Episode 19

It All Comes Out In The Wash

Christopher Ewing

Bobby Ewing

Sue Ellen Ewing

J.R. Ewing

Ray Krebbs

John Ross Ewing

Pamela Rebecca Cooper

Cliff Barnes

Afton Cooper

Jenna Krebbs

Pam Ewing

Gary Ewing

Lucy Ewing Cooper

Val Ewing

Also Featuring

Karen Beam

Abby Fairgate

Patricia Sheperd

Clayton Farlow

Ellie Ewing Farlow

Jeremy Wendell

Scottie Demerest

Dusty Farlow


Jack Ewing

"It All Comes Out In The Wash" was originally released on Saturday, October 17, 1998.

We have a double header as Sue Ellen confronts Abby while J.R. confronts Jack. Neither of those confrontations are beneficial to the Dallas Ewings. Patricia receives strange letters which later proves to be from her daughter, and Kristin's twin, Kaitlin.


* * *
(3 Stars)

Rating System

One Star -- Episode was poor, definitely not one to print out!

Two Stars -- This episode was okay

Three Stars -- This episode was good, but isn't a classic

Four Stars -- Great episode!

Five Stars -- This one will go down in RTS history!

Episode 19 

Lucy was on the patio, sipping her morning coffee. Everyone else was still inside, discussing what had happened earlier with Pam. Lucy's muscles tensed as she saw her grandmother walking towards her. She had hoped to escape her grandmothers need to talk for at least one more day.

"Lucy, it's time."

"Grandma, there is no point. There is nothing you can say that can change my mind. You're married to scum."

"Lucy Anne Ewing, who exactly do you think your speaking to?"

"Sorry Grandma." Lucy felt ashamed, she had never spoken to her grandmother that way before.

"Lucy, this is no longer about Clayton. It is now about you and I." Ellie had a seat across from Lucy at the table. "Clayton and I will be returning to Europe in a few days. I need for things between you and I to be okay before I go."

"Grandma, what is the point?"

"The point is...you and I have always had a special relationship. In some ways we are closer, and more alike, than any of the other Ewings." Ellie reached out and put Lucy's hand in hers. "Lucy, I am old. Every time I leave Southfork now, I always mentally prepare that I might never see it again. I am not going to live forever. I am not leaving with you and I not having resolved this. That is why...it is time."

Pamela Rebecca Cooper sat vigil by John Ross' bedside. She had waited almost an hour for him to wake up because she wanted to be the first to see him. After a few more minutes ticked by, her patience was rewarded.

"Good morning, John Ross," she said in her nicest voice.

"Hi Pam. I didn't expect anyone this early."

"I thought you might like to talk or something."

"Sure, but I've got therapy in an hour, so we'll have to hurry. Isn't it great that Karen and I are getting married?"

"Well, yeah, but it did catch me off guard. What do you remember about the night of the accident?"

"To be honest, not much. I remember being at some hotel, but you and Karen were both there. Everything else is kind of foggy, but I remember running out and getting in Karen's car. The next thing I know I'm here in the hospital with my grandmother."

"I think that maybe I can help you remember everything…if you really want to know."

"Of course I want to know. Why wouldn't I?"

"You may be surprised."

Before Pamela Rebecca could begin, the door opened.

"Well, good morning, John Ross!" said a nurse cheerfully.

"Good morning, Ina," he replied.

"I need to check you over before you go to therapy if you don't mind."

"Is anything wrong?" asked Pamela Rebecca.

"Oh no, just routine. Do you mind excusing us?" asked Ina.

Damn her, thought Pamela Rebecca. "No, not at all. I've got an appointment myself that I need to get to."

"My God Pamela," said John Ross, "you're pregnant."

"Of course I am silly," she replied, "and you…"

"Christopher must be really excited. When is the baby due?"

Pamela was dumbfounded, he didn't remember. "November," she said. Seeing that Ina was beginning to look impatient, Pamela Rebecca vowed that she would go to her appointment and then set him straight. She said her good-byes and left the room.

Jack Ewing awoke to find himself on the sofa pullout bed in his and Abby's Fairview suite. The drapes had been drawn open and the room was bright with the morning sunlight. Several feet away, Abby sat at the dining table sipping a cup of coffee and looking over a newspaper.

"What the hell time is it, Abby?"

Looking at her watch, Abby replied. "7am." She spoke to him coldly.

Jack rose, uncovered himself, and got out of the bed. In nothing more than his boxer shorts, he walked over to the window to look out onto the city while stretching.

Abby tried not to notice the well-defined contours of Jack's body as she spoke to him, coldly, yet again. "Jack, could you please not parade around here like that."

Jack turned to meet her cold glare. He knew that there was more to his new wife than she was letting on and he intended to whither away this cold exterior of hers. "What's the matter, babe, you don't like the way I look out of my clothes?" He purposefully flexed his muscles as he continued to pretend to stretch. He could see Abby looking out of the corner of her eye.

"Jack, please."

"Oh, come off it, Abby!" Jack walked over and kneeled down next to where she was sitting. He stroked her hair as he spoke. "We just got married, for pete's sake. What the hell is your problem? It's not as if you've never seen me like this before."

Abby pulled away from him. "That was a long time ago."

Jack became frustrated and angry. "Well, we weren't even married then, yet we locked ourselves into that cabin and made feverish love for several days! And you better learn to rekindle that passion or else I'm outta here and you can kiss your precious Ewing Oil goodbye!"

This was enough to get Abby's attention. Immediately, her demeanor changed. "Jack, please understand." She walked over near him. "This marriage was very sudden. We did it for very unconventional reasons. Now, I admit, the time we spent together last year was very good for me, but a weekend fling does not a marriage make. Please give me some time here."

