SouthforkReturn to Southfork

Episode 113
Those Southfork Weddings

Sarah Aldrich
Barbara bel Geddes
Sarah Brown
Mick Cain
Chris Demetral
Patrick Duffy
Linda Gray
Larry Hagman
Omri Katz
Ken Kercheval
Audrey Landers
Victoria Principal
Charlene Tilton

Jose Solano
Thaao Penghliss
Kirsten Storms


Harry McSween

T.J. McSween

Cole Fowler


Angela McSween

Written By

Justin Stiles

Note: The use of pictures of actors/actresses to portray these characters is for illustrative purposes only. This does not imply any approval of RTS on the actor/actresses' part, or any affiliation between RTS and those pictured. You can find out who the actor/actresses are by resting your mouse pointer on their picture.

more legal info

Return to Southfork, Celebrating Two Years Online
Last time on Return to Southfork:
“So what're we waiting for?” Melissa's enthusiasm was contagious. She didn't seem to be nervous in the least bit.

John Ross smiled and kissed her again. “Come on. Let's get married.”

“If you know what's good for you, you won't fail me again,” Rex said menacingly. “Afton must die and then we can easily frame Neil for her murder…after all, who had more motive than he? Afton's death will affect Cliff Barnes deeply…but that'll only be the beginning for him.”

John Ross swallowed hard and felt light-headed. Melissa was now walking down the aisle. They were being watched by probably two-hundred eyes belonging to a hundred people that expected to see them married today. There was no turning back now…or was there?

And now for the wedding finale...

Southfork Ranch
With the sun now high above them, John Ross and Melissa joined hands at the altar and turned to face the pastor, who smiled at both of them.

The pastor began “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here together to witness the holy union of man and woman…”

John Ross was trying to concentrate on the pastor's words, but he found it hard to listen as a sudden queasy feeling overtook him. Judging from the way Melissa was looking at him, John Ross figured his face must be ghost white.

“What's wrong?” she mouthed to him.

John Ross shook his head to indicate that he was okay while the pastor continued with the ceremony.

Jillian, Sly, and Angela stood to the side watching John Ross and Christopher did the same from the opposite side.

“…And now for the most important part of this ceremony, the exchanging of the vows,” the pastor continued. “Melissa McSween, do you take John Ross Ewing to be your lawfully wedded husband…to have and to hold, in sickness and in health…” The man continued but Melissa wasn't paying much attention to what he was saying—she already knew her answer and nothing he said was going to change her mind.

“I do.”

“Very well. And John Ross Ewing, do you—“

The pastor stopped when he heard a large thud from off to his side and he, along with everyone else, turned around to see what it was.

Sly was kneeling over the collapsed form of Jillian and when John Ross saw that it was his sister, he left the altar and ran over to her. J.R. and Miss Ellie followed and they both kneeled down beside her on the grass.

“Jillian…” J.R. whispered. His voice was full of fear as he removed his coat and slid it under Jillian's head for padding.

Jillian tried to pull herself up, but J.R. forced her to stay down. “I'm okay Daddy…”

“Like hell you are!” J.R. bellowed. “You passed out right in the middle of the wedding…that's not okay.”

In the back of the seating area, Manny stood up and watched on, concerned.

Melissa joined the gathering crowd and placed a hand on John Ross' shoulder. “We can postpone this for a little while…until we know she's going to be okay.”

“Are you sure?” John Ross asked.

“Of course I am, she's your sister.”

John Ross nodded and whispered to Christopher who stepped over to the altar to make the announcement. “Ladies and gentlemen…my cousin has collapsed and John Ross and Melissa have agreed to postpone their wedding for a short while to be sure she's okay. Please stay, as we expect to resume the wedding shortly. Thank you.”

Murmurs flowed through the crowd in waves and everyone stood up and began to mingle about, talking about what had just transpired.

Jillian sat up. “I told you, I'll be fine. I just need a drink of water and maybe a cold washcloth.”

J.R. put his arm around and helped her stand. Then he led her toward the house. “And you need to sit down for a while.”

Southfork, Ten minutes later
John Ross lurked in the corner of the room, pondering his situation while everyone else tended to the now-fine Jillian. She'd confessed that she'd skipped breakfast that morning because she was getting ready for the wedding and that was believed to be the reason why she'd collapsed.

John Ross wondered if Jillian's collapsing at the altar was some sort of sign, meant for him? He wondered if maybe this was his second chance to tell Melissa about his tryst with Angela—his chance to come clean before they married.

