Return to Southfork
Southfork Ranch
“I've always loved the sounds of the ranch in the morning…it makes me wonder why I don't get out here as much now as I used to.” Ellie walked alongside Wade, twisting a blade of grass between her fingers as the two of them talked.

“Did I do something wrong Miss Ellie?”

Ellie stopped and looked up at Wade. “No. Why on earth would you think that?”

“Just seems like you've got somethin' important you might want to talk about, but you keep beatin' around the bush. I thought maybe I'd done somethin' wrong.”

Ellie smiled. “I guess you know me better than I thought. But no, you've done nothing wrong. Quite the opposite in fact. It's not every day that I discover I have a nephew I didn't know about…”

Wade nodded. They'd talked briefly about this at the hospital and he supposed now was as good of a time as any to make his confession. “My askin' for this job at Southfork wasn't entirely a coincidence.”

“Oh? What do you mean?”

“I'm afraid if I tell you this that you'll think less of me and I don't want you to do that Miss Ellie.” Wade broke eye contact with her, ashamed of what he was about to say. He pulled out his pocketknife and began to carve on an old fence post.

“You know I think the world of you Wade…especially now that I know you're my nephew.”

“I knew you were my aunt when I came to work at Southfork. Momma talked about you and how you'd stole our family fortune away, as she put it. She talked so bad about you sometimes that I wanted to find out for myself if what she was sayin' about you was true.”

Ellie was silent for a moment, caught up in watching Wade whittle away at the fence post. “And what did you find out?”

“That you're nothin' like what Momma said. She doesn't like me workin' here, but I reckon there's not much she can do about it. It pays the bills. I hope you're not mad that I didn't tell you before…”

“I'm not mad. I know you would have told me at some point, when you were ready. I just hate that your mother has built up so much bitterness toward me. I feel helpless to do anything about it. I want to help her out…she's so angry about the money that Daddy left to us. I want to give some of it back.”

“Momma's pride would stand in the way. She'd never take any money from you.”

Ellie nodded. “You're probably right. She seems to harbor so much resentment for me.” Ellie walked alongside Wade for a few minutes without saying anything else. Finally, she decided to ask him for the favor. “Wade…where is Emily?”

Wade stopped and propped himself against a tree. “In a nursing home.”

“Can you take me there? I need to see her…”

“Momma wouldn't like it.”

“She doesn't have to know. I just need to see her for a few minutes, that's all.”

“Well…I suppose it wouldn't hurt.”

Ellie smiled. Maybe Emily would be able to shed some light on what all of these dreams about her meant. “Can you take me tomorrow morning?”

“Sure thing Miss Ellie. I'll pick you up at the house around nine. That okay?”

“That sounds wonderful Wade. Thank you for your help and I'll see you tomorrow morning.”

The Intensive Care Unit, Dallas Memorial Hospital
Bobby sat in the metal chair next to Pam's bed. He didn't know how long he'd been there. At first they were only letting him come in for a few minutes every couple of hours, but apparently, one of the nurses had felt sorry for him and decided he could stay with her because no one had come to tell him to leave this time.

In fact, the only one to disturb them had been a man who walked into her room, seemingly by accident. Bobby thought that was very odd considering the fact that they were in the ICU. People just weren't allowed to wander around in there. As soon as the man had seen Bobby, he had apologized and left quickly enough. Still, it had left an impression on him. With all that had happened lately, maybe he should put a guard at her door. Of course, that didn't matter while she was in ICU there were nurses everywhere.

So, he continued to sit next to her bed and watch her sleep. The hours went by and she slept on. At one point during the middle of the night, one of the nurses said that Pam seemed to be coming too a little and was saying Bobby's name. But by the time they got to him on the couch in the waiting room and he got back to her room, she was deeply asleep again.

The doctors warned Bobby that the longer she remained unconscious the more likely loomed the possibility that she would simply slip into a coma. The thought chilled him. As he considered that for the hundredth time, he impulsively leaned forward and took her hand. “Pamela, it's Bobby, I'm here and I love you. Please wake up. Come back to me. I need you.” Still she slept on.