Jack was a sucker for this very beautiful woman and she had him in check, yet again. "All right, all right. But, I'm not sleeping out here for one more night, Abby."

Abby nodded her head in agreement. Why was she feeling this way? Could it be that she was feeling guilty or even, heaven forbid, remorseful, about what was taking place here?

She had fallen in love with Jack the minute she had laid eyes on him, over a year ago. They had spent some beautiful time together. He was everything she had ever wanted in a man. But, this had all sprung up so suddenly. She had used him to gain control over Ewing Oil. Now, she found herself trapped in a marriage to a man she loved! "What is the world coming to," she thought.

Patricia Sheppard packed up the last of her suitcases and prepared to leave Dallas, hopefully this time for good. Her eyes wandered to the table near her apartment door, where the envelope sat. It had been sitting there ever since she had received it three days ago and now she was no more eager to open it than she was when it had first arrived. Surely, if she ignored it, everything would just go away, but then again, maybe not. She felt the letter must be read, but by her eyes only. If it fell into the wrong hands, the secret that she had been harboring inside for almost forty years would be revealed. If that happened, it was quite possible that Sue Ellen would turn against her. Sue Ellen was all she had these days and she had no intention of losing her.

Patricia picked up the envelope and held it in her wrinkled hands. There was a knock at the door, startling her enough to drop the envelope. As she was bending to pick it up, the door opened.

"Good morning Momma," said Sue Ellen, "here, let me get that for you."

Patricia watched nervously as Sue Ellen picked up the envelope. She hoped that she wouldn't ask questions.

"Good morning Sue Ellen," replied Patricia, taking the letter all too hastily. Hastily enough, in fact, that Sue Ellen looked surprised. "So what brings you here so early this morning?"

"I thought I'd come see you off to the airport."

"Oh, is that all?"

"No, not really. Things are so uncomfortable at Southfork that I couldn't bear it any longer."

"How's that?"

"Well, you know Gary lost Ewing Oil, which is creating enough tension itself. Another thing…Pam was arrested this morning."

"Arrested?" mimicked Patricia in a surprised tone.

"Yes. I don't believe it for a minute, but they claim she started the fire in JR's stateroom."

"Oh my, if she did, then that means she's responsible for the death of Anita Smithfield and Robert Stockton."

"How did you know about that?"

"It's been all over the news. Too bad it's not JR's face I see on screen instead of Robert Stockton's."

"Momma, you're terrible," laughed Sue Ellen.

"I know. Well, I guess this is it, Sue Ellen."

"Actually, I didn't come to see you off to the airport. I came to ask you to stay a few more weeks."


"I'm doing something special for John Ross and I thought you might like to be there."

"Sounds like fun. What is it?"

"I'm throwing a huge Halloween gala at Southfork, mainly as a welcome home party for John Ross, but I think everyone else would enjoy it. We're going the whole ten miles, costumes and everything."

"Now Sue Ellen," laughed Patricia, "don't you think I'm just a wee bit too old to be running around in a costume?"

"No, I'm going to wear one myself. Come on, it's for John Ross!"

"Well, I guess I could stay a few more weeks. Which reminds me, I didn't think anything of it then, but now it seems perfect."

"What's that?" asked Sue Ellen inquisitively.

"Today while I was shopping, I found the perfect costume for JR. It was red, had a forked tail, and a pitchfork."

The two women laughed at the thought of JR in a devil suit, but both knew that it fit him just perfectly. Patricia temporarily forgot about the crinkled letter in her pocket and Sue Ellen forgot all about the trouble that brewed back at Southfork.

Afton was nervous. She was dressing, and this time, to kill. It was time to put this case in high gear. She was convinced after her last meeting with her lawyer that he was useless and, unless she took things into her own hands, she would be spending the next decade or so locked up. That was something she was not prepared to do. She was emotionally drained. She was on her way to the doctor's, hopefully to get some sleeping pills. Nights of little sleep were not playing very well to her face. Then, Afton needed to end this crap. Despite promising to follow her lawyer's instructions, she was once again about to do what she thought needed to be done.

Pam sat in her cell in the Braddock County jail, unbelieving of all that had happened to her. She had a surreal sense about her, only this was not a dream, as she had hoped. She had just been arrested for the attempted murder of JR, based largely on Jenna's allegation that she had seen Pam leaving JR's room on the Oil Baron's cruise ship. When she regained consciousness after fainting... well, she would never forget the look of sheer delight on Jenna's face, and on JR's too, for that matter. Bobby had done his best to prevent the sheriffs from arresting her like they had, but to no avail. Pam had seen the look on Christopher's face, too; he had a most hateful look directed at his uncle JR and, especially Jenna. She didn't know how much more strain she could take. She was just starting to recover from the 11 years of hell she had endured thanks to JR, in large part because of all the happiness she had being reunited with Bobby. They were planning on being remarried, though they hadn't set a date for it. Now she wondered if it were going to occur at all. She buried her face in her hands and began to cry.

In the Braddock County courthouse Bobby was working diligently to get Pam released on bail. The judge was named William Davis; he had a reputation for being a real law and order kind of guy, as so many judges were in Texas.

"What case do we have now?" he asked the bailiff.

"The people of the state of Texas vs. Pamela Barnes Ewing, for the attempted murder of one John Ross Ewing, Junior. Mrs. Ewing is accused of starting a fire in Mr. JR Ewing's room on the Oil Baron's cruise and was arrested several days after her return from the trip. Two people died in the fire, a man named Robert Stockton and a woman named Anita Smithfield."

"Thank you. Mr. Bobby Ewing, I see you are here on behalf of Mrs. Ewing. You have legal counsel in the person of Mr. Scottie Demerest, I see."

