John Ross leaving J.R. alone in the kitchen.

Lucy sipped her morning coffee still in a daze due to the events of the previous day.

"Morning honey, you aren't lookin' so good this morning."

"J.R, I am not in the mood."

J.R looked at his niece with a combination of pity and amusement. "Lucy, I could have told you from the beginning getting involved with Cliff Barnes would only bring you heartache."

"Well, J.R for once, I maybe should have listened to you."

"Well the little twit isn't good enough for a Ewing anyway. You have to get yourself together, the party is tonight."

"J.R, I am not going to the party."

"Well, I want you there, the whole family is going to be there, we need to rally behind JohnRoss, this party is also the first time he is going to see all his friends and family. And after what happened last night, he's really going to need all the support he can get.

"Well, maybe your right, screw Cliff Barnes, I am going tonight, and I am going to have fun."

"Good for you!" J.R Ewing gave Lucy a kiss on the forehead and left the kitchen. He smiled as he exited the kitchen, he really did care about her, although she caused him nothing but grief, and besides, he was sure Cliff would at the party, and it would be fun to see the sparks fly.

Afton's long distance phone call had worked. It wasn't easy, but he was coming. Lucy Ewing would be in for a surprise tonight, a couple of surprises actually. Now she had to make sure she was nicer to Cliff. He had to believe she really loved him. It was going to be difficult; the thought of sharing a bed with her former husband made her gag. Nevertheless, at least for a few weeks she needed to keep up the show, at least until all thoughts of the shooting were out of everyone's head.

Over breakfast, Abby and Jack Ewing spoke. The newly-weds had now spent several nights in the same bed; however, Abby was still finding excuses not to make love with Jack. Last night's reason, at least, had been a plausible one. She complained that the rich food they had been served at Southfork had made her feel quite sick.

The two were not quite certain what to make of their visit to Southfork the previous night. The Ewings had all been so friendly to them, as if they were genuinely interested in including Abby and Jack as real family. The only Ewing who hadn't shown kindness was Lucy.

"Did you hear the way she threatened me, Jack?" Abby spoke with contempt in her voice.

Jack was reading a newspaper article on Ewing Oil and was barely listening to his wife go on about the night before. "What, babe?"

"Lucy Ewing… Did you hear her threaten me last night?"

A confused look came over Jack's face. "Ohhhh, you must be being paranoid, Abby. Sure, I saw Ewings fighting amongst themselves, but none of the animosity was directed at us."

"Jack, you can be so naïve at times. Do you really believe that the Ewings are all of a sudden interested in becoming familiar with us, out of the blue?"

Jack sighed. "Stranger things have happened, babe."

At Southfork, in the bedroom of Gary and Valene Ewing, at the same time: Gary and Val rolled in their bed, laughing. "Oh, Gary, I almost let my act down when Lucy told Abby that she'd hunt her down and make her pay one day!"

They continued to laugh. "Well, my favorite part was watching you and Sue Ellen put on that show, defending the honor of your men!"

Back at Jack and Abby's:

"I can't believe that that country bumpkin, Valene, thought she could stand up to Sue Ellen Ewing like that. I mean, even I had trouble holding my own with her." Abby continued going on, while Jack pretended to listen from behind his newspaper.

"Umm-hmm." Jack gave an obligatory response every now and then.

"But the real question is, what exactly are they up to?" Abby went deep into thought trying to figure out how in the world the Ewings were going to try to attack her. "Well, this Ball tonight should be interesting, if nothing else. Jack? JACK?"

Jack peered around the side of his paper. "Yes?"

"Are you listening to a word I'm saying? This is very important!" Abby demanded.

"You know, if you were over here, sitting on my knee, I bet I'd be able to hear you better."

A disgusted look on her face, Abby responded. "Oh, please, Jack, how can you think of sex at a time like this?"

Back at Southfork:

Gary and Val were now kissing and laughing as lovers will do.

"We're going to beat them you know, Gary."

"Val… Enough about Abby and Jack! I'm trying to have a good time with you before we have to start thinking about that damned Ball."

Hearing mention of the Ball, Val sprung from the bed. "Oh, my God! I almost forgot! I've got a million things to do today!" She ran back and forth, hurriedly, making herself presentable and then bolted from the room.

Gary just threw himself back onto the pillows, sighing in frustration.

Donna Dowling had just finished speaking to her husband and he was not pleased she was not returning home. She had not told him about her plans to join Ray at the Ewing Halloween ball tonight. He could not have handled that. She was in this situation before, a dying husband. She felt guilty. She was having thoughts of Ray and she getting back together, despite both being married to others, she somehow felt the time might be right. Donna looked at her costume hanging on the back of the door. Cleopatra…Donna Dowling was nervous and excited about tonight, she and Ray were going to be together tonight, as they should be.

Halloween was approaching, and the Ewings were in planning for their costume party to be held at Southfork. Pamela hadn't felt much in a partying mood lately, given that she was accused of two murders. She and Bobby had discussed earlier that day how this costume party might help improve her spirits. She thought she could use all the distractions she could from this hell she was enduring. A Halloween party was something that had never been held on Southfork. Bobby entered their bedroom, and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi honey."