“Thankfully Jillian's okay…” Melissa announced to everyone in the room. “We'll re-start this thing in a half-hour.”

Jillian looked at Melissa apologetically. “God, I'm so sorry…I ruined everything.”

Melissa smiled and touched her hand to Jillian's shoulder. “No you didn't…we'll just consider that a practice run.”

“We'll hope the real thing goes better than the practice then,” Jillian weakly joked. “I think I'll go upstairs for a while, since we still have a half-hour before the wedding starts again.”

A concerned Theresa, who had been watching, now spoke up. “I'll bring you up something to eat and drink.”

“Thanks Theresa.”

Melissa took her hand off Jillian's shoulder and walked over to John Ross where she rubbed his back. He turned away from the window upon feeling her touch. “Are you okay?” Melissa asked, concerned. She'd seen how white John Ross went during the ceremony.

“I'm fine…just nervous.”

“Not having reservations about marrying me are you?”

John Ross smiled. “Are you kidding? The only reservations I have are for five nights at a hotel in Rio.”

“And I can't wait.”

John Ross turned back and glanced out the window, watching the crowd mingling about outside. In less than a half-hour, he'd be back in the same predicament. What would he do then?

Southfork Ranch, Jillian's Room, later
Jillian sat on the edge of her bed, staring into her mirror and making minor adjustments to her hair. She stopped primping when a knock sounded at the door. She walked over to answer it, fully expecting it to be Theresa. Jill was more than surprised when she saw Manny standing there.

“Manny…what are you doing here?” Jillian's voice was full of shock and worry.

“I…I wanted to check on you.”

“How did you get in here!”

“Theresa let me in…I told her I needed to use the bathroom.” Manny smiled, but his smile quickly faded when he saw that Jillian wasn't amused.

“I thought we talked about this…if my Dad found you in here…”

“I told you Jill, I was worried about you. I mean, not everybody collapses like that at a wedding.”

“I appreciate your concern, I really do. But couldn't you have waited until I went back outside?”

Manny knew he could have, but he also knew that deep down inside, he'd used this as an excuse to see her. He enjoyed just being around this girl. “Ok…I'll go.” He turned and walked toward the door.

Just as Manny was about to open the door, someone pushed it open from the other side. Jillian went white when she saw that it was her father. “Daddy…”

J.R. looked at Manny, astonished to see him there. “What the hell is going on in here?” J.R. asked.

Manny froze, unable to think of any kind of excuse as to why he'd be in here.

“I…I was sitting on my window seat and my shoe accidentally went out the window. Manny got it and brought it up for me.” Jillian almost couldn't believe her pathetic lie, but it was all she could think of.

J.R. looked at Manny suspiciously and opened the door wider, motioning for Manny to leave.

“Thank you Manny…” Jillian said as Manny was leaving.

“No problem.”

Once Manny was gone, J.R. turned back to Jillian. “Are you telling me the truth Honey? 'Cause if he came up here for some less noble reason, Southfork will be less one cowhand.”

“Of course I'm telling you the truth! Good grief, Daddy…Manny isn't like that at all.”

“How would you know what he's like? You mean you know him?”

Jillian turned away so he wouldn't see the look on her face. “He does work for us.”

“Hell Jillian, a lot of people work for us, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna socialize with them and neither do you.” J.R. rose and walked over to the window where he saw Manny walk out by the pool. “He's just a cowhand. That's all he'll ever be and there's not a reason in the world that you and him should ever cross paths again…”

Jillian turned back to face him, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. “So you think just because you have a company, a big ranch, and more money than God, that that makes you better than everybody else? Well I've got news for you Daddy, you're NOT. Emmanuel Vargas is a nice guy…honest, noble, and a perfect gentleman. Everything you should be!”

“Now just how the hell do you know all that? Been rolling in the hay with him or something?”

“NO! If you really have to know, he and I went to a carnival together on Halloween night…”

Shocked, J.R. didn't know quite what to say. One thing was for sure: this girl really knew how to push his buttons. “Wait a second…Halloween night? That was the night—“

“That you grounded me,” Jillian finished. “For the lamest reason I've ever heard of!”

“However 'lame' my reasons were, you were grounded and you disobeyed me by sneaking out.”

“So friggin' what!” Jillian was sick of this.

“Honey, you'd better really soak up the sunshine when you go back outside for the wedding in a few minutes, 'cause that'll be the last time you leave this house until 2001.”

