Return to Southfork
A Street in Dallas
The screams of the sirens were ear shattering as the ambulance, followed closely by a police car, came to an abrupt halt in the middle of the street. Everything after their arrival occurred so fast it was a blur to those watching.

“Get back everyone.” One of the officers was already attempting to clear a path for the stretcher.

A paramedic picked up Gracie and began looking her over. “The kid goes too.” Another stretcher was unloaded from the ambulance.

Two paramedics were bent over the motionless form in the street, trying to assess her condition. “Can you get a pulse, Dave?”

“I'm getting one, but it's faint and erratic. How's respiration?”

“Not what I'd like it to be, that's for sure. Do you think we can move her?”

“I don't think we have a choice, we have to take the chance, otherwise, she's going to die on this road.” He looked at her obviously pregnant form. “Any of the guys know how to do an emergency c-section?”

Dallas Memorial Hospital, Emergency Room
The doors to the emergency room swung open. The paramedics and ER staff immediately began exchanging information as fast as they could. As the stretcher was rolled to the trauma unit, the lead paramedic and the ER Doctor spoke quickly as they trotted alongside.

“What have we got?”

“Hit and run. Pregnant white female; mid to late 40's. Here you go.” He handed Dr. Valita a clip board “As you can see, vitals are weak and unstable at best.”

The Doctor glanced down the page. “Multiple lacerations and contusions. Suspect internal bleeding They reached the trauma room door and paused as Pam was wheeled past them and into the room. “Is she in labor yet?”

The paramedic didn't have time to answer as a nurse swung open the door. “Doctor, we need you now!”

Dallas Police Station
As clouds began to slowly gather in the Dallas sky, Bobby Ewing strode out of the Dallas Police Station. It hadn't been easy talking Ed into allowing Elayne Bennett to turn herself in tomorrow. But he had finally agreed when Bobby promised that he, himself, would take responsibility for her coming in.

Bobby looked up at the rapidly forming clouds and opened the top of his Mercedes anyway. He felt great, now that all of the stress and trouble of the last few months were behind him for the moment, he could finally sit back, enjoy his wife and daughter and look forward to the arrival of little B.J. and Savannah. It occurred to him that they didn't have a middle name for Savannah yet. He couldn't suppress a smile, at least she had a first name; Grace didn't even have that until a few days after she was born.

Bobby pulled the car out onto the main road and turned on the radio. He flipped through the channels for a moment, but only heard snippets of ads and news. Finally he stopped on a song that he liked by Aerosmith. It reminded him of Pam and he sang lustily as he drove.

“…I don't wanna close my eyes, I don't want to go to sleep, 'cause I'd miss you baby and I don't want to miss a thing. Even when I dream of you, the sweetest dream will never do, I'd still miss you baby and I don't want to miss a thing…”

The clouds began to grow darker and Bobby vaguely wondered about the coming storm. Maybe he should get them a hotel reservation and spend the night in Dallas after their dinner.

“… locally, if you're headed to downtown Dallas, you might run into some traffic. Officers are detouring cars around a hit and run that occurred just a little while ago. That accident involved an unknown driver who ran down a pregnant woman and a small child as they were crossing at…”

At the description of the victim, Bobby's thoughts quickly went to Pam. He was glad she was safe at home with Gracie, hopefully getting ready for their date. He pulled his car into his usual spot in the Southfork driveway and hit the button locking the roof of his car back into place before the rain started.

As Bobby walked toward the house, he was surprised to see Miss Ellie come out to meet him. “Bobby!” The panic in her voice sent him running to her. When he reached her, he could see the tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Mama, what's wrong? Are you all right?”

“Oh, Bobby, It's Pam… there's been an accident.”

Bobby felt his world begin to crumble as the shock of Miss Ellie's words hit him full force. “Oh no! Where? Where is she?”

Miss Ellie caught her breath. “They took her to Dallas Memorial… oh, Bobby.”

He felt a horrible sinking feeling in his chest as memories came flooding back of another time when he'd gotten the news that Pam had been in a car accident. But he didn't stop to think about them. He helped Miss Ellie to one of the patio chairs and ran for his car.

His tires squealed as he whipped out of the driveway and onto the main road. He tried to convince himself that she was okay, that he would get there to find her with only a few scratches. Suddenly, his mind flashed back to the news bulletin he had heard earlier and he felt his heart sink. The last time he and Pamela spoke, she had been on her way to see Cliff at his office in downtown Dallas. His heart skipped a beat as he remembered them also mentioning a 'small child'. If that was Pam, then Gracie had been with her. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for whatever was to come but the sinking feeling in his chest wouldn't go away. Oh please, God, let them be all right.

As continued to drive, recklessly weaving in and out of traffic, angry looking clouds continued to form in the Dallas sky...

Ewing Oil
A lightly misting rain began to fall all over the city and the horizon was dark, signaling an onslaught of storms that was supposed to strike the city that afternoon. A warm front had blown through Dallas around noon, causing temperatures to rise dramatically from what they had been yesterday and even earlier that morning.

Sue Ellen took a second away from her work to swivel around in her chair and peer out the large south-facing glass windows behind her. Thunder rumbled ever so subtly in the distance, but she knew the storm was coming.

The door to her office suddenly flew open. She jumped and spun around simultaneously to see J.R. standing in the doorway. “After all these years of going in and out of offices, I'd have thought you'd have learned to knock by now,” Sue Ellen quickly snapped.

“Guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks,” J.R. retorted. “Just wanted to let you know that I'm taking a long lunch today. Got some stuff I need to do back at Southfork…mainly see to it that that no count niece of Theresa's is long gone.”

Sue Ellen smiled and let out a small laugh. She was sure what Isabel had done to J.R.'s car would give her more than a few laughs anytime she thought of it from now on. “Should I call a cab for you?”

“Funny Sue Ellen. Very funny.” J.R. waved to her as he turned and left the office. Sue Ellen turned back around to the rapidly darkening skyline and another rumble of thunder sounded—this time it was louder.

Her phone's intercom crackled to life and Sly's voice came across. “Sue Ellen, Miss Ellie is on line one.”

Curious, Sue Ellen picked up the phone. “Miss Ellie, what a pleasant surprise.”

“I wish I could say the same Sue Ellen. There's been an accident.”

“Oh my God, who?” Her first thought was John Ross.

“It's Pam. She was hit by a car just a while ago and she's been taken to Dallas Memorial…” Miss Ellie's voice trailed off.

“It's bad isn't it?”

“We don't know that much right now, it was a hit and run. Oh, Sue Elle,” Miss Ellie's voice shook, “Little Gracie was with her.”

“Bobby must be devastated. I'm going over there now…” Sue Ellen stood up and grabbed her raincoat while still on the phone.

“Please be careful Sue Ellen.”

“I will…”

Downtown Dallas
The wind from the storm blew Afton's strawberry blonde hair out behind her as she stepped out of the car and walked around to the sidewalk. Rex stepped out into the wind and Afton turned back to him. “Why don't you just stay out here in the storm…maybe we'll all get lucky like they did in Oz and somebody will drop a house on you.”

“Thanks, but no thanks. I'd like to accompany you inside to make sure you don't try anything…and just remember what I said would happen if you do.”

Hard, pelting raindrops were gradually replacing the misting rain and Afton and Rex ducked inside the dry safety of the bank lobby. Afton looked around, gathering her bearings and she walked over to a nearby teller who had no line. Afton wasted no time informing the teller that she wanted the contents of her safe-deposit box. The woman nodded and disappeared into the back.

“I had doubt that you'd do the smart thing,” Rex whispered, “but I know you'll be thankful you did.”

“Shut up Rex. You don't have the tape yet.”

After what seemed like an eternity, the teller returned and dropped the narrow metal box in the window. Afton inserted her key into the lock and soon she was inside and rummaging through the contents. She produced the videotape and laid it aside before locking the box back.

Afton thanked the teller and walked away, ignoring Rex's outstretched hands. Annoyed, Rex followed her back outside where she handed it over to him. Thunder growled again.

“I hope to God this is the last we ever see of each other.”

“Likewise,” Rex replied.

“You have what you want. I have what I want. We'll leave it at that.” Afton didn't say anything else. She unlocked her car and got inside out of the rain. A few seconds later, she sped away as Rex hailed a cab and climbed into the back seat.

“Where to?” The cabby asked gruffly.

“127 Lakeside,” Rex replied. Normally he would've called his driver to pick him up, rather than taking a cab, but today he had no time. His plate was full and he had a lot to do.

As the cab pulled away from the curb, Rex pulled out his phone and dialed.

“Gregor here…”

“Is everything still going according to our plan?” Rex asked with a tinge of nervousness in his voice.

“I've done all I can for now…just waiting for her to come over.”

“Good.” Rex paused. “Because I don't trust her any more than she trusts me.”

Dallas Memorial Hospital, Emergency Room
Bobby entered the emergency room, nearly knocking down two elderly people as they were trying to leave. Normally, he would have at least stopped and apologized, but right now, he didn't even notice them. He headed straight for the information desk.

“I'm looking for Pamela Ewing. I'm her husband. I was told she was brought here.”

The receptionist typed the name into her computer. As she read the most recent report on Pamela Ewing, she was careful to keep her face completely blank. “Mr. Ewing, why don't you go right around the corner to the waiting room and I'll have someone come out and talk to you in just a minute.”

“Can't you tell me anything about her condition?”

She stood up. “Mr. Ewing, I understand, I really do. But I can't give you an up to date report. It'll be better if you go and wait for one of the doctors to tell you.”

Her words sounded ominous and Bobby suddenly turned pale. “You can tell me she's alive.”

“Yes, I can tell you that as of my last report, that was the case.”

“What about my daughter… Grace Ewing? I'm not sure if she was with my wife, but… if she was, she'd be here too.”

The receptionist sat back down and looked at her computer screen again. “I'm sorry, I don't see a Grace Ewing listed”

Bobby breathed a sigh of relief; at least his little girl was all right. He turned and headed for the waiting room, which was right outside the double doors leading into the emergency room. There was a nurse's desk there as well. In the waiting room, there were a few other people sitting in chairs around the room, but not many. Bobby picked a quiet corner with a direct view of the emergency room doors.