"Hi there. Have you heard anything from Scottie or Ms. Lewis? I was wondering how they were progressing with the private investigators on those surveillance tapes."

"I haven't heard anything from them, dear. I am sure they are doing everything they can," Bobby reassured her.

"I hope they can come up with something soon; I don't know how much more of this I can take," Pam exclaimed, her voice starting to break with emotion.

Bobby took her in his arms. "Pam, we both know you didn't do this! We will get a break, I just feel it in my bones. Now let's just prepare for this costume party coming up. I think we both could stand to have a little fun."

Christopher and Karen browsed through racks upon racks of colorful costumes but to no avail. Being October 31, everything had sold out and it was impossible to find anything decent or in her size. Karen and Christopher stepped out of the store and into the warm fall afternoon.

"Christopher, isn't that Pamela Rebecca's car?" asked Karen.

"Sure looks like it. Aren't we in luck…Pamela Rebecca is in it."

On cue, Pamela Rebecca stepped out of the car that was parked parallel to the front of the costume store. She walked around to the rear passenger door and pulled out a beautiful gold dress.

"Well well, Pamela Rebecca," said Karen, "the witches are out early today aren't they?"

Pamela Rebecca turned around. She was obviously not amused. "Yes they are Karen. I didn't think you'd be out until after the sun set."

"Pamela, if you're looking for bat wings or newt eyes, then you'll have to try Transylvania or somewhere like that, though I think you'd also find them if you went home and looked in the mirror," said Karen.

"Yes, perhaps," said Pamela Rebecca, "but only if you happened to be standing behind me. You know Karen? What is it with you? Can't you see I'm making an honest attempt to change?"

"I'll might believe that after you've traded in your witch's hat for a nun's habit, but I seriously doubt it."

"So," broke in Christopher, "Pamela, what costume are you wearing to the ball tonight?"

"I have no idea. I bought this one but forgot I was pregnant and wouldn't be able to wear it. I doubt that they make maternity costumes," smiled Pam.

"Well, I hope you have better luck than Karen did. We haven't been able to find a costume for her either," said Christopher.

"Hey, know what?" asked Pamela. "I bet this costume I bought would fit Karen perfectly."

"Oh great," said Karen, "are you sure you don't mind?"

"Like I said, I'm taking it back anyway. You might as well have it. Look Karen, I'd like to forget all of the hard feelings between us and move on to better things," said Pamela.

"Pamela, I'm just not ready to forgive you yet. You have to understand where I'm coming from here, after all you've done."

"Well, I just want you to know that I'm sorry and you can have the costume and please, no more Halloween humor tonight."

"Ok, we don't have to be friends but we don't have to fight either," said Karen, taking the costume from Pamela.

"Great. I'll see both of you tonight," said Pamela.

"Bye Pam," said Christopher.

Pamela Rebecca watched as Karen and Christopher walked down the street to their car. "It's too bad my first plan won't work, but all of this isn't a total loss. Candy and Karen will be wearing the same costume. This should be interesting." Pamela got in her car and drove to the house that she shared with her mother.

Lucy was putting the last of her make-up on. Since she had not been able to get a costume yesterday, she had to improvise, but she thought she looked great. She was still not in the partying mood, but was determined to show Cliff she wasn't going to fall apart. Cliff had attempted to call her a number of times, but she had ignored him. She would talk with him, but it would be face to face. She planned on cornering him at the party and then he would have to tell her face to face he was going back to Afton

It was late afternoon on Halloween. The patio and pool area were decked out in typical orange and black streamers in preparation for the evening's costume party. Carved pumpkins and corn stalks served as decorations on the patio. Jenna stood on the patio thinking of the upcoming party. Maybe tonight she would finally succeed in getting Bobby away from that trashy Barnes woman, she gloated to herself. She had done her part to ensure that Pam would be taken away from her Bobby; it was only taking longer than she had anticipated though. When she was free of Ray she was sure Bobby would lovingly take her back and marry the woman he should have married in the first place over 25 years ago-- her. She thought she would dress as a witch for this costume party tonight, though she thought Pamela would be a more appropriate witch than she. Actually, a word that rhymed with witch was more fitting about Pam. Jenna laughed out loud at this last thought of hers. Just then J.R. appeared on the patio with a bourbon and branch in his hand.

"Well hello Jenna darlin'," he said. "It looks like you are in a fine mood for this party tonight."

"Yes J.R. you are right there. I was thinking how I will get Bobby back after Pam goes to jail for murder. I think that would make you almost as happy as it will me."

"It's no secret I hate that woman, and that's a fact," J.R. said. "She still thinks I had her held hostage for all those years, for God's sake. I am not a bit surprised she tried to kill me on that cruise; all that strain just made her snap. I hope she gets all that is coming to her, I must tell you. Bobby loves that crazy woman for some reason; I have never understood why. You would be a much better match for him."