"Yes, your honor," Scottie said. "We are here to ask for bail for Mrs. Ewing." "Given that 2 people died in that fire, on what basis should I grant Mrs. Ewing bail?" Judge Davis asked.

"Your honor, you probably are well aware of the prominence of the Ewing family in Dallas; they are upstanding members of the community. Mrs. Ewing is also a member of the Barnes family, which is also a prominent family here in Dallas. They are, of course, willing to vouch for Mrs. Ewing not jumping bail."

Judge Davis directed his attention to Tim Cassaday, the assistant district attorney for Braddock County. "Mr. Cassaday, what does the state have to say on this matter?"

"Your honor, the state would strongly urge you to deny bail in this case. The fact that two people died in this tragic incident makes it, in our minds, a case where Mrs. Ewing should not be granted bail. Mrs. Ewing may not have killed her intended target, her former brother-in-law, but she succeeded in killing two innocent people, Miss Anita Smithfield and Mr. Robert Stockton. We feel she should be kept in custody until this matter comes to trial."

Bobby could barely stand to hear his fiancé accused of these crimes in a public manner, such as this. He could hardly contain the anger he felt mounting in him, anger at the judge, the prosecutor. He was finding it hard to keep himself in check in this setting; something in him told himself if he lost control, he may be joining Pamela in jail. Scottie saw the irritation building on Bobby's face and whispered to him, "Bobby, it won't do you any good if you lose your temper here. I think this judge just might be lenient with Pam; he recognizes that the Ewing family is a bad family to have as an enemy. Besides, I think he realizes Pam won't skip bail. Be patient here."

"I think I am ready to make my decision here. This court will grant bail to Mrs. Pamela Ewing in the amount of $500,000. This hearing is adjourned."

"Your honor, that is like pocket change to Mr. Ewing here!" Cassaday said with more than a hint of sarcasm.

"Mr. Cassaday, I suggest you keep your outbursts to yourself, unless you want to find your way back to your own jail cell for contempt of court!" Judge Davis exclaimed. "I have made my decision, and that is final! This hearing is adjourned!"

Bobby stood up and shook Scottie's hand in a grateful manner. "Thank you Scottie. I don't know how much more Pam could have taken after everything that has happened to her."

"Don't thank me now, Bobby. I think you should go post the bail for your little lady."

JR Ewing's Mercedes sped into the parking garage below the Westar Corporate Offices. He was determined to find out just what Wendell was up to—then he would be the one that was thrown out of the office. JR didn't care about the fact that Pam was at the police department…or anything else for that matter. His mind was one track. He wanted to find out what the hell was going on. His tires screeched as the car sped toward his parking space, the one reserved for the CEO of Westar. JR's jaw dropped—there was a care parked in his reserved space. The license plate read "Wendell".

"Damn that man," grumbled JR, pulling down a few aisles to find another parking place.

JR entered through the nearest door and almost ran to the elevator. He was angry, angrier than he had been in a while. Wendell had had the nerve to throw him, JR Ewing, out into the street, without so much as an explanation why.

The elevator seemed to take forever, as it did when he was in a hurry. Centuries later, it crept to a halt on the floor of his office. The nameplate on his door read Jeremy Wendell. His face seared with anger.

"Well, JR, back so soon?" came Wendell's voice from behind.

"And I'm not leaving until you've given me some sort of explanation," growled JR.

"Why don't you follow me into the conference room and you'll know everything."

JR reluctantly followed. Inside, the board members had all gathered for what appeared to be a meeting. As JR entered, they all glanced around nervously. Clearly, they knew something that he didn't.

"Would anyone care to explain what the hell is going on?" he asked.

"Yes JR, I'd love to," said Wendell. "It's simple, I'm now CEO of Westar."

"Wendell, that's impossible. For one thing, you don't own enough stock. Secondly, there would have had to have been a vote which means that I would have had to have been there FOR the vote."

"I'll take those one at a time, starting with number two. It's simple, we haven't held the vote yet, but I'm a shoo in, being the largest minority stock holder and all."

"You're what?"

"Yes JR, I want you to meet the man who helped to make all of this possible. See, without him and his willingness to sell so easily, this would have never been feasible. I'm also sad to say that my son, Robert, ended up paying with his life because of this, which makes me all the more determined to do a good job."

"Wait a minute, Robert Stockton was your son?"

"Yes he was."

"What was he doing on the Oil Baron with Anita Smithfield?"

"I'm afraid that only Robert knows the answer to that. Now, JR, just in case you've forgotten him, I'd like for you to meet the man who helped boot you right out of office and put me in…Dusty Farlow."

JR's mouth dropped as Dusty walked in, just like before.

"Hello JR. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Wendell turned to JR. "Mr. Farlow was more than happy to sell me his shares of Westar stock. Now, on to the second thing on the agenda. Time to vote me in as the new CEO of Westar. All in favor please raise your hand."

JR and Wendell looked across the long meeting table. The board members reluctantly looked at each other and then from JR to Wendell. They were obviously between a rock and a hard place. JR had been a wonderful CEO, but Wendell had enough stock to make their work there miserable. Hands went up, one by one. It was unanimous.

"JR, now it's official and there's not a thing you can do about it. Just goes to show what can happen when you let your guard down. When you were crying, I was buying. It's a shame your son had to have that unfortunate wreck when he did, or else you might still be CEO."

JR wanted to knock him out cold. Not only had he stolen his title of CEO, but he had also seemed triumphant over his son's accident. That was a definite no-no.

"Sorry about that JR," said Dusty, "but what can I say, Wendell made me an offer I couldn't refuse. Now, if you don't mind, I think I'll go see Sue Ellen. It's been so long since we've even spoken. We were good friends once…and who knows, maybe we can rekindle that little flame."

Dusty left the office, leaving JR and Wendell with the Westar board members. "JR, unless you want a repeat performance of last night's little events, I suggest you get out right now."