It was hard to sit there, knowing that Pam was on the other side of those doors, possibly in pain or worse. He felt an overwhelming desire to be by her side. He stood up, not sure what he intended to do, but he had to see her. He quickly walked to the nurse's station, but just before he reached it, another nurse walked out of the double doors. She walked by him into the waiting room.

“Ewing? Anyone here with Pamela Ewing?”

Bobby turned, “I'm her husband.”

The nurse had a clipboard in her hand. “Mr. Ewing, Dr. Valita asked me to come out and talk with you.”

“How is she?”

“Her condition is critical. The internal bleeding is putting her in the most danger right now. Usually, we would take her straight into surgery to patch up the bleeders, but she's too unstable. Her vitals are too erratic… and then, of course, there is the pregnancy to consider.”

“Erratic? What are they doing for her? They have to stop the bleeding, right?”

“Yes. But they can't risk putting her under an anesthetic right now. And the burden that the pregnancy is putting on her is immense. Her heart is already weak and it's working overtime trying to pump blood for the twins as well as Pam. Do you understand?”

He understood all too well. Pam was in danger of dying if they didn't stop the bleeding, but they couldn't stop it while her blood pressure was weak… but if they didn't do something, she and the babies would die anyway. Bobby looked away for a moment to try and stop the tears that were threatening to fall. “Can I see her?”

“I'm afraid not. The doctor will be out to see you as soon as he can. He can tell you much more then.” She glanced around the room. “Does your wife have any other family?”

“…Yeah, a brother… and we have a son and daughter.”

The nurse nodded her head slowly. “I think that you should probably call them and let them know. They might want to be here.”

Bobby found it impossible to speak over the lump that was in his throat. He nodded yes.

She could see the pain he was in and tried to think of something else to say. The problem was, that in circumstances like this one, there was rarely anything consoling to say. She turned to go, and then she stopped and turned back around. “Mr. Ewing, at least you can be thankful that your daughter's going to be all right.”

Bobby's head snapped up at the word 'daughter', how did she know he'd been worried that Grace had been there? “What?”

“They didn't tell you? The little girl with your wife…”

“No… they said she wasn't here.”

“She's here. I saw her. But don't worry; she's going to be fine. I think they've already sent her up to a room in the children's wing.”

She walked over to talk to the nurse at the desk. Bobby followed. “Gladys, can you give me the stats on Mr. Ewing's daughter?”

She typed in Ewing. “I've got two Ewings, which one is she?”


“No Grace, only Pamela Ewing and Rebecca Ewing.”

“Rebecca! That's her.”

Gladys looked at him, suddenly suspicious. “I thought her name was Grace.”

“We call her by her middle name. How is she?”

The answer satisfied Gladys when she looked down and saw Rebecca's middle name was indeed, Grace. “She's in the children's wing, room 204… and it looks like she has some bumps and bruises and a fractured right arm. She was sedated for the arm and as of the last report…. Ummm… 10 minutes ago, Her vital signs were good and she was sleeping.”

“Mr. Ewing, I know you probably want to see your daughter, but if you don't mind, I'm going to ask you to say close by down here for a while. Doctor Valita is going to want to talk to you when and if they operate on your wife. Maybe another family member could come and stay with Rebecca.”

Bobby nodded absently and headed for the phone in the waiting room.

Christopher and Karen's Home
Christopher was taking a nap in the peaceful quiet of the family room. Suddenly he was awakened when Megan came trotting into the room and jumped on top of him, landing right on his stomach. “AHHHH!! Daddy, help!”

Austin and Cole were running close behind her. “Bam!! I'm thunder!” Austin yelled.

Cole, who was holding a flashlight, flipped it off and on as he ran. “I'm the lightening!”

Megan screamed again and tried to burrow down between her Daddy and the back of the couch. “Nooooo!!”

Christopher sat up and let Megan hide behind him. “Whoa, boys. What's going on here?” As if I don't know, he thought.

“We're just playing Daddy. There's gonna be a big storm and we were trying to show Megan what it was going to be like so she won't be scared when it gets here.” Austin said with enthusiasm. Cole just looked down at the floor and tucked his flashlight behind his back.

Christopher gave them a skeptical look and Megan peered at them over his shoulder. “I get it, you're doing her a favor by scaring her now, so she won't be scared later? Is that it?”

“Welllllll, it seemed like a good idea at the time… right Cole?” Austin elbowed his newly adopted brother.

“Ummm, yeah, I mean… I just wanted to play with the flashlight, that's all. I didn't know we were gonna scare Megan.”

At this point, Chris was finding it hard to keep a straight face. “All right, Austin, you should have known better than to scare your sister, and Cole, you didn't have to blindly do whatever Austin told you. You both need to go to your room for a time out – ten minutes.”

“Awwww… That's too long! She wasn't that scared!” Austin complained.

“Want to make it fifteen?”

Cole slightly pushed Austin towards the stairs and whispered, “Come on… do you want to end up staying up there all day… go!” They both slowly dragged themselves up the steps.

“Yea Daddy!” Megan clapped her hands.

Chris pulled her out from behind him. “And as for you, little lady, that wasn't very nice, leading your brothers right into a trap like that by running to me. You're not afraid of storms.”

Megan smiled up at her Daddy. “No storms. I 'fraid Aus'in an Coe.”

Chris laughed as the phone rang. He started to pick, it up, but realized that Karen already had it. So he sat back on the couch and started a game of 'tickle Megan'. Christopher just barely tickled her and she squealed in laughter.

Karen walked into the living room, cordless phone in hand. “Christopher.” She quickly realized he couldn't hear her over din Megan was making. “Christopher, CHRISTOPHER!”

That got his attention and he quickly looked up. “What?”

“Your father's on the phone. He didn't tell me what he wanted, but he sounds a little, I don't know… shaky.”

Christopher scoffed, “My Dad? Shaky? That's not possible, I've never seen him shaky.”

Karen shrugged and handed him the phone. She took Megan by the hand. “Come on Megan, your lunch is ready in the kitchen.” She and Megan began to walk toward the kitchen. “Where are your brothers?”

Megan smiled, “All gone.”

Southfork Ranch, The Stables
Work had shut down for the day, due to the torrential downpour and thunderstorms, but Manny had lingered behind in the stables with something other than work on his mind. He knew she would come, but didn't know when. Manny climbed the high ladder that led up into the stable loft. He sat down in a pile of hay. From up there, the rain on the roof was even louder than it was from below. He sat back in the hay waiting for her. Not knowing how things had gone after they pushed J.R.'s car into the pool was driving him crazy. The longer it took for Jillian to get there, the surer Manny was that their plan hadn't worked and Jill had been caught. He was just getting ready to sneak up to the main house when he heard her voice from below.


“Up here,” he answered, waving down to her.

Jillian's face broke into a smile and she swung a foot up onto the ladder and pulled herself up into the hayloft. She took a seat on the hay next to Manny.


“Well what?” she asked, knowing very well what he wanted to know.

“How did things go with Isabel?”

Jillian smiled again. “Didn't you hear the explosion? I thought my Dad was gonna have a stroke or something. He's kicked Isabel out of the house…she's going back to Mexico and she'll be out of our hair for good.”

“Are you sure they didn't suspect us?” Manny couldn't help but feel paranoid. After all…look what they'd done.

“Plan went off completely without a hitch…we get off scot-free and Isabel's left holding the bag.”

Manny smiled, relieved, but he still wasn't completely at ease.

Down below in the stable, Isabel leaned against a post and folded her arms against her chest. Following Jillian out here hadn't been a bad idea after all…at least now she knew for sure. They had set her up…

But, there was no way she would let them get away with this. No way.

Todd Foster's Apartment
Todd took another look in the mirror and smoothed back his hair. “Perfect. She won't be able to resist me.” He felt for the small box that he had shoved in his pocket earlier. It was there. He took it out and opened it. There sat a two-carat diamond engagement ring. It had set him back a pile of money, but what did he care? April Oil was doing well and he was loaded. He already had more money than he could spend. I'll bet Elayne can figure out how to spend it. He cracked a smile at the thought.

If anyone had told Todd six months ago that he would meet a girl, fall in love and actually make plans to marry her, he would have suggested they have their lobotomy reversed. Todd had never pictured himself as the marrying kind, but being around Elayne had started him thinking about strange things, like, buying a house and having a couple of kids, maybe even a dog. When he got to the dog part, he had to stop himself… now I'm going too far, next thing you know, I'll be wanting to build a large house on the side of a mountain, have seven kids and name the place, 'Foster's Mountain'! He shook his head; he was definitely going overboard, this girl was driving him crazy. The only thing to do in a situation like this, he thought, is marry her.

Todd checked his watch; he needed to leave to pick her up in a few minutes. It was odd that she wanted to move their dinner date up to lunch. But then again, Elayne was always doing things that surprised him. There was a mystery about her; but Todd didn't mind. The way he saw it, they had the rest of their lives to get to know each other better. Besides, a little mystery was exciting and sexy.

He put the ring back in its box and shoved it back into his pocket. Tonight was the night.

Dallas Memorial Hospital
Bobby stood staring out of the window in the waiting room. The clouds were so thick that it looked like late evening outside. The rain was coming down hard now and though, he couldn't hear the crashing of the thunder, every now and then, a flash of lightening would slash through the Texas sky, giving everything an eerie yellowish tint.

At times like these, it's common to take stock of your life, look back and think about what you'd do differently and make yourself promises about what you'll do better in the future, if only…

Looking out into the storm, he thought about the first time he'd ever laid eyes on Pamela. She was at a Ewing Barbeque with Ray Krebbs, of all people. He could still remember looking across the crowd and seeing her. She was so beautiful. As they danced together that night, it was clear to Bobby that he was falling in love, in a way he never had before, and never would again. He wouldn't change one moment of that night.

The first few years had been rough, but they had managed to handle all the problems that had come their way. He thought of things that he would like to have done differently, but then changed his mind. Every one of those crises had caused them to grow stronger in the end.