"I think so too J.R.; thank you for saying that. I think this is all going to work out quite nicely," she said in a mysterious tone. "I will see you later then."

The afternoon had turned into a mild autumn evening on Southfork, with the sun almost set. All the guests were arriving in their various costumes. Bobby thought this could be a fun party; he hoped Pam would be able to enjoy herself. He and Pam were mingling with the guests in their Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara costumes. Bobby became aware of Jane heading his way.

"Mr. Bobby, there is a phone call for you, a Miss Marcia Lewis. She says it is urgent that she talk to you."

"Okay, I'll take it inside. Why don't you come in the house with me, Pam. This could be important." With that they walked into the house and into the living room to take the call.

"Hello Miss Lewis, this is Bobby Ewing."

"Mr. Ewing, I know this is a busy night for you with your party, but I think we have our break we've been hoping for. We finally found something in the surveillance tapes from the Oil Baron. I would like to discuss this with you and Mrs. Ewing personally. I would like to come out there tonight to discuss it if that's okay."

"This sounds serious; if you think it is that important by all means come out here, and bring the video tape with you if possible."

"I'll do just that Mr. Ewing. I will be there within an hour. I'll see you then."

"Is it good news Bobby?" Pam asked.

"It sounds like great news, my dear," Bobby responded. "Ms. Lewis is heading over here with a surveillance tape from the Oil Baron. She says she thinks we have our big break." Neither one was aware that Jenna had followed them into the house and stood in the foyer eavesdropping on their conversation. She managed to walk back to the party without being noticed.

Cleopatra stepped out of her limo, and headed into the Ball. Southfork looked fabulous, there was not a spot without a pumpkin, skull or some other Halloween decoration. The pool was a strange blackish color with pumpkin lights floating on top. It was unusually dark, with only the twinkle of candles in pumpkins, it caused an scary glow, which fit perfectly with the theme.

Donna walked throughout the guests, it was still early and not everyone had arrived. She looked for Ray, but did not see him anywhere. Someone was watching her as well, Jenna had come to the party, but no one knew, yet. She sat quietly near the back of the crowd watching Cleopatra scope out the room. Ray didn't take too long to move on she thought, well, she soon wouldn't have to worry about his wife standing in the way.

Darkness had fallen on Southfork, adding to the mood of the party. The festive lights burned brightly, penetrating the darkness and shining upon the masqueraders. J.R. Ewing walked to a group of people. He was dressed as George Washington, complete with powdered wig. A familiar voice called out and he turned to see Marilee Stone, dressed as a 20s flapper holding a martini glass, waving it at him.

"Well Marilee. I wouldn't have thought you would have surrendered to all of this Halloween spirit," said J.R., laughing.

"Hello J.R. Nice costume."

"Thanks Marilee. Say, I hope you manage to stay away from the pool Marilee."

"Your cousin isn't here, so I'm sure I won't have to worry about that," said Marilee, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, I wouldn't say that. My cousin IS here," said J.R.

"Jamie is alive?"

"No, Jack."

"What the hell is he doing back here?"

"He married Abby Fairgate, allowing her to get her hands on my Daddy's company."

"Oh, J.R., I'm sorry to hear that. But relax, you've still got your 25%. You can do a lot with that. And if you're still the same J.R. I used to know, then you'll have 100% by the end of the week."

"You're right."

"Good luck then. I'm going to speak to Jeremy Wendell."

"Oh my God, I'll have Westar back by the end of the week," said J.R., laughing.

"What do you mean?" asked Marilee, "How?"

"All I have to do is snap a few pictures of him in that ridiculous vampire costume and I'll blackmail him until he begs me to take Westar back."

"Somehow I doubt that. You should have worn a more appropriate costume…something red, with a forked tail, horns, and pitchfork."

"You've still got your sense of humor I see. I hope to see you again tonight Marilee."

Marilee left and J.R. turned to see Abby and Jack Ewing, which reminded him of phase three of Valene's plan. Phase two had been the dinner the night before but now was the punchline…both in a literal and figurative way. He listened as Jack and Abby talked.

"May I have this dance?"

Abby turned quickly to find that it was Jack speaking to her from behind. "That is you, isn't it Jack? I can't tell who anyone is around here."

"Would anyone else call you 'babe' in as handsome an accent as mine?"

Abby rolled her eyes. "Arrogant as ever, that's definitely you, Jack. Sure, let's dance."

The two made their way onto the dance floor and began to dance. "This whole thing is making me a bit uncomfortable," said Abby.

Jack laughed. "Well, the worst thing that can happen to you tonight is that you might end up in the pool. It's a Ewing tradition, you know."

"Great." Suddenly, her train of thought was broken at the site of two men arguing at the other side of the pool.

It was George Washington and Elvis, and they were both quite mad, it seemed. A closer look revealed it was actually J.R. and Gary.

Tugging at Jack's arm, Abby moved in to get a better listen. "Come on, Jack. I don't want to miss this!"

The two men were obviously arguing. When Abby and Jack came into an audible distance, they heard what was being said.