Jillian bit her lip, almost drawing blood. “I wish to God that my mom had never ever come back to Dallas…then she'd still be alive and I would never have met you.”

J.R. hoped that she was just saying that out of anger and not because she really meant it. “I'll expect to see you downstairs and ready for the wedding in ten minutes.”

He walked out, letting the door slam behind him. Jillian reached for the crystal vase that he'd given her roses in last Christmas and slammed it against the door.

Rex Wentworth's Penthouse
Afton had been practically pacing the floor for the past hour, racking her brain over what to do with the tape. She was almost sure that if she threatened to use it against Rex, that she would be able to get almost anything from him. On the other hand, what if he laughed in her face and then later had her conveniently bumped off? The tape would disappear and no one would ever know about it.

Her only solution was to hide it somewhere and let a third party know about its location…someone who wouldn't be afraid to come forward with it in case she was killed. That way, Rex wouldn't try anything foolish. But, the only person that Afton could think of that would be crazy enough to do such a thing…and that she'd trust enough, was her daughter. Of course, Pamela Rebecca was out of town, so that was no help.

What to do now?

Afton clenched the tape tightly in her hand and tapped it on a nearby table. She whirled around, almost dropping it, when Rex unlocked the door and entered the penthouse.

“Afton, I didn't expect you to be here…I thought for sure that you'd be off using some of my fortune to give yourself a little early Christmas cheer.” Rex's tone was dry and condescending enough to make Afton want to tell him about the tape right now—and she did.

“I stopped by your office today,” she said.

“Oh? Why didn't you stay?”

“I did.” Afton smiled her Grinch-grin.

“You did? Where were you? I didn't see you.” Rex shut the door behind him and dropped his keys onto the table beside it.

“I was in the closet.”

“I'll withhold any wisecracks I'm currently thinking about. What were you doing in the closet?”

“Making this.” Afton held up the videotape and waved it at Rex. “Strange how you hear the most interesting things when no one realizes you're hiding in the closet.”

“What are you getting at?” Had Afton been in the office when he'd met with Roberto?

“You know exactly what I'm getting at.”

“What do you want?” Rex asked, defeated. It boiled his blood to admit that this woman had him over a barrel.

“Isn't that obvious to you Rexy? It's what I've been wanting ever since I moved in here with you. I want to be the next Mrs. Wentworth.”

Southfork Ranch
Once again, almost everyone was in their place in preparation for the wedding. John Ross stood at the altar in front of the pastor and Christopher stood next to him. In just a few minutes the wedding would begin, but John Ross knew he wasn't ready.

“John Ross? What's the problem?” Christopher asked.

John Ross didn't say anything. He craned his neck and looked out across the crowd, but saw Melissa nowhere. “I can't do this…not until I tell her…”

“What?” Christopher couldn't believe his eyes when John Ross started walking down the aisle, heading away from the wedding altar. J.R. shot him an inquisitive glance and Christopher shrugged.

John Ross ran into Melissa as she was walking out the door of Southfork. “John Ross? Why aren't you back at the altar? Isn't it time?”

John Ross shook his head as a sick feeling settled into his stomach once again, but he knew that would be a permanent feeling if he didn't tell her now. “No…it's not time.”

Melissa lifted her sleeve to look at her watch, but realize she wasn't wearing one. “I don't understand.”

“There's something I have to tell you…”

Rex Wentworth's Penthouse
“You what?” Rex would have laughed, but he could see that she was being serious.

“I want to become Mrs. Rex Wentworth and I want all of the fringe benefits that go along with the title.”

“You're out of your mind.”

“Then we'd make a perfect couple.” Afton tucked the videotape into her purse. “Give me what I want or else I'll go straight to the press with this video and the whole world will finally know what a corrupt man Rex Wentworth really is.”

“You wouldn't…”

“I wouldn't? Let's see…” Afton began to count off on her fingers. “First off I shot my husband…then I taught Lucy Ewing a thing or two about manners…had my mother committed to an asylum…blackmailed Neil Lancaster…recovered from paralysis…yeah, I'd say I was capable of pretty much anything, wouldn't you?”

Then, another idea popped into Afton's head.

“And if anything happens to me, there's a copy of this tape that I took the liberty of locking up in my safety deposit box. I've left instructions for it to be opened by a third party and when they find the tape…” Afton was lying, but she did fully intend to lock the tape up just as soon as she left Rex's.

“You're bluffing.”

“Try me.”