Bobby continued to hold her hand. The warmth of their hands touching provided some reassurance and comfort. She was alive and there with him, and for now, nothing else mattered. He stroked her silky hair and stared down at her. She looked so peaceful; and even with the cuts and bruises, she was beautiful. Let her sleep, he thought. Because when she woke up, he'd have to tell her about little B.J. The doctor had said to try preparing her for what might happen. Silently he wondered, how to do that. How can anyone be prepared to lose a baby? Least of all Pamela.

Ewing Oil
Sue Ellen sat hunched over her desk, the morning sunlight streaming in through the windows behind her. It had become an act of sheer will to keep her mind from drifting back to the conversation from the night before. What had ever possessed Miss Ellie to make a request like that? Had she gone mad?

It just didn't make sense. Of course, Miss Ellie had been under a lot of stress, mainly from Pam's tragedy, but there seemed to be something else buried inside of her—something that was bothering her.

Sue Ellen sighed and returned to the stack of mail on her desk. She thought there was nothing in the stack that could take her mind off of J.R., but she soon stumbled across it, in the form of a brown manila envelope. There was no return address on the front and Sue Ellen flipped it over to check for one behind, but it was missing completely. Not thinking, Sue Ellen opened the envelope and slid out several pieces of paper.

Her mind immediately jumped to the current news headlines. Anthrax. This was definitely a suspicious envelope, but curiosity had often killed the cat and Sue Ellen had already opened it. If there was anything dangerous inside, chances were that it was too late. She carefully flipped over the envelope and looked at the top piece of paper.

Apparently, it was some sort of proposal. As her eyes scanned the page, she soon found out that it was an invitation to join in on a government-sponsored alliance of independent oil companies that would drill for oil on several thousand acres in the heart of Africa.

There was no powder inside. Sue Ellen finally stopped holding her breath.

”No way,” Sue Ellen thought. Her mind instantly flashed to news clips showing all of the political unrest on that continent, especially that surrounding oil companies that were already drilling there. That was the last thing Sue Ellen wanted Ewing Oil involved in and she knew that if J.R. saw it, he would try to get in on the deal, which could mean a potential goldmine of profit for Ewing Oil— a goldmine of trouble.

Sue Ellen slid the envelope under her desktop calendar. As soon as the envelope was out of sight, it was out of mind. Only thoughts of J.R. swirled inside her head.

Southfork Ranch
Sue Ellen wasn't the only person to receive a mysterious letter that morning. Armed with a feather duster, Theresa dusted around the various trinkets that sat on a desk in the Southfork entry hall—the desk where most of the mail was usually deposited when she or Raoul brought it in.

Of course, it was too early for mail today. Theresa carefully slid the desk out from against the wall so that she could dust the wall behind it and when she did, an envelope fell to the floor.

“What's this?” she whispered. She kneeled over and picked it up and immediately saw that it was addressed to John Ross. Evidently, it had slid off the desk and had remained caught there, between it and the wall for some time now.

Theresa dropped the feather duster onto the desk and carried the letter upstairs, where she knocked on John Ross' door. He opened it, looking groggy. “Yeah Theresa?”

“I found this envelope down behind the desk in the entry hall…it was addressed to you. I'm sorry, I don't know how we missed it before.”

John Ross nodded, took the envelope from her with a mumble of thanks, and shut the door. Much like the letter to Sue Ellen, there was no return address and John Ross didn't recognize the handwriting. He ripped it open and pulled out a folded up sheet of paper. It was dated August 9, 2001—over two months ago.

John Ross began to read:

Things are not as they seem and you shouldn't believe everything that you are told. I know something that you should know, but what I know won't come cheap.

E-mail me at if you want to know what I'm talking about.

It'll be well worth your time.

John Ross read the letter again to make sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him. What could this mean? He walked over to his computer and sat down in front of it and quickly double-clicked his email program's desktop icon. It didn't take him but a second to type the address into the 'To' blank.