"It's like I tell you over and over again, Gary, you're nothing. You've never been a real Ewing and you never will be. Hell, you gave our Daddy's company to a woman, for God's sake!"

"J.R., I'm warning you. Shut the hell up or I'm gonna do it for you! I didn't give anything away!"

"Sure you did and everyone here knows it. They all know what a coward you are Gary!"

With that, Gary took a swing at J.R. and missed.

Taking advantage of Gary's loss of balance, J.R. acted quickly and pushed Gary into the pool, then darted away as quickly as he could.

Abby just whispered to herself, as she watched Gary being humiliated. "What have I done to you, Gary?"

Jack was able to hear what she was saying, but not all of it. "Abby, you're not still hung up on my cousin, are you? Because if you are, then you can just hang up holding onto Ewing Oil!"

"Jack, shut up!"

"The hell I will, Abby! You better start learning how to be a proper wife to me or there's gonna be a hell of a lot of trouble!"

"No, no there isn't going to be any trouble between you and me, because I'm leaving!"

"Fine, go," Jack said.

Abby got away from her husband as quickly as she could and went toward the valet station to retrieve her car. It took several minutes for the valet to get her car to her and as she was waiting, she noticed that same small, young woman coming toward her.

"You're right to leave here, you know. You're no Ewing." Lucy revealed herself.

"Please, Lucy, not now. I'm not in the mood."

Lucy stepped closer. "Well, that's just too bad for you, isn't it? Did my momma and daddy have a chance to prepare for the damage you did to their marriage all those years ago? Did my family have the opportunity to prepare for you attack on our family legacy? Answer me!"

The valet pulled up with Abby's car just in time for her to get away without answering Lucy's demands. As she stepped in, she turned back to Lucy. "You have a lot learn about life, young lady. I hope you don't really think that you can stand against a woman like me. You've been spoiled, ruined your whole life, but not me."

"Obviously, Abby." Lucy cattily remarked.

"Just remember that coming from a humble background, I had to learn to fight to get where I am." Abby shut the door and roared away, the tires screeching.

Sue Ellen walked over to a distant corner of Southfork to be away from all the people. She was dressed as Juliet, with burgundy velvet skirts and petticoats addorning her blonde hair. The cool night air of Texas felt good against her hot face.

"Sue Ellen? Why are you out here? You should be in there, with your guests. You DID organize this party after all, didn't you?"

Sue Ellen turned around as her mother stepped out onto the patio "Yes, mom, I just needed some room to breathe, that's all. J.R.'s all over me like a sick dog, it tends to get on your nerves after a while."

"I know honey. I can't believe how he pushed poor Gary into the pool in front of all these people," said Patricia glancing back at Gary, dripping wet and talking to Valene.

Before she could say anything else, Dusty came up beside Sue Ellen and kissed her on the cheek.

"I was looking for you everywhere, honey." Dusty said as he put his arm around her shoulder.

"I just stepped over here for a second."

Patricia looked behind her at all the people in costume, staring as if she were searching for something.

"Mom, is something wrong?"

"No-no nothing honey, I was just looking at all the people. Excuse me..." Patricia turned around and walked inside the house.

"She's acting a little strange..." Sue Ellen said, watching her mother walk inside.

"Oh, don't worry about it Sue Ellen. She's always a bit strange." Dusty laughed and kissed Sue Ellen.

"Oh you!" Sue Ellen hit him playfully.

"Well, well....look who just dropped in off the potato truck." J.R. said smugly, glaring at Dusty.

"Yeah, when DID you get here J.R., I don't remember seeing you?" Dusty shot back.

"Some of us have lives to lead, although I guess you wouldn't know anything about that..."

"No I don't think I would, selling off your company to Wendell made me richer than hell."

"Sue Ellen, I hate to see you this way. This desperate for a man...you've definitely lowered your standards honey. When did this happen?"

"J.R., my standards dropped when I decided to remarry you. After that desperation become second nature to me, I was so desperate to get away from you I didn't know what to do. I'm also still upset about what you did to John Ross and still have every intention on having my revenge. Come on Dusty, the air smells over here...."

"Oh you'll regret this, Sue Ellen!! Don't come crying to me when that no-good trailer trash leaves again for some other woman!"

J.R. Ewing walked up to the vampire that he had seen earlier—Jeremy Wendell.

"Well Jeremy. Dusty and you both here, however did I get so lucky."

"Hello again J.R. Sue Ellen invited me to the party and I have to admit, it is a nice one. No better way to celebrate my getting position of CEO at Westar," said Wendell with a smirk.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself Wendell," said J.R. with a fake but irritated smile. "And did I compliment you on your nice costume?"

"No, I don't think so, but who are you supposed to be?"

"George Washington."

"How nice. Say, have you seen Abby Ewing tonight?" asked Wendell. "I'd like to talk to her. Maybe we could have a few dealings between Westar and Ewing Oil."

"Oh, she left a while ago."