There were a few things, though, that he would have changed, had he had the power. He would have moved Pam and himself out of Southfork and gotten them a home of their own, a place where they could have lived without constant conflict. The divorces that neither of them ever really wanted would never have happened.

If he could do it all again, he would have run Katherine out of town the first time she showed her face in Dallas and he would probably have gone to jail for what he would have done to Mark Graison. Those two things alone would have saved them both a lot of time and heartache.

Their time apart after her car accident had been the worst in his life. Convinced that she didn't love him anymore, he had gotten on with his life, but his love for her never diminished. After that, even though there were other women in his life, it was always Pamela's face that swam before him when he closed his eyes each night.

Bobby sighed and turned away from the window. He sat down and stared at the double doors leading into the emergency room. Outside, the storm continued to rage on and inside the hospital, the images haunting Bobby Ewing now, were all too real. On the other side of the doors, Pamela was fighting for her life, and the lives of their babies; in the waiting room, he could only wait and pray that when this storm was over, they would all be okay. Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted.

"What's going on here? I demand to see my sister. You can't keep me out. I'm Cliff Barnes!" Bobby could hear Cliff's voice ringing down the hallways of the hospital.

The nurse calmly stood; ready to call security. "I don't care if you're the President, you can't go back there."

Bobby turned toward the racket. How could Cliff have the nerve to even show his face here after betraying Pam with his attempts to steal the new drill plan from her company? The nurse at the station was still trying to settle Cliff down, but not having much luck; that is, until Bobby got involved.

Bobby came up behind Cliff. Putting his hand on Cliff's back, he tried to steer him into the waiting room, but Cliff wouldn't have it.

"Let go of me! I demand to see my sister!"

Bobby shook his head at the sorry show Cliff was putting on… he was probably feeling guilty for his recent crimes. This time, Bobby grabbed a handful of the back of Cliff's suit, muttering, "Come on Cliff." Bobby nearly picked him up off the floor as he dragged him into a deserted part of the waiting room. The nurse smiled gratefully as Bobby hauled him away.

Bobby roughly let go of Cliff, who immediately began throwing questions at him. "Where is she? How badly was she hurt? Have you seen her yet?"

Bobby shook his head, amazed at how easily Cliff could compartmentalize his life… steal from his sister by day, and play the loving brother by night. "No, she's not okay, I'm not completely sure yet how badly she's hurt, and no, they haven't let me see her."

Cliff headed for the nurses' station again, determination in his eyes. "I'm her brother! They're going to let me see her! I have enough money to buy this hospital and fire all of them!!”

Bobby grabbed his arm before he'd taken two steps. "Cliff, straighten up, you're acting like a fool and none of this is helping Pam. You're going to stay right here and wait for the doctors to come out. They need to be in there with Pam right now, not out here babysitting you."

Cliff sighed, Bobby was right. He buried his face in his hands. "I just can't believe it, it's like a bad flashback from years ago." Looking up, Cliff leaned back against the wall. "She's the only one who's ever really loved me, you know, I mean, through everything I've put her through…"

Bobby couldn't stand the hypocrisy anymore. "Come off it Cliff, why the show of being worried about Pamela? Hoping that I won't press charges against you and your little rat of a son? Because if that's what you're after, you can forget it. After what you did, I hope you get put away for a long, long time."

Cliff was speechless as he stared at Bobby. "I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't done anything… lately." Cliff slowly came back to his senses as he realized Bobby was serious and was also talking about Eric. "And neither has my son, so back off Ewing! I'm tired of your empty allegations. Any little problem a Ewing has, you assume there's a Barnes behind it! You know, Pam should never have married you. I couldn't do anything about the first time, but God knows I tried to talk her out of the second and third!"

All the stress and painfulness of the day finally burst forth. Bobby seized Cliff by the suit lapels and threw him up against the wall. Every eye in the waiting room was on them, including Christopher as he rounded the corner of the hallway, Miss Ellie by his side.

"Dad! What are you doing?" Christopher ran forward but stopped short from trying to step between them. He was well aware of his father's temper. Christopher stood next to Bobby; close enough to see the rage in his eyes. "Dad, whatever uncle Cliff did, I'm sure mom wouldn't want you dissembling him in a hospital waiting room." Bobby relaxed his grip slightly.

"Why not? It'll save him a drive to the emergency room. I'm sure he's trying to save gas these days." Bobby growled. Christopher suppressed a chuckle.

Miss Ellie didn't find any of it amusing. “Bobby! Let go. This isn't the time or the place for that kind of behavior; starting a fight in the emergency room…If your Daddy were here…”

Bobby looked at his son's grin and the stern look on his mother's face and the anger began to melt away. He let go of Cliff, who immediately began straightening his suit. "There's nothing funny about someone threatening to pulverize you in a hospital… and there's nothing wrong with trying to save a little on gas."

Christopher patted him on the back. "You're absolutely right, Uncle Cliff." He turned to Bobby. "But I want to know how Mom and the babies are doing." Christopher fixed his father with a serious and worried gaze.

Bobby put his hand on his mother's shoulder and led them to some chairs. Cliff followed.

Bobby began to tell them all he knew about the accident and Pam's condition, as well as Gracie's. When he was done, all of them were quiet for a few minutes. Bobby was upset again from retelling what he knew, and Cliff, Miss Ellie and Christopher were trying to get over the shock.

Bobby finally broke the silence. He looked at Miss Ellie, who was holding back her tears, trying to be strong for her son. “Momma, I know you want to be here for Pam, but there's really nothing you can do and there's no sense in you sitting around here. It could be hours before there's any real news.”

Miss Ellie squeezed his hand. How like her youngest son, to be concerned about her when he was the one in need of comfort and concern. “I'm fine Bobby and I plan on staying right here.” Bobby knew the futility of arguing with her. He turned to his son, "Chris, I was hoping that you would go and stay with your sister. I don't want her any more confused and scared than she probably already is."

Looking at Bobby, it only took a moment for Christopher to conclude that his Dad needed him here. "I'll call Karen. She can get a sitter for Megan and the boys. She adores Gracie. I'm sure she'll be happy to come sit with her." Bobby nodded. He was glad Christopher was going to stay with him.

Cliff had gotten up and walked away, standing off by himself. He was still very worried about his sister, but he wondered just what Eric had done to bring out the murderously violent streak in Bobby Ewing.

The Krebbs Ranch
Donna Krebbs relished her day of rest—the one day of the week that she could finally relax and stay away from the office. Today, anything that hit the city would have to be dealt with without her.

Ray had called earlier that morning to let her know that Aunt Lil's condition had improved and that she was gradually getting back into her old routine. Donna had been happy when Ray had said that he should be home within a couple more weeks. Something to look forward to…

They'd spent all their time fighting and being unhappy and when they finally remarried and resolved all of their differences, Ray had to go to Kansas to take care of Lil. But, he'd be back and Donna was sure the time apart had done nothing but strengthened their relationship. She couldn't wait to see him again.

She closed her eyes and had almost dozed off thinking about Ray when the doorbell rang and she sprang forward.

She didn't recognize the dripping, dark-haired girl that stood on her doormat, looking so desolate and alone. "Can I help you?" Donna asked with a concerned look.

Isabel Rodriguez nodded. "I'm a friend of Lucas'…we went out together a couple of times. Is he here?"

"Yes he is…upstairs. Let me go get him for you."

Isabel shook her head. "That's okay. Would you mind if I just went up myself?"

Donna moved out of the doorway and gestured for Isabel to come in. "Not at all. He's in the first room on the right at the top of the stairs. You're soaked to the skin, can I get you a towel or anything?"

"No thanks," Isabel said without a smile.

Donna watched her as she disappeared around the corner of the stairs and then she retook her seat on the couch.

The door to Lucas' room was open. Isabel hesitated in the doorway and knocked softly. Lucas swiveled around in his chair and Isabel could tell he was surprised to see her. He stuttered for a moment before spitting out what he wanted to say. "Well, uh, um, Isabel? What are you doing here?"

Isabel smiled for the first time since arriving at the house. "Lucas…hold me." She cried in her most desperate voice.

She walked toward him and Lucas instinctively stood up and put his arms around her. "What's wrong? What happened?" He could tell she'd been crying. He braced the back of her head with his hand and pulled her closer to him, trying desperately to comfort her. "Isabel…what's wrong?"

"J.R.'s trying to send me back home…all because Manny and Jillian played a nasty joke on me."

"What did they do?"

"They drove J.R.'s car into the pool and pinned the blame on me!" Isabel's distress turned to anger for a brief moment.

"Why would they do that?"

"They want me out of their lives…I don't know why. Lucas…you have to help me. If they send me back there…back home to Mexico…"

Lucas nodded. "You've mentioned those 'people' you're running from before. Who are they? Why do they want you?"

"It doesn't matter…I just want you to hold me Lucas. Hold me and don't let them take me…" Isabel rested her chin on his shoulder and began to run her hand across his back. As she did, she smiled slightly. This was her last chance…Lucas was her only chance.

Dallas Memorial Hospital
Bobby got up and walked over to the double doors one more time. He looked through the frosted windows as though he expected to see someone coming out, but he saw nothing. He put his hands into his pockets and walked back over to Christopher and sat down.

“Can I get you some coffee Dad? Grandma and Lucy went down to the cafeteria. I can run down there and get something better than the sludge in these machines.”

Bobby just sat staring forward, showing no sign that he had heard his son.

Christopher reached out and put a reassuring hand on Bobby's shoulder. "I'm sure they'll tell us something as soon as they can Dad."

Bobby turned and looked at his son for a minute and a faint smile crossed his face. "You know, this isn't the first time we've sat here talking about your mother."

Chris gave his father a questioning look.

"When your mother was in the hospital after the car crash years ago, you were just a little kid, but you missed her so much. Everyday when I'd come home from being with her at the hospital, you'd ask when you could see her. And I'd tell you day after day, that she was hurt badly and they wouldn't let little kids in the hospital."

Christopher vaguely remembered what happened next, but he sat quietly while Bobby continued.