“Damn you…”

Afton smiled and pulled Rex into a kiss, but he pulled away. “Come on Rexy…this isn't such a bad thing. At least you'll be married to a woman who's a match for you. Think about all you and I can accomplish. Hell, we could rule the world.”

You're no match for me Afton. You'll find that out soon enough… Rex thought.

Southfork Ranch
“What is it?” Melissa's smiling face went solemn. There had been some sort of vibe she'd picked up on, or maybe something in John Ross' face. Something was wrong.

“God Melissa…I love you. You don't know how much I love you. I loved you so much and wanted you back so bad that I did something completely foolish.”

Melissa's round blue eyes looked worried. “What did you do?”

John Ross looked up…down…to both sides…anything to avoid looking her in the eyes when he told her. There was no way he could stand to see the hurt that he knew would be there. “It was your mother.”

“My mom? I don't understand.”

“She promised to help me…promised to talk to you and convince you to give me a second chance with you and T.J.” John Ross couldn't hold back the lone tear that rolled down his cheek from his eye. “But she wouldn't do it unless there was something in it for her.”

“What did you do?” This time there was coldness in Melissa's voice that hadn't been there the first time she'd asked the question.

John Ross was quiet. Could he tell her?

“What did you do?” She repeated. “John Ross…what did you do…” Her voice was getting louder and more insistent.

“I slept with her! I had sex with your mother!” John Ross finally blurted it out.

“You didn't…”

“I did! I did it to get you and T.J. back!”

Melissa turned his head sideways with a stinging slap on his cheek. “How could you!” Tears were flowing down her face in droves, smearing all of her makeup. “HOW COULD YOU!”

John Ross had no answer.

“I thought you were different! Uncle Harry told me everything about your father and your family before I made this commitment to you…but I told him you were different…that you weren't like the rest. But I was wrong…I was wrong. You are your father's son.”


“Yes you are. I don't know what went through your screwed up mind to justify sleeping with my mother just to get me back…you can say you did it because you loved me…but if you had LOVED me, then you would've found another way to get me back.”

“I do love you.”

“And your love is a sick and twisted kind of love, John Ross Ewing – a kind of love that I don't want.”

Melissa ripped her veil from her hair and balled it up. She threw it at him and then threw the bouquet in his face where it burst into a rainbow of different colored flowers.

“We can work this out,” he said futilely.

“No way in hell…the wedding is off. I'll leave it to you to explain to those people out there just why the hell that is.” Melissa used her sleeve to wipe more tears away and then she stormed out of the house.

“Melissa…don't go.” John Ross finally let his own tears flow free after she'd gone. What had he done?

Harry McSween's Car
“Melissa, I don't know what to say…that's a strange request…”

Melissa dabbed at her eyes with her tissue and looked out the window at the passing houses. “And I know you have the resources and connections to pull it off…”

“Why would you want to go to that extreme?” Harry couldn't figure his niece out. What did she hope to accomplish with this?

“I want to make that bastard hurt…just like he's hurting me. And I want my mother to hurt for the same reason.”

Harry bit his lip and nodded, already formulating in his mind just how he'd pull this stunt off.

Southfork Ranch
The whole crowd was in a state of near chaos. Already the wedding had been interrupted twice and now they were being told it wouldn't happen?”

John Ross tried to keep himself together as he continued speaking to the crowd. “And we'll get this show back on the road just as soon as we work out these problems…and you'll all be invited...”

J.R. and Sue Ellen exchanged confused glances. Just what was John Ross talking about? Why wouldn't there be a wedding? As the crowd started to disperse, they both tracked John Ross down.

“What's going on here?” J.R. asked.

John Ross looked at them both, not exactly wanting to face them now. What would he tell them? Surely not the truth…

“There's not going to be a wedding…at least not today.”

This threw both J.R. and Sue Ellen for a loop. “Why not?” Sue Ellen asked. “You and Melissa were so happy…I didn't think that anything on this earth would stop you two from getting married.”

“We're having some differences.”

“This must be one hell of a difference,” J.R. reasoned. “Care to enlighten us on what the hell is going on?”

John Ross shook his head. “Maybe someday, but not right now. All you need to know is that there's not going to be a wedding.”

Melissa's Apartment
Melissa frantically emptied an entire drawer of clothes into her opened suitcase and then she latched it shut and followed the same procedure for the next drawer and suitcase. She wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible. Melissa did not want to be here when her mother got back.

There was a knock at the door. “Melissa…it's your Mother.”