"That's too bad. I'll have to call her up later then. A business deal is a terrible thing to waste. I'll be seeing you J.R. Have fun." Wendell turned and walked away, his cape flying behind him.

Bill and Hillary Clinton were at the bar, "Bill I'd like some champagne."

"Do you think that is such a good idea Hillary?"

"Cliff, just get me the damned drink, one isn't going to kill me!"

Cliff sighed and order Afton a drink. "This is going to be it though...ok, you are pregnant....remember."

"Sure honey." Afton gave her husband a peck on the cheek, it never actually hit skin, just the Bill Clinton mask he was wearing. "Cliff I am going to see who's here, will you excuse me."

"No problem Afton....."

Bill Clinton was left standing alone at the Bar. He turned and was shocked to see Monica Lewinsky standing next to him. Lucy looked hot, he did not know how he was going to tell her about Afton's pregnancy. He did not want to hurt her, he loved her. What a mess.

Monica had no idea that under the Bill Clinton mask standing next to her was Cliff.

"Hey Bill, why haven't you returned any of my calls?" Lucy giggled.

"Lucy it's me Cliff."

"Oh my God, well, this is quite the coincidence! Where's your wife?"

"I am not sure."

"Off looking for eye of newt or something. Cliff, why didn't you tell me Afton was pregnant, why did I have to hear it from her?"

"She told you, damn her, what the hell is she trying to do."

"Cause me as much pain as possible. Cliff take off that mask so we can talk."

"Lucy, lets meet up later, first I need to talk to Afton, I can't believe she told you, I told her I needed to talk to you myself."

"Cliff, the baby doesn't have to change things."

"Lucy, please understand, I missed raising Pamela Rebecca, I can't do that to another child." Lucy will you meet me in awhile, I really do need to talk to that wife of mine."

"Sure Cliff....later." Lucy Ewing ordered herself some wine, it went down very quickly, and smoothly, she quickly ordered another. Another Ewing party, she thought, I needed to be drunk to face the last one too.

Christopher surveyed the huge crowd filled with mysterious, hidden faces, looking for a gold dress and feathered mask. Finally, he saw her, Karen, walking across the crowd to a dark corner of Southfork. He ran after her, but soon lost her once again in the crowd. Pamela Rebecca, dressed as a Southern Belle watched as Karen walked over to John Ross. She apparently wanted to talk, but John Ross must have thought she was Candy—everything was going exactly as planned. John Ross took Karen and the two kissed for several minutes. Pamela was stunned. Karen had to know it was John Ross she was kissing.

"What the hell is wrong," she said.

"I think you know the answer to that."

Pamela reeled around to see Marilyn Monroe standing behind her—or at least that's what she thought at first. "Karen, what is wrong? Where's your gold dress?"

"Oh please. You didn't think I'd fall for that did you? You'd be able to cause all sorts of problems if Candy and I were wearing the same costume wouldn't you?" asked Karen.

"Karen, I honestly didn't know that Candy had the same costume," said Pamela Rebecca, lifting up her skirts, preparing to walk away.

"Now wait just a damned minute. You're not getting away this time. I am sick and tired of your little schemes," said Karen angrily. "This time, there is no one here to stop me either."

"Karen!" said Pamela Barnes Ewing walking up.

"Hi Pam," said Karen.

"Hi Karen…Hello Pamela Rebecca. Karen, Christopher was looking for you just a few minutes ago. Is something wrong?"

"Oh no, Pamela Rebecca is just letting her true Halloween spirit shine through," said Karen.

"Pamela Rebecca, what is your problem?" asked Pam.

"I don't have a problem, it's your son's girlfriend who has the problem," replied Pamela Rebecca, "oh, and did I mention that's a fabulous Scarlett O'Hara costume?"

"Pamela, Karen may very well be my daughter-in-law soon and I don't like how you are treating her!" said Pam angrily.

"Thanks Pam," said Karen, "but I can handle Pamela Rebecca. You've got enough witches and devils of your own to worry about, like Jenna and J.R."

"Well, I've had enough of your 'good-girl' acts," said Pamela Rebecca, "I'm going to find Eric. Goodbye."

Pamela Rebecca lifted her skirt off the ground and sauntered across Southfork to join the rest of the party-goers.

"Well, Lucy, what an appropriate costume."

Lucy, wearing her Monica Lewinsky costume turned to see Pamela Rebecca, the Southern Belle, standing behind her. "Hello Pamela Rebecca."

"Maybe I should call you 'Mother'," laughed Pamela Rebecca. "But all jokes aside, I have something very serious to talk to you about. My parents are going to be back together and I don't want any of your interference. I'm on my mom's side 100%."

"Good for you Pamela Rebecca. Nice to see how mislead you are," snapped Lucy.

"I'm warning you. You're not going to stand in their way," replied Pamela Rebecca. She turned and left Lucy standing alone, slightly confused,

Afton was not staying still, she had just finished the final preparations. And now all she had to do was avoid Cliff for awhile, and things would be just fine. She spotted Cliff coming into the Ballroom, and turned quickly to leave the room when she smacked into J.R Ewing.