"Anyway, one day I came home from the hospital and you were nowhere to be found. I looked everywhere I could think of… and finally I got a call from the hospital. Somehow, you had managed to get here."

"I didn't get to see her, though." Christopher said in a quiet voice, reliving that particular disappointment in his past. "My early memories of Mom are so foggy. Mostly I just remember impressions. Her smiles and hugs. I always knew that she loved me, though."

Bobby listened intently. He and Christopher had always had a good relationship, as fathers and sons went. But he was painfully aware of the times he hadn't been there for his son – or the times Christopher hadn't felt he could confide in him. Now that Chris was a man in his own right, those times had become fewer and fewer. For now, they were united in their worry and fears. In a strange way, this tragedy was bringing them closer.

"You'll never know how much she loved and wanted you, Christopher. In a way, you saved her life."

"Really?" Most of Christopher's life, he had felt he didn't fit in. Hearing that his mother had wanted him that much was amazing to him. "Why do you say that? I mean, I see how great she is with Gracie… Sometimes, I even feel a little jealous." Chris lowered his head, embarrassed at this confession.

"Your mother and I always wanted to have children. Not just to be parents though, if you love the person, having kids binds you together forever in ways nothing else ever does."

Christopher nodded his head. He and Karen had begun to experience the same thing.

Bobby looked beyond Christopher, as though he was indeed looking back in time. "Anyway, your mother suffered through two miscarriages. Doctors told her she would never carry a baby to term." Bobby paused, remembering how terrible that time had been for Pam. "It didn't matter as much to me. I would have been happy just spending the rest of my life with her. But it hit Pam hard. Not long after that, she fell into a deep depression. I tried everything I could think of, but nothing could snap her out of it. That is, until you came along. Just holding you in her arms made everything all right again. She loved you immediately and you brought back her smile." Bobby suddenly looked up as though coming out of a trance. "And that's how you came to be a Ewing."

"Wow." Christopher sat amazed at the story of his arrival into the Ewing family. It occurred to him that he would have felt more connected had he known more about his mother who had loved him so. "Why didn't you tell me any of that before?"

"I guess I just never thought about it." Bobby looked at his son. "Now I realize that was a mistake. You should have known how special you were to your mother…" He paused and added "and to me," as he tousled Christopher's hair like he used to when Christopher was a kid.

"Hey, cut that out!" They both enjoyed a much-needed laugh.

As the laughter quickly ended, both men sat quietly for a few moments. Each lost in his own thoughts, yet comforted by the other's presence.

Rex Wentworth's Penthouse
Rex paced impatiently back and forth across the plush blue carpet of his penthouse. Lightning illuminated the window behind him and the lights in the penthouse flickered, but Rex paid them no attention. Finally, Gregor answered his phone.

“It's about time…what on earth were you doing…taking a nap?”

“Actually, I was on the other line,” Gregor replied, but his voice was interrupted by a crackle, evidently caused by a simultaneous boom of thunder. The rain picked up outside and Rex strained to hear. “The next part of the plan is about to start…I've got everything right here.” Gregor confidently patted the briefcase he held in his hand, despite the fact that Rex couldn't see it.

“She was on her way to her brother's hotel room,” Rex said, fishing for a piece of paper. “1725 Hazelwood Avenue. She should be arriving there in just a few minutes to pick him up…then I believe they're both leaving town.”

“Geesh, too bad for the Cooper chick,” Gregor replied. “Thinks she's gonna get away with your money scot-free and fly off back to Atlanta and live the life of luxury, compliments of you.”

“Afton Cooper is finished. I don't believe for even one second that this is the only copy of that tape…I don't trust her…” Rex briefly went quiet to wait for another pop of thunder to die down. “And the only way I can have peace of mind is to know that Afton is icy cold…six feet under.”

Across town, Gregor smiled and stood up. “Gotcha Boss. I'll be in touch…”

Rex flipped the mobile phone shut and clasped it in his hand. He'd feel much better once Afton Cooper was taken care of for good.

The Sawyer House
“Oh my God!”

“Amelia, baby? What is it?” came Helen's voice. A few seconds later she rounded the corner and entered the living room to see Amelia crouching on the couch staring at the floor with a look of horror on her face. “Amelia!”

Amelia snapped her glance away from the floor and put her trembling hands to her face. “Momma…I've got to get to the hospital…my water just broke.”

Helen lost all calm and immediately ran into the bedroom and began throwing clothes into a suitcase for Amelia. A cry of anguish from the living room caused her to cut the packing short. She snapped the suitcase shut, leaving the sleeve of a gown hanging out.

Amelia stood up and Helen grabbed the keys from the holder next to the door and then she pulled the door open. A torrential gust of wind and rain blew into the house, soaking them both instantly. Helen briefly considered going back for the umbrella, but realized that it wouldn't help.

She helped Amelia out into the driving rain and helped her into the passenger's seat of her well-used '89 Ford Tempo. As she slammed the door shut, she hoped that they would make it to the hospital safely.

The Krebbs Ranch
A roar of thunder startled Lucas and he sat up in bed, suddenly wide-awake. Hearing a sigh from beside him, he turned around and found himself looking into Isabel's dark eyes. He'd temporarily forgotten about what they'd done…

It's okay. I'm on the pill…and always careful about who I sleep with…

He rubbed his eyes. How long had he been asleep? Isabel smiled at him and turned over on her side.

"I feel better now Lucas…you made me feel better."

"That was amazing," Lucas said, shaking off his grogginess.

"I'll say." Isabel stepped out of bed and began to pull on her clothes. Lucas watched her for a while before doing the same.

"I didn't think I was going to hear from you again. Not after the last date. Why the sudden interest?"

Isabel buttoned her jeans and turned her back to him. "I never lost interest…I was just busy."

"I'd hoped that was it, but I didn't know." Lucas circled the bed and pulled Isabel into a short kiss. "Let's go somewhere tonight…but how about we don't steal any cars this time, okay?"

Isabel smiled. "Tonight's bad…I've got a few things to take care of, but I'd love to take you up on that offer later on this week."

Lucas was disappointed, but he kept his smile as he followed her to the door. "Sure. I'll call you later then. Want me to walk you out?"

Isabel shook her head. "I found my way up here…I can find my way back down. I'll see you later though…" Her last words trailed off into a mysterious smile and then she disappeared into the hallway.

Phase one of her plan was now in action—she just hoped it would work. If it did, she was all set for a future right here in the United States with a man that loved her—and a baby for her to love.

A Rainy Street in Dallas
Gregor kept a close eye on Afton's black Sunfire ahead of him, but it was getting increasingly harder to keep a tail on it with all of the rain. He could barely see five feet in front of him and Afton was gradually picking up speed. The windshield wipers squeaked against the glass, clearing out a temporary path of vision that was filled back up almost as quickly as the water was removed.

Gregor craned his neck to get a better view and then looked away briefly to check on the tan briefcase on the seat next to him. When he looked back up, he saw that a red stoplight was looming in front of him…and a cop cruiser was sitting at the opposite end of the intersection.

"Dammit!" Gregor yelled while hitting the brakes full force. The car screeched and briefly fishtailed before coming to a stop just before the traffic light. Gregor hit the steering wheel with his clenched fist as Afton's car disappeared from sight.

Now he'd lost her…but if he'd run the light and been stopped by the cop. No…it wasn't a chance he could have taken…not with what he had in the briefcase. Thunder rumbled again and the stoplight turned green. Gregor slipped his foot on to the gas and started off in the direction Afton had gone.

Maybe with a little luck, he would find her again. If she got away and Rex found out…Gregor just might be a dead man.

A Road in Dallas
Helen strained to see the road ahead of her, but the fogged up windshield and the driving rain was making it almost impossible. Beside her, Amelia groaned in pain as she was hit by another contraction and Helen reached a hand over to comfort her.

It was only for a second that she took her eyes off the road, but when she looked back up, she saw that she was veering toward a big ditch. Helen swerved to the left in an attempt to straighten the car, but the small car was sent into a full hydroplane and both Helen and Amelia screamed in terror as the car went over the edge…

A Parking Lot

Gregor had lost Afton's car for several minutes, but much to his surprise, he'd found it again—parked in a lot off to his left. Gregor grinned to himself, thankful that he hadn't lost the car for good. There was just no feeling worse than knowing you had to tell Rex that you'd failed—Rex Wentworth was not a man you wanted to disappoint.

Lightning flashed across the horizon as Gregor signaled and took a left into the lot. He pulled the car into an empty space next to Afton's and hesitated for a moment before turning off the engine. Finally he turned the key and grabbed the briefcase off the passenger's seat, stepping out into the rain.

Another ten minutes and he'd be done. And so would Afton Cooper…

Southfork Ranch
"No need in going up there…"

Isabel stopped dead in her tracks on the staircase and turned around to see J.R. standing at the bottom. "And why's that?"

"Raoul's already taken the liberty of bringing your bags downstairs. You'll find them in the foyer." J.R. approached Isabel and handed her a slip of paper. "Here…"

"This is?"

"Open your eyes and look. It's a plane ticket. Coach, of course."

Isabel smiled at him with a triumphant gleam in her eyes. "What makes you so sure I'm leaving Dallas?"

"Because you've been kicked out of Southfork. Now get the hell out of here." J.R. stepped back and motioned toward the front door.

"J.R., you don't own Southfork…and you sure as hell don't own Dallas. But, I will leave this house."

"You have nowhere else to go but home to Momma and Daddy in Mexico," J.R. said with a smirk.

"Wrong." Isabel turned and walked back downstairs. "I've saved up money…"

"I know your salary, honey. And it sure ain't enough to support you here in Dallas for very long."

"I have my ways…and means." Isabel strode toward the front door and picked up her luggage on the way. She reached for the door, but stopped when J.R. spoke again.

"What you said earlier…'bout me not owning Dallas…"

"Yes?" she said, irritated. She was ready to get out of this hell-house.

"I may not own it, but I've sure as hell got the whole town wrapped around my finger. You're nothing but trouble and I have plenty of people who specialize in taking care of trouble."

Isabel smiled sarcastically. "Thanks for the word of advice J.R."