"You haven't heard the last of this Wendell, I always get what I want the most. It might not happen today or tomorrow, but believe me, Westar will be mine again…and that's a promise."

Wendell watched with a triumphant smirk as JR hurried out of the meeting room.

Lucy listened and, for one of the first times in her life, was not talking.... or interrupting. Ellie had been talking for almost 20 minutes and Lucy listened intently to her words. Lucy had always thought she and Clayton had been happy in Europe, but Ellie described years of sadness, of missing Southfork and her family. She talked about how ill she had been and how Clayton had sat by her bed for months on end. The illnesses had not all been physical ones. Ellie had gone into depressions many times: when she thought JR had killed himself, when everyone thought Pam had died, not to mention all the other trials her family was going through back in Dallas.

"Lucy, I could see that Clayton was getting depressed too. I wanted nothing more than to return to Dallas and be with my family, to help, to lead. But the doctors insisted that I was not strong enough. I had no choice but to lie in bed for weeks on end. I had no interest in anything, not even Clayton. I treated him horribly for a time. Finally, the doctors told us he could no longer put his life on hold. They said he would be no good for me if he got as sick as I did. He fought it, fought it hard, but they, and I, insisted he go out everyday walking, to a movie, anything to keep his strength and his spirits up."

"That is when he met Muriel?"

"Yes. She was just as sad as Clayton was. They began to talk, and walk, and spend time together. Muriel was the only person Clayton had in the whole world to talk to about what was going on. He could not talk to me. I just stared, I had no interest.... Until Muriel came along."

"What do you mean?"

"Lucy, I had no interest.... in being physical with Clayton, either. We had not made love, kissed for that matter, in years....Besides worrying about my family, I was convinced that Clayton was going to leave me for another woman, one more able to meet his needs."

"Which he did!"

"No, Lucy, he didn't. Muriel was so wonderful to Clayton, and to me, though she would never meet me. Knowing now who she was, I understand why. She would send with Clayton little gifts for me: flowers, candy, wonderful pictures, books. When she and Clayton went out, he would come back full of life.... happy. It was his happiness that eventually began to rub off on me. I am convinced that if Muriel had not brought some joy into Clayton's life, I still might be on that bed in our villa, not caring about the world."

"So, you were okay with them sleeping together?"

"Lucy, Clayton only slept with her once and not only was I ok with it.... It was my idea."


"Lucy, if you love someone, with all your heart, you want to help meet their needs. I wanted Clayton to be fulfilled. I thought it might help."

"Did it?"

"Yes, but not for the reasons you may think. Clayton and Muriel became very close friends, a special bond developed, and it wasn't sexual. He didn't want to sleep with her. I insisted. I needed to know that I was giving back as much as he was giving to me. It took weeks to convince him.... I know this must sound crazy to you, but had you been there Lucy you would understand. It was not sordid or dirty. It was so unselfish, and love filled. Clayton did not enjoy sleeping with her; he felt such guilt. He and I had a relationship that transcended sexual intimacy. Our intimacy, our love, was enough all on its own. It took him sleeping with her to convince me that Clayton was not giving up a big part of his life to be with me. I learned he was not sacrificing anything being with me, but that it was love, pure love, keeping him there. Muriel taught us that. And for it, I am eternally grateful. Lucy, what are you thinking?"

"I don't know grandma.... This is all so confusing."

"Lucy, I know. I am not sure if you will ever understand how truly wonderful the gift Muriel brought to our lives was. She brought us life. But Lucy, do not be angry with Clayton. If anyone deserves your anger, it's me. I pushed Clayton into going out, into seeing Muriel, into sex with her. He fought me every step of the way."

"Grandma, I am not angry.... anymore, only confused."

"Well, confusion is good and I know you will take the time to sort things out."

"I love you grandma. You are truly the most remarkable woman in the world."

"Lucy, I love you so much too"

The two women embraced. "Lucy, I am exhausted, I need to rest."

"I am emotionally drained, too." Both women smiled. Ellie headed upstairs to nap. Lucy looked out at the wonder surrounding the home. She stared at the fields, the barns, the horses and the beauty. Her grandmother had kept this alive for her, and the rest of the family, had fought hard. Despite her earlier hatred of what Clayton had done, he too, was responsible for some of this, by supporting Ellie.

AIDS...this had not been mentioned in the conversation and would not be, for now, anyway. Ellie and Clayton needed some time away again to rest, to recharge, in order to once again return to Southfork to get things in order. Lucy prayed that AIDS would not be a factor in keeping them away. But...it was a factor for her friend, her dear friend Muriel, who had always been there for her. She had been pretty much ignoring her since she found out about Clayton. Lucy Ewing, she thought, you are so selfish, Now that you have gotten over yourself, it is time to help your friend.

Christopher paced the living room at Southfork. It had been several hours since his mom had been arrested and taken away and he had heard nothing from her.

"Christopher," said Miss Ellie, "it's going to be fine. We all know that Pam didn't start that fire."

"You might and I might, but I don't think Jenna does. This is all her fault…all because of her lies."

"Don't say that Christopher. I think Jenna was just mistaken about what she saw. I don't think she would ever intentionally lie to hurt your mother."

"Grandma, Jenna is an evil woman. She'd do anything to get my mom out of the picture so she can have Dad all to herself."

Miss Ellie realized that maybe he was right. Jenna had acted strangely lately; even Ray had said so. "Christopher, we've got to think the best."

"I wish I could. Maybe JR is behind it, like he was behind keeping her locked away all those years."

"Christopher, I won't hear another word about that! I don't think that JR is capable of anything that devious."

"So what are you saying? That my mom is lying?"