"Afton, you in a hurry?"

"Sorry J.R, I am just trying not to run into Cliff."

"Why is that, I heard you two were back together."

"Well, not exactly....anyway, I have been hoping you would have called, I haven't heard from you since the cruise ended. I thought we had a great time."

"We did Afton, but I have been a little busy, with JohnRoss, and all the stuff going on at Ewing oil."

"Well, I understand, but I would really love to get together soon."

"That would be nice Afton, I will call you....soon."

"J.R Ewing how the hell are you?" Roy Ralston slapped the back of J.R Ewing sending him forward.

"Roy Ralston, how have you been?"

"Just fine."

"Afton, I would like to introduce you to Roy Ralston, he helped me with some PR a few years back, well many years back actually."

"Hello, nice to meet you Mr. Ralston."

"Nice to meet you as well Miss Cooper, I almost had your friend J.R here the governor of Texas, until a certain lovely named Leslie Stewart got in the way."

"Well, if the two of you would excuse me." J.R Ewing left Roy and Afton standing alone.

"My last name is actually Barnes, but how did you know my maiden name?"

"Well Ms. Barnes, you are the reason I am at this party."

"I am?"

"Well, after seeing the television coverage of the Oil Baron's cruise, I really thought we should talk."


"Well, you have quite the television presence. I was wondering if you had ever thought of being on TV."

"Do you have a singing show or something?"

Roy grinned, he certainly had no interest in Afton's singing. "No Ms. Barnes, I have been looking for the perfect host for a new talk show I am beginning, trying to give Oprah a run for her money."

"Talk show hostess....wow."

"I thought you might be interested."

"I am very interested." Afton glanced at her watch and knew she had to go. "Can you call me tomorrow, maybe we could meet and discuss this further."

"Sounds wonderful, expect a call tomorrow."

Meanwhile, J.R. Ewing stood at the refreshment table, getting a cup of punch. The phony fight between he and Gary just might be the way he could get the 75% of Ewing Oil back that Gary had so carelessly let slip away. He turned away from the table and it was then that he saw her. She was wearing a gorgeous blue silk and sequined dress and a silver mask with white and blue feathers protruding from it's edges. As soon as he had seen her, she was gone. It was as if she had disappeared into nothingness…or either had not been there at all. J.R. walked into the direction she was standing and caught a glimpse of her blue dress rounding the bandstand. When he arrived at the spot where he had last seen her, she was nowhere to be found. It was then that the fog machines kicked in and the ground was blanketed in a thick cloud of mist, adding a certain spooky feeling to the party.

"A cowboy, Ray you really weren't that inspired tonight were you?"

"Actually I am supposed to be John Wayne, but your right Donna, I really did not feel like coming to this party. But knowing you would be here made it a bit easier."

"Well John, shall we dance?"

"I would love to Cleo...." Ray smiled, put his hand in Donna's and headed towards the dance floor.

Lucy read the note with confusion. Meet me in the basement in half an hour was all it said. Why would Cliff want to meet in the basement, unless it was to ensure Afton did not interrupt them. Lucy did not give it too much thought, logical thought anyway, glass of wine number four was kicking in, and she was starting to feel it, and it felt good.

"Care to dance Monica?"

Lucy turned to see a tall ghost with his hand out. Lucy put her hand in his and headed towards the dance floor. There was something familiar about this ghost Lucy could not quite put her finger on, as they waltzed, Lucy was sure she had danced with this man before. By the time the song was finished Lucy knew who she was dancing with. "Mitch, what are you doing here?"

"Lucy how did you know it was me?"

"We were married for many years Mitch, I could not forget the feeling of dancing in your arms. Again, what are you doing here, we haven't spoke since you dumped the divorce on me at the last Ewing shin dig."

"Well, that is why I came, I felt like a heel doing that to you, with the divorce about to be finalized, I just needed to see you, to know for sure that we are doing the right thing."

"Well, maybe you should have had those thoughts before you served me with the papers in the first place."

"Lucy, I am sorry, I will always love you, but we just were not meant to be together."

"Well, not for more than two years at a time, isn't that how it seems to work for you and I?"

"Lucy, When Afton called this morning, I did not think that I should come, but she convinced me I should see you one more time, to make sure I was doing the right thing."

"Afton called you?"

"Yeah, she said you were quite upset about the divorce almost being finalized, said it might help if I came and talked to you."

"Mitch, your sister is a bitch."


"Did she also tell you she is desperate to keep me away from her husband?"

"What are you talking about Lucy?"

"Well Mitch you are partially responsible, after your display at the barbecue, Cliff and I got together, we are in love, and it is driving your sister crazy. She is trying to split us up."

"Lucy, I can't believe this, well obviously you are not pining away over our break up."

"Sorry Mitch, not in the least. You dumped me in a very cruel way, I have not looked back."

"Well, I really need to talk to Afton, Lucy, I am sorry, I had no idea what she was up to."

"Yeah, you should talk to her, maybe you can knock some sense into her."