She slammed the door behind her and stepped out into the storm. She hadn't lied…she had enough money to support herself for a while. If she was lucky, maybe she had enough to support her until she made the 'startling' discovery that she was carrying Lucas Krebbs' child—and then she'd be all set here in Dallas.

Dallas Memorial Hospital
Ellie and Lucy hovered together at a corner table in the cafeteria, both sipping black coffee from little paper cups in an attempt to warm up from the thorough drenching they'd received coming in from the car.

Ellie sat her cup down on the table and looked up at her granddaughter. “Are you okay Lucy? I know this has to be hard on you.” Lucy knew that she was talking about more than Pam…she was talking about Neil.

Lucy looked down at the ugly hospital tablecloth, but said nothing, trying with all of her might to fight back the tears that quickly came when she thought about Neil. Miss Ellie reached across the table, took her hand and sighed, “My little Lucy, always trying to be the strong one. Letting yourself feel isn't a weakness.”

“But grandma, I don't want to feel all of the things that are happening right now.”

Miss Ellie studied her face. “I know. But you can't hide from those feelings forever. Sooner or later they're going to catch up with you. I just don't want to see you have to bear all of that hurt at once.”

Lucy squeezed her grandmother's hand before letting go and picking up her coffee again. “There's just too much right now, with Neil and now Pam. Besides, Uncle Bobby is the one who needs our strength right now.”

Ellie sat back in the metal chair and picked up her own coffee again. “Bobby is strong. He always has been. And no matter what happens here, he'll pull himself together for his children.” She took a drink of the now cool coffee. “I just don't want you to ever feel you're alone I know you haven't always felt it, but we all love you.”

Lucy stood and leaned over to kiss Miss Ellie on the cheek. “Thanks Grandma. You've always been there for me. But I'm a big girl now and I can handle this. I have to. Now we'd better get back.”

Ellie stood and they left the cafeteria. As they walked down the sterile white hallways, Miss Ellie said, “You'll always be a little girl to me Lucy Ann.”

As they rounded the corner to the emergency waiting room, Ellie noticed a rain-drenched woman standing off to the side quietly arguing with a nurse. Ellie glanced more closely and saw that the woman had a deep gash on her forehead. Apparently, the woman didn't think she needed any medical attention.

Ellie watched the nurse take the woman's arm and walking with her into the triage room. Ellie vaguely wondered how the woman had gotten the gash. The thunder crashed again, reminding her of the conditions outside. Driving must be nearly impossible.

Glancing around the room, she suddenly realized that Sue Ellen wasn't there yet. She should have been there by now. She was closer to the hospital than Ellie had been. As she continued to search the waiting room for Sue Ellen, Ellie turned around and was surprised to see Wade and Sly walk in.

“Sly? Wade? What are you two doing here?”

“Momma called me…she said that Amelia had been in a car accident and was in labor.” The look on Wade's face said it all. Ellie could instantly see how much he loved his sister, just by the distress in his eyes.

“I'm so sorry Wade…I'm afraid I'm here for almost the same reason. Pam was hit by a car and they're saying she may lose her babies…”

“Oh no! I'm so sorry. I hadn't heard.” Sly didn't know what else to say so she stood by silently as Wade embraced Miss Ellie. He tried to comfort her, but he realized he wasn't much help as worried as he was about Amelia. He pulled away when he saw a doctor--a possible source of information--across the lobby. “I'm sorry Mrs. Farlow, but I'll be right back…”

Ellie watched him go and then she turned back to Lucy, who was staring at her quizzically. Ellie answered her unspoken question. “He's become like a son to me.”

The rain-drenched woman with the cut had once again walked within earshot and she immediately dropped her hand from her head and headed in Ellie's direction. “He's my son…stay away from him,” she said suddenly. She had immediately recognized Ellie Ewing standing in the lobby earlier and had kept quiet for the past ten minutes, but upon seeing her with Wade, her contempt for the woman came bubbling forth.

Ellie had no idea that the woman that had been standing by them was Wade's mother.

“Wade's told me about you,” Helen said to Ellie. “He's told me how close you two have become and I've tried to tell him that you're nothing but poison and that if he gets tangled up with the Ewings, he'll be hurt…like Amelia.” Helen trailed off into tears of frustration.

Ellie wasn't sure what to think of this woman she'd never met before in her life—a woman that was suddenly calling her family poison. “Why would you say something like that? She asked.

Helen's lip quivered. “Because your family took every bit of my grandfather's money…and didn't leave my father a damned cent!”

“What?” Ellie was baffled. Did she know this woman? “That's ridiculous. I only had one brother and he died long ago. Who is your father…and grandfather?”

“Oh, you know him…Eleanor. My grandfather's name is Aaron…Aaron Southworth. And I think you might know my father Garrison too…”

Ellie's mind seemed to slip back through time. “Oh my God…it can't be…”

Thunder growled outside in the angry dark sky as Ellie and Helen stood with their eyes locked on each other. “It's true…Aunt Eleanor,” Helen said, her voice full of spite. “You money-sucking Ewings took everything my father owned and let him die with nothing…and my mother was left to live in poverty! A woman that you used to call your friend…and you forgot about her after you stole her fortune from Garrison!”

“Emily…” Ellie said, trembling. “Is she?”

“She's alive…very much alive…physically. But mentally, she's gone. All those years of living in poverty because of you finally drove her that way…struggling to put food on the table each week. Garrison came back to you after all that time…he came back to you…but he never came back to my mother and me. He died letting us think he was killed during the war!”

Lightning flashed again and a steady rumble of thunder followed it. “I didn't know…” Ellie mumbled. “I had no idea Emily was still alive! Or that she had a daughter!”

“Like hell you didn't know!” Helen shouted over the thunder. “You just wanted to keep that huge ranch and the fortune to yourself!”

Ellie calmly continued as though she didn't hear the accusations the woman was throwing at her. Her mind was on her long lost friend. “Where is Emily? After this is all over, I want to see her.”

“No. Keep your poison away from my mother. You've ruined her life…seeing you would only upset her even more.”

“I loved your mother like a sister. We lost touch…”

“You could have found her.”

“I tried to find her.” Ellie said, but her voice was almost drowned out by the sound of the storm. “I had the best detectives in Dallas trying to find her when Garrison came back to us, but the trail died off and no one could find her.” Ellie pleaded.

“Say what you want Ellie…I won't believe your lies.”

Ellie Farlow watched Helen storm away and she felt empty inside…unsure of what to think. Helen was her niece. Her niece. Garrison's daughter.

A Parking Lot in Dallas
It had taken Gregor longer than he'd originally planned to rig up the car-bomb, but once it was done, he was satisfied that everything was in good working order—and that was worth the extra time. He did not want to fail Rex again…

Several blocks away, Rex Wentworth sat behind the wheel of his parked car. According to his watch, the bomb should have already gone off—but he had seen no explosion. What had gone wrong?

He picked up his cell phone and dialed. "What the hell happened? Why didn't the damned bomb go off?"

There was a pause. "I'm sure it will…maybe your timing is off."

"My timing is not off. What aren't you telling me Gregor?"

A longer pause. "There is the slight possibility that the computer within the bomb experienced a slight Y2K glitch…"

Rex grew red with anger. "WHAT? And you didn't tell me about this sooner? My whole plan is ruined because of a damned Y2K glitch?"

Gregor paused again. "I'm sorry Rex. You didn't really give me enough notice. Had I had more time, I could have made sure that the bomb was compliant…"

Rex looked around. "Gregor, this whole damned city still has power. The earth hasn't exploded and I don't see any ATM machines spewing money—they could get all that in line and you can't take care of one simple bomb!"

"I said I was sorry…we'll think of something else."

Gregor shuddered. It was a miracle that Rex hadn't choked him dead that day. But this time, he knew things would go off without a hitch. It was only a matter of time before Afton returned to her car and when she turned the key…

Dallas Memorial Hospital
Sue Ellen rushed in through the double doors of the hospital. Even though she was carrying an umbrella, she was soaked. She didn't take time to shake off the dripping water as she headed to the emergency room waiting room. One of the receptionists tried to help her, but she had ho need for directions, she'd been there too many times in her life already.

“Christopher!” Sue Ellen walked swiftly across the room. When she reached him, she was feeling a little breathless. “How is Pam? Where are Bobby and Miss Ellie?”

Christopher gave her a quick hug. “Aunt Sue Ellen, I'm glad you're here. Grandma said you were on your way a while ago. I was starting to get worried about you too.”

“Well, the traffic was horrible, it's like a typhoon out there.” She waved her hand in the air impatiently. “But I want to know about Pamela.”

“We really don't know much yet. Dad talked to a nurse, but he hasn't spoken to the doctor. We know that she was struck by a hit and run driver. Apparently he was going pretty fast. There's internal bleeding…” Christopher's voice trailed off as a lump rose in his throat.

Sue Ellen raised her hand to her mouth, “Oh my God, I can't believe this is happening. How's Bobby taking it?”

Christopher nodded at his father who was sitting off by himself. “He's been okay, considering everything. You know Dad, he just doesn't talk much with anyone about his feelings except Mom and Grandma.”

Sue Ellen nodded. It was true, Bobby had always been ready to listen to her problems, but if he ever had any of his own, he didn't show it. “I think I'll go try to talk to him, then I'll run over and see Gracie.”

“That'd be great, I'm sure seeing more of her family will help Grace not be so scared of being in the hospital; and Karen can probably use the company.”

Sue Ellen walked quietly over to where Bobby was sitting. “Bobby.”

He looked up. “Hello Sue Ellen.” She could see the pain in his eyes. Bobby looked away again. A long silence followed, Sue Ellen just didn't know what to say. “Do you mind if I sit down?”

Bobby looked at her as though he had forgotten she was there. “Hmm?” Sue Ellen pointed to the seat next to him. “Oh, sure. I have to warn you, though, I'm not good company right now.”

Sue Ellen sat and waited for him to talk. The silence stretched longer and longer. Finally, she spoke. “Do you want to talk about it?”


“Pam's accident. Bobby, it's obvious that you're in a lot of pain; I mean who wouldn't be? But it's not good for you just to sit here alone. You should talk to some one.”