"No. She was kept in a very stressful environment for many years. She was even treated for mental illness. All I'm saying is that maybe she's confused. Personally, I think that Katherine could be behind it. It's the only explanation that makes sense."

"That's impossible. Katherine helped me find her. If it weren't for her, Mom wouldn't be here now. And if it weren't for Jenna Wade, we would all be happy here at Southfork."

"Did someone mention my name?" said Jenna, entering the room.

"I did say your name, but I wasn't calling for you," said Christopher coldly.

"Miss Ellie," said Jenna, "do you mind if I talk to Christopher alone?"

Ellie looked at Christopher and saw that he was okay with it. "Yes, of course."

When Ellie had left the room, Jenna spoke up. "Christopher, look…I don't know why you think I would lie or do anything to hurt your mother. It's true that I loved your father at one time, but that love died a long time ago."

"If you think I believe that for one second, then you're dumber than you look."

"My, my Christopher. How much jealousy are you harboring inside? Does it kill you that much to know that Lucas is Bobby's real son and that I gave that to him when your mother couldn't? Is that what this all boils down to, resentment?"

"Shut up. You don't even know what you're talking about."

Miss Ellie stepped back into the room after catching the last bit of conversation.

"Jenna, what you did at breakfast this morning was bad enough. But what you've done now is unforgivable. I want you off of Southfork and I want you to leave my grandson alone. Do you understand?"

Jenna looked from Ellie to Christopher. "Miss Ellie, I'm sorry."

"And so am I, because that's not going to cut it this time. When my own grandson can't even feel at home here at Southfork, then it's time for me to step in. The foremen will help you with your things."

"Miss Ellie…"


With that, Jenna turned and left the room. "Christopher, I'm so sorry that she attacked you like that…"

"No, it's okay. She's right. Lucas is the real biological son that Dad always wanted. I was adopted. No comparison." Christopher ran outside and Ellie heard tires screeching as he sped off.

Abby sat in her office at Ewing Oil and looked out over the Dallas skyline. She wondered why she felt so unfulfilled by the spectacle. Surely, there wasn't anything much grander. But, something didn't feel quite right about all of this. She didn't feel at home in Dallas.

The door to her office flew open and Sue Ellen Ewing entered, slamming the door behind her. "OK, Abby. Now, the gloves are off. There are no men present to keep us in check."

Abby sighed and braced herself. She had heard about how mean these southern women could be and this one… well, this one had been married to JR Ewing. She must be the meanest of them all.

"What's it gonna take to get you out of here?" Sue Ellen leaned over the desk right into Abby's face.

Abby put on her best fight face. She may have been feeling remorseful, but she sure as hell was not going to back down to this woman. She needed a good battle. "Sue Ellen, hello. You're looking a little peeked today. What's the matter, JR getting too old to perform at home?"

Sue Ellen's level of anger rose to an obviously higher level. She looked down on Abby with a disgusted look. "JR and I do not sleep together, nor have we in many, many years, not that it's any of your business."

Abby had found Sue Ellen's weakness. "Oh, really? Well, what keeps you around then, may I ask? Oh, wait, I think I know. It must be all the Ewing money and power."

"No, Abby. As hard as this may be for you to understand. I have more dignity than that. I stick around and endure the madness of Southfork because my son needs me here. I'm not here for any other reason."

Abby rose from her chair. "Well, I find that a little hard to believe seeing as though you're here battling me face to face for a company named Ewing Oil. Correct me if I'm wrong, but does it say John Ross Ewing, III on the door out there? Maybe, just maybe, you care more for the power that comes from running this company than you do for your own son? And maybe driving JR's face in the fact that you've been running Ewing Oil up until now is the only thing that keeps you here?"

Sue Ellen rolled her eyes and realized that all of this wasn't going anywhere. "Please, Abby. Don't throw accusations at me based on your thin conscience. I'm not the one who married Jack Ewing for the sole purpose of gaining control over a company."

Angrily, Abby spouted. "I love Jack!" Before she could realize what she was saying, the words had already come out.

Sue Ellen studied Abby and realized that she was telling the truth about this. "You really do love him, don't you?"

Abby just glared at her.

"Well then let me make a suggestion, Mrs. Jack Ewing. Valene has told me what your track record is like in the relationship department. If you do love him, then I suggest you go and spend some time with him, instead of letting him slip away while you lose yourself in a battle for this company. Because that's what you've got on your hands here—a battle. And the Ewing family isn't going to rest until we have what is ours back."

"Yours?" Abby questioned this.

"Yes, ours. You know you have no place here." Sue Ellen turned and walked through the door. Before closing it behind her, she turned to Abby once more and said, "don't forget what I've said here, Abby. This is one fight you can't possibly win."

Abby countered her favorite phrase. "Don't count on it."

Sue Ellen closed the door behind her.

Abby sighed and threw some papers off her desk.

Sue Ellen had left about an hour earlier and Patricia once again found herself staring at the envelope. It was time; she had to open it. Her fingers fumbled with the flap and she finally managed to pull it open. She was so nervous that she managed two paper-cuts while reading it.

"Oh no," she said, clutching the letter to her chest. "Not now…why now."

Bobby and Pam were riding in his car, heading back to Southfork after he posted bail. Pam felt a great reluctance to show her self there; she felt humiliated that JR and Jenna were so set in thinking that she had tried to kill him. Bobby had been correct when he told her that to not go back to Southfork would mean she had done something to be ashamed of, which both of them knew was not the case. Still, there was tension between them, even when Bobby reached over for her hand. He could feel the stress in her just by holding her hand. "Honey, if there is anything I can do to help, tell me."

"No, there isn't," she said, trying to put on a brave front. "I almost feel like I did when you first brought me to Southfork after we were married. If only this was such a happy occasion," she noted ironically. "Now I am coming back here as an accused murderer."