An hour had almost passed. Bobby and Pam tried to mingle and enjoy the gathering but were anxiously awaiting Marcia Lewis' arrival. J.R. noticed Pam's demeanor. "What is the matter Pam? Are you afraid the cops are going to come here again and take you back where you belong-- in jail?"

"J.R. don't start," Bobby said in a menacing way. "It just so happens we may be getting close to finding who was really responsible for that fire. We are waiting on Miss Lewis, Scottie Demarest's assistant to get here to show us a video tape that was taken on the cruise ship."

"Bob, are you so desperate to get Pam cleared that you would have a videotape doctored?" J.R. said sarcastically.

"No J.R.; that is something you would do, but I don't want to discuss this any more with you now," he said as he watched Miss Lewis' walk toward them.

"Miss Lewis, I am glad you are here," Bobby said in greeting.

"Mr. Ewing, Mrs. Ewing, I think you are going to be pleased with what we found on this tape, but maybe a bit shocked too."

"Well, let's by all means get down to seeing what is on that video tape," Pam said. "It is my life with my family that could be taken away if I am not cleared." The three of them walked briskly into the house and into the den to view the tape on the VCR.

"Ray, dancing in your arms makes me feel like we were never apart."

"I feel the same way Donna, but those years did happen, and we can't change them."

"I know, but do you think it is ever possible to go back?"

"Go back?"

"Ray, you know what I mean, go back to where we were?"

"Donna what exactly do you mean?"

"Well, you said yesterday you needed to talk, and so do I, let's leave this crowd and find a quiet place, I think we have lots to discuss."

Once again, J.R. spotted the woman in the blue dress standing alone, silent. He approached her and to his surprise, she did not run away.

He extended his hand and she understood that he wanted to dance. The woman took J.R.'s hand and stepped onto the dance floor.

"I get the feeling I should have brought some police here with me tonight," Marcia said, "since the guilty person is here at the party tonight. I didn't want to alarm the guests though. Anyway, this tape has been edited down to just what we need to clear Pam. You can see this is the passageway outside J.R.'s state room on the Oil Baron; the date and time are already stamped on the recorder, so we know it is the right video." Marcia fast forwarded through some footage, then stopped the tape. "Here is the interesting part. We have seen J.R. enter his state room and Ms. Smithfield and Mr. Stockton enter later, though the person responsible for the fire didn't see this occur. Now we watch someone you both know enter the stateroom and then leave again within a minute or two; shortly thereafter we see smoke coming from under the door." Bobby and Pam sat watching spellbound as the event unfolded before their eyes. "By the way, these cameras run on emergency power; they are considered necessary considering the wealthy clientele who were on this cruise; that is why it continued taping even in this chaos. I think we have enough information here to go to the police. Like I said, I kind of wish I had brought the law with me tonight."

"Absolutely Marcia. You can't know how much Pamela and I are grateful for your coming out here this evening. It looks like Pam and I need very desperately to find someone here, and soon. Come on Pam." With that he took her by the hand and they proceeded together out to the patio, where they encountered Ray and Donna. "Ray, have you seen Jenna lately?"

"Actually Bob, I haven't seen her, but since she is the only one here dressed as a witch she shouldn't be too hard to find. Is something wrong? You seem kind of anxious to see her."

"Well, you have that right. It is important we find her. We have something to show her, though I don't think she'll like seeing what we have in mind."

"By all means…Donna and I will help you look for her, if it is that big a deal." With that the three of them went back into the house in search of Jenna.

Monica Lewinsky slowly walked down the basement stairs. She rarely made it down to the Southfork basement, there was nothing down there really, just junk. She was sure there was a light switch around here somewhere, but she could not find it. The only light she saw was the small red light from the furnace. Normally the darkness would have scared her, but the wine was mellowing her mood, and in addition, she was hoping Cliff was at the bottom of the staircase, about to wrap her in his arms, telling her that despite Afton's pregnancy, they could work everything out. "Cliff....Cliff are you here?"

"No Cliff is not here, it is just me."

Lucy turned and looked up, the door to the basement was open and in the light she saw Hillary Clinton standing at the top of the basement stairs. "Afton what the hell are you doing here?"

"I sent you the note dummy, not your lover, your lover's wife." Afton shut the basement door, and stood at the top of the stairs in the darkness.

Lucy finally found the light switch, but when she flicked it nothing happened. Lucy turned and tried to make her way back up the stairs. Suddenly a flash of light was in her eyes.

"Afton, what the hell are you doing?

Hillary Clinton shined the flashlight directly into Monica Lewinsky's eyes. Monica could not see, and was stuck in her tracks at the bottom of the staircase. "What I am doing is giving you a warning. Stay the hell away from my husband."

"Afton get that damned light out of my face!"

"Do you hear me runt? I said stay away from Cliff. He and I are back together, and I am not going to allow you to screw things up for me."

"Oh is that why you had Mitch fly here, what the hell were you thinking, that I would see him, and we would fall back in love?"