Bobby continued to stare at the double doors into the emergency room. “I'm fine Sue Ellen.”

“No you're not and you really should talk to some one. If you don't feel comfortable talking with me or Christopher, then at least you should talk to Miss Ellie.”

Bobby glanced her way. “Look Sue Ellen, I'm fine. I'm not going to make things worse on Mama right now.”

“Okay, I understand that.” Sue Ellen nodded her head, “but you shouldn't shut yourself off like this. Surely there's someone…”

Bobby was getting annoyed and having a hard time hiding it. “The only person I need to talk to right now is the doctor!” As he spoke, the irritation in his voice became more and more apparent. “As for talking about my feelings, there is someone I can confide in, but unfortunately, she's not available right now!”

Sue Ellen drew back, a little startled by his sudden outburst. “I…I'm sorry Bobby. I didn't mean to make things worse for you.” She stood and turned to go.

Bobby put his head in his hands then looked up with a sigh, “Sue Ellen…I'm sorry I snapped.”

She smiled faintly. “It's all right Bobby, if anyone has a right to snap, it's you.”

He nodded, “Thanks. I'd really just like to be alone for a while.”

“You have a right to that too.” Sue Ellen walked back over to where Christopher was talking to J.R., who had just walked into the waiting room.

“… And the police haven't caught the driver yet?”

“I really don't know. I haven't paid any attention to the police investigation. I'm more concerned with my mother right now.”

J.R. patted him on the back. “Well, of course you are, but someone has to be sure the coward is caught! What kind of a man runs down a pregnant woman and a little kid and doesn't even stop his car.” J.R. pulled out his cell phone.

Sue Ellen took the phone out of his hands. “J.R. I think the investigation can wait. We're more concerned about Pam right now.”

“Since you're such an expert in police work, Sue Ellen, I guess you know that the longer you wait to investigate after these things, the less likely you are to find the scum who did it.”

“I'm sorry J.R. I assumed you were here for your brother, not to set up an office and start conducting an investigation.”

“That just shows how well you don't know my brother Sue Ellen. Bobby doesn't want people around him trying to comfort him and talk to him. But when the shock wears off, what he will want is to get his hands around the neck of the slime on wheels that did this.” He took his phone back out of her hand. “Now leave me alone and let me help my brother.” He was already dialing as he walked away.

Sue Ellen stared after him. He was right, of course, but somehow that didn't make her as angry as it usually did. Instead she was touched at J.R.'s attempt to help Bobby…even if it was a little unconventional…but then again, what was there about J.R. that wasn't?

Mitch's Hotel Room
"I can't believe I'm finally leaving this town behind," Afton said without a hint of sentimentality, as she helped Mitch pack the last of his clothes into a suitcase. "My stuff's all out in the car."

"Then we're almost set. What time did you say the flight leaves?"

"3:30," Afton replied while looking at her watch. "Which gives us forty-five minutes to get there. Shouldn't be a problem, but you never know."

"Are you really sure about this, Afton?"

"Sure about what?"

"Leaving Dallas and starting a new life in Atlanta."

Afton snapped the suitcase shut. "More sure than I've ever been of anything. This town reeks…like fresh cow manure…"

"It is obvious to me you have been sleeping with my husband for some time…"

"I only slept with him once, and I was so drunk I don't even remember it. You may be crazy enough to sleep with him sober, but I was too drunk to even know what was going on."

"I don't believe you."

"I don't give a damn what you believe. I do know that you must have seen us that night and that is why he ended up with bullets in his chest."

"Listen Miss Piggy, I am tired of your lies. You and Cliff can have each other for all I care!"

"Miss Piggy!" Lucy had had enough of being backed up; she was almost against a stall. "Afton, I'm out of here." Lucy attempted to push by Afton, but the taller blond reached out for her arm.

"Let go of me you bitch!"

Afton did not let go. Lucy began to struggle to release her arm, when that did not work; she tried to grab Afton's hair. Afton screamed with the first tug of her locks, the two women struggled together, with neither one letting go of the other. Afton lost her footing on some straw on the stable floor and both women tumbled headfirst into the pile of freshly shoveled manure.

Both women screamed together; quickly letting go of the hold they had on the other.

Rick came running back into the stable "Miss Lucy, are you ok?

"Get me the hell out of here, Afton I can't believe you did this. This is war baby—you and I are now officially at war."

That memory wasn't exactly a fond one, but still, it was far better than the things to come…

"Yes! We've been through this before!" Afton said, frustrated and tired.

 Cops dressed in uniforms wandered through the house, from the living room, Cliff's body could be seen lying on the floor in the bedroom, blood stains adorned the carpet surrounding the body that the paramedics were putting on a stretcher.

 "OK, well we're gonna have to take you down to the station for questioning."

 "What? I told you, it was self-defense! Why am I going to jail?!" Afton exclaimed, afraid of going to a place she didn't belong.

 The officer sitting across from her said something into his radio, then asked Afton to stand up, while he handcuffed her. He explained that this was just procedure, and she wasn't being charged with anything yet. She was just being taken down for questioning. Afton felt her world spinning around in a giant circle, everything was falling apart. She felt light-headed and dizzy, then the world dark as she collapsed to the ground.

Afton shuddered. She'd been lucky to get off on that one. She thought about another time that she hadn't been so lucky…

Oh Cliff. I wish I could talk. I wish I could move so I could hold you. All this time I really wanted to be with you, but Lucy stood in our way. I may have done some hateful things to you too, but I still love you.

Two orderlies came in with a wheelchair and carefully helped Afton out of bed and into the chair. "Goodbye Afton," said Cliff. "Just remember, we'll be together again someday."

Goodbye Cliff…and yes we will. We'll be together again.

Thankfully she'd walked again and eventually made a full recovery…in time for Jamie Ewing to enter the picture…

Jamie bit her lip and then reached for Afton's martini, which she sloshed out on Afton's face. Afton screamed and almost turned her chair over trying to stand up.

"You bitch!" Afton searched the table and her eyes came to rest on a plate of pasta, which she picked up and flung, plate and all, at Jamie. It struck her across the shoulder and fell to the ground, leaving a trail of pasta down Jamie's dress.

Jamie was furious. It was time for someone to teach this woman a lesson. She made a lunge for Afton, causing them both to lose their balance and they crashed onto the table.

Cliff and Rex stared, but neither was sure what to do. Jamie grabbed a fistful of Afton's strawberry blonde hair and pushed her face down into a dish of tomato sauce.

Afton struggled to wipe the stinging sauce from her eyes and once she did, she picked up the vase of flowers from the center of the table and threw it at Jamie, just missing her. It sailed across the room and crashed harmlessly against the wall.

"Afton? Earth to Afton…"

"Sorry…I was just thinking back…"

"Sure you aren't having second thoughts?" Mitch asked.

"Positive," Afton said with a smile. "Let's go…"

Dallas Memorial Hospital
J.R. had been off an on the phone with the Dallas police for the last hour. He was trying to ensure that the best detectives would be freed up to handle the 'Ewing' case. But that was only until one of the hospital administrators stopped him and demanded that he stop using his cell phone in the hospital.

He crossed the waiting room and sat down beside Bobby. They both looked straight ahead. “Bobby, you know, I'm not real good at things like this…” J.R. shifted uncomfortably in his seat and cleared his throat. “But I just wanted you to know that whatever we've been through, you're my brother and…well…I love ya.”

Bobby spoke without looking at J.R. “I know that J.R.”

Both of them kept staring straight ahead. “And no matter what's gone on, I know how much Pam means to you and I wouldn't want anything to happen to your little lady in there.”

Bobby nodded his head. J.R. stood and straightened his suit jacket. As he walked away, Bobby said, “Thanks J.R.” Hearing the lonely sound of his brother's voice brought an unexpected surge of compassion. J.R. thought about how his Daddy would have explained it, he could almost hear Jock's voice and feel him slapping him on the back, 'That's the way it's supposed to be, Junior. We're Ewings, family, and when one hurts, we all hurt.'

As J.R. walked away, the lights in the hospital flickered and then went out. But it was only a moment before the generators kicked in and everything was back on. As if he had appeared out of the darkness, Dr. Valita now stood before Bobby, who was quickly joined by Christopher. "Mr. Ewing."

Bobby quickly stood up. "I'm Bobby Ewing, this is my son. How's my wife?"

Cliff hurried over to join the three men.

"I'm Dr. Valita." He didn't take the time to shake hands, but got right to the point. "Mr. Ewing, I wish I had better news for you." He paused and looked at Cliff and Christopher. "I think it would be better if we talked in private."

"Oh no, I'm her brother. Anything you tell him", he said, pointing at Bobby, "you can tell me!"

Christopher took his uncle by the arm "Come on Uncle Cliff, we can go get some coffee at the machine down the hall and I'll fill you in on Megan and tell you all about her brothers Austin and Cole." Cliff allowed Christopher to lead him away, but not without letting the whole waiting room know he wasn't happy about it.

The doctor turned back to Bobby. "Mr. Ewing, we have a very serious situation here. We have to stop the internal bleeding. The only way we can do that is to go in and assess the situation internally."

Bobby's brow furrowed as he listened. The news wasn't getting any better. "So you want to operate. What about the babies?" Bobby's eyes were full of dread. "Are they…" His voice trailed off, unable to finish the question.

"Your babies are still alive. But your wife's condition is affecting them. We need to operate with the goal of finding the bleeders and stopping the internal bleeding. The problem is, the surgery is extremely risky. There's a high probability that the operation may send your wife into labor. We may have to perform an emergency C-section."

"But the babies aren't old enough…" Bobby pressed the palm of his hand against his forehead and closed his eyes for a moment. "What else?"

"I don't want to leave you without hope. If we can get her stable enough, and the bleeding isn't near the womb, we may be able to save all three." He handed Bobby a clipboard with a piece of paper on it that looked like a legal document. "But of course, there is always the worst-case scenario. The possibility is there that we could lose your wife, a baby, both or babies, or all three. If the surgeons should find themselves in a position of having to choose whose life to save, the babies or Mrs. Ewing, you will have to be the one to decide."