"Pam, that's enough," Bobby said firmly. "Anyone who knows anything at all about you would know that is not possible. We are almost there now," he said, kissing her hand. Bobby and Pam rode in silence for a few minutes until the all too familiar mansion came into view.

"Well, here we go again Bobby," Pam tried to lighten the mood as they drove up to the carport. Pam and Bobby got out of the car and walked into the house. The first people they encountered were Ray and Jenna; Jenna had quite a shocked and horrified look on her face at the sight of her rival. Still, she couldn't resist getting some unkind words in. "Well, if it isn't our little jailbird!" she exclaimed sardonically. "I thought for sure arson and murder would be grounds for you to become someone's prison bitch for sure!"

"Don't start on me again Jenna, unless you want more than a glass of champagne dumped on you. I have known that you are a vindictive, conniving, little bitch ever since you and I first met 20 years ago. You are part of the reason I got arrested in the first place, by your lying and saying you saw me near JR's room that night. I didn't think you would go to such extremes to get me away from Bobby, but I was wrong."

"Pam, those years you claim you were held hostage must have made you delusional! First you come back to Dallas saying JR was responsible, without a shred of evidence I might add, now you claim I was lying about your trying to kill JR, whom everyone knows you have always hated. I tell you, I think JR has it right about the Barnes family-- a bunch of drunks, crazies, and losers!"

"Jenna that is quite enough out of you," Bobby said sternly. "You know, something hasn't been right with you ever since we came back from Switzerland. Ray knows what happened and so does Pamela. Both of them have been able to accept what happened between us and move on, so why in the hell can't you?"

"Well Bobby, you will be happy to know that your mother has thrown me off the ranch, so I can't make comments about your wonderful bride-to-be to her demented face anymore."

"Jenna, I can't believe you're saying this!" Ray cut in. "You are hardly like the woman I married, anymore. I don't know if I want to leave Southfork with you!"

"Come on Bobby, at least I am still welcome here," Pam said with a catty look at Jenna. "I already know JR hates me, but that hasn't bothered me in a long time. So let's go find Christopher." With that she and Bobby walked into the house to find their son.

They found Christopher, Miss Ellie, and Clayton gathered in the living room. "Pam, welcome back! I am so sorry for what has happened. We all know you would never have done this."

"Except for JR and Jenna… but thank you Miss Ellie," she said as she hugged the woman who was like a mother to her. She then embraced her son. "I just hope I can get this behind me as soon as possible."

Pamela Rebecca re-entered John Ross' room at a quarter past four. The doctor had given her a glowing report and everything was right on schedule.

"Hi again Pamela," said John Ross.

"Hey John Ross. Do you want to find out what happened now?"

"Of course I do. I've been anxious to hear all day."

"Great. Where to start…"

"How about why I was at the hotel and why you and Karen were both there," said John Ross.

"First I think there's something else you need to know…about the baby. John Ross, Christopher isn't the father."

"Then who is?"

"You are."

"How did that happen?"

"It was back in March, during spring break. You and I were madly in love and everything was perfect. We had even planned to be married, but everything didn't go right. There was a third party involved…a very jealous third party."

"Who? And why can't I remember any of this?"

"It was Karen. Apparently, she was in love with you, too. She developed a very strong hatred for me. She lied and cheated to get what she wanted—and that was you."

John Ross remained silent, soaking in all that he had heard.

"Anyway, a lot of time went by and Karen continued with her lies, until the point that you actually believed her. You two were to be married at Southfork but Karen's father stopped the wedding and announced that I was pregnant with your baby."

"This is so damned frustrating…I can't remember any of this."

"Finally, after a great deal of time, you and I got back together. We were going to have a special night together at the hotel, but somehow Karen found out and decided to ruin it. She showed up and started her lies again, in a desperate last attempt to break us up forever. You were frustrated and confused and you ran out of the hotel angrily. Karen and I followed you and watched as you got in her car. The next thing we knew, there had been an accident and you were in the hospital. Karen eventually forgot about you, after all those months that you were in a coma. She and Christopher began dating and he proposed to her. They returned home from the Oil Baron's cruise to find you out of your coma. Evidently, Karen decided she wanted to continue with her lies, because she accepted your proposal, even though she was engaged to Christopher."

"Oh my God, this is unbelievable."

"You're damned right it's unbelievable," said Karen.

Pamela Rebecca turned around to see her standing there. She always showed up at the wrong times and this was definitely one of them.

"Karen, what are you doing here?" asked Pamela, "I would think you'd be the last person that John Ross would want to see."

"John Ross, you've heard her out, now hear me. What Pamela is saying is all a bunch of lies, all except for one part. Pamela Rebecca was the one who lied and schemed. There was never any love; the night that the baby was conceived was a one-night stand. You and I were going to be married because we were in love! My father did break up the wedding, only he had someone else's help…"

"Who?" asked John Ross.

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but it was your father, JR. He didn't want you marrying me any more than my father did, so they teamed up to ruin our wedding. They found out that Pamela Rebecca was pregnant and used that as a wedge. I was upset and I ran out on you. Pamela continued to scheme to keep us apart. Then comes the confusing part. You and I were the ones who were going to have the romantic night at the hotel. I was running late to meet you there. My car was acting funny, it wouldn't even start at first and it kept acting strange all the way to the hotel. I finally got there and took the elevator up to the floor you were on. When I got there…" Karen wiped a tear from reliving the night, "you and Pamela Rebecca were in bed."

"John Ross! She's lying!" said Pamela.

"Pamela, please, let me hear this," he said.