Too late.

“Leave me the hell alone!” Melissa shouted.

Outside the door, Angela's face went white and she leaned against the door. She could only surmise that John Ross must have come clean about their tryst. That would explain why Melissa had stormed out of the wedding prior to John Ross calling it off and why Melissa was so upset with her now.

“Melissa, we need to talk.”

“I have nothing to say to you!” she screamed to the door.

Angela finally opened it and charged into the room. “What did John Ross tell you?”

“You know damned well what he told me!” Melissa shouted. Her blonde hair trailed over her eyes and she forcefully pushed it out of the way.

“Tell me…it might have been a lie.”

“It was no lie.” Melissa slammed the suitcase shut and grabbed it off the bed, dropping it to the floor. “All this time I had no idea what a whore you really were. I never want to see you again.”

“You don't know what I went through…”

“And I don't give a damn what you went through!”

Melissa barged past her mother and walked out into the main room of the apartment and into the arms of her uncle who was just finishing up a phone call. “I know it's short notice but pull this off and you won't regret it…” He flipped the phone shut and patted Melissa on the back. “It's okay…I know you need to get away from here.” Harry looked at his watch. “I had intended to take my private plane to the Caribbean this afternoon, but I don't mind you taking it instead. It's all gassed up…pilot's ready and everything.”

Melissa hugged her uncle and smiled for the first time since John Ross dropped the bomb on her. “Thank you Uncle Harry.” Harry glanced around to be sure that Angela had heard the entire conversation. Melissa walked over to the couch and picked up T.J., cradling him in her arms. “Are you ready to go away T.J.?”

T.J. cooed and Melissa kissed him on the forehead. Harry held open the door and Melissa and T.J. walked out into the hallway and waited for him. He stared coldly at his sister-in-law for a moment and then shut the door behind him.

Southfork Ranch
Christopher kicked off his uncomfortable shoes and sighed as he hopped onto the bed next to Karen, who had also removed her shoes. She turned around to face him. “And we wonder why we didn't get married at Southfork…there's just something about this place and weddings.”

Christopher laughed at the comment. She was right—and she hadn't seen even half of the weddings that had taken place here. “I'll call Melissa later…after she's had a chance to get over this. I just can't figure out why they'd call this off…unless John Ross was hiding something. He looked so worried right before the wedding…” Christopher noticed that Karen was looking away, completely quiet and paying no attention to what he was saying. “Hey, you're not hiding something are you? You look like you're a million miles away.”

“Something's bothering me,” Karen confessed without hesitation.

“What is it?”

“Christopher…what would you say about a new addition to our quickly growing family?”

Christopher jumped up to a sitting position. “Karen? Oh my God…” his face was plastered with a smile. “You're pregnant?”

“No!” Karen giggled, realizing why Christopher might have jumped to that conclusion. Maybe she should have phrased that question differently. “Do you remember the little boy at the hospital…the one with leukemia?”

Christopher nodded, vaguely remembering Karen telling him about Cole. “Yeah.”

“I don't even know how to say this…but we have that huge house just waiting for us to move in and if I remember correctly, it has several more bedrooms than we need…”

“Karen? Are you saying you want to adopt Cole?”

Karen nodded. “He needs us Christopher…he needs better medical care and he needs a family…” Karen thought back to the time they'd first met, almost a year ago.

“What's your name?”


“Hi Cole.” Karen noticed what was playing on the television. “I used to love that show when I was a little girl. My Mom used to make us a double batch of hot chocolate with extra marshmallows and we would sit on the couch with the lights off and the fireplace roaring and watch Rudolph together.”

“It's just a dumb kid's show.”

Karen frowned. “Cole, what do you want to be when you grow up?”

“I'm not going to grow up…the doctor told me I didn't have long to live.”

“Doctors have been wrong before. But it's never a good idea to abandon your dreams.” Karen laughed quietly. “Just look at Herbie the Elf. He didn't give up on his dream of being a dentist did he?”


“And if they're still showing the same ending that I've seen a million times, then he does end up being a dentist.”

The nine-year old laughed. “The abominable snowman wasn't scary…I laughed at him.”

Karen leaned forward and pushed her blonde hair back out of her face. “Just think of your cancer as the abominable snowman. Herbie, being the little dentist that he is, pulled out the snowman's teeth and saved Rudolph and his friends. Your dreams are like Herbie's dreams. If you follow them, you'll have a lot to fight for and you can beat your disease.”