John Ross began to type his message:

Who are you and what do you want?

John Ross couldn't think of anything else to say. It would have to be short and sweet. He clicked 'send' and watched as the e-mail disappeared. What did this person know?

Columbia, South America, A plush office inside a warehouse
“Ugh” the man doubled over in pain as he was hit again.

Another man dressed completely in black sat behind a large desk at the other end of the large room. “Again.” He said, and the man was struck once more in the stomach with a long wooden two by four. The attacker prepared to strike again, but was halted, when the 'man in black' held up is hand, signaling the man holding the board to pause his assault.

He rose and slowly and deliberately walked over to the man lying on the floor, his body shuddering with pain. “I'm always curious when some one has the nerve to defy me.” He squatted down close to the man. “Tell me, Alberto, why did you do it? What could have possibly made you do such a stupid thing as to put my partners and me in danger? Hmm?” He stood and walked around Ace. Gritting his teeth in barely controlled anger, he turned on him again. This time, his voice booming. “I allowed you to help your 'friend' in Dallas because it provided an excellent cover for you while you were doing your job in Dallas. You do remember your job? It's what I pay you large sums of money to do!”

He walked closer to Ace who was now curled up in a ball on the floor, trying to protect his head with his hands. “And now we are EXPOSED!” As he screamed the words at Ace, he drew back his foot and then slammed it into Ace's back with all of his might.

“Ahhhhh!” Ace's scream echoed through the large room.

Dante Ce'sar walked back to his desk and sat down. “Antonio, bring our friend here.”

Antonio dropped the board and picked Ace up. He half walked half carried him to one of the chairs in front of Mr. Ce'sar's desk. Without looking at him, Dante ordered, “Leave us.” Antonio obediently left the room and took up his post just outside the closed door.

Dante leaned forward. “Alberto, look at me.”

Ace had remained hunched over in the chair, still clutching his stomach. Ace looked up at him from this position.

“Sit up like a man!” Dante barked.

Ace grimaced as he obeyed.

Satisfied, Dante sat back with his elbows on the arms of his expensive leather chair. “Alberto, we've always been friends, haven't we?”

Ace nodded.

“And I have always kept my word to you, haven't I?”

Ace nodded again. This time, it wasn't good enough. Dante raised his voice. “Haven't I?”


Dante nodded. “Good, I'm glad you know that. That means that you know that I had no choice but to have this done to you today. You know the rules. I always keep my word. No matter who must be … corrected? I hope you realize that I went easy on you because of our friendship. I could have had him break your legs. Sure, you hurt now, but you'll recover. Be thankful of that.”

Dante stood and walked around the desk. He dropped his hand heavily onto Ace's shoulder. “You have paid your penitence, my friend. Remember it well.” Dante sat on the edge of his desk. “So tell me, why did you do this thing?”

Ace sat silently for a moment. “I had to get him back.”

Dante smiled broadly. “Ah yes! Revenge! It is hard to turn away from its sweet taste. So what did this man, Bobby Ewing? Do to you?”

“Trisha left me and she took the boy. My family is gone. It's his fault. I wanted him to see how it feels.”

“…and did you meet your objective?”

“Yeah, I think so.”

Dante smiled and clapped him on the shoulder. “Well then, perhaps the price you have paid was worth it to you. Still… we do have a problem that must be taken care of. I cannot afford to have your… indiscretion; shall we call it? Traced back to me.”

“They won't. They can't. I don't think she'll ever be talking again.”

Dante's anger flashed again like lightening. “You fool!” He shook his head slowly as if in pity for Ace. “You have complicated matters for me. “What if Mrs. Ewing fingers you as the one who hit her?”

“She won't.”

“Really? I have already been informed by one of our operatives that Mrs. Ewing not only survived the accident, but also surgery. You can't even kill properly.” Ace was silent. “Don't worry about it, my friend, we'll have it taken care of it for you.”