"Lucy...I mean it, you and Cliff are history, consider this your last warning."

"Warning, what are you going to do if I don't stay away from Cliff?"

"That is not something you want to find out." Hilary turned off the flashlight, and turned to leave the basement. She attempted to open the basement door, but it was stuck. "Damn."

"Stuck are you bitch?" Monica had enough of this, she fumbled her way up the stairs. She went head first into some cob webs. "Ahhh" Monica brushed the cob webs out of her face, knocking her beret to the floor. When Monica got to the top of the stairs, she pushed Hilary Clinton aside and tried to open the door herself. "Hand me that flashlight."

"Forget it."

"Listen bitch, unless you want to spend the night down here, give me the damned light."

Hilary turned the light on, and flashed it on Monica.

"Get that light out of my freakin' face before I bash you." Hillary continued to flash the light on Monica.

Monica grabbed at the light, "Give me the damned light. There might be something I can use to get the door opened with, if I could only see." The two women struggled at the top of the staircase, both now with a firm grip on the handle of the flashlight. Monica was a bit stronger, and finally pulled it out of Hillary's hands. With the final pull, Hillary lost her balance and began tumbling down the stairs. Monica screamed and dropped the flashlight, watching the rays of light as it too tumbled down the stairs. The light finally landed, sitting next to Hillary Clinton. In the glow from the light, Monica Lewinsky could see the faint red glow as the blood trickled down the forehead of Hillary Clinton, who was lying in a heap at the bottom of the stairs of the Southfork basement.

It had taken forever, it seemed, for Abby to get back to her building. Halloween festivities had overtaken the city, which had made Abby even madder than she already had been. If I have to see one more ghost or goblin tonight… she thought.

She made her way into the building and onto the elevator, where a man also boarded dressed in a ghost outfit.

"Well, did you scare anyone tonight? I sure did." Abby struck up a conversation with the ghost, but there was no reply. The elevator stopped at Abby's floor and she got off the car, followed by the ghost.

"Excuse me, are you sure this is the right floor? There are only two units…"

Abby stopped mid-sentence and gasped as she saw a gun come from underneath the sheet worn by the ghost.

"What's the matter, Abby. Didn't think you could be afraid like everyone else on Halloween night?" The ghost pulled the sheet from over his head to reveal his identity.


With Bobby in the lead, Pam and Bobby proceeded into Southfork and into the living room. It was there that he encountered quite a hideous scene as he came around the corner. He tried to stop Pam before she could see what he saw but obviously wasn't successful, as she let out a bloodcurdling scream. Ray came dashing into the kitchen at the sound of her scream. Dangling from the staircase railings by a rope was Jenna. Pam let out another scream as she put her hands to her face and cradled her head against Bobby's chest.

J.R. and the masked woman seemed to dance on air as they reeled around the misty grounds of Southfork. Several couples had stopped to watch them and it was quite the sight. The lights reflected off of the blue sequins of the woman's dress and cast reflections onto Southfork. It was then that the large clock that Sue Ellen had insisted on having for effect began to strike. It was midnight, the bewitching hour. At the chime of twelve, all guests would unmask and those who had kept their identities a secret would finally be exposed.

After the first strike, the masked woman stood still, she realized what the strike of midnight meant as well. The atmosphere took on a cooler feel and the mist thickened, as if the fog machines were malfunctioning.

The clock struck a second time.

The woman pulled away from J.R.

A third time…

She began to step back.

A fourth…and then a fifth…

The masked woman that had entranced J.R. all night turned and ran.

A sixth strike of the clock chimed.

J.R., not wanting to lose her again followed her.

The seventh and eighth strikes sounded.

J.R. arrived, breathless to where the woman had disappeared. She was standing, breathing deeply, against a dark corner of Southfork.

A ninth strike…

J.R. motioned for her to take off her mask. He wanted to know what she looked like more than anything. It was almost as if he had known her before.

A tenth strike.

An owl called out from a distant tree somewhere on the ranch. The woman hesitated and J.R. was again afraid that she may try to run.

The eleventh strike of the clock…

The mysterious woman reached for her mask and began to remove it.

And the twelfth and final strike, signifying that midnight had arrived. It was the bewitching hour.

She removed the mask, revealing her face.

"Oh my God!" said J.R., in a trembling voice. "It…it can't be. You…you're dead!"

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"DALLAS: Return to Southfork" is copyright ©1998 & 1999 Return to Southfork. "DALLAS", its characters, logos, and pictures found within this site are ©1998, 1999 Warner Bros./Lorimar Productions. This page is not affiliated in any way, shape, or form with Warner Bros., Lorimar Productions, CBS, TNN, or the cast/crew of "DALLAS." The characters used in these fanfictions are owned by the above companies, and use by the authors is purely for enjoyment purposes only, as nothing of monetary value is made from these stories.... just fans having fun. No episodes or images from this website may be used without prior permission from the site owner. The pictures of actors/actresses are by no means representative of their approval of this site/fan-fiction and are used for illustrative purposes only. No infringement is intended on anyone or anything.