Bobby felt the blood drain from his face. He and Pam had been through so much, but never something like this. He was going to have to choose between the woman he loved and their babies. In Bobby's heart there was no question which option he would choose. He didn't plan on ever living without Pam by his side again. He needed her. Gracie needed her.

Bobby tried to keep his voice steady. "Can I see her?"

"Of course, but only for a moment. She's been floating in and out of consciousness. We aren't sure how much she's aware of right now. And we need to prep her for surgery."

Bobby nodded his head numbly and followed the Doctor through the double doors. As the doors swung shut behind them, another crash of thunder filled the air outside and the rain kept coming down.

The Singletree Hotel
"What the…"

The power in the elevator abruptly died and it came to a halt with Afton and Mitch inside.

"Great," Afton muttered. "Now we'll miss our flight for sure."

"I'm sure the building has an emergency generator…it's just a matter of time before it kicks in, then we can get out. We'll make our flight. Don't worry."

But Afton was worried. She was desperate to get out of this town—and she had no intention of looking back.

Dallas Memorial Hospital
Bobby slowly opened the door to Pam's room, well, it wasn't exactly a room, it looked more like a little glassed in cubicle. He walked in and when he saw her, his heart ached for the pain he knew she had to be in. There seemed to be scratches, cuts and bruises on ever bit of exposed skin and on her forehead there was a small bandage.

He walked over to the side of the bed and ever so gently, took her hand in his. As he leaned over to place a tender kiss on her hand, the tears began rolling down Bobby's face. When he spoke, his voice was little more than a soft whisper. He spoke slowly, emphasizing each word. "I love you Pammy. I love you so much… from the first moment I saw you. I've never stopped loving you, and I never will." He paused for a moment, unable to go on. He bowed his head and his tears fell onto their clasped hands.

In the bed, Pamela's eyes began to flutter open, and then they closed again. She was trying to fight the fog that continued to hold her in its grasp. "Bobby…" The voice was so soft, so weak, that he wasn't sure he'd heard it.

Bobby stood up straighter and leaned over his wife. "Pam? I'm here, honey."

Slowly, she opened her eyes, but only half way. Everything seemed to be in a heavy mist. She knew Bobby was there… she had to get to him, but he was so far away. But she had to talk to him, had to tell him…

"Bobby… the babies… Gracie…"

Bobby tried to steady his voice. He had to be strong for her. "Gracie's fine. Everything's going to be all right, Pam."

He sounded closer now. With all of her strength, she opened her eyes. Bobby was leaning over her. "Bobby, I know… I know what they have to do…" She had to stop; it was hard to breathe.

Bobby reached out his hand and gently stroked her hair. "Don't worry about anything."

She opened her eyes wider now, determined to tell him. "If you have to… if you have to… choose the babies." Now there were tears in Pam's eyes too. "I want my babies to live."

Bobby felt as though the air had been knocked out of him. She was asking him, if it came to it, to let her die. He looked down at her tummy and the true horror of the situation hit him full force.

"Promise me…"

Bobby couldn't speak; he silently shook his head 'no'.

Pam was struggling for every other breath now. "You have to promise me… I couldn't live knowing they could have…"

The tears were streaming down his face, blurring his vision. "But what about me? And Gracie? And the twins? How could I live without you?" But Pamela didn't hear his pleas. The heart monitor had started it's erratic beeping again, and before he knew it, Bobby was being swept to the side by doctors and nurses.

Someone pushed the clipboard back into his hands and asked him to step out into the waiting room. Christopher and Cliff were both back. Bobby explained to them Pam's current condition and drank some of the coffee Christopher had gotten him. But no matter what he did, he couldn't get the picture of Pam struggling to breathe so she could ask him to promise to save their babies out of his head.

Dallas Memorial Hospital, later
Christopher hung up the pay phone in the waiting room and walked back over to join his Dad.

"So, how are my grandkids holding up?"

"If driving their babysitter up a wall is normal, I'd say they're doing fine."

A small smile flashed across Bobby's face. "Good." He patted Christopher on the back. "I want you to know that it means a lot to me that you've been here. But, it's probably going to be a while yet. Why don't you go on home and relieve the sitter. I'll call when there's any news about your Mother."

One look at the worry in Bobby's eyes and the circles under them, told Christopher that his father needed him to stay right where he was. "If it's okay with you, Dad, I'd like to stay for a while longer. Maybe I'll go over and check on Gracie and Karen. I'm sure she could use a break."

"Ahem. Uh, do you care if I sit with you?" Cliff had grown tired of sitting in solitude.

Bobby shrugged. "Sure, as long as you don't steal anything while you're here."

Cliff sat down next to Bobby. "Um, you know, Bobby, I've been thinking… All of the times in the past that you've started to beat me up, were over things that I had really done. You might say, I deserved it. Not that I'm saying that. But, you might say it. So I was wondering, what the hell was that all about when I walked in here? Because I can't figure it out."

Bobby studied Cliff for a moment and decided he was being sincere. "Okay, Cliff, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Some one planted a spy at Wentworth Industries, the Tool and Die to be exact."

Cliff looked truly amazed. "Why?"

"In order to get their hands on a new design for a drill bit that is going to revolutionize the industry."

"And you think it was me?" Cliff looked incredulous. Then he smiled, "Come on Bobby, I wouldn't do that, not to Pam's company. I didn't know anything about a new drill. We invented one a while back at the Clifford Group, but it was a bust. How could you think that I could steal from my own sister?"

"Easy. The spy was caught and admitted to working for The Clifford Group." As that bit of news settled on Cliff, Bobby continued. "So if you weren't in on it, looks like Eric was the one."

Cliff sat with his mouth hanging open. "I don't believe it, Eric's not capable of that!"

"The evidence speaks for itself Cliff."

A loud speaker interrupted their discussion. "Mr. Ewing, Mr. Bobby Ewing, could you please pick up the phone in the emergency waiting room. Bobby Ewing."

Bobby quickly walked over and picked up the phone. "Bobby Ewing here."

A low gravelly voice greeted him. "Well Bobby, how does it feel to lose your family?"

"Who is this? If this is some one's sick idea of a joke…"

"Oh, no, Mr. Ewing, I'm deadly serious. Just as serious as I was when I ran down your wife and daughter, only not quite as wasted."

Anger took control and Bobby yelled into the phone. "Who are you, you bastard!!"

"Just some one who thought you might like to see what it feels like to lose your family, like I lost mine. Thanks to you. You took pictures of me and another woman to my wife. You said if I helped you, you wouldn't do it, but you lied. Now I'm ruined… but so are you."


"Not anymore, that was my old name. I have a new one now. You see, my 'friend's' take good care of me. Good-bye now, Bobby. I have to go; my plane is leaving. Oh, and do write and tell me how it feels to know that you and your dirty business practices are the reason your wife may die."

The phone when dead in Bobby's hand. He stared at it for a moment, fighting the urge to smash it against the wall. But then an unthinkable, unimaginably, horrible thought began to form in the back of his mind. Ace was right. If he hadn't blackmailed Ace, those pictures wouldn't have existed, Ace's wife never would have seen them, and a 'wasted' lunatic, named Albert 'Ace' Edmundson, would never have run down his pregnant wife.

Elsewhere in Dallas Memorial
Ellie sat staring at the picture in her hands. It was a wallet size picture of Bobby and Pamela that she usually carried with her in her purse; it had been taken soon after they were reunited. Next to it was a picture of the two of them with little Grace. They looked so happy. Her thoughts drifted to Jock and the grandchildren he never knew. She remembered once telling Pamela that her sons were a by-product of her and Jock's love for each other. If that was true, then no child had ever been loved more than Grace, unless it was the little twins Pamela was carrying now.

“Bobby and Pam are more and more like Romeo and Juliet everyday...” she said softly to herself. The years he thought he had lost her; then finally happiness for him, and then in a heartbeat Pam could be taken away from them again.

She couldn't think about tragedy without thinking about Lucy. Lucy...who finally finds a man that she truly loves, and who truly loves her back, and now he only has weeks—maybe even days to live.

Her thoughts wandered to her other two sons. Both Gary and J.R. had been lucky enough to find the right person, but both of them had let those relationships die at one time or another. She looked back at the picture in her hands. At least her youngest son had found happiness, love and contentment.

Her thoughts were interrupted when J.R. put his hand on her shoulder. “Mama? Are you alright?”

She blankly looked up at her oldest son. Time had not been kind to him: the full head of white hair, the deep wrinkles- and his smile. That was the most different about him now, she thought. J.R. always wore a smile, whether he was truly jubilant about something, or whether it was one of his famous “grin and bear it” grins. His smile now held great sadness – he too was hurting, and she knew it. Though there was never any love lost between he and Pam, JR truly cared about Bobby. There was no denying that Pamela made Bobby happy and J.R. seemed to have decided that that was reason enough to tolerate her.

She heard enough rumors to know that J.R. was still a wild son-of-a-bitch in the boardroom (that was now his trademark persona) but she had sensed something different about him at home. His jabs and ribbing of the family members now seemed half-hearted...he had even stopped belittling Sue Ellen in the way he had constantly done while they were married.

“Mama?” J.R. repeated.

“Oh, I'm sorry,” she replied distantly. “No, I'm not alright. But is anyone expected to be right now? This family is falling apart.”

Sue Ellen emerged to stand beside them, but she remained silent.

Miss Ellie's face remained somber...reserved. “I'd like to talk to both of you have a few minutes?”

“For you, Mama – always,” J.R. said with a smile. He motioned for the two of them to follow him into the hospital cafe, and then he helped Ellie into a seat at a small table. “Now, what's on your mind?”

“This is very hard for me to do...” she started. “Here we are at the hospital and just down the hall, Pam is fighting for her life...” She held her head down, tears beginning to form in her eyes. “The doctors told Bobby that the chance that she'll survive is very remote, and that it is a nearly impossible that both she and the babies will survive.”

J.R. frowned, the words “There doesn't seem to be much we can do about it. Bobby won't really talk to anyone but you, mama.”