The Clifford Group
Eric was happy; no, jubilant was a better word. He had just heard the news that Elayne Bennett was dead and along with her had died any chance that the thefts at Wentworth Tool and Die could be traced back to him. Not only that, but she had been considerate enough to take that louse Todd Foster with her! “I think she deserves a raise.” He said out loud and then laughed at his own awful joke.

“Bzzzz” His intercom sounded and he hit the button. “Yes, what is it?”

“I'm just leaving and I wondered if there was anything else you needed me to do, Mr. Stone.”

Eric smiled. “No. I don't need anything else. Night.” It was true for now. Elayne had supplied him with what he needed most, a 'get out of jail free' card. Or in his case, an 'avoid jail free' card. He chuckled again to himself as he headed out to celebrate his secured freedom.

What Eric had forgotten was that the reason he had gotten into that whole spy/theft mess was still looming large on the horizon for The Clifford Group. A large amount of oil was due to be delivered to a certain Petrol Oil and unless something happened quickly, they weren't going to be able to deliver. Instead of their oil, Rex's company would end up owning the Clifford Group. The irony was that the same person who's death Eric was 'celebrating' had been the one who, had he lived, would have saved The Clifford Group. But Todd Foster was no more. Elayne's death may have saved Eric from jail, but Todd's death was about to take from him what he loved most – money and power.

Somewhere across the sea, a lawyer was putting papers in order for the expected default of The Clifford Group. And somewhere across town, Eric Stone was foolishly celebrating.

Rex Wentworth's Penthouse
Gregor was thankful for his back-up plan when he found himself face-to-face with an angry Rex Wentworth. He tried to swallow the lump in his throat as Rex stepped closer.

“You son of a bitch!” Rex snapped. “I cannot count on you to do anything right. You blew up the wrong damned car and killed innocent people, instead of Afton Cooper, who is scot-free, flying away to live elsewhere…waiting to go off and tell the world what she knows about me, like a time bomb!” Rex threw his morning glass of wine at Gregor and Gregor ducked. It sailed over his shoulder and stained the wall behind him.


“Shut up! You are an incompetent fool Gregor. An incompetent fool that cannot be trusted any longer. You've been terminated.”

“Rex, wait a minute! You didn't let me finish.”

“What more is there to say?”

“Afton has been taken care of.”


“She's dead.”

Rex went quiet, stroking his chin as he thought about this. “You expect me to believe that?”

“I tracked her down to her brother's apartment last night and finished her off. Just took dropping a radio into the whirlpool with her. Poor thing…she looked like she was scared to death when she saw me. Her brother got in the way too…had to knock him off as well.”

Rex was deep in thought. “And there's no way this can be traced back to me?”

Gregor shook his head. “Nobody saw me there and I wore gloves. No prints. Nowhere. Sure you might be a suspect because a lot of people know you had dealings with Afton, but there were a lot of people that considered Afton an enemy. Lucy Ewing. Jamie Ewing Barnes. Hell, even Cliff Barnes might have wanted to pump her full of lead, considering she did the same to him a few years back.”

“I should be able to handle anything that's thrown my way. At least now I won't have to worry about Afton Cooper's loose lips and that damned tape of us plotting to kill her.” Rex leaned back in his chair, once again, all was right with the world. Afton and her threats were gone forever and he and Kaitlin were planning to set the date for their wedding over dinner tonight. He poured himself another glass of wine and sent Gregor away with a wave of his hand. Gregor was turning out to be of value after all, Rex thought, I might even let the fool live.

A Diner in Dallas
Isabel tugged her pale blue skirt down before she entered the back of the diner. The kitchen was a mess, with dishes piling up at the edge of the sink, and grease spots staining the countertops.

“Glad to see you could make it, Honey!” Duke Grissom said, squeezing her hand in his massive, sweaty palm. He was old, overweight, balding, and, in Isabel's opinion, downright gross. She snatched her hand away from his as soon as she could.