“That sounds kind of dumb,” Cole said matter-of-factly. “But, I do have a dream.”

“Want to share it with me?”

“Not really.”

“Tell you what. I'll tell you my dreams if you'll tell me yours…but you have to go first.”

Cole smiled. “Okay. My dream is to have a family…”

“You mean like have kids?”

“No. If I get well, I don't want to go back to the foster home…I want to go live in a big house somewhere with a Mom and Dad who love me.”

Karen remembered checking Cole's history. His parents had been killed when he was five. “Well, you're a special little boy and I'm sure some Mom and Dad would love to make that dream come true for you.”

Christopher smiled when Karen recounted her conversation with Cole. “He said he wanted a big house…with a Mom and Dad who love him. Christopher…he's never going to find that Mom and Dad who can make that dream come true for him…no one else is willing to take the responsibility for a boy that may die and will no doubt cost them money.”

Christopher thought about that for a second before answering. “Karen, this isn't like a trip to a pet store and trying to decide whether or not to take home that little tail-wagging puppy in the window. We can't just decide this thing right now.”

“Cole doesn't have time to wait. That treatment program they're putting him through is pathetic…just because there's no one to pay for it. If we adopt him, I know we can give him the right kind of treatment for his disease…and we can cure it.”

“And what if we can't? Are we ready to bring a sick little boy into our lives, only to maybe have him jerked right back out just as soon as we really begin to feel like a family?”

“I am. Because I know if we don't do this, then that boy doesn't stand a chance. At least this way he does have that chance.”

Christopher shook his head, smiling slightly. This was so out of the blue it made it almost humorous. “What about Austin? He's new and hasn't really settled in yet. Wouldn't bringing in another boy near his age disrupt that? And Megan…we just found out she was mine. Heck Karen…this time last year we didn't have children. Now suddenly we're raising a two year old, a six year old, and then an eight year old?”

“He's nine.”

“Same thing. That's still three little kids.”

“So you're against this then?” Karen asked.

Christopher shook his head. “No…I'm not against it at all. I just want for both of us to know what we're getting into if we do adopt Cole.”

“So that's a yes?” Karen asked excitedly.

“Don't you think I should meet Cole first?”

“Of course.”

“And we both need to talk to Austin about this. If he's against it, then we don't need to do it.”

Karen nodded. Somehow she knew Austin would be thrilled at the prospect of having a brother.

A small, private airport
Melissa was confused and she turned around to Harry, who was standing behind her. “I don't understand. I thought we were taking your private plane?”

Harry shook his head and winked. “I'm really gonna miss you two. Melissa…you know you've been like a daughter to me. Promise me you'll call once you get settled in.”

Melissa hugged her uncle. “I will…don't worry.”

“And don't you worry…I'll handle everything here in Dallas. I'll make sure your father knows what your mother did and then I'll let him in on our secret.”

Melissa nodded. “Good. I didn't want Daddy to be hurt by what we're going to do.”

“And he won't be.”

Melissa lifted the slipping T.J. up higher on her hip and then she looked back to the plane as its engines roared to life. “Are you sure everything's taken care of?”

Harry patted her on the shoulder and walked toward the plane with her. “Like you said…I have the connections to pull this off and I've got the perfect person to pin the blame on.”


“Dirty rat named Hamilton. I've been chasing him on and off for the past five years. I've come close to nailing him a time or two but he always slips through. He's always known I'm on his case and the man hates me…he's even subtly threatened me a few times. Being the sleuth I am, I even got a few of those threats on tape.”

Melissa smiled, relieved. “I think I gotcha.”

“So when our little 'accident' happens, I'll already have the evidence I need to pin the blame on him and put that guy behind bars for life and we'll be killing two birds with one stone...”

Melissa hugged him one more time before walking to the plane and starting up the steps. “Goodbye…thank you for everything.”

Harry waved at his niece. “You take care.”

Melissa looked back at the Dallas skyline once more before climbing into the plane with T.J.

Somewhere Above the Caribbean Sea, hours later...
The tiny plane soared effortlessly and quietly through the calm night sky. Down below the gentle waves of the black ocean lapped placidly.

The entire picture was soon shattered by a deafening explosion, which lit the night sky in shades of orange and red. Flaming pieces of debris fell into the ocean and extinguished upon hitting the ocean, which reflected clearly the fire from above. The main hull of the tiny plane finally hit the dark water, breaking in half on impact and slowly…so very slowly, it sank to a watery grave…

Credits Roll...

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