Ellie looked J.R. straight in the eyes. “That may be J.R., but the hard truth of the matter is that your brother is undoubtedly going to lose at least one very important person in his life. Lord knows I don't want anything to happen to the babies, but I'm praying that Pam lives through this for Bobby's sake.”

“You know we'll do whatever we can for Bobby, Mama.”

Sue Ellen was speechless. What could be said in a situation like this? She thought back to the days when Bobby had first brought Pamela to Southfork. They were so happy together, always touching, kissing, and holding hands. It was their happiness that first caused her to become unsatisfied with her own marriage to J.R. But then she felt her heart soften as she remembered the times later in her marriage when she and J.R. had captured that same happiness. It was wonderful, even if it was only for a short while…

“I've been thinking about this a lot since the accident, and I think Southfork is not a good place for Bobby and Pam. I've tried to keep him there his whole life, but I've come to realize that I was being selfish. Bobby and Pam could've had a much better life together if they had left Southfork – Lord knows, they've tried enough times. They should've had a good life away from Dallas, where our families couldn't keep them apart.”

Sue Ellen and J.R. were both shocked. J.R. opened his mouth to say something, but he shut it again when he saw that she wasn't finished.

“I told Bobby that if Pam pulls through this, that they should give serious thought to leaving Dallas,” she continued.

“J.R., in the last few months, I've seen a change in you – and Sue Ellen, there's no denying you've become an incredibly strong woman over these last years. And without trying to meddle...” she said, as she took J.R.'s hand and rested it on Sue Ellen's, “maybe you might consider giving marriage another shot.”

They both reacted with looks of surprise. “I'm not going to be around forever...maybe a few more years? I'm an old woman now, but you two have a chance. The years with Jock, and with Clayton, were the best of my life. Now, one day I'll have to die alone, and I'm terrified. This was the one thing in life I've always been most scared of...

Sue Ellen's jaw dropped and she tried to avoid J.R.'s gaze. She had to avoid J.R.'s gaze.

“Like I said, I'm not trying to interfere with your lives, but as your mother,” she looked hard at J.R. before turning her gaze upon Sue Ellen, “and your friend...I have some advice. Don't let anything or anyone get in the way of your true feelings for each other; Bobby and Pamela lost precious years because they listened to others and not their own hearts. Just as the two of you are losing time now. Don't let business, or other women, or anything get in the way of what you both want.” She paused, waiting to deliver the final line in her speech. “This life is much too short, don't spend the rest of yours being lonely…”

Todd Foster's Apartment
Todd slid the key into the lock in the door, which opened easily. He stepped back to allow Elayne to go in first. They were both sopping wet and laughing.

Elayne stepped in, shaking the raindrops from her hair. Todd came in after her, shutting the door behind him. Elayne shivered. "I'm freezing." Todd smiled, took her in his arms and kissed her. She broke away laughing. "You're crazy, you know that?"

Todd faked a shocked expression. "Me? Crazy? Surely you must be talking about some other charming and devastatingly handsome man."

"Ha! Who is it that suggested we take a walk in the park? Hmmm?"

Todd smiled slyly. "Maybe I had ulterior motives. What if I planned that whole storm just to get you back here in soaking clothes so you'd have to take them off and dry them?"

Elayne smiled and looked at him with love in her eyes. "You know what, I do believe you could charm the very clouds in the sky." She went to him and they kissed again. Their kisses quickly turned more passionate until Elayne pulled away.

"What's wrong? Remember, I just went from crazy to charming? Aren't you supposed to be falling at my feet?" He smiled, but deep down, he was a little concerned. Elayne had been uncharacteristically quiet and moody all day. One moment she pulled him closer and the next, she'd be pushing him away.

Elayne left his embrace and sat down on the couch. She'd been trying to find a good time to tell Todd about her betrayal of Wentworth Industries, but she just couldn't bear to ruin his happiness. Here was her chance; he was asking her what was wrong. But she just couldn't make the words come.

Todd sat down next to her. Come on, Elayne, I know something's up. You've been moody all day, and you can't blame it on PMS, you had that two weeks ago." He said with a grin.

"I'm sorry Todd. I guess I'm just feeling a little down." More like eaten up with guilt, she thought.

"I've got something that I hope will cheer you up." Todd reached into his pocket and took out the small ring box. He hid it behind his back. "Close your eyes."

"What? Why?"

"Just trust me." Elayne looked skeptical. "You do trust me, don't you?"


Todd scowled.

Elayne smiled and said, "of course I do." She closed her eyes and felt Todd take her hand and slide something on her finger, her left hand ring finger. Elayne quickly opened her eyes and was astonished to see the most beautiful diamond engagement ring she had ever seen. Oh no! This couldn't be happening. She looked up at Todd with real tears in her eyes. "Todd…"

"Well, are you going to say 'yes', or are you going to make me do the whole thing and get down on one knee?"

Tears continued to stream down Elayne's face. "I don't want you to say anything. But it's time I said some things, because when I'm done, you may want this ring back."

Todd shook his head. "Elayne, we've all done things that we regret. I don't care about your past, all that matters is who we are now."

"I hope you still believe that when I'm done. All I ask is that you sit here and listen to everything I have to say without interrupting."

Todd nodded his head.

"Growing up, my family didn't have much. When it came time for me to go to college, I was lucky enough to win scholarships to some very good schools. While I was away, my mother became extremely ill. She only had my little sister there to help her, and now she couldn't work. They lived on some government subsidies, but that hardly covered the bills. I began to work while I was still in school, landing a great job as an intern in an independent oil company – Stonehurst Oil."

Todd's eyes narrowed at the name of Stonehurst. That meant that some how that waste of human skin, Eric, figured into this. A hundred questions came to mind, but he remained silent, as he had promised.

"My mother became worse and worse. Finally, they told her that if she was to live, she needed to have surgery. When I heard that, I lost it. I sold everything I had of any value, sending the money to my mother, but still, it wasn't enough. Finally, out of desperation, I realized that I could 'borrow' the money from Stonehurst and, hopefully, replace it before it was missed. It was such a large company, what were a few thousand to them. So I began to embezzle the money and bit-by-bit, I had enough for my mother's operation. I thought I had gotten away with it, but I hadn't. Eric Stone had been watching me. He knew everything. I was at his mercy. He said that I could keep the money and he wouldn't turn me in, but I was to tender my resignation and he was keeping the evidence of my crime, so that if he ever wanted a favor, I'd be obligated to him."

Elayne paused to catch her breath, but she didn't look up at Todd, she couldn't meet his eyes. "I didn't hear from him for years after that. Somehow, I was hoping I never would. But then he called me and said that he had a job for me and that if I didn't do it, he'd go to the police with the evidence of embezzlement."

Todd finally broke the silence. "What did he want you to do?"

"He wanted me to get into a certain company and spy on them from the inside. I was to steal their plans for some new technology, pass it to Eric and then he promised to give me the embezzlement evidence and I could be rid of him forever. But it's too late for all of that now. Bobby's found out who was behind the thefts."

When Elayne looked up, Todd's eyes were dark with anger. When he spoke, it was through gritted teeth. "Wentworth Tool and Die! You were the one spying on Bobby's company!"

Elayne pleaded with him. "Todd, you have to listen to me. I never wanted to do it, but Eric was blackmailing me. Once I met Bobby and the people that worked there, it just killed me to steal from them. But Eric was always calling and threatening me and I knew he would follow through with his threats. I didn't know how nice Bobby was and I never expected to fall in love with you."

Todd looked at her in disbelief. "I don't know you at all. I thought the mystery was a turn on. All this time… all this time, you've been spying on Wentworth for Eric Stone." He venomously spit out Eric's name. "You could have come to me for help. You could have told me. You could have trusted me." The anger in Todd's eyes had now turned to hurt. "How can you love me if you don't trust me?"

The hurt in his eyes was too much for Elayne to bear. She'd rather he yell or throw things. What did it matter, she was going to jail tomorrow anyway. Her mind made up, she took off the ring and laid it on the coffee table. As she stood to leave, she whispered, "I do love you, Todd. I really do."

Then, while Todd sat staring at the floor, Elayne left, quietly shutting the door behind her. A glimmer caught his eye and he saw the ring lying on the table. Damn you, Eric Stone. Suddenly, it hit Todd, she had been scared. Scared of what Eric would do and scared of what he would think of her if she told him. His own words came back to him. 'We all have things we regret.'

Todd quickly grabbed the ring and ran out the door after Elayne. He loved her and he determined that losing her wouldn't become something he would regret!

By the time Todd reached the parking lot, Elayne was already in her car. She cranked the engine and Todd made a dash for it. Thankfully, the car didn't start on the first try.

Todd managed to grab the handle to the back door and slide in just before she cranked it again. She was about to tell Todd to get out; it was over. Todd was about to tell her that if they loved each other, it was just a new beginning. But none of the words were ever spoken.

As Elayne cranked the car the second time, the only sound that was heard was the sound of metal being twisted ripped apart by the deafening blast.

Dallas Memorial Hospital
Time crawled by as Bobby and the others waited for any word about Pam. She was now in the operating room. Christopher yawned and looked around to find the waiting room now empty except for his family. Bobby checked his watch for the tenth time in five minutes. The only sounds to be heard were the typical hospital noises and Cliff munching on a bag of Cheetos.

Suddenly, the double doors into the trauma unit were flung open, and a nurse hurried through. "Mr. Ewing?"

Before his name was out of her mouth, Bobby was standing next to her. "How's my wife?"

"Things aren't going as well as we hoped. I'm sorry to have to ask you this, but Dr. Valita needs you to sign the paper he gave you earlier; in case they have to decide whether to save your wife or the babies."

Bobby took the paper out of his pocket and stared at it. As he did, Pam's voice, small and weak, echoed through his mind. "Promise me…"


Barbara bel Geddes
Sarah Brown
Mick Cain
Chris Demetral
Patrick Duffy
Linda Gray
Larry Hagman
Omri Katz
Ken Kercheval
Audrey Landers
Thaao Penghliss
Victoria Principal
Charlene Tilton

Also Featuring

Jose Solano
Kirsten Storms
Lindsay Korman