“Wouldn't want to be late for my first day of work, now would I?” Isabel said, trying to smile sweetly at her boss. Duke's eyes traveled up and down her body, reminding Isabel of how tight her uniform was. “I think this uniform's a bit too small,” Isabel said, turning away from Duke's gaze.

When the man looked at her like that, she felt slimy, and desperately wished for a shower. Duke had that effect on people.

“That uniform fits you just fine!” Duke replied, lecherously taking in her curves. Isabel knew she hadn't gotten the waitressing job for her ability to balance a tray. Duke would have hired any young girl who looked like Isabel did. She already knew she'd hate working at the diner, but she didn't have much of a choice for now.

Immediately after her forced exit from Southfork, Isabel had rented a dumpy apartment that made her stomach turn almost as much as Duke did. It was the cheapest place she could find, but even so, her small savings from Southfork wouldn't last long. Not long enough for her to work her way into Lucas' life. She had to get a job and the diner was close to her new 'temporary' home.

“Can you get me a new uniform, or not? This one is uncomfortable!”

“Well I'm sorry we're not used to working in the lap of luxury, Princess,” Duke barked. “That's the last uniform we have here. It'll have to do.” Isabel's skirt was just long enough to reach the middle of her thigh, which Duke seemed all too aware of.

Isabel scowled. “Where do you want me to start?” She practically hissed. How did I get stuck in a rat trap like this? Her mind rushed back to the hayloft, where she'd heard Manny and Jillian's plot to frame her for pushing J.R.'s car into the pool.

Duke's gruff voice interrupted her thoughts. “Well, what do you know, you have your first assignment. There was a little accident in the ladies' room,” he handed her a dirty plunger from the supply closet, and gave her a big, gap-toothed smile before walking away.

Isabel's dark eyes burned. “Jill and Manny are going to pay for this,” she hissed.

Dallas Memorial Hospital
“Excuse me, can you direct me to Pamela Ewing's room?”

The lady at the information desk looked up from her computer to see a very handsome man standing in front of her. “Pam Ewing… let's see… Are you a relative?”

The man flashed a very attractive smile. “No, just an old friend.”

“I'm sorry, she's in Intensive Care. Only family can see her.”

“Oh.” The forlorn look on his face was pitiful and convincing. The clerk found herself desirous of this man's approval.

“Sometimes they make exceptions though, you can try. Just follow the blue line on the floor, and it'll take you directly to ICU. I'm sure some one there can help you.”

“Thank you. You have no idea what this means to me.” The man flashed her another devastatingly charming smile and was gone.

Mitch Cooper's Apartment
Eloise, Mitch's temporary maid, pushed open the door to the apartment a little after noon that day and she instantly noticed that it hadn't been locked. It almost always was.

Thinking nothing of it, she brought her bag of cleaning materials into the kitchen and dropped them on the table. “Mr. Cooper? Are you here? Mrs. Cooper?” Evidently they'd stepped out for the day and had just forgotten to lock the apartment door.

When Eloise stepped into the bathroom, the last thing she expected to see was Afton Cooper's lifeless body floating in the bathtub. Eloise screamed and backed out of the bathroom. She shut the door behind her and ran into the living room to call the police. It was there that she received her second shock of the day. Mitch was lying dead on the floor in a congealed pool of his own blood.

Eyes wide, Eloise groped for the phone, being careful not to step in the blood that surrounded it. She tried desperately to dial 911, but her shaking fingers pressed the wrong buttons at first. Eloise sucked in a deep breath and finally got it right. An amazingly calm voice flowed through the phone lines. “Please state your emergency.”

“I'm at the Hillcrest Apartment complex…on Hillcrest Drive…there's been a murder…two murders…”

Credits Roll

Barbara bel Geddes
Sarah Brown
Mick Cain
Chris Demetral
Patrick Duffy
Linda Gray
Larry Hagman
Omri Katz
Ken Kercheval
Audrey Landers
Thaao Penghliss
Victoria Principal
Charlene Tilton

Also Featuring

Jose Solano
Kirsten Storms
Lindsay Korman