"I was upset and you were too, John Ross, when you woke up. You ran out of the room and took my car. The next day, I heard about the wreck. Several months went by and I visited you often, but you have to understand, I was hurt by what had happened. I began to see Christopher and surprisingly enough, we had a lot in common. He proposed and I said yes. A few days later, we came back to Dallas and found that you had awakened. The first thing you did was to propose marriage to me and I knew that you were in such a weakened state that you couldn't stand to know the truth, so I played along. The truth is, Christopher and I are in love and we're going to be married. I'm sorry John Ross, but it's the truth."

"Pamela," asked John Ross, "I'm going to ask you this just once and I want to hear the truth. Is what Karen says true?"

Pamela Rebecca turned from John Ross and Karen. "Yes, it's true, every bit of it. I am so sorry John Ross."

"I have a question for you too, Pamela," said Karen. "What happened that night in the hotel room. It wasn't what it looked like was it?"

"No damnit! It wasn't."

"Then what happened?" asked John Ross.

"I got there before Karen. I drugged you and staged the whole thing. It wasn't what it looked like."

"How could I have been so dumb?" said Karen to herself.

"But that's not it. There's more. John Ross, your dear old dad had a lot to do with it. I called him and told him to delay Karen so she wouldn't get to the hotel room before me. I didn't know he would sink so low…but he had someone sabotage your brakes Karen! I didn't find this out until after you had left your apartment. JR called me and told me what he had done. No matter what you think, I was relieved to see you safe. John Ross took the car later that night, though, and that's when the brakes must have malfunctioned. John Ross, it's all JR's fault that you're here now."

"Oh my God Pamela," said Karen, "who else knows this?"

"JR, of course…and there's someone else. I told my Aunt Pam about it."

"I…I can't believe he'd do something like that to you, Karen," said John Ross.

Pamela broke in; "I don't think he meant for anyone to be hurt, not even Karen. In fact, he didn't even know that the brakes were what the mechanic sabotaged. He just told him to delay her getting to the hotel."

"Pamela Rebecca, why the sudden change of heart? Why are you admitting all of this?" asked Karen.

"Because I'm truly sorry for what I've done and I want to change."

"I'm sorry, Pamela," said Karen, "but I'm finding that a little hard to believe."

"Do me a favor," John Ross suddenly spoke up, "don't tell anyone else about this. This is something that my dad and I need to talk about first."

"I won't," said Pamela.

"Neither will I," said Karen reluctantly.

"Thank you. Pamela, I can't believe you would do all of that…but I'm glad you admitted it. Karen, does this change anything?"

"John Ross, I'm afraid it doesn't. Maybe if I had known back then that you and Pamela weren't sleeping together at the hotel…things would have been different. But I love Christopher now and we're going to be married."

"I thought so," said John Ross remorsefully, "good luck then. I hope Christopher makes you happy."

"He does," said Karen, "and I know that you'll find someone special to share your life with someday, too."

"I know, but not now. I owe it to Pamela Rebecca to be there for our baby."

Pamela was shocked.

"I understand," spoke Karen; "I'm going now. I have some important stuff to attend to. I'll see you later John Ross. Take care."

"Goodbye Karen."

Karen hastily left the room, wiping away a tear as she left.

Val, Lucy and Miss Ellie sat on the sofa in the Southfork living room looking through some photo albums. The three of them sat close to one another, Val in the middle.

"…and this is my best friend Karen and her husband Mack. Oh, and this their daughter Meg. They have several other children, all of whom are much older." Val described the people in the pictures to her daughter and mother-in-law.

Lucy asked, "they've been your neighbors since the day you moved to Knots Landing, Momma?"

"Yep, and you just couldn't meet nicer people," Val replied.

The three continued perusing the albums when they were interrupted by two very dirty men entering the room. Clayton and Gary had been out riding on the range for the better part of the day.

"Oh, Clayton, Gary, don't you two dare sit down on my furniture like that!" Miss Ellie immediately took note of how dirty her son and husband were.

The two men made the obligatory jokes to one another about how women are about their furnishings. They then agreed to head upstairs and shower and meet back downstairs for a drink.

As Gary and Clayton left the room, Miss Ellie spoke. "Gary, you're looking much better today than I've seen you since we returned from sea. I'm happy to see that you're giving yourself a break from all that Ewing Oil business."

Gary turned to the women with a smile. "Yes, ma'am. You were absolutely right. The physical activity and the company of a good man like Clayton was exactly what the doctor ordered."

Miss Ellie knowingly smiled at her son. "Well, I've always known that you and Clayton had the potential to be good friends."

"Thank you, Momma." Gary then followed Clayton up the staircase.

The three Ewing women continued talking amongst themselves.

Jack Ewing was a frustrated man. Luckily for him, the Fairview Hotel had a complete gym at his disposal where which he could seize the opportunity to work off some stress. He had been at it for over an hour when a surprise visitor entered the room and locked the door behind him.

Laughing, Jack said, "well, I was wondering how long it would take for this visit to come about, JR."

Laying his hat on a rack of dumbbells, JR replied. "Well, good. Then, it's no secret as to why I've come?"

Jack laughed even harder. "JR, anyone who knows you knows that all you think about is the oil business. And, since you've already congratulated me on my marriage…"

"Marriage? Oh, you mean that little business arrangement you have going with Abby? Jack, we both know that there's no real marriage in that."

Jack rose to his feet. "You're wrong JR. I love Abby and that's the only reason I'm here. You know I've never given a damn about Ewing Oil."

Feeling a little threatened, JR backed down a bit. "Okay, bud. Whatever you say. Say, just out of curiosity, are the two of you sleeping in the same bed?"

"That's none of your business, JR."

"Well, I didn't think so. Jack, I've known Miss Abby for many, many years and there's one thing I know for sure about that woman. She cares more about money and power than anything else. So, if you've got some big, grand illusions of living happily ever after with her, you should probably come to your senses, and soon. I'd hate to see you disappointed."

Jack rolled his eyes. "I just bet you would."

"Now, Jack, hold on a minute, bud. We're family." JR was obviously getting desperate.

"Family? Now, there's a joke. You've never acted like my family. In fact, when it comes to Ewing Oil, you used a hell of a lot more than my wife ever has. Now, get the hell out of here before I decide to tear you, limb from limb." Jack was now right in JR's face.

JR held his hands up, signaling that he wanted peace. "All right bud. But, you just remember that there's always a place at the Southfork dinner table for you and hell, even for that beautiful wife of yours. But, not under these circumstances Jack and you can take that to the bank." JR put his hat back on his head and left Jack, yet again, alone.

Most of the Ewings had already said their good-byes. Gary and Val hugged Miss Ellie and Clayton, and headed back into the house. Ellie and Clayton were standing with Lucy in front of the limousine.

"So, you promise to be home for Christmas...right?"

"We promise, Lucy." Ellie laughed. "Lucy, you are still like a little girl when it comes to Christmas."

"Especially Christmas at Southfork."

"Well, I think I am going to give the ranch a brief last look, before we go." Ellie and Lucy exchanged a glance; both women knew what Ellie was doing. "And I think I will give the two of you a moment alone. Goodbye Lucy." Ellie and Lucy hugged, for a long time, Lucy too was thinking, this might be their last moment together, hoping it was not the case, but hugging extra long, just in case.

"Goodbye, Grandma." Ellie walked to the edge of the driveway, looking wistfully out at her legacy.

"Clayton, I hope you can forgive me for acting like such an idiot."

Clayton smiled, "There is nothing to forgive for Lucy, though you can be stubborn. I am beginning to pity poor Afton Cooper."

"She doesn't deserve your pity Clayton. It is anyone who has to listen to her screech out a song who needs the pity."

Clayton began to laugh, a huge belly laugh. This led Lucy to begin laughing too. Ellie turned around at the sound of laughter.... She smiled, a sad smile though. What a wonderful last vision and sound of Southfork. Despite the fights, the yelling, people getting thrown in the pool, this is the memory she would hold onto. Whether she returned again or not, this was a memory she would treasure.

"Gary, did you see the looks on the kid's faces this afternoon out at the pool? They seem so happy to be here with their cousins and the rest of their family. I'm so glad we've brought them here, to enjoy life at Southfork as all Ewing children deserve to." Val appeared incredibly happy, considering everything else that had happened to them since they arrived in Dallas.

"Well, they do appear to be happy. But, damnit, I'm just not. Abby has made a fool out of me, yet again and this time right in front of my entire family. She's made a mockery of my Daddy's company and his memory." Gary was still, obviously quite angry.

Val rubbed Gary's shoulders. "Gary, that has nothing to do with our being here at Southfork. Besides, I have an idea about how to beat her on this one and it has nothing to do with stooping to her level."

Gary's attention had been fully grabbed. "Oh, yeah?"

Val smiled a huge smile. "Oh, yeah!"

Cliff was eating his combo #7, fried rice, soo guy, chow mien and an egg roll. The one he had bought for Lucy was still sitting on the counter. She said she might drop by today, but he had not seen or heard from her all day. He put down a fork full of rice when the he heard the knock on he hotel room door. Maybe it was Lucy. Cliff was eating his combo #7, fried rice, soo guy, chow mien and an egg roll. The one he had bought for Lucy was still sitting on the counter. She said she might drop by today, but he had not seen or heard from her all day. He put down a fork full of rice when the he heard the knock on he hotel room door. Maybe it was Lucy.

"Afton, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Cliff, we need to talk."

"You talked enough at the ball, Afton. I have no interest in hearing another word!"

"Cliff please, this is important."

"Why aren't you running for your life Afton, aren't you frightened I might 'abuse' you some more."

"Cliff! Shut up, this is important. I am sorry, I have been desperate lately. I don't want to go to jail! I did not know what else to do, or say. My lawyer said the only way to get off this charge is to say I feared for my life. I have felt horrible about it! I still love you Cliff! I want you back! We need to work this out."

"Why the hell would I want to get back with you after everything you have been saying about me?"

"Because, Cliff. You know the reason I shot you was because you were screwing around on me. You hurt me badly. So...I hurt you back. Now that things are even, can't we work this out? We have daughter who needs us and I don't want to give up all we have been through together. I need you."

"Yeah, so you don't go to jail."

"I need you Cliff, because I love you!"

"Afton, you can just turn around and walk back out, I have no interest in this conversation. I loved you very much, but sleeping with Lucy Ewing was nothing compared to what you have been doing to me." Afton did not move. "Afton, I said get the hell out of here!"

"Cliff, are you sure you want me going to jail?"

"Damn sure!"

"Will you visit?"

"Afton what the hell are you going on about?"

"Will you visit, as I start having morning sickness, getting bigger, preparing for the birth of our second child, maybe your first son?"


"I just came from the doctor's, Cliff. I am going to have another baby. Please tell me you don't want the next Barnes heir born in a jail cell."

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"DALLAS: Return to Southfork" is copyright ©1998 & 1999 Return to Southfork. "DALLAS", its characters, logos, and pictures found within this site are ©1998, 1999 Warner Bros./Lorimar Productions. This page is not affiliated in any way, shape, or form with Warner Bros., Lorimar Productions, CBS, TNN, or the cast/crew of "DALLAS." The characters used in these fanfictions are owned by the above companies, and use by the authors is purely for enjoyment purposes only, as nothing of monetary value is made from these stories.... just fans having fun. No episodes or images from this website may be used without prior permission from the site owner. The pictures of actors/actresses are by no means representative of their approval of this site/fan-fiction and are used for illustrative purposes only. No infringement is intended on anyone or anything.